Thursday, May 26, 2016                                                      For Immediate Release 
Dillard University's President Kimbrough calls barring of Amite High valedictorian the height of hypocrisy
The following is a copy of Kimbrough's letter to Superintendent Kolwe in regards to the national embarrassment:

Mark Kolwe,  Superintendent 
Tangipahoa Parish School System 
59656 Puleston Road 
Amite. LA 70422

Andrew Jones of Amite High School
Last night, I watched "The Nightly Show" with Larry Wilmore. In the first segment, he discussed the case of Andrew Jones at Amite High School. Living in New Orleans, I was already aware of the case, but I watched Wilmore present the absurdity of this situation to the nation.  For the past week, this case has been a national embarrassment to the school, the parish, and the entire state. For me, it represents a tremendous lack of judgment and a colossal failure of leadership. It also exposed blatant hypocrisy present in your school system. Mark Kolwe,  Superintendent Tangipahoa Parish School System 59656 Puleston Road Amite. LA 70422
So, I began to research this situation more closely and I want to present my findings. My hope is that you will issue a public apology to Mr. Jones and his family. Additionally, since this once in a lifetime event was ruined because of what appears to have been an ego contest with an 18 year old, I recommend that you offer restitution to him in the form of a scholarship for college.
In your letter, which appears in the  Amite Tangi Digest , you write:
The Tangipahoa Parish School Board Student Dress Code Policy states that "beards will not be allowed." As Superintendent, I am obligated to ensure that all Board policies are followed.
Indeed, the  Student & Parent Handbook  explicitly states this on page 8 under Student Dress Code, item #1 under dress code regulations grades 4-12. On page 9, it then describes how dress code violations will be handled, with the first violation resulting in a notice to parents and students (essentially a warning), and a subsequent violation resulting in a one day suspension due to disrespect of authority.
Jones and his family contend that he has worn a beard all year, and that he shaved part of it before the ceremony. I tend to agree with them, not because I know them, but by this story in the Hammond Star recapping the basketball season found here: ).
The picture shows a young man, wearing a #3 on his jersey, who looks like Andrew Jones to me, with the fuller beard as he has described. I then checked the roster for the Amite Warriors and confirmed that Andrew Jones wore #3. (,la)/basketball/roster.htm) .
So the question is, why would you wait until graduation, after he has completed all requirements to graduate and will no longer attend the school, to finally enforce a policy that has been unenforced for an entire year? More specifically, why would you punish your top student, 4.0 grade point average, and three-sport athlete with academic and athletic scholarships to Southeastern Louisiana University, on the very last day of his formal association with Amite High School?
Yes, you are obliged to ensure the policies are followed. But policies were ignored during the football season. He was allowed to play football against Bogalusa in October, where the  Amite Tangi Digest  reported, "This would help set up a scoring drive that resulted in Walker hitting Andrew Jones for a 33-yard touchdown reception." He was still playing in November, as the team played against Port Barre,  The Advocate  wrote "A fumbled punt snap gave Amite the ball at the Port Barre 39, and Walker drilled Andrew Jones with a 39-yard touchdown pass that made it 40-0." He wore a full beard, in plain view, all through basketball season in the spring.
The height of the hypocrisy is that you personally made a case for an exception to a rule in the name of fairness for students. In late November, a fight between Amite and Bogalusa resulted in Amite being removed from the football playoffs for violating the Louisiana High School Athletic Association rule that players are automatically suspended for the next game if they leave the bench area during an altercation. In fact, you sued because you felt the decision was too harsh. In an  Advocate  article, it reads "Taking away the opportunity for senior players to continue their quest for a state title was also deemed unfair by the Tangipahoa contingent."
At a school where only 36% of the students go to college within a year, where 80% of them are Black, and the average ACT is below 16, you are more willing to fight for students to participate in athletics than you are for an athlete who shows academic accomplishment to give his valedictory address at his only high school graduation.
This facial hair rule, one that was not enforced all year long, is now non-negotiable at the very end of the year. Again referencing the handbook, page 10 explains discipline and indicates that administrators will "implement the Student Code of Conduct in a fair and consistent manner" (#3), "implement Board policy in a fair and consistent manner" (#7), and "use professional judgment to prevent minor incidents from becoming major challenges" (#5). There is nothing fair or consistent in the implementation of this rule, and now this minor incident has become a national embarrassment.
The interim principal, and you as superintendent, failed on these responsibilities. However, if you are willing to exercise leadership, you can work to make amends to Andrew Jones and his family. Here are my suggestions:
1.                A public apology should be issued to Andrew Jones and his family. It is still okay to say "I'm sorry" and "We made a mistake."
2.                Work within the local community to find a venue for Andrew to give his commencement address. He should still be afforded that opportunity.
3.                Some form of restitution would be appropriate in the form of a scholarship to assist with his first year of college. That moment has passed and cannot be relived, but a scholarship would serve as a tangible expression of regret.
Please understand that these actions display a, hopefully unconscious, bias that allows you to advocate for Black students on the field or court, but to be punitive when it comes to academics. The vast majority of them will never be professional athletes, but they can use their athletic ability to pay for college. And so when you have a true scholar athlete like Andrew, he must be celebrated profusely so that he becomes a role model for others to follow.
It is my hope that you will rectify this situation as best as possible.
President of Dillard University Walter M. Kimbrough
Dr. Walter M. Kimbrough

