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6pm, November 4th, 2012  


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Dinar Recaps Weekend Email Schedule
Dinar Updates Chat by Newmonies - Posted in Dinar Updates Forum
Sunday Afternoon Dinar Chatter
Nice, Inspirational Story emailed to Recaps Sun. Afternoon
Bluedog at GET posted in the forum by Janna
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 11am email
Prayer and Encouragement from DebTarHeelgirl Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Dinar Chatter...[devildogmom]
Thoughts from DevildogMom at I4U Sunday Morning
Responses to "Facing The Reality" - Post By Dinar Vets
Facing The Reality - Post By RVDinar4MyFamily Dinar Vets
Med & Member Chat - Post By Ksdunlap Dinar Speculator
Sunday Afternoon Wangdang Conference Call
Saturday Night Dinar Chatter...[vrandyshell]
SWFloridaGuy Article & Comments - Post By Dinar Vets
Pastor Ed Prayer Call Invitation Posted by Puppylove at I4U
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
© Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights Reserved

Whatever way you can, please help. Many need your help now.

Matt Lauer hosts a star-studded Red Cross telethon to benefit Hurricane Sandy victims, featuring Christina Aguilera, Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Jon Stewart and more!

Donations benefit the Red Cross relief efforts.

You can also donate at,

text "REDCROSS" to 90999
to make a $10 donation.
On a personal note, more than half of the Dinar Recaps Team is in the Tri-State area and were all without power and/or water, including one team member who as of Saturday morning is still without power. I feel very fortunate that none of us had any major damage and still have roofs over our heads.

Last night I filled two shopping carts with clothes, underwear, socks, shirts, hats, gloves and blankets. My friend and I will be bringing that as well as buying food and other supplies to Staten Island, which was hit very hard and a place we have connections with.

We are also going to do a food and clothing collection in our community.

Now is a good time for everyone to clean out your closet and drawers of clothes you have not worn in a year and find a collection place in your area. Last night it was 40 degrees and lower in many of the affected areas and warm clothing is needed by many.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Please donate to The Red Cross, or however you can. It is greatly appreciated.

Best to all,

Dinar Recaps

(Comments are open, and will be posted after approval.)
Dinar Recaps Weekend Email Schedule

Dinar Updates Chat by Newmonies - Posted in Dinar Updates Forum

12:34 PM [newmonies] Hey Roomies... a quick run down of the news today with my opinion ?
12:35 PM [glryan11] newmonies plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12:35 PM [NUKEM] new. Yes!
12:35 PM [newmonies] State Law: We have the record for the formation of a majority government and "described as" return to origin
12:35 PM [newmonies] Revealed a (Dummy) MP coalition state law, Sunday, possession of a sufficient number of popular votes to form a majority government in the event of failure of the National Conference...

Sunday Afternoon Dinar Chatter

[devildogmom] I guess some people haven't noticed that we are just waiting, no one is going to tell us ahead of time. It will just happen. Until then, I choose to take inventory, family, friends, good deeds. Then make it a better day for everyone I can; one smile, one hug, one word, one act of kindness at a time. What if it was going to happen and you never knew about it in the first place? There are so many people in dire straights that have nothing to look forward to. My life is richer everyday for the people that pass through and stay a while.

[tomzom] I've stumbled across a formula that mathematically measures the level of every single dinar holder's frustrations at this moment: 2 /{≠f(x)=a_0+∑_(n=1)^∞(a_n cosnπx/L+b_n sinnπx/L ) `∫_(-∞)^∞e^(-x^2 ) dx=[∫_(-∞)^∞e^(-x^2 ) dx ∫_(-∞)^∞e^(-y^2 ) dy]^(1\/2)=[∫_0^2π∫_0^∞e^(-r^2 ) rrθ]^(1\/2)=[π∫_0^:(:

[cruiser] Hi all. Hope everyone is doing good!! Just stopped in to say hi . Lot of cleaning up and battling with the insurance company.

[cruiser] it could have been alot worse.

