Special Edition: September 1, 2022
Happy Thursday MES Families!

If you are receiving this email instead of the regular weekly Digital Dolphin, it is because your account is still showing as either "Inactive" or "Outdated" in our MES Family Directory (Membership Toolkit). Every family must reactivate their directory account by confirming their contact information at the beginning of each school year. This is important if you wish to continue receiving the Digital Dolphin newsletter - we switched to a new distribution list starting this week that will ONLY go to those families with active accounts!

If your student is no longer at MES
Whether your child has graduated to middle school or you are at a new school this year, you'll always be part of the MES family and we wish you the best in your continued journey! There is nothing for you to do and you may disregard this message. We hope your school year is going well!

If you still have a student(s) at MES
Please take a moment to confirm/update your information in Membership Toolkit so you will continue receiving the Digital Dolphin. If you do not confirm your information by Wednesday August 31st, you will no longer receive the Digital Dolphin newsletter.

Follow these simple steps:
  • Log in to Membership Toolkit
  • You will be prompted in a pink box to confirm your contact information (if you do not see a prompt, go to My Account Page).
  • Assign your child’s homeroom teacher for this year.

To catch up on this week's news, you can view this week's Digital Dolphin online here. You can also view all of our past editions in our online archive, here.

Thank you for your attention to this - we want to be sure our families continue to stay connected!

Best Regards,