Walter M. Kimbrough, Ph.D.
President, Dillard University
2601 Gentilly Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70122
Dillard University_logo


Liberty Bank 2011 logo
Liberty Bank Gentilly Location
Liberty Bank Announces Winners of the Gentilly Online $1,000 Cash Giveaway
NEW ORLEANS - Liberty Bank and Trust Company would like to congratulate all four of the winners of the Gentilly Online $1,000 Cash Giveaway. The winners are:

Week 1 Winner: Jonathan Watkins of Montgomery, AL
Week 2 Winner: Nahun Castillo of New Orleans, LA
Week 3 Winner: Lucretia Williams of Montgomery, AL
Week 4 Winner: Cintrell Richardson of New Orleans, LA

Three of the four winners are current Liberty Bank customers and all were very happy and excited to have been selected as winners.

To celebrate the re-opening of the most used branch in the New Orleans network, Liberty sponsored an on-line giveaway of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per week for the first four (4) weeks of the new branch's operation, Monday, April 18, 2016 - Monday, May 9, 2016.

Additionally, Liberty is offering you the convenience of being able to open a new checking or savings account online! Visit  for more information.

Liberty Bank, headquartered in New Orleans, LA, was founded in 1972. Liberty Bank has grown from an initial asset base of two million dollars ($2 million) to more than six hundred million dollars ($600 million). Liberty Bank is among the top 3 largest AfricanAmerican owned financial institutions in the United States. Liberty now operates financial institutions in eight (8) states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, Missouri and now Alabama) and ten (10) major urban areas (New Orleans, Baton Rouge, LA - Jackson, MS - Houston, TX - Kansas City, MO/KS - Chicago, IL - Detroit, MI - Tuskegee, and Montgomery, AL).


Back-door tactics are being used to take power away from the people of New Orleans
Op-Ed by former City Councilmember Cynthia Willard-Lewis
Cynthia Willard-Lewis
The Honorable Cynthia Willard-Lewis
NEW ORLEANS -  It seems like there are forces lining-up to use back-door tactics to take power away from the people of New Orleans; the people who have already chosen their representatives through the electoral process.  We have seen these tactics used in the past to dismantle our local school system and to dismantle our local control, authority, and ability to govern. With the loss of control and accountability came: the negative effects of the firing of 6,000 certified teachers, our babies now have to stand at bus stops at six in the morning for the lack of a holistic transportation system, and there has been a great decrease in responsiveness to the concerns of local parents and guardians. Will placing the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office under federal receivership be déjà vu ?  Is this the second verse of the same song?

