Special Edition: July 13, 2020
Dear MES Families -

Atlanta Public Schools announced reopening plans for the 2020/2021 school year in a memorandum to parents and staff. The plan includes starting with a site-based full virtual model and moving the start date out two weeks from August 10 to August 24. The presentation of the Reopening Strategy can be found here. This plan and calendar change still has to be approved by the Board of Eduction this afternoon.

Please plan to join Atlanta Board of Education Facebook Live meeting today, Monday, July 13 at 5pm for more details.

A Note from MES Administration
The MES Administrative team, in conjunction with our teaching staff, is developing implementation plans that will outline the specifics for how this virtual model will look at our school.

Unlike the spring, when we were thrust into crisis schooling, we are preparing plans for a full virtual instruction model with the knowledge that it will be our format for at least the first 9 weeks. Many considerations will go into our implementation plans, and we are working on a way to gather additional parent input. Be on the lookout for information about that soon.

As we get further along in the summer, we will host a Virtual Principal's Coffee where we will be able to share more details about what the school year will look like for our young learners.

Our move to the Inman building is nearly complete and when we're approved to resume in person instruction, we will be ready for that as well!

We look forward to working with our teachers and families to make this school year the best it can be for our students!

Best Regards,

Audrey Sofianos
Morningside Elementary Principal