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6pm, October 19th, 2013   


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Our Blog Posts
KTFA's Eagle 1 Update
The 12 Biggtest Travel Mistakes
Millionday & People Invested News Discussion
"Something to Chew On" by BlackBird136 at TNT forum Sat.AM
The below posts were in our 11am email
Saturday Morning Dinar Chatter
Part 2 Millionday & People Invested Roundtable
Part 1 Millionday & People Invested Roundtable
Bluwolf and 30MDinar Updates Posted at I4U Fri. Night
Thoughts and Opinions in Dinarland Friday Night
Eagle1 Update from Robdel at TNT Forum Friday Night
"Be Aware" New Way of Stealing
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Eagle1 � October 19th, 2013, 4:36 pm  * Good Afternoon, Family:

My apologies for not having posted any updates here in the last week or so. Between an increasingly heavy ministry schedule and taking care of our local investor group, I have been absolutely swamped.

You'll appreciate that my kids debated calling me "Uncle Daddy" when I was in international banking because of the enormous time requirements. Seems like my schedule has just about returned to the days of banking.

Although I have shared the following events with Frank, and he and I have had some discussions concerning these developments, I think it would benefit you all to know that we have seen marked progress with the Global Currency Reset.
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The 12 Biggest Travel Mistakes You Think You're Too Smart to Make

By Wendy Perrin

One of the savviest travelers I've ever met is my friend Mead Metcalf of Aspen, Colorado. He knows to pack valuables in his carry-on rather than risk entrusting them to checked luggage or shipping them from abroad.

So last year in Hong Kong, he put $4,500 worth of souvenirs-jewelry, silks, and a new Nikon D3100-in his hand luggage for the flight home. In San Francisco, boarding his connection to Denver, the overhead bins were full and he was forced to check the carry-on to Aspen. That was the last time he ever saw it.

 Metcalf had taken every precaution but one. Read on for how to avoid such a trap, as well as other common mistakes that I watch even the smartest travelers make time and time again.
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Millionday News 10/18/13

    [millionday] London: in the context of his current visit to Britain, which comes within the framework meet the formal invitation, Falah Mustafa met with foreign relations official in the Kurdistan Regional Government Mr. Hugh Roberstn and the Minister for Middle East Affairs at the British Foreign Ministry.

At a meeting attended by Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman represented by the Kurdistan Regional Government in Britain and a number of employees of the British Foreign Ministry, congratulated Hugh Roberstn Kurdistan Region on the success of the electoral process that took place recently in the region, and expressed his admiration for the extent of the progress witnessed by the Kurdistan Region,

expressing at the same time concern about the terrorist attack in Erbil. For his part, reviewed the foreign relations official in the Government of the Territory to the Minister for the Middle East, About the current situation in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the latest developments in the region.
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Guys and Gals:

While we wait for this to happen in the still of the night, here is something to chew on...

I have often talked about how I am logical and have done my due diligence regarding this RV, andhave tried to convince myself through research that a 4000 % profit is not only possible, but logicaland probable. 

Here is some information about our investment and why I have been saying it supportsat least a buck right now. 

As Tony says:  "I can Guarantee you 100 thousand per cent!"  A year ago,
I did not believe this...I would have been happy with 50 cents!  And I know there are lot of you skeptics out there who are not sure either...

One of the ways to value a country in USD is to take the amount of the M2 (hard currency plus shortterm bank deposits of $100,000 an under) and multiply it by the price of the currency...
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The below posts were in our 11am email

[LaGal] "Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." - Groucho Marx

5:30 AM PT (souzini] already blessed do we know if they got the lower denoms and made any announcements about their currency increasing in value?

 (Already Blessed] souzini we don't know yet .. (

Already Blessed] we are realistically looking for it today and intel is already coming in to support that ...i didn't do an update...just chatted....waiting to get confirmation on atm and ld's and see what happens....sterling still selling so hasn't happened yet...but we are expecting it anytime

    [Flygirl02] It seem it is also believed by many that Maliki is bad news and once he is taken down the RV will happen. What are your thoughts on this?

    [millionday] i can understand someone telling all they can and making someone out to be the bad guy if their life is on the line -- so i am saying that is probably exactly how they are looking at it

    [millionday] maliki is going to run for another term

    [The s family] Flygirl I've seen that too, might agree. Since the rv has happened yet

    [millionday] many say that maliki is out of here -- lets see for at least 4 years now

    [Flygirl02] Well, what do you think then is the hold up?

Millionday Roundtable 10/18/13

    [millionday] attributed the financial affairs expert Thamer Jassim Al-Ali, the reasons for rejection of the neighboring countries to deal dinars to the absence of political and economic stability and security in the country, making their confidence is weak.

 Ali said: The country still suffers from the lack of political stability and security, making a direct impact on the national currency by not dealing with overseas and the lack of confidence of the countries surrounding Iraq to deal with.

    [millionday] He added: to make the dinar desirable internationally requires a productive sectors sober in the country make it a source of goods abroad, any foreign when buying Iraqi currency be handled through it comes to Iraq, puts it in cases of tourist or business, stressing that Iraq so far has no goods both oil exporter.

Bluwolf: No one is stopping, delaying, holding up or controlling this international release. It will just lock into the system and shall be seen on our Monday. Like I said this morning it has a protocol, a time frame, and it isn't what I or any other intel provider may say. It is up to the commander in chief to press that plug when it is appropriate to do so by God's enlightenment. Comprende. I also expressed that it shall be of a silent issue not to despair, so what's up dinarians !!!!! Nuff said Blu



[mommiof6] Hi, Dongers & Dinarians . . .

[HSWGOLF] Tony okie mtngoat and eagle1 should all be blessed and thanked for their intel this week..some from different sources but all pointing to a few more days or hours lets be happy be that disappointments over the exact time are mounting up and we shall all be blessed within moments hours days or SO...WE have learned patience and tolerance hang TOUGH... Lord bless you all as well goodnight

 [LaGal] Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength

Robdel: Eagle 1 call 10-18-13 GREAT NEWS MUST READ

Eagle 1 says: This is going to be the best day of your life once I give you my intel.

Are you ready for the news? First of all, just got a news flash that the UST with the signing of the debt ceiling they borrowed 328 billion,  now the US debt is over 17 Trillion

The word I have for you is, I talked to a gentleman from the Bush admin... a brother in the Lord. He said there are 12 principals in the GCR that have control of it.  2 of them he knows personally and talks regularly to them. They assured him this event was complete.  Just one more event, the signing off of a particular document was being completed today.

On Wed I said i was 100% sure for Friday.  He said I am technically right, but wont see it on bank screens till Monday.  Another confirmation saying the same thing, and yet another one said it will be finished today.

We can go to the bank on Monday morning.  This process has come to a long finish, that makes it a hallelujah day for us.

The Lord has not failed us but has fulfilled His part and those who stood strong waiting will receive a great reward.

Recording can be found at 805-399-1099  pin code 124763#
(Note: This is especially important Post-RV...Be AWARE )

New way of STEALING... ESPECIALLY LOOK AT SCENE THREE... Quite interesting.     

This is a new one. People sure stay busy trying to cheat us, don't they?   

SCENE 1.  

A friend went to the local gym and placed his belongings in the

locker. After the workout and a shower, he came out, saw the locker open, and thought to himself,

'Funny, I thought I locked the locker...

Hmm , 'He dressed and just flipped the wallet to make sure all was in
order. Everything looked okay - all cards were in place...

A few weeks later his credit card bill came - a whooping bill of

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