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6pm, December 21st, 2012  


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Our Blog Posts
Friday BGG & Poppy3 Dinar Updates Call Audio Player
Friday Afternoon IQD/VND Chatter, Rumors and Opinions
Warka Bank In Trouble - Post By Dinar Vets
The IQD Team & LJ of LJ's Next Step Team~~Replay Conf Call Dec 20
Med & Member Chat - Post By GLK Dinar Speculator
Friday Morning Dinar Chatter
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 10am email
Friday 11am (ET) BGG and Poppy3 Updates Call
GET Team Member Chat
Late Thurs.PM/Early Fri. AM Dinar News, Rumors and Opinions
Live PeopleInvested Call Friday 1:05 EST with Millionday and Fresh
TerryK & GET Team Member Chat - Post By Alabamagal GET Forum
Med & Member Chat - Post By Ksdunlap Dinar Speculator
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in out 10pm email
Blaino Update - Emailed To Recaps
Disclosure Documents Discussion - Post By Dinar Alert
Tidbit Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Detectives
Maliki Blurring The Truth - Post By Dinar Alert
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Friday BGG & Poppy3 Dinar Updates Call Audio Player

27 Minutes

(in email, click title for Audio Player)

[dinofan] My sources tell me that the world actually ended this a.m. They are just waiting for the best time to throw the switch. Email to follow...

[spiritfilled] flashing booyah now it seems no one individual is to blame but the whole system is to blame and each country is or was making sure their part of the equaton is done right,,,hence in steps IMF and BIS with power to regulate this bowl full of ingredients to stir it up and bake it just right

[booyah] spiritfilled yes it really is epic history being made and kind of hard to grasp sometimes that we are a part of it

[spiritfilled] flashing booyah lt looks to me , and only my guess but it seems that the timing is now and we could see this any moment because this piece need to be put in place for ALL invloved, i.e. the whole world

[flashing] spiritfilled agreed anytime now :

[spiritfilled] booyah yes but i wll give Iraq credit . a little bit, they said in a press release that the country will recognize that Christains will be able to celebrate their holiday of that on Dinar me that is somewhat unbelievable

[Instigator] Just RV the VND and then we'll wait on the Dinar already.. I'm past impatient... All agree? Thank you...
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According to this article if Warka does not come up with 200 billion Dinars before the end of this month (10 days from now) they will have all of their assets liquidated by the CBI which has them in guardianship.

Central Bank Warka Bank choice between liquidation and payment of 200 billion dinars

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Central Bank Warka Bank choice between liquidation and payment of 200 billion dinars

The face of the Iraqi Central Bank, on Wednesday, warning liquidation of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance did not pay $200 billion Iraqi dinars before the end of this month.

The bank said in a statement that the Warka Bank for Investment and Finance and faced several problems and committed his administration numerous errors which summoned the Iraqi Central Bank to impose trusteeship and start serious act to liquidate him, Indicating that the major shareholders in the bank have offered several proposals for rehabilitation.

The bank said that he studied the options of liquidation and rehabilitation under very careful of depositors 'interests and rights, pointing out that he noted that the liquidation of the bank shareholders' equity exposure to risk.

The bank that keep the Warka Bank on this case is contrary to trends central bank in building a Iraqi bank Rezin and enhance confidence in him, pointing out that he decided to issue warnings to the Warka Bank until the 31 of December, the current, to be repaid as agreed to deposit two hundred billion dinars in the light of what has been meeting with him, otherwise, the central bank takes action to eliminate him.

The central bank announced, (26 June 2012), that the trusteeship committee formed to audit the accounts of the Warka Bank will distribute financial returns that you get from bank debt among small depositors, stressing that there are ten thousands of small depositors in the bank.

The IQD Team with LJ from LJ's Next Step Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Replay of Conference Call

Conference Call Replay - December 20, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#

Another Great Round Table Discussion
Last Night With:
Straight Talkin' Mike & L.J. of L.J.'s Next Step Team

Please listen to the replay in its entirety for all the
latest CBI, Economy and Government News from Iraq Enjoy!

