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6pm, November 16th, 2012  


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Our Blog Posts
Bluwolf Update - Post By Janna GET Forum
Tidbit Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Detectives
Kaperoni for Friday emailed to us
The IQD Team & Special Guest LJ~~Highlights Replay Conf Call Nov 15
Early Friday Afternoon Chatter, Rumors, and Opinions
Med Chat - Post By Ksdunlap Dinar Speculator
Cruiser Just My Thoughts post at Intel4U Cruiser's Blog Friday morning
Friday Morning Chatter, Rumors, and Opinions
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 10am email
Allawi Requests Support From US - Post By Bluedog GET Forum
News, Rumors and Opinions in Dinarland Friday Morning
Michigander & GET Team Member Chat
Iraq "There Has Been Progress" Post By Bluedog GET Forum
Historian Notes from Get CC 11-14-12
Late Night Terry K & GET Team Member Chat
Thursday Evening The Big Call w/ Footforward Recording Link and Replay #'s
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 10pm email
Much Discussion & More Opinions - Post By Dinar Alert
Cisco411/Shining/Wildduck in chat at Intel4U Thursday afternoon posted by Develdogmom
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 6pm email
Article Title
© Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights Reserved

bluwolf] First of all I am out of all sites do to personal issues. Second of all I am not writing under no other handle for BLUWOLF IS BLUWOLF and I am one of kind, so to those confusing me with a Flashing fellow you are mistaken for when and if I write you can distinguish me from the rest.

Third about the tiers, tier 1- all governments, tier 2- all presidents, royals, and the wealthy of the world, tier 3- all common folks, peons or simple folks. But make no mistake if you have over a million dinar or dong you are already considered tier 2. Be bless and happy journeys.
11-16-12 LoriC: The U.S. Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Thomas Melia has been involved in 20 meetings during the past 3 days regarding Iraq's emergence as a sovereign democratic government and to promote human rights. A year after the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq they are being helped along so they can be released from Chp7 sanctions and be fully sovereign.

Melia said that many are trying to pressure the government in order to continue the process of reform and push forward democracy forward. Iraq isn't receiving all this support and pressure to catch up to international standards because everyone has a bleeding heart for them. As the IMF stated, Iraq will be a tool for global economic recovery because they have not been affected by the economic crisis. Iraq may be content with procrastination but the rest of the world is not.

Kaperoni: I want to keep a positive attitude that "coming period" is within a few months. Remember there is a facilitator that is ready to go after making a deal in September. I don't expect they like just sitting and waiting either.

Not to mention, there is some money involved in setting up the trading room. I continue to see people relating the 1st of the year with this event. Yes, Shabibi himself stated this as it relates to the accounting records, budget etc.

But unless they RV the dinar to be worth more than the dollar, it has no effect. Therefore, as stated several times, we expect a float which will be gradual over time rising to 1 to $1 over a period of months.

This accomplishes much of what Iraq needs economically, WTO, convertable currency, ISX, investment, etc. to move forward. As for the GOI, they then would have to wait to 2014 to "officially announce" the lifting of the zeros and implementation which would take effect on the 2014 budget hopefully giving them a rate that would help them reduce the cost of the "investment" side of the budget. Keep in mind, none of that has anything to do with us as dinar holders/investors. We simply want to see the dinar rise in value, which can start at anytime.

The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Theme: More Bad Days for Maliki

Conference Call Replay - Nov 15, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#

What another Great Round Table Discussion with Straight Talkin' Mike and L.J. from L.J.'s Next Step Team Last Night..