[redhead1] Cruiser - so glad to see you are okay

[iblucky] cruiser the insurance companies never battle with us while we are paying the premiums lol

[cruiser] kyf58 I am surprised that we are still waiting. But things are good.

Nice, Inspirational Story emailed to Recaps Sun. Afternoon

This will give you the chills....... GOOD chills.

A young man had been to Wednesday Night Bible Study.
The Pastor had shared about listening to God and obeying the Lord's
voice. The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does God still speak to people?'

After service, he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message..Several different ones talked about how God had led them in different ways.

It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray,'God...If you still speak to people, speak to me. I will listen. I will do my best to obey.'

As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop and buy a gallon of milk.He shook his head and said out loud, 'God is that you?' He didn't get a reply and started on toward home.But again, the thought, buy a gallon of milk.

The young man thought about Samuel and how he didn't recognize the voice of God, and how
little Samuel ran to Eli.

'Okay, God, in case that is you, I will buy the milk.' It didn't seem like too hard a test of
obedience. He could always use the milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home.

As he passed Seventh Street, he again felt the urge, 'Turn Down that street

Bluedog at GET posted in the forum by Janna

Bluedog: **********We know that Parliament will start working on the first reading of the 2013 Budget Rate is inside of it

***********We know they want it finished b4 the 14th of this month .....not to cut their Vacations time down if they do not get it done they will have to stay.......Their vacation starts on the 15th

*************We know they are working fast at Chpt7

************We know we have Military there taking on a special mission ........C1-30s were brought in what did they deliver ???? and our military has special forces to deal with Currency ......because they were there 2 years ago to help Iraq get prepared

********* We know Today we see in the media the talk of a Media Blackout

**********WE know Jabari said the change of guards at the CBI will not affect the 3 zeros and that it is on schedule

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

Najaf: the formation of a committee to investigate the exchange of a large amount of money on projects without ratification by the Provincial Council

Najaf: the formation of a committee to investigate the exchange of a large amount of money on projects without ratification by the Provincial Council Sunday, 04, November 2012 18:09

Najaf: Euphrates News: A member of the bloc citizen Najaf Governorate Council for the formation of a committee to investigate the exchange of {250} billion dinars on projects created without ratification by the provincial council.

A member of the Najaf provincial council Farouk al-Ghazali told {Euphrates News} today, "it was more exchange of {250} billion Iraqi dinars on the projects have been implemented by the reconstruction of the province without the approval of the provincial council."

He pointed out that "these sums were spent on these projects are considered preliminary statistical", pointing out that he "has been the formation of committees to scrutinize these numbers to compare the projects is approved."

Click for Link

Deputy for the law: contrasting views of the political blocs destroyed the structure of the state and head into the State of Allamassat
Sunday, 04, 2 2012 16:05

Baghdad: Euphrates News: MP for the coalition of state law Mansour al-Tamimi, a major contradiction in the views of the political blocs led to the destruction of the structure of the state, and reflected negatively on institutional building.

Tamimi said in a press statement issued by his press office and received and Euphrates News Agency {} a copy of it on Sunday that "Iraq is moving towards state Allamassat because of sectarian and the government as if the partnership is limited to a number of individuals."

"I do not find a real role for parliamentary opposition conscious contribute to the building of institutions, or a real role for the government to be influential in the construction."

Parliamentary Finance: the nomination of two characters to take over as Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

Parliamentary Finance: the nomination of two characters to take over as Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq 04 November, 2012 07:27:00

Revealed Parliamentary Finance Committee on the nomination of two characters assume someone was Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, namely Ahmed ��ČŃ�ĺ� and Ali Allawi, former Finance Minister.

explained Parliamentary Finance Committee that the Iraqi parliament form a joint committee of the committees of financial and economic to choose a candidate who serves as governor of the Iraqi Central Bank. It is worth mentioning that the position of Governor of the Central Bank and managed by the head of agency BSA Abdul Basit Turki after recent actions, which affected a number of bank employees.