The I.Q.D. Team's News Coverage
for Thursday, December 20, 2012


Damluji demanding the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank

Auspices of the Iraqi banking of three Arab banks
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GOP says to (09:23:15): I hope the people in the streets get some attention


GOP says to (09:23:58): You are right Med

[flashing] please don't pay attention to any negative news from Iraq

[ontime] flashing rofl do you have any idea how many stories the media in the USA told yesterday about our fiscal cliff? Talk about don't pay attention to the news rofl

[flashing] ontime right and as well said by Maliki and others the iraq media is making a drama of the situation over there. Do you imagine what would happen if the U S A report all crimes committed daily

redhead1] Flashing - what is your opinion of our overall status this morning and the possibility of seeing the RV today?

[Blessingsabundant] flashing What is the latest you are hearing about timing of RV>

[okrocks] Two good articles, And insanity in my chat room HAPPY RV TO YOU!!!

[flashing] okrocks don t pay attention to that

[best1154] flashing so where o where are we the smoke is so so thick, internationally and locally

[flashing] why i am saying don't pay attention to that. because there is a reason that i will show u asn

[spiritfilled] For those interested in the stock market, the futures are way down...looks like the market will fall at the up a little this am

[ontime] flashing I think we should all take a day, go to DC and take a switch to the behinds of every politician . Think that would straighten thing up? roflm

[Cyndee49] Oh where oH where could our RV be... oh where oh where could it be??? With the smoke so think and all the intel sick oh where oh where could it be???

[Blessingsabundant] flashing I know there is alot behind the scenes we are not aware of, but is there any hope of today? Banks being open will be a green Christmas problem.
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The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

The Iraqi Minister of Finance announces the arrest of all members of protected

A. St..: A declared Iraqi Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi that the force raid captured all his bodyguards and the 150 people in a way that is not legal. carried Issawi told a news conference held by the Iraqi List, Thursday evening Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki responsible for the arrest bodyguards and safety, and release .

Issawi said, I two days ago trying to contact the Prime Minister is not responding to my contacts telephone contacts Speaker, adding that "this act is acted gangs and not paid to the government." and called Issawi Prime Minister to resign because he did not act as a statesman and protects key ministry, He called the House of Representatives of no confidence in Maliki.

attended the press conference House Speaker Osama Najafi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, head of the Islamic Party Iyad al-Samarrai, a number of leaders of the Iraqi List and the ministers.
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Damluji holds the Iraqi government maintain safety deputy central bank governor

BAGHDAD : long demanded a spokeswoman of the Iraqi List, Maysoon al "release the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh" loaded with the Iraqi government is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the deputy governor of the Bank in particular, and he suffered a number of diseases. " said Damluji in a statement released by her office Media and obtained by ( Orr), a copy of "The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of efficient and figures far from all Mansp him of charges also can not be dealt with in this way," Damluji expressed deep concern about what is happening in the Central Bank of targeting cadres and professional competencies
Shahristani Office: Disclaimer territory agreements push the government not to reimburse companies

Alsumaria News : Baghdad regarded Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani, said Friday that "Disclaimer" Kurdistan for agreements with the central government paid to non-payment of dues of foreign companies operating in it, stressing that the non-delivery of the region to share assessments and corporate accounts violates Council resolution Ministers and Control Bureau. spokesman Office Faisal Abdullah said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "Kurdistan disclaim the agreements between the Kurdistan region and the central government, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers," noting that "Tanslhm for adhering to this agreement had not to surrender entitlements remaining territory. "

Abdullah added that "the agreements states that the territory delivered amounted to 200 thousand barrels per day from the first of November this year and delivery accounts for these companies to the federal government," explaining that "paid it is delivered amount 650 billion Iraqi dinars as a down payment dues was demanded by the region to foreign companies operating therein and which have been delivered to the region. "
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Kuwaiti Ambassador: Kuwaiti economic delegation of 50 businessmen to visit Iraq soon