Proponents of federal receivership say it is necessary to bring about a change in the Sheriff's Office, but there is already a mechanism by which change occurs: it is called the electoral process. Sheriff Marlin N. Gusman has been elected to office and re-elected twice.  Each time, Sheriff Gusman was elected by the citizens of New Orleans with an overwhelming majority.

The state of our jails and Sheriff's Office when Sheriff Gusman was first elected was deplorable, but the Sheriff has fought for change and has lead his office out of a gloomy past.  When Sheriff Gusman was elected, buildings and grounds were dilapidated, dangerous, and even toxic. The Sheriff fought for funds to erect new, safer and smarter facilities.  The Sheriff fought for an increase to his budget to increase the pay of his deputies from $6 an hour to just over $12 - and he is still fighting for more pay for his deputies.

Progressive, systemic change takes time; it also requires a leader with integrity. Our Sheriff's Office does not need federal receivership, it needs time and support. Our Sheriff is a man of integrity who needs time and financial support to keep making historic strides at the Orleans Justice Center. 

Editor's Note: A long-time member of the NAACP and SCLC, The Honorable Cynthia Willard-Lewis has served the citizens of New Orleans as a member of the Louisiana State House of Representative, the Louisiana State Senate, and the New Orleans City Council.


Urban League GNO: Jail Takeover Violates Voting Rights Act 1965
Taylor Sylvain, Intern, New Orleans Agenda
Erika McConduit-Diggs
Erika McConduit-Diggs
NEW ORLEANS -  In a letter dated May 20, 2016 to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division in reference to the proposed federal takeover of the Orleans Parish Justice Center, Erika McConduit-Diggs, President & CEO of the Urban League of Greater New Orleans expressed concerns that doing so may be a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  "As a community based organization dedicated to preserving and protecting civil rights and liberties, we believe that the public and the voting rights of the City of New Orleans are directly affected by current steps being undertaken by the Department of Justice to place Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office in receivership...." states McConduit-Diggs.
McConduit-Diggs instead called for a meeting with DOJ prior to any final decision by the federal judge to discuss and develop a "mutual agreement" that provides for safe and secure housing of local inmates confined to the Orleans Parish Justice Center.  She proposed a "time-limited, accelerated reform strategy for the jail that is undergirded by rehabilitative practices and community support-an outcome most sought by all parties concerned" instead of a federal takeover.
The Urban League of Greater New Orleans' entry into this matter is part of a growing number of local and community leaders expressing their position on the custodial care of those confined to OPJS.  Earlier today, Congressman Cedric Richmond, (D-Louisiana) called the move for a federal takeover of the Orleans Parish Jail "Unprecedented."  On yesterday, faith-based leaders from across New Orleans urged Federal Court Judge Lance Africk to respect the will of Orleans Parish voters and allow Sheriff Marlin Gusman to continue his charge of the care of the prison system.  In addition, more than 3,000 people have signed a petition charging that the appointment of a receivership to run Orleans Parish Jail System would usurp the will of the voters.  

Gusman has also garnered the support of the Louisiana Sheriffs' Association.

Hearings will begin on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 with the government presenting its case as to why a receivership should be appointed. Sheriff Gusman is expected to have strong arguments against such a move.

Click here to read Erika McConduit-Diggs' full letter. 

Taylor Sylvain Taylor Sylvain is a student attending Clark Atlanta University's Division of Communication Arts in the department of Mass Media Arts.  She she serves as a Student Intern with the New Orleans Agenda, assisting the agency with the development and dissemination of news releases as well as conducting media follow-up of the agency's publications.  


Congressman Richmond says Federal Takeover of Jail would be "Unprecendented"
Congressman Cedric Richmond _ Washington DC
Congressman Cedric Richmond
NEW ORLEANS - U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to halt its attempts at a federal takeover of the Orleans Parish Jail.  The Congressman wrote a letter to the head of the DOJ Civil Rights Division, saying the "unprecedented move has far-reaching implications and could unintentionally roll back some of the hard-fought civil rights and voting gains that have been in achieved in Orleans Parish." Representative Richmond also said in his letter that he has personally toured the newly opened Orleans Justice Center, and it was "an impressive, clean and modern facility. The medical clinic rivaled most clinics in our community and the mental health services greatly exceeded those being offered in Orleans Parish outside of the jail."

