What's the Difference Between an Angel and a Spirit Guide?
Angels and Spirit Guides come in all shapes and sizes, and from many dimensions. The Angels keep us connected with our Source, and our Guides help us find the way back home.   
Angels are essentially messengers, conduits between us and our Source. Angels may have manifested here on planet earth, but always as angels, never as humans.  They are on the highest level in the spirit world and their power is enormous.  They are the workers in this world that God has given us to help us.
There are legions of angels and guides ready and willing to help us along the road in life... there is only one rule: we must ask before they can intervene on our behalf.

All we have to do is ask!

Many Spirit Guides have lived here on planet earth as humans... some are ancients, carrying the wisdom of the ages, making it accessible at various times in our evolution as a species, as we have needed it, and been able to receive it... some guides are healers, intent on helping us relieve our pain and clear the fears that get in our way in life, some guides are entities from other dimensions who have chosen to participate in the transformation of planet earth.  Because they have been human they understand our ways differently than an Angel who has never been in human form.

Spirit Guides do not have the power that The Angels have, but they are definitely here to help us.

There are countless different kinds of angels and guides at work with us at any moment. So, how do you know whether you're connecting with an angel, a guide or your Higher Self? It does not matter as long as the energy is loving and from The Divine.  You can find out the name of your angels and guides as that will help you to tune into them.  The way we think in this third dimension makes us desire names and identities.
Each guide generally comes to you for a specific purpose - creative abilities, healing issues, spiritual development, etc. A guide can save you during an accident, by entering your body or stopping time. 

The angels and guides around me have answered so many of my prayers, in so many astounding, at times, miraculous, ways that I know it is important - and so very worthwhile - for you to make your own connections. 
Let me show you how to connect to your Angels and Guides. It's fun and fascinating and will open up a whole new life for you.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie
Find Out Who Your Angels Are!
You can find out who your Angels are through an Angel Reading.  I will give you information about the different angels that are around you at this time in a  Email Reading.  This is personalized just for you!

The Angels Want A Personal Connection With You!

Throughout the decades I have been connecting with angels on behalf of others and for myself.  In my eBook I share what I have learned about the angels.