BAGHDAD : Wayne announced Kuwaiti Ambassador in Iraq to the insured, there is economic delegation Kuwaitis component of about [50] businessman will visit Iraq with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, or beyond. said in a statement told all of Iraq [where], "The delegation Kuwaiti economist will activate the economic side with Iraq, because entering the Kuwaiti investor needs a suitable environment for investment, including security and the rest of the requirements. "

revealed insured for "the presence of Kuwaiti investments in Iraq is not visible, either by an Iraqi partner or legacy former property was built Hotels them by Iraqis in certain areas frequented by Kuwaitis lot. "

and was Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, said the Kuwait deal flexibly to help Iraq out of Chapter VII, "and expressed" his country's readiness to help Iraq to complete the outstanding issues between them. "
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MF: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves for the first time in years
21/12/2012 12:18 pm

And the independent press - Iraq (Iba) Follow-up : Iraq has taken the first big step in the years to strengthen its reserves of gold in the past few months to join other central banks of emerging market economies such as Brazil and Russia to diversify its foreign reserves. According to "the Reuters news agency."

The central bank purchases one of the main reasons behind the rise in gold prices since 2010, a year which saw central banks turned to buyers exclusive of the precious metal ahead for the first time in twenty years with growing doubts about the stability of the dollar's status as the largest reserves in the world.
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IMF: over the past three months Iraq strengthens its reserves of gold
21 December 2012 15:02

Iraq has taken the first big step in the years to strengthen its reserves of gold in the past few months to join other central banks of emerging market economies such as Brazil and Russia to diversify its foreign reserves.

The central bank purchases one of the main reasons behind the rise in gold prices since 2010, a year which saw central banks turned to buyers exclusive of the precious metal ahead for the first time in twenty years with growing doubts about the stability of the dollar's status as the largest reserves in the world.

The monthly report showed the statistics of the International Monetary Fund on Thursday that during the three months between August and October this year doubled Iraq balances of gold to four-fold to $ 31.07 tonnes.
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Central Bank puts the Bank 'across Iraq' under his tutelage
2012 - 12 - 21

Development of the Iraqi Central Bank Bank 'across Iraq' NCB under guardianship, which is the sixth action of its kind and the third within one year. Congress considered that step �frustrating for those looking to invest.

He attributed the central bank said in a statement, the decision to place one of the largest private banks under guardianship, owned by the brother of the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi, to �committed many financial irregularities.

He pointed out that �Pat trustee bank, who heads the board of directors morning Hashem Allawi, and has as its headquarters in Beirut and branches in the governorates of Iraq. The central bank imposed its guardianship and financial management on the Bank �Warka� Special March last, because �the lack of liquidity.

A source in the �Central� �life�, that the decision of the Trusteeship new right bank �across Iraq, based on the decision of the Board of Directors� Central �Adopted last month, according to the provisions of Article 40 of the Law on the Central Bank of Iraq.
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U.S. embassy in Baghdad: What's going on between Iraqi politicians is an internal affair and President Obama did not call Balisawi
Friday 12/21/2012 10:38 am

Denied the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad announced by the Information Office of the Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi that U.S. President Barack Obama telephoned Balisawi against the backdrop of the arrest of an official and a number of his bodyguards.

The embassy confirmed that U.S. President not being any contact with any Iraqi official, indicating that what is going on between Iraqi politicians internal affair ..

A source in the office of al-Issawi said that Obama asked the Minister of Finance on the subject and circumstances.

Download and finance minister, the leader of the Iraqi List, Rafie al-Issawi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki responsible for the arrest of his bodyguards, calling on the House of Representatives to activate censure him, "and urged Maliki to" release the detainees be protected immediately and apologize and resign. "
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Maliki accused by some politicians fabricating crises and warns of playing the sectarian card
December 21 2012

Alsumaria News / BAGHDAD : accused Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Friday, some politicians fabricating crises when any action taken judicially or non-judicial, and warned against attempts to play the sectarian card to achieve political goals or personal, pointed out that the designation of state institutions as militias not worthy of who occupies "a great location" in the country.