Congressman Richmond of Federal Takeove of OJC
Click here to read Congressman Richmond's full letter.

Tremé/7th Ward Cultural District Presents... Tremé/7th Ward Arts & Culture Festival
Treme 7th Ward Cultural District
NEW ORLEANS - In celebration of the rich history and traditions of the Tremé/7th Ward Cultural District we are pleased to announce the inaugural Tremé/7th Ward Arts & Culture Festival (T7 Fest). The festival will be held over Memorial Day Weekend, May 27-29, 2016. We will highlight the musicians, food, indigenous culture bearers, and artisans of the two historic neighborhoods.

The festival will kick off on Friday, May 27th with Historic Neighborhood Tours of the Tremé and 7th Ward. Panel Discussions will be held at the Autocrat Social & Pleasure Club and the Tremé Market Branch, exploring themes of New Orleans' indigenous culture. We will close the day with The Baby Doll Bar Crawl, visiting nine bars and taverns, where our world-renowned music is created and incubated. Filled with food and spirits, visitors and locals will experience first-hand the vibrant nightlife of Tremé and the 7th Ward.

"We're Taking it to the Streets" on Saturday, May 28th beneath the elevated I-10 on N. Claiborne Ave. between Basin & St. Bernard Ave. with three Secondlines, art, food and music. Musical headliners include Corey Henry & the Tremé Funktet, Rebirth Brass Band, and Kermit Ruffins & the BBQ Swingers.  We will also host community art projects, youth recreation and entrepreneurship activities, and interactive health, environment, and education exhibits.

On Sunday, May 29th, come back for more festival activities and experience our Elders Gospel Brunch and Congo Square Second Line, closing with a first-time intergenerational performance by the Andrews Family of Music. And on Monday, May 30th we will help launch the City's Anti-Litter Campaign, with a Jump-Up to Clean-Up Secondline, ending with Corey Henry and the Tremé Funktet's album release block party.

To purchase tickets for all paid events, visit our website at: Proceeds will benefit the Tremé/7th Ward Cultural District, created to promote cultural products, programs, projects and activities, while increasing tourism and visitors to the area. Bounded roughly by N. Rampart to DeSaix and Basin/Orleans Ave. to St. Bernard Ave., the Cultural District also offers artists reduced sales tax on all original art work and historic tax credits to developers locating within its boundaries.

The Tremé/7th Ward Arts & Culture Festival is sponsored by the Tremé/7th Ward Cultural District, The Network for Economic Opportunity, New Orleans Tourism and Marketing Corporation, the City of New Orleans, Councilmember-at-Large Stacy Head, Councilmembers Nadine Ramsey (District C) and Jared Brossett (District D), Budweiser/Southern Eagle, N. O. Multicultural Tourism Network, and the New Orleans Fire Department , Allan Berger & Assoc. Law Offices, and Basin St. Station.

Media Contact:
Cheryl R. Austin, Liaison
504-261-0232 (c)
504.264.3439 (o)


New Orleans Senior Shout Out 2016
New Schools for New Orleans_banner
Senior Shout Out 2016

NEW ORLEANS -  Students, educators, elected leaders, and families all gathered today at the third annual New Orleans Senior Shout Out.

Started just two years ago with fewer than 30 students, this year's event included over 200 seniors from the class of 2016, and over 200 students from the class of 2020-current 8th graders about to begin high school.

While the official graduation and college enrollment data is not yet out for the class of 2016, the students that gathered today represent over 2200 graduating seniors. This graduating class has been accepted to over 315 colleges and universities throughout the world and has earned nearly $80 million in scholarship funding.