Great Analysis and Discussion after each News Article Listed below - listen to the replay of the call for all the other great information shared - below is just the Recap of the News


To sum it all up is Maliki really had a bad day...The tone has changed - Talabani and his position - The position of the Kurds and the Tigriss Operation which we all have a better understanding of
Kuwait basically saying you need to decide what the future is going to be bring and have vision for what is going to happen in the future and what that means is they are going to be GCC - we are going to have cooperation here in the Gulf - We are all going to be on the same page one day so why not start today? You need to get out of the way or comply and if Syria goes down which you know Kuwait's position is that Syria is going to fall and that there is going to be a new regime/leadership there and what that means is we are all going to be in one basket together - Iran is going to be the odd man out and you really need to figure out how you want to position yourselves because your people they definitely want to position themselves in a place were they can prosper
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[Josey Wales] Lets show our appreciation to the USA and to our Troops Worldwide, past and present.................I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

[Stitch] Josey Wales God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood "From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea...." :

[Josey Wales] Stitch awesome love that song

[Josey Wales] GM! Fellow investors....TGIF......lets hope it turns out to be TGIRVF


[redhead1] can someone please explain this to me - when the button is pushed will it come from Iraq - UN - IMF - World Bank - China - who actually will let the RV go????

[Shining] redhead1 I do not know for sure, but suspect those holding the release of the PP's also hold the button for RV as they go together

weimar] redhead1 yes, I though PP's were in conjuction with the RV - after the release, but obviously not

[Shining] The new system is in place. There has been a HUGE effort to make this all go as seamlessly as possible with the least amount of disruption. Consider this has all been in the works for about 20 years. I have studied all of this for over a year and it's still mind bending
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38CABO: and the fastest rowboats golf cart goes is 24mph



38CABO: was it planned ?


Hello All

From now until the end of the year seems to be a very interesting time. The elections are behind us, in both the U.S. and China. Now is the time for this investment to move forward. There have been rumors of the new UST notes circulating.

Please notice, I say rumors. Should not be hard to prove, if in deed factual. A picture of them would speak a thousand words. Without that proof or an announcement of the new notes from the U.S. government, that is how this will have to be treated, as a rumor. Is our government moving into a new currency, YES. Look for some sort of proclamation to come up in the next couple of days, could be as early as today, as and no later than the end of the year about the UST notes.

What is important to us is what these notes will stand for. The currency will be asset backed (BWM did an excellent job a month or so ago explaining Asset Backed Currency and for those who did not read about it, please do). Whether it is gold or some other type of asset does not matter unless you are an investor prior to the change.
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[xyz] 3-5 Dec. Kurdistan Iraq Oil & Gas The Unprecedented Energy Expansion

[Diverdown] Wow go Rueters

deb2blessed] Shining...dear, what do you hear from your friend?

[BLESSME] Shining did he get delivery? Also, any new news. Thank you

[Shining] BLESSME as of last night I have not heard and know he is in court today so I will just have to wait till he gets home. He did say there was a discussion of sorts about the RV and it occuring on a Friday because it's not been done before. But equal discussion that it could be a good thing AFTER the market closes as to not disrupt it too much

[Shining] BUT with that, I feel we may be just 48-72 hours away praying

[Shining] Also Obama agreed to allow the Keshe Technologies, that will bring free energy so all signs are good for bringing ALL of this in

[nolaspice] All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others. Spend a part of today in reflection of all that we currently are blessed with and being thankful for all to come!

[Shining] The discussion about the new currency this is what I hear from "him" . It is correct about the new currency. The new currency HAS been delivered to the banks READY for distribution. They cannot wait until after the announcement to deliver them to the banks.
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The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

Burhan Faraj: Adoption of important laws will remain suspended due to the lack of political consensus

BAGHDAD : Euphrates News likely Kurdistan Alliance MP proof Faraj to remain approval of important laws pending in the House of Representatives because of the lack of political consensus. said Faraj told {Euphrates News} on Friday that "the House of Representatives adopted during approval of the laws on the mechanism of consensus necessitate the approval of all blocks or manner of half plus one to acquire the law when voting on the degree of approval and application after reading twice. " , noting that "unfortunately suffer the political blocs of a clear difference of views as well as the lack of consensus on many issues that are still pending which impacted negatively mortgaged to pass laws basically in line missing now. " remains the adoption of several laws pending in the House of Representatives because of the incompatibility of the political blocs to formats such laws or claim to hold some modifications such as amnesty laws and payment on credit the Federal Court and the oil and gas industry.
Najiba Najib: Granting permission to the oil-producing provinces exchange 50% of the petro-dollar allocations to import electricity

Baghdad (news): revealed a member of the Finance Committee MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Najiba Najib, the presence of a relative increase assignments for regional development within the budget next year is estimated at (7.6) trillion dinars.

said Najib (of the Agency news): The oil-producing provinces granted them the authority to exchange rate (50%) of the allocations petrodollars to import electric power and employment. confirmed: that the budget (2013) included a relative increase of allocations for regional development where allocated (7.6) seven trillion six hundred billion dinars, of which (1, 6) trillion six hundred billion dinars allocated for petrodollar.