Maliki said in a statement issued by his office, today, and received "Alsumaria News" version of it, that "some politicians used to fabricate political crises when any action taken judicially or non-judicial," noting that "based on warrants issued by the Iraqi judiciary has strength of duty police arrested ten people from the protection of the Minister of Finance after checking their identities and are now in the custody of the judiciary. "

And warned Maliki "attempts by some to play the sectarian obnoxious to achieve political goals or personal and resort to this tone abhorrent whenever action was taken or obtained is not like them," stressing that "the Iraqi people tasted the bitterness of this intriguing and paid dearly and can not go back to it" .
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Smeisim: the fall of Assad influence on Iraq economically
December 21 2012

Twilight News : Iraqi economic expert called for measures to avoid potential impacts on Iraq in the event of the fall of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, noting that it is possible interruption compensation Syrian agricultural products through the activation of "agricultural initiative."

Safety Smeisim said former economic expert at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in an interview with "Twilight News" that "the most prominent potential economic impact on Iraq in the event of the fall of the Syrian regime relating to the itinerary of import and export goods."

"And because Syria is witnessing a constant state of chaos, it will mark first threat to the movement and the mechanism of doing business, in addition to providing a new environment for smuggling and trading of illegal trade, as well as the risk of currency smuggling and human labor and increased demand for exchange in general, particularly in the areas border. "
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The below posts were in our 10am email


Streaming Updates Call

Dec 21st (10am CST) with BGG and Poppy3

Just click on the "Straight Talk Radio" banner @ and listen!!


8:46 AM [duffy2] This is some very promising information. Oh, please "Let it Be". If the youtube video doesn't come thru, there is a link below. At last the pieces are fitting together.

 Now, as Treasuries need resolution, information exchanges are taking place. Now, we all need each other, so truth is leaking. As always, once it becomes multi party dependent, finding the real access point is the key. What we have ONLY established today is as follows:

 * The RV's have to be ready to underpin the new Dinar Market Exchange Rate by 21th December, for launch on the following (24th) Monday which, is not a Holiday in the Muslim world. Even more so, Iraq has to be underpinned by a new Treasury Bond launching early February, Dinar based.

* Bernanke is fully behind it now playing Catch Up.

* The money from the Global Settlements has to be used to underpin the release of the Dinar Exchange over the next week. Which means, the GS is critical each day now, or it has knock on consequences for the RVs next week. If not accomplished, the Iraqi Bond market will fail. The GS has to go first, before the RV's, this having only been established today. No one seemed to know that.


trcattle07] it's the end of the world as we know it!

[redhead1] Wow - we are all up early - are we waiting for the end of the world - fiscal cliff - RV - let me guess - RV.....hope we see it today

[ok rocks] MY 12 DAYS OF RV -by ~nk On the twelfth day of RV, My dinar forum gave to me, Twelve doomers dooming, Eleven preppers prepping, Ten wanna-be's-posing, Nine bummers bumming, Eight lurkers lurking, Seven shills-a-shilling, Six links-not-working, Five good votes, Four hammer posts, Three BS flags, Two good articles, And insanity in my chat room HAPPY RV TO YOU!!!

 [..buddydog] of interest: Iraqi Sunnis accuse Maliki of crackdown, tensions flare Sunni leaders in Iraq accused Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of a crackdown on Friday after troops detained a Sunni minister's bodyguards, triggering protests in one province and threatening to reignite a crisis a year after U.S. troops left.