The class of 2016 continues the progress New Orleans has seen over the last several years as more and more students graduate and head off to college than ever before.

In just over ten years, the percent of high school students graduating on time has risen by over 20 points. Black males in New Orleans are graduating at rates (68%) above state (64%) and national averages (59% in 2013). Additionally, students with special needs and English language learners are also graduating at rates above the state average.

And more students are heading off to college than in previous years. 63% of the class of 2015 enrolled in college last fall, with the vast majority enrolling in four-year programs. This is a big increase from 2014, in both overall and four-year college enrollment.

These statistics tell an important part of the progress in New Orleans, but the real stories to celebrate cannot be articulated by data. Students throughout this city are accomplishing amazing things, and many of this year's seniors will undoubtedly continue to make a significant impact on their city. A few of the stories of this year's graduates that inspire us:

Dairyn Oliva-Navarro, the valedictorian this year at Sci High, will be a first generation college student attending the University of New Orleans this fall to study business administration. Dairyn moved to the US when she was seven and struggled to learn English, but she persevered and thrived. She doubled up on math classes her sophomore year so she could take pre-calculus and she just finished taking AP statistics. Last summer, as part of her internship at LSU, Dairyn had the opportunity to do hands-on research looking for clues to cure tuberculosis.

Brandi Sylve is the class president at KIPP Renaissance High School and will attend Howard University this fall with a near full scholarship. She scored a 33 on both the English and reading parts of the ACT-placing her in the 97th percentile in the country. Brandi wants to "bring every ounce of knowledge I gain in college back into my community, because I believe in the potential and power the black community has when given the right tools." Before heading to Howard University in the fall, Brandi will be interning with the Urban League of Greater New Orleans.

Korey Finnie will graduate from Edna Karr and is a recipient of the Posse Foundation Scholarship to attend Tulane University this fall. Korey is in the gifted and talented writing program, has taken over six AP courses throughout his high school career, and was the first freshman at Edna Karr to get a passing score on an AP exam. Korey's success outside of the classroom is just as impressive; he's part of the student government, serves as an ambassador at the school, and played on the basketball and football teams-even being honored as a Chevron Student Athlete of the Week for the state of Louisiana. Korey will be majoring in Child Developmental Psychology at Tulane. He wants to be a pediatrician so he can serve the young people in his hometown.

Freddie McGee is about to graduate from Cohen College Prep High School. Not only did Freddie spend his high school career challenging himself with as many AP classes as he could take, maintaining high grades, and practicing every day for both the band and the football team, but he also cared for his younger brother along the way. Freddie is heading to LSU this fall to pursue a degree in sports medicine.

These are just four of the amazing students graduating this year. We look forward to seeing what amazing things they, and the rest of the class of 2016, accomplish!


