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6pm, February 3rd, 2013   


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Currency Exchange Information
Sunday Afternoon Dinar Chatter
Cruiser and I4U Members Chat, Advice, and Rumors
News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Sunday AM
The below posts were in our 11am email
An Early Morning Illumination - Post From Dinar Vets
Admin Shredd & Member Chat - Post From BondLadys Corner
Kaperoni Explains Free Float - Post From Dinar Alert
Late Saturday Night Dinar Chatter, Thoughts and Rumors
Flashing and I4U Members Chat Saturday Evening
Wxman Shares Bank Story - Post From Dinar Detectives
Recording Link & Replay #'s PeopleInvested Call Saturday with Millionday, Fresh and Many Guests
OCrush Update at PeoplesDinar Forum Saturday Evening
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Dinar Recaps will be Emailing to all our subscribers the currency exchange information within 15-30 minutes of it being released AFTER A RV.

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[WILDDUCK] Jester hi

[Jester] WILDDUCK quack quack... lol

[WILDDUCK] okrocks so are we done yet?

[okrocks] WILDDUCK well I dont about you but I am! rofl

[WILDDUCK] okrocks whats the rate?

[okrocks] wildduck wont say

[WILDDUCK] okrocks yup you can sitck a fork in it, it is so done

[okrocks] the rate is what it is rofl and itsssss so over done you CANNOT stick a fork in it

[okrocks] time for a duck smack... doneium

[spiritfilled] WILDDUCK Good your word down Doneium...thanks

[spiritfilled] WCW hey brother ready to see the doneium

[WCW] spiritfilled yes i m ready
Read More

[cruiser] See we are having another useless discussion as in free float or managed float. IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!!!

[Digs] cruiser i don't care what type of float it is... i just want to cash an an Float Out Of Da bank with my Stamped Deposit Ticket In hand,,,,, lol

[greasee5] cruiser love the conviction!

[misskitty05] cruiser why doen't it matter?

[greasee5] Jester gm again, quiet today?

[geoworld] pmw1973 Remember what Tony says --The first mouse gets the trap-- The second mouse gets the cheese and the third mouse gets the cheese Package

[Jester] greasee5 watching... nothing else to say...

[cruiser] misskitty05 because the denominations that we own wiil never hit the street.

[moonchild] guys, the rate and the type of float it will or will not be, makes no difference. These are things we have no control over and they will be what they will be. We will just deal with whatever they are when the RV happens.

[deb2blessed] Cheese factory!

[blessedandhighlyfavored] geoworld roflmao roflmao You mean cheese factory!!

[misskitty05] cruiser ohhhh... you mean once collected they will not be recirculated and thus will not decrease the value of IQD value out there
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grandmajudykay] This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Good morning all.

[cashinqueen1] here we go again ... Abbas al-Bayati rules out vote on the budget this week. 03/02/2013 12:51:00 BAGHDAD / NINA / The MP, of the Iraqi National Alliance, Abbas al-Bayati ruled out the vote on the budget of 2013 in the sessions of the House of Representatives this week.

[cashinqueen] Jester the budget push.... this sounds like a typical sunday into monday again :-(

[Jester] cashinqueen not happening...

[jetpack] Jester what's not happening??

[cashinqueen] Jester the budget push.... this sounds like a typical sunday into monday again :-(

[TexasMom] That article just says they are making some amendments to verbiage. Don't sweat it peeps!

[Jester] cashinqueen i think you will be surprised then... lol

[jetpack] That's one article saying not but there's 4 saying they will keep faith
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The below posts were in our 11am email


Posted Today, 09:46 AM    By  "Vintage" Dinar Vets

I drive a truck for a living and have over the 15 or so years. I have been driving and found that when I least expect it but am just cruising down the highway with my mind open and being in the moment I will suddenly get the answer to a question or situation that I have been troubled about.

Well for the first time I had that kind of thing happen in regards the dinar. There is nothing to prove it is true or real, but in that moment it made perfect sense to me and will share what I "saw".

I am neither a financial wizard nor knowledgeable in economics, just an ordinary working person who is hoping like the rest to retire and have time to enjoy grand babies and an easier life :)


[Shredd] ok, so i have a topic for discussion what denominations are the reserves in, dollars or dinar

[lightingcslt] Shredd dollars

[Shredd] ok, bring in your supporting proof

[tlm724] Shredd that exceed (70) billion U.S. dollars.