Abdul Khader Tahir: national meeting just informative article to lose time

Baghdad (news): MP for the coalition in Iraq Abdul Khader Tahir, there is no point in meeting national, ruling node, indicating that the preparations of the political blocs to provincial elections has begun.

Tahir said in a statement (of the Agency news): The national meeting will not held and statements from his contract just informative article to waste it time for the continuation of the political process to the next parliamentary elections.
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Shahristani: Government had requested the withdrawal of ExxonMobil

Baghdad / term: Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani said his country is requested from the American company Mobil Exxon withdrawal from the project to develop Qurna oil and not vice versa. pointed Shahristani told him site (BBC) website that the Iraqi authorities are requested from the company sell its stake, they were not willing to do so, because of signed contracts in the Kurdistan region without the consent of the Iraqi government, and this consistent policy in Iraq that any company that does not abide by Iraqi laws should nullify the contract, this decision was an Iraqi was not a decision to Exxon Mobil . was the giant oil company had announced a few days ago its intention to withdraw from the Qurna project, with an estimated total cost of about $ 50 billion without giving specific reasons.

But media reports international pointed out that this development reflects the disappointment oil company growing from local authorities in southern Iraq and enthusiasm growing to work on projects more profitable in the Kurdistan region. believes a number of observers it Such developments that shed new light on the growing tensions between The central government and the autonomous region in the north that have signed hefty contracts with Western companies giants such as Total and Chevron to exploit the reserves of oil and gas.

Infrastructure law draft becomes ready for vote, says Abtan
Friday, 16 November 2012 11:51

Baghdad (AIN) : Member of the Economic Parliamentary Committee MP, Abdul Hussien Abtan, of the Citizen bloc confirmed that the Infrastructure law draft became ready for a vote.

He stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN) "The observations of the MPs from the Iraqi National Alliance, Kurdistani Alliance and the Iraqiya Slate concerning the law were considered," noting that "These observations were genuine and technical to avoid wasting the general funds."

"During the next few days, the draft will be presented to the parliament," he concluded.

Due to the disputes among the blocs over its draft, the parliament failed to vote over it for several times.
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National Bloc white rejects the mandate of Prime Minister two terms because it violated the constitutional and confiscation of the will of the citizen

Announced the National Bloc white rejection of legislation Act of Parliament determines the mandate of Prime Minister Polaaatin only because it represents violation of constitutional and confiscation of the will of the citizen.

The leader of the Bloc MP Aziz Sharif Mayahi in a press statement today that: "Legislation any law that defines the mandate of the Prime Minister two terms only is constitutional violation in addition to being considered restricting the freedom of the citizen to choose who wants to fill this position based on his confidence and his what was presented to the country at a time when he took the position of Wi-restriction of this right is the confiscation of explicit freedom of the Iraqi people. "

South Refineries Company: Generation and third oil refining unit to the Basra refinery card (70) thousand barrels
16/11/2012 14:50:05 Friday

Basra (news) : Declared South Refineries Company Jabbar Oil Ministry for the establishment and refining unit third Basra refinery production capacity (70) thousand barrels per day in order to increase the production capacity of petroleum products for the company.

said Director of Information Company Habib Samer (of the Agency news): The most important strategic projects for Refineries Company South Generation Unit refining third Basra refinery card (70) thousand barrels per day, to increase the production capacity of the refinery, which will increase total energy of the company's production of oil derivatives and fill the local need him.
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Iraqi civilian dies in shootout in country's north
November 16 2012

BAGHDAD (AP) : A senior Iraqi army officer says a shootout between police and Kurdish guards in a disputed city in the country's north has killed one civilian bystander.

Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir al-Zaidi says police were chasing a smuggler who took shelter in the offices of a local Iraqi Kurdish political party. Al-Zaidi says Kurdish guards outside the offices opened fire at the police.

Four policemen were also wounded in Friday's shooting. Al-Zaydi says the smuggler fled during the shootout in Tuz Khormato. The city is about 210 kilometers (130 miles) north of Baghdad.

Tensions have run high lately in the area as Iraqi Kurds seek to carve out more independence from the central government. Tuz Khormato is a mix of Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen competing for control.
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Readings reveal the real reason behind Scott Najafi on the issue of central bank
November 16 2012

Revealed a source familiar with the retreat House Speaker Osama Nujaifi claim not to politicize an issue of central bank and accused Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki by raising for political reasons.

The source said Najafi and after that it was the most ardent advocates for the independence of the central bank retreat now after being threatened Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki files reveal corruption against him when he was the minister of industry in the government of Iyad Allawi.
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Iraqi names reveal the presence of family fiefdoms Iraqi embassies and accuses law exploiting their positions
November 16 2012

BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News : Detection of the Iraqi List, Friday, for the presence of family and party fiefdoms in overseas embassies Iraq.

The MP said the list Haider Mulla said in a statement to / Baghdadiya News /, that "senior state involved the appointment of their children and relatives in Iraqi embassies and consulates outside the country," pointing out that "the State Department did not intervene in the matter did not move a muscle as a result of political interference and the sensitivity of the subject."

He added, "The leaders of the state of law, mostly were exploiting political office to set their children and relatives in government institutions, as well as thrown embassies outside Iraq, what made us reach a discussion about quotas among children between the government and the citizens in consistence of appointments".
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The below posts were in our 10am email


Bluedog: Allawi calls and Washington need to support him in the next stage after being sidelined and identify his movements?!! ..........................................................The source said the letter sent by Allawi to President Obama on the occasion of his election the U.S. included a request to renew Washington's support him especially in the Assembly elections upcoming provincial, noting that Allawi expressed his willingness to implement U.S. policy in the country and the region and will be moving to serve their interests in the region.

The Article:

Allawi calls and Washington need to support him in the next stage after being sidelined and identify his movements?!!

Palm - A source close to the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi, for a secret message sent by the latter to President Barack Obama asking him to need support in the next phase after the marginalization and exclusion that has been practiced against him and lifted Washington hand him.


[devildogmom]  I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. God bless the troops, God bless America and her allies, and God bless all of you! ... Semper Fi Marines! Love you :motosingle:

 [masterT] This will be a GOOD day in the dinar community. The RV Process continue in OUR favor.. IMO>>>>>>>

[xyz] FX market is signaling to Citigroup Inc. (C) that it isn't yet convinced the Federal Reserve will fulfill its pledge to keep pumping record amounts of cash into the U.S. economy through 2015

[flashing] EU Should Reach Deal on Greek Aid Next Week, Grilli Says Italian Finance Minister Vittorio Grilli is confident that euro-region finance chiefs will reach an agreement on aiding Greece when they meet next week. Greece was granted an additional two years to reach budget- deficit goals in its bailout program. European finance ministers will be discussing ways of plugging the funding gap resulting from that extension at a Nov. 20 meeting in Brussels.

Nov 16 8:02 AM [flashing] We know that there are several options for helping Greece get through this very important challenge," Grilli said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in London. "I am clearly optimistic that we can come to a decision.  Granting Greece more time was the latest compromise in three years of crisis fighting, as creditors led by Germany opted to keep money flowing instead of risking a default that could lead to the nation's exit from the euro and stir more turmoil for countries left in it.


[michigander0131] World Bank: Iraq is ranked 165 in the worst countries to do business

[michigander0131] cjswest there will be thats what the article is saying //now that he is gone the value will raise/im hoping before january

[nano36] michigander0131 I saw that list the other day. They can't get their act together long enough to get anything done

[michigander0131] 165th out of 195

[michigander0131] World Bank representative in Baghdad: the country's resources wasted at the expense of subsequent generations

[cjswest] michigander0131 fingers crossed, eyes too   

[michigander0131] 11/15/2012 2:42 pm His Excellency the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at his office today, the official commander of U.S. forces in the Central Region, General James Ann Mathis and his accompanying delegation.