BLUE LION Karate Academy Returns to New Orleans for Its' 30th + Year Anniversary
Blue Lion is Back
NEW ORLEANS -  GrandMaster Eric "LIONMAN" O'Neal, Sr., a New Orleans Martial Arts Legend, is excited to announce the return of BLUE LION Karate Academy!  The BLUE LION tradition of service and excellence continues as it celebrates 30 years (1986 - 2016) of transforming students to be Strong! Confident! And Successful! with the grand opening of its' new location.
The New Orleans community is invited to join GrandMaster O'Neal, distinguished representatives from the N.O. City Council, Governor Edwards' office, New Orleans East Hospital and renowned BLUE LION students as they commemorate BLUE LION Karate Academy's grand opening on Saturday, May 28, 2016 starting at 10 a.m. at 9954 Lake Forest Blvd.  Along with guest appearances from distinguished community and political figures, there will be karate demonstrations, DJ, music, bounce houses, facility tours, Mardi Gras Indians and more for a day filled with fun and festivity.
Grand Master Eric O_Neal_ Sr.
Grand Master Eric O'Neal, Sr.
GrandMaster O'Neal is Founder and CEO of BLUE LION Karate Academy and LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.  He's won the U.S.K.A. World Karate Championship title 7 times, brought home 2 gold medals as a member of Team USA at the Goodwill Games in Cancun, Mexico, and has been inducted into the International Karate Hall of Fame with the Legendary Bruce Lee.  Understanding the correlation between the discipline he acquired from his own Martial Arts training to his success as a businessman, entrepreneur, world class fighter, author, mentor, motivator and philanthropist has lead GrandMaster O'Neal to dedicate his life to helping youth realize and achieve their own dreams using Martial Arts as the conduit.  He also owned a successful chain of toy stores - Toys! Toys! And More Toys!    
On May 29, 2016 GrandMaster O'Neal will receive the prestigious Asante' Crystal Award in honor of his contributions, leadership, and dedication to New Orleans' youth.  The Asante' Foundation's mission is to "celebrate the positive contributions of our community, individuals and cultures through festivals an[d] awards recognition: including promotion, education, preservation and encouragement for continued growth of jazz, art, movies, music, and spokenword as well as to recognize and honor those who make positive contributions in our community outside of the arts."    
Thirty years ago, Sensei O'Neal, as he was called back then, started BLUE LION Karate Academy in a garage with three little girls, instilling values, character, skills and most importantly discipline.  BLUE LION quickly grew to become the largest and most successful Martial Arts school in the Southeast region with more than 37 locations and 30,000 students.
BLUE LION's A-1 Drill Team has performed for top events such as the New Orleans Saints and Hornets (now Pelicans) half time shows, Essence Music Festival and at the Municipal Auditorium (now the Mahalia Jackson Theater).  BLUE LION students compete for a spot on the prominent A-1 Drill Team by following directions, paying attention, bringing in the highest academic and behavior grades, and mastering advanced Martial Arts choreography. 
GrandMaster Jim "The Dragon" Kelly who starred with Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon and one of GrandMaster O'Neal's childhood idols, Chuck Norris who starred in Return of The Dragon, rap stars LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, Easy E, Chuck D, and Professor Griff have been featured guest at BLUE LION events. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mortal Combat, and Power Ranger cast members are only a few of the stars that have headlined BLUE LION tournaments and banquets.
Though a partnership and grant funding from the non-profit LIONMAN Foundation BLUE LION has provided Martial Arts instructions for kids in school-based enrichment programs such as the one at Arise Academy.  Seeing the transformation of nearly 500 students at Arise has re-ignited GrandMaster O'Neal's passion for teaching.  
LIONMAN Foundation's philanthropic work includes the donation of thousands of copies of The Legend Of LIONMAN And The Seven KURODOS Graphic Novel published by O'Neal Publishing Company to students at partnered elementary and middle schools all around the Country to promote literacy.  The Foundation also provides for mentorship and tutoring of young students by college interns. 
Since 2006 GrandMaster O'Neal has been traveling and promoting health, fitness and education on a national level with LIONMAN Foundation. 
After Hurricane Katrina destroyed all of his karate schools and toy stores, GrandMaster O'Neal turned to developing partnerships.  LIONMAN Foundation first partnered with Disney's Martial Arts Festival for The Legend Of LIONMAN And The Seven Young American Heroes 20 City Tour.  Hundreds of young Martial Artist from around the Country competed for a chance to bring to life one of the Seven KURODOS during Disney's Martial Arts Festival in Anaheim, Ca.
The Legend Of LIONMAN And The Seven KURODOS is the first team of multi-cultural super-heroes using STEM, STEAM and Martial Arts to problem solve and bring about Universal Peace.  The Seven KURODOS were created 20 years ago by GrandMaster O'Neal as part of an early Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Arts project that included Theology and Foreign Languages with each character representing a different area of study and Martial Arts abilities.
After a visit to the White House in 2011, GrandMaster O'Neal partnered with First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative and the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition to help end the obesity epidemic in the United States with The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge.  GrandMaster O'Neal was astonished by the alarming rate of childhood obesity and vowed to be part of the solution.  The President's Challenge Program and The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award also came on board to help "Kick Obesity Out Of America!" 
More than one million people joined The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge in its' first year.  Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and their families across America and abroad pledged to help "Kick Obesity Out Of America!"  The following year more than 2.5 million kickers took the pledge to live a healthier lifestyle that included daily physical activity. 
The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge caught the attention of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and LIONMAN Foundation formed a partnership with Gates Foundation in  2014.  GrandMaster O'Neal was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Gates' iPD Educational Fest in New Orleans where top educational leaders, supporters and administrators in America all helped to "Kick Out Obesity!"
The following year GrandMaster O'Neal addressed Congress on Capitol Hill with SHAPE America for Speak Out! Day.  He also attended the 2015 SHAPE America National Convention and Expo in Seattle, WA.  He was one of the first people the new president of SHAPE America, Dr. Jefferies, met with upon taking office.  GrandMaster O'Neal also set up a powerhouse lunch between Gates Foundation and SHAPE America that has benefited even more American youth.  The Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) is committed to ensuring all children have the opportunity to lead healthy, physically active lives.  SHAPE America's mission is to advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance and sport. 
Partnering with SHAPE America and SparkPE, the 4th Annual The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge reached more than 20 million youth and adults in America, Japan, Guam, Europe and Australia.  Since 1989 SPARK has been dedicated to creating, implementing and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness. 
The return of BLUE LION Karate Academy marks a new era for the youth of New Orleans.  GrandMaster O'Neal brings years of experience from working with youth throughout America and partnering with leading organizations in education, health, nutrition and fitness to New Orleans!
BLUE LION Karate Academy offers Martial Arts training, tutoring, yoga, computer training, entrepreneurial training, and a chess team.  GrandMaster O'Neal's partnership with Lenovo Group and Louisiana's technology trailblazers will expand LIONMAN Foundation's STEM and STEAM programs to offer after-school activities 5 days a week ensuring that New Orleans' youth are prepared to compete in the 22nd Century of the 3rd Millennium. 
Students have already enrolled and classes are filling up!  Come by today to see what BLUE LION has to offer.  Mention "BLKA's 30th Anniversary" to receive one month of free classes.