 [xyz] Iraq's finance minister demands PM's resignation Iraqi Finance Minister Rafa al-Essawi demanded that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki resign after a "militia force" allegedly raided the ministry and detained its guards on Thursday. Essawi's remarks may reignite a long-running feud between the secular, Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc, of which he is a member, and the Shiite premier. "I call on the prime minister to resign,
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Live PeopleInvested Call Today 1:05 EST with Millionday and Fresh:

Come join us for a live call to update all our friends in the dinar community on the latest developments with the IQD.  We plan to cover a lot of exciting things and may open the lines at the end for Q&A. Feel free to post any questions you have in our official call thread at 

This call will be recorded and we will post the mp3 when we are finished!

Conference dial-in number: (209) 647-1600
Participant access code: 201783

Playback number: (209) 647-1699 (after the call)
12:31 AM [alabamagal] (*)    11:25pm cdt 12/20/2012 [11:32:17 pm] toni (toni1960): on another call 5 in a row all kinds of info i have a rv its 33' long anyone want to buy it gets 9 mph mpg

[BamaSteve] thylacine Only thing i saw of interest today was Okie's chat.

Really bama

[Gullwing] hey hey ghost and what did okie say nothing
[BamaSteve] What time is your flight?

[terryk] early why bama
[terryk] that"s what i have been doing  did not know i had this much junk with me  boehners plan does not have enough votes  now i was not kidding  tomorrow is the end of the world as we know it  we are looking at a new start with the fed reserve  duh  so keep your eyes open tomorrow] ok

[terryk] just telling you all  tomorrow is a big fricking day  watch  it"s what i am not spose to chat about  but i gotta let you know  it"s a big friccccckiingg day
[dkg]     will you not get in trouble saying just what you have shared?

[terryk] same type of info  ok all i just got another call  grrrrr  again told to shut up
[Gullwing] we will wait
[terryk] so with that i"m shutting up  i have not said anything yet dkg  good night  god bless
[dkg] Thanks
[terryk] go rv
[Gullwing] gn ty
[terryk] later all



tdk: no i understand

tdk: i don't blame you

 busman: Sources (UR): Barzani, president of Iraq and al-Maliki has favored!

busman: did you post it?


busman: well i have been trying to try new techiniq, and still have arabic

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The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
MP Dr Mohammed Kayani denounces arrest of protection Issawi without a warrant

Denounced member of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr. Mohammed Kayani do armed force arrested individuals to protect and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi as if they had been without a warrant, calling political parties to unite to put the political process on the road of democratic right.
said in a press statement: "What is happening in Iraq today, especially incident arrest individuals protect Issawi betrays that there is no state law, but there is a state militias and squads torture and terrorism, and what we hear about through the media of violations shameful as rape of women in prisons can not be accepted in a democratic state and AVI state claims it is based on religious grounds, these practices are the ugliest what we can expect in the new Iraq. "


Start a campaign to raise the concrete barriers in the areas of Baquba

Alsumaria News: Diyala announced Diyala province, on Friday, the start of an extensive campaign to raise the concrete barriers in the city of Baquba and its suburbs in cooperation with the security agencies, adding that the lifting of barriers is evidence of the return of security and stability.

said Diyala Governor Omar Humairi in an interview for "Alsumaria News", The "conservative started toward actual implementation of the first phase of the campaign called it a tender to lift concrete barriers in the center of the city of Baquba and the editing (4 km south of Baquba) in addition to three of the major neighborhoods western region of the city a retail and and teachers," noting that "the campaign carried out in collaboration with the security forces of the province. "


Mutlaq poses initiative calls to guarantee the independence of the Iraqi judiciary and address for anyone who wants to revive the sectarian
Friday, 21 December 2012 11:41

BAGHDAD / obelisk: ask the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Iraqi List, Saleh al-Mutlaq, Friday, initiative called through to ensure the independence of the Iraqi judiciary and address for anyone who wants to revive sectarian, but he returned to looming failure to respond to his initiative to invite the Iraqi List, to withdraw from the government and the House of Representatives and the political process, describing arrest of members of the Protection and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi unfortunate thing.