Kuwaiti Information Minister Meets Iraqi media delegation to discuss ways of activating the media and cultural relations between the two countries

Kuwaiti Information Minister Meets Iraqi media delegation to discuss ways of activating the media and cultural relations between the two countries 04 November, 2012 06:58:00

Met Kuwaiti Information Minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah media delegation Iraqi who is visiting Kuwait headed by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate supporter Lami and its membership includes the heads of media organizations and academic prominent Iraqi.
During the meeting, which was attended by heads of media institutions in Kuwait discuss ways to develop a program of media and cultural common The development of relations between the two countries in various levels of creative and reviewed the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate and the reality of journalistic work in Iraq and the huge development in an area of freedom enjoyed by Iraqi journalists and their efforts to consolidate the concepts of freedom, democracy and cooperation they get from official authorities and community to facilitate their work journalism and media in Iraq.

A forthcoming meeting of the three presidencies to discuss the current political crisis and the search in the possibility of holding a national meeting
04 November, 2012 06:28:13

Tends President Jalal Talabani to convene a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and parliament speaker Osama Najafi after the failure of efforts to meet national expanded includes parties to resolve the political crisis.

MP said the Kurdistan Alliance Hassan Jihad that the President will call for a few days to a meeting of the three presidencies to discuss the crisis political and research into the possibility of holding the national meeting which was supposed to take place a few weeks ago explaining that the date of the meeting is very close and that he will discuss the political differences existing in addition to discussing the important laws that require approval by Parliament, led by the issue of the central bank and the security situation and the federal budget for next year.
Parliamentary bloc splinter Iraq is Maliki's refusal to candidates for the defense portfolio "right step"
11/04/2012 09:
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: considered a parliamentary bloc splinter from the Iraqi List, Sunday, that the refusal of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the candidates list for the post of defense minister was "right step", "attributed the reason to not enjoy the candidates to" experience and professionalism and impartiality. "

said parliamentary for the coalition in Iraq free (split from the Iraqi List), Lubna Rahim, in a statement issued this morning, and received by the agency (Voices of Iraq) a copy of it, that the refusal of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the candidates nominated by the Iraqi List, for the post of defense minister was "a true in the interest of the Iraqi citizens regarding the security file, "noting that the candidates" lack the qualities required defense minister, "according to her opinion.

Dinars reveal details of the sale fake dollar bills through the Central Bank


Dinars reveal details of the sale fake dollar bills through the Central Bank

BAGHDAD / JD : revealed Parliamentary Finance Committee on the sale of central bank bills worth 50 billion dollars last year, 10 of which fact and $ 40 billion a fake.

said committee member deputy state law Haitham al-Jubouri's / JD /: The Commission's investigation in charge of the work of the bank Central by taking two samples from a group comprising 201 bills purchase invoice, only two of them real, explaining: that the two bills out of the 201 introduced materials to Iraq.

explained Jubouri: If divided 40 billion dollars over the year shows that in one week out of Iraq $ 800 million as the newspaper said the U.S. Wall Street Journal.

Keywords: money smuggled through Central Bank went to militias and terrorism

Keywords: money smuggled through Central Bank went to militias and terrorism 04/11/2012

BAGHDAD / JD : hinted Economic Commission parliamentary to hard currency that came illegally from the central bank went to militias and terrorist groups, noting that the coming days will expose all the actors involved money laundering.

Committee Chairman MP for the Iraqi List / JD /: "The Commission's investigation, which was formed to follow up the file money laundering at the Central Bank revealed the involvement of several points raised suspicions about some of the political figures, and the possibility that a section of the hard currency that came out of the bank went to the militias and terrorist groups operating in Iraq."

he added Alwani, said that an investigation into money laundering raised suspicions about political parties and banks inside and outside Iraq.

between MP, said that the central bank deals with banks several deals in turn with companies and personalities, noting that the committee is working on an investigation objectively and professionally.  

MPs are not entitled to enjoy the holiday by legislative vote on the supplementary budget for the current year

MPs are not entitled to enjoy the holiday by legislative vote on the supplementary budget for the current year Sunday, 04, November 2012 17:38

Baghdad : According to a member citizen's parliamentary bloc MP Ali inch that Parliament had not received the final accounts for the federal budget in 2012 from the government, adding that "members of the House of Representatives are not entitled to enjoy the holiday by legislative vote on the supplementary budget for the year 2012."