About The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge
Created by GrandMaster Eric O'Neal, Sr., The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge partnered with The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" initiative, The President's Challenge Program, and The President's Active Lifestyle Award aims to help "Kick Obesity Out Of America!"  More than 10,000,000 youth and adults kick together in 2014 for The Third Annual The Legend Of LIONMAN One Million Kick Challenge.      
                             About President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition
The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) promotes healthy lifestyles through fitness, sports and nutrition programs. The program also provides initiatives that educate, engage and empower all Americans. PCFSN is composed of a committee of volunteers, appointed by the President that serves as an advisory entity through the Secretary of Health and Human Services. For more information on PCFSN, visit  For more information about the President's Challenge Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program or the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA).   
                          About "Let's Move!"
Let's Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity plaguing today' generation. Combining comprehensive strategies with common sense, the focus of the
program is to ensure that children will grow up healthier, teach them at an early age about practicing healthy eating habits and instilling in them the importance of exercise for a healthy future.      

                             About Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation 
From poverty to health, to education, our areas of focus offer the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of life for billions of people. So we build partnerships that bring together resources, expertise, and vision-working with the best organizations around the globe to identify issues, find answers, and drive change.

                             About SHAPE America
The vision of SHAPE America is "Healthy People - Physically Educated and Physically Active!" Headquartered in Reston, VA, 25 miles west of Washington, DC, SHAPE America is the largest organization of professionals involved in school-based health, physical education and physical activity, who are dedicated to teaching and promoting active, healthy lifestyles. Founded in 1885, SHAPE America provides a comprehensive array of resources, leadership in the development of standards and guidelines, professional development and advocacy for its members as well as the general public.                                 
SPARK strives to improve the health of children and adolescents by disseminating evidence-based physical activity and nutrition programs that provide curriculum, staff development, follow-up support and equipment to teachers of Pre-K through 12th grade students.  SPARK believes in fostering a positive working environment that values professional growth, upward mobility, and opportunities for people to work together toward common goals.

