Special Edition: November 12, 2023

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Boosterthon is up and running! Let's keep those pledges coming!

Thank you to everyone who has already registered their students for this year's Boosterthon fundraiser! We currently have 60% of all MES students registered, which is great progress towards our goal of a 100% registration rate! Pledges are also coming in fast and furious - THANK YOU!! We are currently at 49% of our $100,000 fundraising goal for this year!

Moreover, the kids have been having such a blast with Boosterthon! Our kickoff on Thursday was so much fun, and our winning grade for the most registrations celebrated with a dance party on Friday, all while learning about important character-building traits! Now it's time for our kids to practice their fundraising skills, so if you have not done so yet, here's where to register:

Boosterthon Nightly Challenges

Throughout the next week, our MES students will given new nightly challenges to motivate their fundraising and participation in Boosterthon. Here's a quick overview of the upcoming challenges that you may be hearing about:

Why haven't I seen any prizes coming home this year?

In alignment with this year's school-wide theme of Belonging, one of the PTA priorities this year is increasing engagement within the MES community. We want all students and families to feel included and have a similar MES experience. Therefore, we're modifying the program's rewards structure and prizes in response to parent feedback over the years, including:

  • Introducing class-wide goals and prizes so everyone in the class has an opportunity to win something.
  • Delivery of prizes two times during the week instead of daily, making sure every student has a prize. Larger prizes will be shipped home.
  • Replacing some of the generic prizes with customized MES spirit wear and class recess bags.

As this is a fundraiser, the students with higher pledges will still receive extra individual prizes. But overall, we are trying something new and believe that these changes will be welcomed by the students!

Why We Are Raising Funds:

Boosterthon is our primary fundraiser for the MES PTA, which raises funds for the majority of our programming throughout the year, including:

  • Community Building Outreach, such as No Place for Hate, Monster Bash, and more
  • Student Enrichment Experiences, including Book Fair, Family Science Night, International Festival, and more
  • Teacher Support, including classroom supplies and ongoing teacher appreciation efforts
  • Sustainability and Wellness Promotion, including Field Day, Garden Projects, and more
  • Technology Innovation, including improving on-campus communication tools and equipment

What is the Dolphin Dash and When is My Child Running?

At the conclusion of the Boosterthon fundraising drive, our school comes together for a final Boosterthon event - the Dolphin Dash! Parents and family members are invited to come cheer on our students on Friday, November 17th as they run their hearts out in support of their school. This fall tradition is bursting with school spirit and is always a ton of fun for everyone involved!


For this year's event, grade-levels will be split into two groups, which will both run during the same time slot (with Group 1 running first and Group 2 cheering them on, and then switching). The full schedule for the Fun Run can be found below:

Notes for Dolphin Dash Race Day:

  • Each grade will have 2 running blocks within the grade time slot – the first set of classes will run while the second will cheer and vice versa. Parents are welcome to attend the entire time.  
  • Students will run about 35 laps around the field. No laps will be recorded to avoid congregation. All runners will be pre-set in the system for 35 laps. 
  • Students should wear comfortable or running shoes and bring their water bottles. 
  • Parking can be a challenge – please walk if possible!

Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash Volunteers Needed!

The Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash Committee is in need of a few volunteers over the course of next week, both to help with the distribution of prizes to classes and individual fundraisers and during the Dolphin Dash Fun Run on Friday. Please click the button below to sign up to assist via SignUp Genius:

Again, ThANK YOU to everyone that has already registered and pledged. For those who have not done so yet, we hope we can count on your support to help fund all the great programming we have planned for our students and staff this year. We look forward to a fantastic program! If you have any questions about Boosterthon and/or Dolphin Dash, please contact co-chairs Mallory Rahman or Mark Griffith.