He said an inch in a press statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that "it reaches the House of Representatives just statements on the budget and not final accounts," stressing "the need to make the final accounts to parliament to see where and how the spent money budget."

He added that "in accordance with the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives can not be members of the House of Representatives to enjoy the holiday unless legislative vote on the supplementary budget law for the year 2012." 

The below posts were in our 11am email

Prayer and Encouragement from DebTarHeelgirl Sunday Morning

Here is a good song for you to listen to - read the words - some are hurting financially and can't understand why we have to walk this hard road - GOD WE NEED YOU NOW - Hold on HE is, the great I AM is speaking in that still small voice He is giving you strength to carry on - He knows we need Him NOW!

I sure understand where you are at today in this Dinar Walk of Faith. We ALL have learned new levels in faith, hope and trust that we can continue to use for HIS GLORY in the days to come. Today I want to share a teaching that I thought may be beneficial to each of us as we learn not just to believe God's word but to be dependent on His word.

Believing and depending are not the same thing.

Years ago there was a very famous tight rope walker named Blondin. He would often amaze people by walking on a wire over incredible heights. On one of these occasions, he was performing his act over Niagara Falls. A huge crowd was watching as Blondin moved confidently out over the churning waterfall and back. Turning to his onlookers, Blondin asked, "Who thinks I can push a wheel barrel across this wire?" They all shouted, "Yes, we believe you can!". And so he did. On returning, he asked again, "Do you believe I can push a man across in this wheel barrel?" Again the crowd shouted in great confidence, "Yes!" Then Blondin said, "Which one of you will get in?"
....Read More

Sunday Morning Dinar Chatter

[devildogmom]I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. God bless the troops, God bless America and her allies, and God bless all of you! ... Semper Fi Marines! Love you :

[grandmajudykay] "If ye abide in me and my word abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." That promise could mean our blessing!

puppylove] Im a Believer-- The Monkeys

[flashing] gm Baghdad (AIN) -The Iraqi Parliament will resume its regular session, on next Tuesday, to conduct the readings for some law drafts. A statement by the media office of the Parliament cited that "The agenda of the next session will include performing the first and second readings for a number of law drafts." It is worth to mention that the Parliament has lifted its last regular session on 15th of last October till 6th of current November because of lack of quorum after withdrawing the MPs of the State of Law Coalition from the session due to lack of

[flashing] an agreement on the General Amnesty Law.

flashing] may be they forgot to say " and final reading on some of them"

flashing] the time for big changes is coming

[bamanana] So flashing, please tell me, after all your articles, what do YOU think?

Thoughts from DevildogMom at I4U Sunday Morning

[devildogmom] 10 Things I've learned on the Dinarian Road...

1~ Patience is something you acquire when you realize you do not control events, and make a choice to sail through smoothly.

2~ Although we may not always agree with one another, I believe in the goodness that lies within our souls.

3~ Words are powerful instruments and better used for lifting up, than for taking down. Speak kindly or hold your thought. The echo of harshness is long and damaging . . . The echo of kindness is long and healing. Which do you prefer?

4~ It feels really good to touch one another with shared virtual smiles, hugs, tears, and laughter

5~ As a group of people, we are all smarter and stronger.

6~ Blind trust is a disservice to yourself and those you place it in. Follow your intuition, but do your own homework so as to educate yourself.

7~Things aren't always what we expect or wish for and that's when we must "adapt and overcome" (as a marine near and dear to me has said).

8~ Laughter and silliness is good medicine and relieves stress.

9~ If you want help with something, all you have to do is say so. Dinarians are a very diverse group of people, from whom I have learned so much.

10~ And even after all that learning from dinarians, sometimes it's a good idea to shut down the computer and hold someone in your arms.