Mutlaq said in a press conference attended by "obelisk", that "the arrest of individuals to protect and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi is unfortunate and thoughtless action" and called for "solving problems and accounting of the arrest Issawi protection."

Mutlaq revealed launch the initiative included "Confirm ensure the independence of the Iraqi judiciary under the supervision of all the political blocs and address for those who wish to revive sectarian project" waving in the event of failure to respond to the initiative of inviting "the withdrawal of the Iraqi List, the government and the House of Representatives and the political process."
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The below posts were in our 10pm email



Blaino: BAGHDAD - The president of Iraq is in a coma after suffering a stroke, sources tell Fox News. Jalal Talabani's health has reportedly deteriorated significantly, and The Associated Press reported his medical team is attempting to stabilize him. Reuters reported Talabani is in "critical but stable condition."

Talabani, a rare unifying figure who is seen to rise above the country's ethnic and sectarian fault lines, has been actively involved in trying to mediate an ongoing crisis between Iraq's central government and the country's Kurdish minority.

The spokesman, Ali al-Moussawi, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is at the hospital where the president is being treated. Doctors have not decided whether Talabani will continue to be treated in Baghdad or will be flown to another country for treatment, he said. He was unable to provide further details.


TLAR:  I find it very interesting that all of these accusations about Maliki are coming out at this time following the arrival of the international community to protect the bank. 

To me it is starting to look like a well-orchestrated  movement that is now receiving leaked documents of all kinds of  meant to incriminate Maliki and the SOL and erode their base.. 

We know the CIA and intelligence community are knee deep in Iraq.  I personally believe that someone has given the green lite to destroy Maliki.  There is just too much leakage in the last two weeks about him to just be a coincidence.  

Whoever thee powers are, they have decided to get rid of Maliki.  I think behind the scene, everybody is involved both within and without of the country..


12-20-12 Unirod: There are probably agreements on the part of the CBI and GOI in regards to investment and Banking Laws that needed to be passed in a timely fashion. I find it hard to believe that the major shareholders were negligent on making a major equity risk deposit of 200M USD.

That's simply a drop in the bucket for these guys. There is too much not said in this article that makes me suspicious of the CBI. Warka is still opening accounts and conducting business as usual, which if they were completely untrustworthy, then why would the CBI allow them to stay open?

There must be a serious battle going on behind the scenes that will forever change the private banking system in Iraq IMO. This should be my 1000k post Hooorayyyy!!


TLAR:  It looks as though the SOL, the biggest crooks in Iraq, is scrambling to control or influence these investigations.  They want the investigations limited to corruption only by Shabibi and Saleh.  Unfortunately for them the international Community says they are going to investigate "all the corruption".  This is an argument the SOL can't win. 

They know they will be exposed and it's driving them nuts.  They have totally lost control to the UN.  I believe this is all part of the plan to expose these clowns to theft, corruption and embezzlement., all of which they are guilty of.   I've said this before, "Maliki, don't you just hate a paper trail?"

 "For his part, said a member of the Finance Committee for the coalition of state law, "the Secretary Hadi Abbas" that the team UN can not bypass the government, and that its mission is limited to fact-finding if the issue has affected the bank itself or not; because it reflects the general economic situation of Iraq.

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Iraq finance minister says staff members kidnapped
4:24p.m. EST December 20, 2012

BAGHDAD (AP) : Iraq's finance minister on Thursday accused a "militia force" of kidnapping members of his staff and said he holds the prime minister personally responsible for their safety.

Finance Minister Rafia al-Issawi leveled the charges just hours after Iraq's ailing president was flown to Germany for medical treatment following a stroke. The 79-year-old president, Jalal Talabani, is widely seen as a unifying figure who is able to rise above Iraq's often bitter politics and mediate among the country's ethnic and sectarian groups.

Al-Issawi made the accusations in a late night press conference, where he called on the parliament to hold a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's Shiite-led government.

The move is certain to enflame Iraq's simmering political tensions, which have been heightened since an arrest warrant was issued against one of al-Issawi's political allies a year ago.