Bluedog: Iraq - There Has Been Progress

A couple of weeks ago, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair addressed the Iraq Britain Business Council's 4th London Conference on the theme: "Iraq: The Road To Success?"

Mr Blair will always be associated with Iraq, positively or negatively, depending on ones view, and he has a keen understanding of the country.

In his speech, he pointed to several encouraging economic metrics:

◦The economy of 2012 is several times the size of ten years ago;

◦Growth this year will be 9% and Iraq is set to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the next decade;

◦A Government worker is paid now, on average, around 4 times what he was ten years ago in real terms;

◦Oil revenue now stands at $100 billion per annum and is set to treble by 2020.


Historian notes from GET Team CC on 11/14/12 (transcribed)

HISTORIAN: There was an article that was posted in chat this weekend that came out of the China daily about the Chinese currency slowly becoming a reserve. There were major signals about currencies in the Far East, for example, have essentially moved over. Seven out of ten economies have now moved over, and they track the Renmimbi much closely than they do the US dollar and then there are other currencies elsewhere in the world, other countries that are doing the same thing.

It's not reported very much in the Western news, particularly in North America, but it is there. There's a lot of stuff online, all over in the financial news in various analysts that track and report for brokers of all different kinds. This is a major discussion out there right now. People have varying points for view. Some on one side of the table, some on the other side saying yes it's going to happen, no it's not going to happen and all this kind of thing.

The fact of the matter is it's not merely a discussion. There are statistics out there showing that countries have moved over, and we know that for some years now, several countries have stopped using the US dollar as a reserve and they will not use it again until the Federal reserve note is replaced by a currency that is not merely printed paper.

So that is the direction of it. It's moving more and more that way.


 [terryk] hey all just wanted to pop in for a few  have another headache bp is ok  just alot of stress i think so i will tell you what i know

[terryk] got a call this am  that pp were going out  then got word in late afternoon they are being delivered  had maybe 25 calls this late afternoon  into the night  all positive  no neg stuff hearing that this weekend looks again very good for us not holding breath  but it sure looks and smells like rv

[swest]  is really getting serious now,

[terryk] yes it is and i want u all to think about all this smoke around the washington area  i was scheduled to leave wed this coming week  but i have heard so many positive things i wanted to be close to my dinar  and get reeady thats how i feel  does that say anything

[terryk] does anyone have a 1967 impala  im looking for one  i sold mine back in 75  it was a gift  bought a camero  wish i had it back

[tina]  i will get you one for christmas

[terryk] thanks tina i know your loaded  getting another 50 million dinar and all  where is our new mods ] hey tina  waiting on another call i think ok all i got to go  to sleep  god bless and if i get anything i will come back in later all night


The Big Call for Thursday, November 15th with special guest Footforward


Playback Number is 559-726-1159 access code 123456#

53 Minutes
The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Iraq reportedly releases suspected Hezbollah operative
November 16 2012

Iraq authorities released a suspected Hellzabollah operative accused of killing American troops, his lawyer said.

The decision to release Ali Mussa Daqduq was made late Thursday night, and he arrived in Beirut Friday, Reuters reports.

"There was no reason for his detention. Last night the decision was made to release him," Abdulalmehdi al-Mutairi, Daqduq's lawyer told Reuters.

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The below posts were in our 10pm email


"the measures being taken to the Central Bank by the government will maintain the value of the dinar and perhaps raised during the coming period, which will impact positively on the overall activity of the national economy."  LINK

SCALP:  coming period sits nice with the start of a new in 1/1/13 <=== that date looks mighty strong right now, heres hoping :) or before, even better...I just think the new currency has to come out at the start of a new year like shabbers said so am feeling good to see this in the next 8 weeks or less, hope they don't disappoint us again!

Alot points to early 2013 being our time and of course tons of articles from cbi since 2010 saying early 2013 help me feel confident that this might actually be it.....we just didn't want to believe that date back then, I will take it with both hands now, yup I will :)

I think shabbygate is all about M taking the credit for saving Iraq and therefore securing another term as PM...heres hoping they pass that term law, thhats a slap in the face I want to see :

KAPPERONI:   I continue to see people relating the 1st of the year with this event. Yes, Shabibi himself stated this as it relates to the accounting records, budget etc.  