Responses to "Facing The Reality" - Post By Dinar Vets

Comments in response to previous post "Facing The Reality" LINK

COMMTRD: I think outsiders to the CBI can never really know for sure just what manipulations are moving the currents on any given day.

I initially bought into this investment thinking it would happen within a reasonably quick timeframe based on what I was reading only to find that it has repeatedly been set to go the it does not happen.

Now too many times to count. I check in once in a while but not wasting much more time on it at all. I think this one may end up being a lapse in judgement based on incomplete assessment of the risks which in fairness cannot really ever be known with a purely speculative investment.

If it does not happen sometime soon I think the violence and unrest in the mid-east may have a chance of derailing the RV. Part of my risk calculation always includes a time factor where I estimate a realistic time frame for realizing any gain; beyond which I start to question the trade as either being the wrong thing to do, or else the timing was just totally wrong.

Hello all, once again as I sit here and watch this board waiting for something to happen, I feel it is time for a reminder for the vets, and hopefully a lesson for the newbies.

Its been a while since I put in my 2 cents worth, but when I sit here and watch all the newbies who are spending countless hours watching and waiting for this thing to pop, I figured it was time to re-post something I posted a couple years ago at about this time.

It should be a reality check for some, and a reminder for others. While my information in this post with regards to the Dinar is mostly outdated now, you'll find there are some things that are the same as they were 2 years ago.

You may find it interesting that some of what I posted we have been waiting for since then and is still being talked about today.

I'm not here to be a debbie downer, but to be a voice of reason and reality of what this investment can do to you. This post is from me 2 years ago when I got involved in this investment and let the dream of being rich consume me.

Med & Member Chat - Post By Ksdunlap Dinar Speculator

surfsidedan: yes


surfsidedan: sounds good, a free for all
junebug: interesting

surfsidedan: lets hope we don't have to





DIAL IN 530-881-1300 PIN 111646

PLAY BACK (AFTER THE CALL) 530-881-1399 PIN 111646


[vrandyshell] they just played a song on tv and I thought of us "the best is yet to come"

[bouv] The Best is yet to come....Sinatra

[bryan1972] Twas the night before rv, when all through the land, not a Guru was stirring, not even Hammerman, the Dinar was put away in Safes and under pillow cushions, In hope that someone would soon push the button.

[bryan1972] The members were nestled and listening to Med, while visions of dollar signs danced in their heads, When out of the castle there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my keyboard to see what was the matter

[bryan1972] Away through windows xp, I flew like a flash, I tore through my emails and even looked throught the trash

[bryan1972] When what to my wondering eyes should I see, an Email from the castle, saying that we rv ,d!!!

[bryan1972] Whild Jumping for joy and giving a blood curdling scream, I woke to find out it all was a dream!! Lol

SWFloridaGuy Article & Comments - Post By Dinar Vets

SWFLORIDAGUY: 11-3-12 National Meeting: Nassif Announces put 70 items to put in the National Meeting to be held during the next few days, and expected not to put a general amnesty and legal infrastructure during the meeting.

Custom dating by Parliament during his career is to make laws and legislation format compatibility between the political blocs, and that includes legal infrastructure and a general amnesty, and this makes put some laws on the table National Meeting excluded, because it must be separated between the legislative and political process.

National meeting agenda included claims of the political blocs all included approximately 70 items, will be discussed around and try to apply and take the majority of these items are discussed and see how legal some of those demands and their compatibility with the Constitution, because it can not apply the terms of violation of the Constitution and graduated from the context national interest.

Pastor Ed Prayer Call Invitation Posted by Puppylove at I4U

UNITING TOGETHER PRAYER CALL Shalom! Shalom! This is to all Intel: You are all invited to participate in a national prayer call. Let's all join in together as one in unity with Jesus Christ. I am calling together all of Intel to help pray this blessing in on Wednesday night, November 7th beginning at 6:00 p.m. CDT. Show where you stand with God to all the folks listening and who are tuned in to your website.

What an encouragement and strong stand for others to see as they witness your participation praying in the blessing. Here's your opportunity to prove you really care for all the folks who are steadfast and that you only want the best God has to offer for each of them. In joining in and praying together, first and foremost, we are showing God that we all need Him and His hand on us more.