Al-Issawi is a member of the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc, al-Maliki's main political rival. He was flanked during the televised address by senior members of the bloc, including the parliament speaker, Osama al-Nujaifi, and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, who last year branded al-Maliki a dictator in a TV interview.


Obama makes a call to Essawi in response to the arrest of Essawi's head of his guards
20/12/2012 21:50:00

Baghdad (NINA) : Source at the Media Bureau of the Finance Minister's Media, Refi al-Essawi, said that the Minister received a phone call from US President Barak Obama, in response to the arrest of the head of Essawi guards' force.

The source added that Obama enquired from Essawi about the case and its complications.

Meanwhile, the source pointed out that the US Ambassador to Iraq, Robert Beecroft, visited Essawi and informed him that the US Embassy has protested to the Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, about the incident.

Earlier in the evening, a military force raided the office of the head of the Minister's protection force; while the Minister was in his office at the time.


December 20, 2012

Iraq: The Iraqi government approved an investment project for the construction of a private free-trade zone south of Baghdad in efforts to boost the country's economy.

The Ministry of Finance's General Commission for Free Zones "approved two requests submitted by a group of local investors to set up a private free-trade zone on an area of no less than five dunams (12,500 square metres) in the area of Uwaireej, south of Baghdad, to be used for commercial activities", Sabah al-Qaisi, the commission's chairman, told Mawtani.

"This investment project will be the first of its kind in the country," as no free-trade zone area was ever set up by the private sector before, al-Qaisi said.

The project was approved "in accordance with the instructions and guidelines stated in the Free Zones Law No. 3 and after extensive studies of its economic feasibility", he added.

Al-Qaisi said the investing parties will prepare special project designs by contracting a consultancy bureau, and then submit these designs to the Free-trade Zones Commission for approval in order to start construction.


December 20, 2012

Iraq: INGRA has signed HRK 8.6 million worth project that will during the 6 months period include the vibrations' elimination, and increased temperature regulation on Hydro Power Plant Dokan generators (5 x 80 MW) in Iraqi region Kurdistan.

Apart to this internationally financed contract and potential new affairs at HPP Dokan, INGRA is expecting a few employments on some other hydro power plants in Iraq, in which INGRA could utilize its year's long experience and expertise in field of power supply.

According to the 2011 contract, INGRA is currently refurbishing turbine, generators and related equipment of Unit No. 1 on HPP Haditha (6 x 110MW) - the second largest hydro power plant in Iraq, build also by INGRA during the 80's.

INGRA is successfully operating on Iraqi market since 1964 when it opened its subsidiary office in Baghdad. During the period of almost five decades of its presence on this market, INGRA was the leading partner in implementation of power supply projects, food and building industry.


Najaf chamber of commerce inaugurates mediation office in stock market
Friday, 21 December 2012

Najaf (AIN) : The Najaf chamber of commerce inaugurated a mediation office in the stock market at the headquarter of the commerce chamber.

The Head of the Najaf chamber of commerce, Zuhair Mohamed Redha, stated to AIN ''The chamber of commerce concluded a contract with Sidqa al-Wafa company, the representative of Atlas company for finance mediation, to inaugurate an office for the stock market in the chamber of commerce.''

''The chamber of commerce aims through this gesture to revitalize the economic situation in the province and to urge businessmen and investors to participate in the stock market which will contribute in developing the performance of the private sector,'' the statement added.

Click for Link


Russian President Putin: Iraq cause of our disagreement with the U.S.
Thursday, December 20 2012 16:35

Baghdad: Euphrates News: said Russian President Vladimir Putin that the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States began when the dispute over Iraq.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with reporters, Thursday, in his reply to a question on relations between Russia and the United States of America said that Russian-American relations marred to some extent, the dispute over Iraq.

He explained: our relations (with the U.S.) natural and good, and relatively spoiled because of that we had a different position from Iraq. Thus began the problems. "

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