May 2021

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) protect the rights of students with disabilities in public schools. Often, parents have confusion about the two laws, as there is some overlap, and the terms and protections can be confusing. Here are some questions and answers.

What are the Basic Differences between IDEA and Section 504?
The IDEA, initially passed in 1975, is a comprehensive statute established by Congress with a dual purpose: 1) to ensure that students with disabilities are afforded a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”) through an Individualized Education Program (IEP); and 2) ensure that the rights of students with disabilities and parents of such students are protected, through extensive procedural safeguards.

A FAPE consists of special educational instruction that is designed to meet the unique needs of a student, supported by such services as are necessary to permit the child to benefit from the instruction. The student’s recommended program must also be provided in the least restrictive environment with non-disabled peers. Courts measure whether students have received a FAPE, by reviewing whether an IEP provides or offers a program reasonably calculated to produce educational benefits in accordance with the student’s unique circumstances.

Get to Know the Littman Krooks Team

Meet Angelo Bianculli, our finance director for the past three years

Q: What is the best career advice you have received?
A: "Learn everything you can about the job; roll up your sleeves and be the best at doing it"

Q: If you weren't working at Littman Krooks, what would you be doing?
A: I would be a singer or actor

Q: What hobby did you devote more time to in the last year?
A: Gardening

Q: What is the ideal way to spend a Saturday?
A: Brunch with the family

Q: What are you reading?
A: The most recent novel by John Grisham or Stephen King

Q: Who is your most admired historical figure?
A: Ronald Reagan

Angelo's Favorites:

  • Food: Pizza
  • Movie: "Moonstruck"
  • Soundtrack: "Follies" by Stephen Sondheim
  • Vacation Destination: Walt Disney World®

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