So, I invite all Intel people, Pastors and from Okie on down the line to Debtarhillgirl to join and be as one uniting in prayer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Please dial in as follows: 530- 881-1400, access code 406878#.

If you are going to be one of our many participants, then please email Pastor Ed at Now is the time to put all differences aside, stand together and be as one in Christ! Should this blessing happen before Wednesday the 7th, then we will still have a "Thank You Jesus" prayer call.

Call in early and reserve your "seating" arrangements and one more thing, bring your faith! See you there! Pastor Ed

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

Kuwaiti Prime Minister to visit Baghdad next month

Kuwaiti Prime Minister to visit Baghdad next month 11/04/2012 12:00 am

Source �morning�: Maliki talks - Mubarak will yield for the closure of several pending issues

Kuwait - Sabah : Science "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," said Prime Minister of Kuwait Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah will visit to Baghdad next month. Scheduled According to the source Kuwaiti early to be holding talks "significant" between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and blessed.

source expected that the yield of talks between the two sides the closure of pending issues for years, paving to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.

's visit holy importance, especially after the decision to the Amir of Kuwait stop lawsuits against Iraqi Airways after a financial settlement between the two countries.

and State Department announced last week the closure of the case file Kuwait Airways finally leading to the lifting of all restrictions and obstacles International to build Iraqi Airways, as a statement from the ministry received "morning," a copy of it, that "Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari received a call from Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister stressed the consent of the State Kuwait to resolve the issue of Kuwait Airways, said after the Amir of Kuwait Amiri Decree to a decree law to approve the financial settlement reached between the two sides. " 

Sources: the three presidencies will determine when to hold national meeting

Sources: the three presidencies will determine when to hold national meeting 11/04/2012 12:00 am

Tuesday .. Vote on the law infrastructure

BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai : revealed parliamentary sources said the meeting of the three presidencies anticipated due to set a date for the convening of the national meeting likely to witness the coming period to hold intensive dialogue between the heads of blocs and political parties to review the attitudes and the results of the political movement and talks to reform committee, while sources confirmed itself for agreement almost first among the parliamentary blocs to vote on the bill infrastructure in session next Tuesday and move passage number of draft laws broken where Parliament will a meeting of heads of political blocs and committees before the start of the meeting to discuss the mechanism to pass laws broken and work the House of Representatives for the next period. said MP State of Law coalition on Alfalh in an interview �Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network� that most bills reached the final stages is scheduled to pass in parliament sessions next while will see Tuesday's session to vote on the law of infrastructure after reaching parliamentary blocs to deal semi first need approval important laws and broken and the arrival of the budget to the parliament, which would push cancel holiday legislative term until approval in accordance with the Constitution �.

added Alfalh that �extend the work of the parliament for the next period will give an opportunity for political forces to rectify the options and resolving resolutions and bills stalled and resumption of dialogues between the leaders of the political process to push for ending the crisis and return to the political process towards stability, indicating that the alliance had received positive signals from the parties involved in the political process and the exchanges between the speaker and the prime minister and visit the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad that send letters positive to succeed in the initiative of President of the Republic and a national meeting �.  

President's office denies that President Talabani suspended death sentence against one of the Arab countries prisoners

President's office denies that President Talabani suspended death sentence against one of the Arab countries prisoners 07:39 3/11/2012

Khandan : office denied President Jalal Talabani, to clarify the gain of the media to a parliamentary Iraqis saying that the president suspended the death sentence against prisoners of citizens one Arab countries, calling each of the issued or published statements have repercussions legal and political to be aware of the provisions of the Constitution and legislation in order to avoid misleading the public opinion at home and abroad.

The following is the text of clarification:

Media quoted an Iraqi parliamentarian as saying that the President of the Republic "suspended death sentence" against prisoners of citizens of one brotherly Arab countries.  

The highest power level processing power since 2003
Saturday 03 2012 15: 03 GMT

Zulal: The electricity Ministry announced Saturday, as the highest level of processing power during the past 24 hours since 2003 across the provinces of Iraq, indicating that processing hours during this period ranged from 20-24 hours.