But unless they RV the dinar to be worth more than the dollar, it has no effect.  Therefore, as stated several times, we expect a float which will be gradual over time rising to 1 to $1 over a period of months. 


[jjwaynec] So Poppy3 says he was told UST notes have been out for 2 days now.

[jjwaynec] just passing what I heard.

 [cruiser] You know what is funny, I do believe the UST notes story, but does anyone understand what is the purpose of those notes?

 [mbd4049] cruiser hi no, tell us plz

[iblucky] cruiser hello I am hoping you will tell me :)

 [Dinarblessed] cruiser hello bye bye to the fed?

 [jjwaynec] mbd4049 that is what I am being told. lol

 [kimskennelklub] cruiser hi new banking system

[cruiser] Gold Backed or Asset Backed Currency.

 [findmoney] DO NOT BELIEVE the story on the new UST notes being out. That is completly false. They cannot switch the currency until they announce it to the public and congress and senate approves. Sometimes I really wonder if some of these people that say these things have a kindergarten education at best?

 [mbd4049] findmoney I totally agree with you grin

[masterT] cruiser Believe it is a part of the fazing in of the RV. The notes replacing the FDIC standards.


[cisco411] I am still on the hunt for eveidence regarding the new UST note I got a call that there was a bank in Memphis TN that issued a UST

[cisco411] I am still on the hunt for eveidence regarding the new UST note I got a call that there was a bank in Memphis TN that issued a UST

[cisco411] but NOONE has sent me a pic

[cisco411] anything new would me we are going past Sunday

[musiccitylady] cisco411 we are going past Sunday

[cisco411] musiccitylady How do you know? Wishful thinking?

[musiccitylady] cisco411 I know

[sananddan24] Cisco411 are you now saying sometimes in Dec?

[cisco411] sananddan24 NOPE the comment was made about Disco and the Fed being dead and I said the Fed won't die til December

[cisco411] sananddan24 Last I heard we should not go past Sunday but I heard that a while back and am looking for confirmation that is still true.

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Maliki confirms the need to continue the implementation of the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States
15/11/2012 15:26:00

Baghdad / NINA : Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, confirmed the need to continue the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed between Iraq and the United States, especially in the field of military cooperation and armaments.

Maliki said during receiving the commander of U.S. Central Forces Gen. James Mattis, and the accompanying delegation that Iraq needs defensive weapons to protect its sovereignty , independence and wealth.

For his part, General Mattis stressed the United States determination to meet Iraq's needs in defense, saying that Iraq needs has a definite nature , especially as is in an inflammable region, stressing on taking into account the time factor .


Karbala is a Commission of inquiry into the Israeli market spare parts
Thursday 15 2012 08: 57 GMT

Alsumaria news/Karbala: Economic Committee revealed in Karbala Governorate Council, Thursday, the intention of the Council to form a Commission of inquiry into Israeli spare parts for cars, with traders urged to refrain from dealing with Israeli goods, warned the traffickers to stringent procedures.

Committee Chairman Tariq alkhekany in an interview for "alsumaria news", that "the Council form a Committee to investigate how the entry of Israeli goods to markets in Karbala", stating that "the Commission looked at models of such goods for auto parts sold in industrial district in Karbala."

Alkhekany added that "these goods carrying the words clearly indicating they were manufactured in Israel", pointing out that "this material may be imported through third countries."


Maliki exchange with good top and views on various challenges at home and abroad
15/11/2012 15:52:57 Thursday

Baghdad (news) : Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, in his official office on Thursday, with a member of the House of Representatives Hassan Alawi, developments in the political situation in Iraq and the region.

Said a statement from Maliki's office received Agency (news) copy of it: it was discussed during the meeting in the latest internal developments and exchange views on various challenges at home and abroad.


Bazoni expects postponing settlement of disputes after next parliamentary elections
November 15 2012

Baghdad (AIN) : The independent MP, Jawad al-Bazoni, of the Iraqi National Alliance pointed out "All the political sides working on preparing for the next Provincial Council elections."