[Shredd] tlm724 tyvm

[lightingcslt] Economist: crisis regions of the dollar and the euro will not affect the value of the Iraqi dinar Follow-up - and babysit - ruled out economic expert Abdul Sattar al-Hashemi, influenced by the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar fluctuations in global markets in America and Europe.

Hashemi said: The Iraqi dinar is immune from the global economic crisis will not be affected because it covered with large cash liquidity of hard currency that exceed (70) billion U.S. dollars.


[kaperoni] Ok, I am going to explain a big piece of the puzzle

02/02/13 [kaperoni] Ok, I am going to explain a big piece of the puzzle ...It's time to show you facts that this will be a free float.

[kaperoni] Some months ago I showed you quotes and articles from documents.   Quotes such as...

[kaperoni] "He Alkrasna adopt all of Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania and Sudan system "floating orbit of exchange", where value is determined currency in the market, according to the forces of supply and demand,

and the government to intervene when necessary to re-route the exchange rate, in line with a set of criteria including the status of the current account and currency reserves foreign, depends both Egypt and Yemen floating exchange system."


[hub] capt ron more than ever...........flashing in the last post above stated he was told it happened thursday,,,,thats exactly what my contact said and he has nothing to do with any chat, blog, or anything,,,,,his is professional opinion.............

[hub] i misspoke,,,his is not opinion, its his biz to know

[capt ron] I spoke on the phone yesterday with someone from intel4U.....she has a contact at the US Treasury....

[hub] capt ron all ears

[911gts] we in the money soon

[capt ron] ...and that individual is saying 'done'.

[capt ron] There are at least five streams of info (that to me appear to be independent from one another) saying that the rv has occurred but has not yet surfaced at our retail level.


flashing] good news : Iraqi economy in the world's fastest-growing at a crossroads

[flashing] another one: EU amends Iraqi sanctions: Specific restrictions on economic and financial relations with Iraq

[flashing] Now the rumors , again the rumors - not facts or my opinion-

[flashing] some sources as well as dealers insisted the rv already occured. they have saying that since Thursday. they said they are just waiting for the international release. again those are rumors rumors rumors.

[gsp4] flashing Thank you, good to hear some dealerS are insisting.

[flashing] rate on the vnd between .27 and .57. however some sources said the rate will be the 48 cents u saw a couple of weeks ago. again rumors

okrocks] flashing well then it should show up now... and banks on monday good rumors

[flashing] iqd rate will be as per rumors within the range previously informed to u. becareful with ur decisions on the exchange process. and be careful to whom u trust here on the chats or outside of them. there are some people just creating their downlines for their business after rv.


2-2-13 Wxman: Last year I posted a bank story from the main branch of Chase in N. CA, where the private banker rep handed me a leatherette portfolio for private banking after I completed a wire transfer to purchase Dinar.

When I asked him why he would hand this to a customer who only had $200.00 in their bank, his supervisor told me, "We value and appreciate your investment." That was a huge vote of confidence for me.

Today ( Friday 2/1/13) I was checking on my Safety deposit box at the main branch in another N. Ca town. After the completion, the young male attendant asked if there was anything else he could help me with.

I reminded him that I was in his branch a year earlier to have a sit down discussion with his branch manager regarding our speculation.


Playback for PeopleInvested Call Saturday with Millionday, Fresh, and Many Guests

We had a great call Saturday afternoon with Fresh, Millionday, AZGhostHunter, and Robinredhed. There are a ton of exciting things discussed on the call and a lot of late breaking news with a few surprise guests in Q&A!  Big shout out to Kaperoni for joining us as a guest later in the call - Fresh lost connection as he was trying to follow up with comments and questions so we will try and have him back in the future as a guest at !


Playback number: (209) 647-1699
Participant access code: 496903#

138 Minutes


From: Ocrush
Date: February 2, 2013, 2:22:35

Hello PD family, This is in reference to iraqs accession to the WTO. There are major movements for Iraq to be accepted into the WTO. They already are obsevants but it seems they will become full members. For this to happen they need to be released from chapter vii and have an international traded currency. This will also allow iraq to move into the IMF'S Article xiii. The WTO is moving forward to allow Iraq for accession. I know how important facts are to our members so the link below provides that.

Please read:
2ND Paragraph
It starts with:
While foreign exchange questions.................

In conclusion we are almost there. They need to have an international currency to be a full pledged WTO Member!

Cheers To All

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