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11am, February 9th, 2013   


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Our Blog Posts
Stevel Update - Post
Comments To Shredd Chat - Post From BondLadys Corner
Ocrush Update - Post From Peoples Dinar
I4U Members Chat, Rumors and Opinions Friday Evening
The below posts were in our 6pm email
Friday Afternoon Dinar Chatter
Okie Update From DebTarHeelGirl Friday Afternoon
Sean Shares His News - Post From Recaps Comment Section
Admin Shredd Chat - Post From BondLadys Corner
Belecosity Shares His "Plan" For Protection
Friday 7pm (ET) Pastor Ed's International Prayer Call
Late Thurs.PM/Early Fri.AM Dinar Chatter
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Dinar Recaps Weekend Email Schedule


Update for Saturday February 9, 2013.

 My contact just called and said he will calling me and sharing what the results of the vote is. Yes it is in the middle of the night for me. Please watch this post as I will keep this updated. So yes they are voting on the budget.Steve

  Greetings Members,

I think this week was a great week regarding news and the progress. Ray and I have spent many hours talking to our contacts and verifying the news being reported. After reading may articles, we both came to the very same conclusion, do not believe everything you read.

Many articles on this forum are causing a lot of confusion. For all of you members, I do take the time to read each and very one of them, and I truly thank you for doing that

Please remember, Ray and I are not physically in Iraq so we have to rely on my partner in Iraq and other contacts, plus all of Rays contacts he has reached out to and has come very trust worthy.


This post is  made  with questions & comments in reference to the  Admin Shredd Chat earlier today - We have included the link  for easy reference :

Admin Shredd Chat LINK

BLC MEMBER TO SHREDD:  I would like to add something to your chat when it comes to deleting the zeros.

As investors the only thing we care about is the value of the dinar * it rising to a buck or more.

When it comes to deleting the zeros that part (which would be step 2 of the proses the first would be raising the value). So If as investors we only care about the value where does the deleting the zeros come in?

For us as investors it does NOT come into play, Because the deleting zeros is only on the streets of Iraq.

You ask what am I talking about here, Well deleting the zeros is take the remaining zero notes off the streets of Iraq. this part real doesn't mean anything to us because 1 we are not in Iraq & using our notes to buy every day stuff 2 when we decide to exchange our dinar we will be get U.S.D or another currency or ever gold or silver.


Post From PD By HAUS

From: Ocrush  Date: February 8, 2013, 2:30:37 PM CST

Subject: Update   Hello my friends,

I am so sorry for the delay. I feel bad for my cousin but he truly is a trooper. The bloc leaders are working very hard to get the budget in place for a vote. They had closed door meetings today with absolutely no media.

Technically, the budget is done but we think it's a timing issue for the vote to take place. We all agree the budget will pass. Even UN's JAPU put out their primer budget statement on January 24, 2013 with a footnote that the budget will pass sometime in the beginning of February.


 [FLPatriot59] Good evening friends. Any updates?

 [1biz4u] FLPatriot59 hello Jester said everything lining up!

 [FLPatriot59] 1biz4u Apparently!

 [BLESSME] FLPatriot59 I thought you were bringing the updates

 [FLPatriot59] BLESSME My contact is on lock-down.

 [misskitty05] FLPatriot59 maybe that's a good sign

 [FLPatriot59] misskitty05 I do believe so!

 [BLESSME] FLPatriot59 sorry since when? What was the latest?

 [FLPatriot59] BLESSME All day, since late last night.

 [owl] FLPatriot59 FLPatriot59 I'm of the HUMBLE opinion that the US Treasury 'regularly' has locked-down shifts -- SECURE facilities are prevalent these days!

 [FLPatriot59] owl Well my source isn't with the UST.

 [BLESSME] FLPAtriot59 must be close. praying can you share the info you received before lockdown

The below posts were in our 6pm email


DebTarHeelGirl: Well its another weekend - and its going to be a good one - BLESSINGS to each of you and again KEEP THE FAITH do not be sad another Friday is upon us and no Exchange yet - All things are being worked out for our security and as Okie says, we are closer than a band-aid on our skin... It's all good - so rejoice knowing our SUDDENLY is upon us and will manifest!

[sailman] WCW How is the day shaping up ?? Just WAITING I guess -- ME contacts say to just CHILL and all will be good

[WCW] sailman that s all we can do

[2012jesus] historian and dan saying this ,,, Iraq Isn't Rv'ing Because the World Isn't Ready

[findmoney] There is obviously alot of stuff happening in Iraq we have been waiting for , thats good. But now its all over the MSM about curruncy wars to devalue in the Industrialized countries. To make exports cheaper

[burk50] Let us see Jester,WCW ,WD Mystery lady,TerryK ,Blaino MarkZ and several others think we r close

Midnight Blue] My contact just sent me the folowing short e-mail, "Cash-in Dinar should start early part of the coming week!!!!