The Ministry said in a statement issued today, and received "alsumaria news", as "the highest rate of processing power in the past 24 hours across the governorates of Iraq since 2003.

The Ministry said that "the number of hours for the Dhi and Kirkuk was 24 hours, Anbar, Najaf, Karbala, Missan 23 hours, and Saladin, Diwaniya 23 hours, Baghdad, Basra, Diyala, Wasit and Muthanna 21 Babylon 20 hours."

Parliamentary power: government commitment recommendations of the International Monetary Fund

Parliamentary power: government commitment recommendations of the International Monetary Fund Saturday, 03 November 2012 14:54

BAGHDAD / With: The Commission on oil and energy parliamentary commitment to the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund, which depends on the style of economic shock, but in turn bring huge revenues to the government.

A member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Qassim Mohammed Mchkta in an interview with the correspondent of the news agency the future Saturday that "Iraq needs to take courageous decisions, given that resources sufficient for all the people," adding that "the Iraqi budgets usually sort and acted and produced a deficit of Mali, in the last year Iraq had a deficit of 15 billion dinars, and this year will reach 18 billion dinars. " 

Parliament discussed at Tuesday's session next six bills and central bank policy

Parliament discussed at Tuesday's session next six bills and central bank policy November 3 2012

Agencies : parliamentary source, Saturday, that the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Representatives of 30 of the first legislative term for the third legislative year, which will be held next Tuesday, includes first and second readings of the six bills as well as discuss the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq.

The source said in a press statement that "the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Representatives of 30 of the first legislative term of the year legislative III, which will be held in next Tuesday, the sixth of this November, will include the first reading of draft legal Fifth Amendment to the Law Council of State No. (65) for the year 1979, and the leasing of agricultural land, "noting that the Parliament will be discussed during the meeting mentioned the policy of the Central Bank." 

Fayad: the draft law of oil and gas government more constitutional and legal

Fayad: the draft law of oil and gas government more constitutional and legal 03 November, 2012 12:08:00

Deputy Chairman of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Ali Fayad said a copy of the oil and gas sent by the government to the House of Representatives represents the best and most constitutional and legal.

Said Fayad said complications that accompanied the discussions intense that took place on this law in the oil and energy parliamentary led to the formation of a committee composed of six members imitators Chairman of the Committee and Deputy for Legal Committee parliamentary and the Presidency and the representative of the Ministry of Oil and Natural Resources to get out a unified position, explaining that the six-party deems authorize the ministers of oil and natural wealth establish appropriate mechanisms to push for the completion of the law by achieving some sort of balance and harmony between the interests of the province and the central government.

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We are Iraqi Dinar Investors who Tweet and blog the latest Dinar information gathered from public forums, chat rooms, and blogs.  Our Blog posts are e-mailed in this Recap Newsletter.  

� Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights Reserved   DISCLAIMER:  We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted or otherwise contained on or any Dinar Recaps Twitter account or Dinar Recaps email or newsletter or post or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website").  We do not endorse any opinions expressed on the Website.   Dinar Recaps is not a registered investment advisor, broker dealer, banker or currency dealer and as such, no information on the Website or Email newsletter should be construed as investment advice.  We do not intend to and are not providing financial, legal, tax, political or any other advice to any reader of the Website.  This site is merely for informational-entertainment purposes. It is not the purpose or intention of this site to influence any person to purchase or sell Iraqi Dinars or any other currency.  Do not buy, sell, trade or hold any Iraqi Dinars or any stocks, bonds, other currencies, or commodities based upon any postings or messages on the Website or referenced on the Website. You should seek and rely on the advice of licensed and registered financial, legal and tax advisors of your choice. The owners or operators of the Website shall be all be held harmless for any/all information posted on this site and Twitter account(s) and email newsletter(s). Any and all information contained herein shall be construed as "Rumor."  The owners and operators of the Website site shall not be held responsible for any information contained hereon including information provided by others.