                                ABOUT GRANDMASTER ERIC O'NEAL, SR.
GrandMaster Eric "LIONMAN" O'Neal, Sr. is a 7 Time U.S.K.A. World Karate Champion, 2 Time Gold Medalist with Team USA at the Goodwill Games in Cancun, Mexico, and International Karate Hall Of Famer with the legendary Bruce Lee.  GrandMaster O'Neal has been engaging with the youth for almost 30 years, and helped transform the lives of more than 30,000 youth around the country.  A successful entrepreneur, businessman, author, teacher and philanthropist, he personally knows the impact of health and physical activity on success in other areas of life.  Founder of BLUE LION Karate Academy, the largest and most successful Martial Arts school in the Southern Region with 37 locations pre-hurricane Katrina, and author of The Legend Of LIONMAN And The Seven KURODOS 28-Graphic Novel Series, the first team of multicultural superheroes using STEM and STEAM in addition to advanced Martial Arts training in the fight for Universal Peace, his philanthropic work includes the founding of LIONMAN Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping youth succeed through DEF - Discipline, Education, and Fitness in addition to Multiculturalism.  
                              About BLUE LION Karate Academy
BLUE LION Karate Academy (BLKA) has provided Martial Arts training to more than 30,000 students in the New Orleans area for almost 30 years.  Students learn traditional Martial Arts technique and principles to develop spirit, self-discipline, health and physical conditioning, self-defense, and the propagation of one's culture. BLKA drill teams help students become strong, confident and successful in every aspect of life.   BLKA students have become police chiefs, the youngest president of a national bank, and number one choreographer in Hollywood.
                               About The Asante' Foundation

The Asante' Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation supported by governmental and business leaders to recognize the contributions that the African American culture brings to the global community, and seeks to 'center stage' those "who make us smile when encircled with their works!"
              About Lenovo Group, LLP

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Mayor Landrieu to Join U.S. Conference of Mayors Delegation to Cuba
Mayor Mitch Landrieu_ City of New Orleans
Mayor Mitch Landrieu, City of New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS - Mayor Mitch Landrieu will travel to Cuba as part of a U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) delegation trip from Wednesday, May 25 through Saturday, May 29, 2016. While in Cuba, Mayor Landrieu will meet with government officials in Havana and visit some of Cuba's most important political, economic and cultural organizations, including Mariel Port. Topics of discussion with local leaders will include economic development, education, healthcare, infrastructure and transportation. This trip marks the first official USCM delegation trip to Cuba since 1978. Landrieu is currently the Second Vice President of USCM.

"The City of New Orleans and Cuba share cultural and commercial connections that date back to our City's founding in 1718," Mayor Mitch Landrieu said. "As the United States continues to increase diplomatic relations with Cuba, we remain poised to develop robust trade relations and cultural exchanges that will subsequently increase overall economic activity for our region. It is a privilege to join other top officers from the U.S. Conference of Mayors on this mission. This type of proactive international collaboration creates more peaceful, prosperous and resilient communities around the world."

In addition to Mayor Landrieu, attendees include USCM President Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, USCM Vice President Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett, and USCM CEO and Executive Director Tom Cochran.

USCM is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are nearly 1,400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.

This trip is arranged in partnership with the Center for Democracy in the Americas which is providing mayors with an opportunity to examine the economic changes underway in Cuba, gain an appreciation of the challenges faced by the Cuban people every day and consider how U.S.-Cuba relations can further evolve.

Over the past two years, Mayor Landrieu has met with senior Cuban officials, such as Ambassador José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez, and local leaders to discuss partnership opportunities between New Orleans and Cuba, such as increasing economic activity between the Port of New Orleans and Cuba as well as the nation's participation in the 2017 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and the commemoration of the City's 300th Anniversary in 2018. 


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The New Orleans Agenda 

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