UPDATE on OkieOilMan  February 8, 2013 - 3:00pm EST

 GLORY TO GOD the power of corporate prayer - never under estimate the power we have when we pray the prayer of agreement - GOD IS SO GOOD!

 I just spoke with Okie - he got a great report via his physicians today from the 3 days of hospital testing.  NO NEGATIVE REPORTS came back at all... the results show the issue they found medically can be taken care of totally with a series of medication therapy!  PRAISE JESUS WHO BORE THOSE STRIPES FOR OUR HEALING!.

Okie is still very weak and its going to be a long recovery according to the doctors BUT GOD AMEN!  Lets continue our prayers for strength and restoration. He graciously thanks each of you and is massively grateful for your prayers, love and support.  Okie states he hopes to be well enough soon to visit his room and thank you hisself.




sean said: I am posting this in hopes that it will be seen and reposted everywhere.

I am Sean. I'm an invester in the Dinar. I have interesting news. I have a new friend, who is C.E.O. of XXXXXXX Gold and Silver.

He told me last night that the Dinar is already exchanging at a high rate in China FOR GOLD. He tells me that he and all his investors are firmly convinced that the World's Monetary Reserve is about to switch to the Chinese money because it is backed by gold, and that the Chinese have revalued the Dinar at a high rate in advance of the U.S.

He told me that my dinar is all that will save me when the $$ collapses soon. He is looking to help me cash in now. We shall see if he can. Folks, the Dinar is real.


[Shredd] tlm724 I was talking to a friend of mine a few days ago who is invested and we were talking about the different scenarios regarding long it could take to start to pip, how long to rv, how long to float and how long till we would cash out some or all of our dinar.

As I was talking it through, I remembered something which is easy to forget.............the lower denoms printed from back in 03.

[Shredd] even though we read that the removal of the zeros may not happen until next year, that does not mean we won't see movement in the rate  also....

we know the current two language dinar will coexist with the new three language dinar for a period of 10 years


Post By Belecosity From Dinar Vets

Hey All,

This is the first time I have every posted on any Dinar board before. Give yah a little backround, I have been invested in the dinar with close friends for a few years. I'm sure everyones got a great story as to how they got invested and the circumstances surrounding their decision so I'll spare you.

Since Iv'e been invested I threw the Dinar in my sock drawer and never though about it until about a month ago when I felt an exitement about this thing really happening.

So i began reasearching not as much from a point of, "how soon!!!!!", but from more, "what am I going to do when it happens". I am fully assured that the Dinar will take people from rags to richs and zero to hero, so that is not my concern I leave that to God. So I have urgency, but it's based on following biblical principles of a good stewart.


At the international prayer call helping folks spiritually is what we are all about.  Seeing and feeling the touch of the Holy Spirit is what we bring forth in every call. 

WE are so excited that so many come in and receive their healing from God. To God be the glory. Perhaps today is your day to receive yours, wont you join us at 7pm est time tonight.

530-881-1400   406878#
530-881-1499   406878#  (after the call) recorded version

Come be part of a miracle healings call and feel the touch of God. Lets take our minds off this blessing and reach out for alll todays blessings God as for us.

God Bless - Pastors Ed & Kat


[nancee10] Jester good Morning

[BLESSME] Jester any news from wildduck

[mailboxmoney] so are we excepting it today?

 [calibeach] The Chinese love the number 8 and especially in double didgets so who knows maybe today? I'm sure it's not just up to the Chinese though. Remember the Beijing Olympics they started on 8/8/08 at 8 min. 8sec, after 8:00. :)

 [Digs] Jester what's the latest IQD or VND news ---(please) - i have to run back out soon to battle the super market crazies... (getting hit with snow storm ugh)

 [Jester] we need scotty the miracle worker to get the warp drive back up and running... lol

 [burk50] Jester u were on phone guess I missed discussion of China and yr of the Dragon playing into this possibly ,can u please refresh a bit of discussion please thx

 [jamajacks] burk50 No discussion...calibeach made a statement about it...ask her.

 [calibeach] burk50 year of the Dragon, the #8 both favorites of the Chinese---grasping at straws, who knows? rofl

 [SGD3] burk50 What does the year of the dragon have to do with this?

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We are Iraqi Dinar Investors who Tweet and blog the latest Dinar information gathered from public forums, chat rooms, and blogs.  Our Blog posts are e-mailed in this Recap Newsletter.  

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