Speaking to All Iraqi News Agency (AIN), he expected "Postponing the settlement of the disputes after the next parliamentary elections."

"There are only three months remaining before the next PCs elections so the next stage will be important for the blocs," he remarked.

"Most of the disputes will be postponed to the next parliamentary rotation because the current rotation is not able to solve them and could not conduct the political reforms," he concluded.

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Did Not Engage In Investigative Committee On The Issue Of Central Bank
November 15 2012

BAGHDAD - Iraq News Network: confirmed the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Thursday, non-involvement of any of its members in the investigative committee formed by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives in the case of the central bank.

The deputy chairman of the Integrity Committee, Ahmed al-Jubouri said "investigative committee on the issue of the central bank and set up by the Parliament headed by First Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Qusay al-Suhail did not include in its membership any deputy for the Integrity Commission." "We are surprised exclusion of the Integrity Committee of this sensitive file, despite the fact that our committee is the first conducted preliminary investigations with the central bank and notified the House of Representatives that," pointing out that "the reasons behind it are still unknown."


In an unannounced visit to the Court of Appeals Rusafa ... readings reveal, the President of the Court: Araji threatened not thrown his name in the case of the central bank
November 15 2012

Source revealed from within Mahmkh resume Rusafa for an unannounced visit by Prime Liberal bloc Bahaa al-Araji on Wednesday to court, pointing out that its pressure on the judges not thrown his name in the case of the central bank.

The source close to the Chief Judge Jafar Mohsin, while speaking in a private meeting with the judges, for the latter as saying that al-Araji threatened not thrown his name in the case of the central bank, especially after circulating the media about his involvement files corruption Bank and charged explicitly by lawmaker Kazem Sayadi, referring to the threat of al-Araji him and those who have the issue in the case was thrown his name.


Iraq - There Has Been Progress
15 November 2012

John Lee: A couple of weeks ago, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair addressed the Iraq Britain Business Council's 4th London Conference on the theme: "Iraq: The Road To Success?"

Mr Blair will always be associated with Iraq, positively or negatively, depending on ones view, and he has a keen understanding of the country.

In his speech, he pointed to several encouraging economic metrics:

The economy of 2012 is several times the size of ten years ago;


Broker Shwan Taha Dominates Foreign Stock Trades in Iraq
November 15 2012

It was exceptionally cold in Sulaymaniyah, a city in northern Iraq's Kurdish region, on the morning of Dec. 22. Shwan Taha was sitting in the airport lounge with a bag of gifts, waiting to get back to his wife and children at home in Istanbul.

Just before boarding, he got a call on his mobile phone from Rabee Securities, the Baghdad-based brokerage he owns, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its December issue. The manager was on the line to report that a car bomb had exploded next door at the government anti-corruption agency.

Taha hung up. Fortunately, the last trading day of the year had been two days earlier, so none of Rabee's 16 employees were in the office. He tapped out an e-mail to Rabee's clients that said in part:

"All client information is safe in multiple locations inside and outside Iraq. Praying for a peaceful New Year."


They're buying what? US investors latch onto Iraqi dinar
Nov 15 2012

(Reuters):  The U.S. stock market almost wiped out his retirement account, but retired pilot Ronald Scarpa hasn't lost his taste for risk. Lately he has turned to one of the chanciest investments in the world - the Iraqi dinar.

"It's not a question of if, but when Iraq revalues its currency," said the Las Vegas-based Scarpa, who keeps dinars in his retirement account. "The dinar will eventually have substantial value, possibly the highest in the world."

He's not alone in risking his money on an investment that can charitably be described as a long-term turnaround project that will pay off only for the extremely patient. Thousands like Scarpa in America are buying the dinar, hoping someday the war-torn nation can revalue a currency worth just a fraction of a penny.

The fundamentals for buying the dinar are precarious. The United States invaded the country in 2003 and has only recently removed most of its troops. The country's political situation remains unstable, and destabilization in the Middle East - most recently with rockets fired between Israel and the Gaza Strip - could undermine the fledgling republic further.

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