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6pm March 4th, 2015     


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International Prayer Call Wednesday Night 7pm est

530 881 1400    406878#
530 881 1499    406878#   recorded version

Great Speech by PM of Israel, warning the world of another very bad guy. I pray folks back Israel so you are on the front side of Genesis 12:3 not the back side.( I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you). Land of milk and honey on front side, chaos and craziness on the back side with confusion and missed direction.

Some get this and others wander around in chaos. I pray eyes are opened and hearts are touched. Join us tonight Shalom Shalom 63 healed of cancer now from this call

God Bless

Pastors Ed & Kat

Thanks Dinar Recaps for your support for the community



LOOK at The CBI and GOLD!   LOOK at The BONDS!!   LOOK at SECURITY!!!

These THREE are being introduced to You today with more depth and clarity.

THIS type of information is NOT given up by GOICBI that easily.

The Lava Flow of The MR right now is a 10 Foot Wave !!! 

KTFA  Frank




aggiedad77 � March 4th, 2015, 1:31 pm 

Wednesday News Summaries and Commentaries

More news today about Tikrit and how well the Iraqi forces are working together to "tighten the noose" in that area....President Masum is in Erbil...but PM Abadi is not....the CBI may be working to increase gold in their reserves basket almost daily....

Dr. Saleh has stated that the CBI actions are NOT the cause for the dollar rise against the dinar.....Iraq is working hard to figure out ways to pay the international oil companies for their work...currently owing them over $20 billion dollars since 2013....

CBI announces that much of what is heard about private banks being a problem is false, that the CBI works very closely with them to assure their success.....tariffs are working at the borders it seems....poultry taxes are in place at least with Turkey...funny haha....I know.



So on Monday 03/02 out pops news as announced from the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, on Monday, the deletion of zeros existing project, as pointed out it was given the green light for its implementation, he stressed that this process will be preceded by the administrative and regulatory processes.
Alak said in a press conference held at the bank building and attended by Alsumaria News ,

"The project to delete the zeros is based was put into practice, and we gave the green light to start with," noting that "The project needs a period of time may extend to two years or more."

So to me this sounds all wonderful and I have to tell you I have been waiting now impatiently for this announcement. But is this message from the proxy governor of the CBI or is it coming from direction of Dr Shabibi, who we know is working in the background?


The Big Call - Recording Link and Replay #'s for Tuesday Night 03-03-15

The Big Call - Recording Link and Replay #'s for Tuesday Night 03-03-15


Playback number: (559)726-1159
access code 123456#

136 Minutes

The Big Call



(Thank you George for emailing this to Recaps.)

UU3033 - "Just How Close Are We?" by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Just returned from a week long wonderful winter vacation in the USA. This year Meine Kinder wanted to come to visit USA and see Disneyland. It was a fun filled trip. I was amazed on how it has changed and enlarged since I was a kinder. As you know I am originally an American citizen and so is Meine Hubby. So we met relatives in Florida and visited with them too on this trip. Of course for Meine Hubby and I were in it mostly for the warmer climate and not so much the Micky Mouse

Let us review what has happened this last past period and in this ongoing saga of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. Please read the past news letter dated 2/20 (LINK) to better understand this news of today.

Today's News

Today is already Wednesday March 4th  and still no RV.  Why?



Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues/Intel

G T:  March 4, 2015 at 8:56am I thought we were Done with These Clues.....Well Here we Go!!

Wednesday Morning Clues

We're Looking to see the results of retaking Mosul (is THIS THE NEXT EXCUSE Because This Location will take a LONG TIME & A LOT OF MONEY/RESOURCES.....Which alone Iraq may not have W/O A Revalued Currency)

EVERYTHING IS DONE REGARDING The Economic Reform & The Public Revaluation

The below posts were in our 10am newsletter
All major global banks now meet Basel III requirements

The world's 224 major international banks now meet the risk-based capital requirements under the tougher Basel III banking regulations and have further narrowed the shortfall in capital required to meet targets for 2019, according to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).

The Basel Committee, which sets global standards for banking supervision, said the aggregate shortfall for the 98 largest internationally active banks relative to the 7 percent target for common equity (CET 1) in 2019 amounted to 3.9 billion euros as of June 30, 2014, down from a shortfall of 15.1 billion as of end-2013 and from a shortfall of 485.6 billion euros on June 30, 2011.

In comparison, these 98 banks - known as Group 1 banks with Tier 1 capital in excess of 3 billion euros - had total after-tax profits prior to distributions of 210.1 billion euros in the six months ending June 30, 2014.

The I.Q.D. Team Connection with Straight Talkin' Mike, L.J., Diana, Debbie & Kimberly
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

What a Great Night of News & Discussion with Straight Talkin' Mike & L.J.

"THE I.Q.D. Team Connection" - Connecting All The Pieces

Millionday News 3/3/15  Part 2

Welcome to for News Time with Millionday!

preacherman: Does this all mean that we start with a float? Then move up!?



Millionday: TWO HANDS


Millionday: WHOOPOW


FrostyTheSnowman � March 3rd, 2015, 11:46 pm 

KTFAlways CC notes 3 March 2015

BIBLE STUDY - "Straighten Out Everything" - Philippians 3:12-21


FRANK:  Tonight ... I've called in all of our teams.

We need to talk to you about what happened yesterday.

The MR for the IQD has been done in 4 stages.

We believe we are in the final stages right now.

Millionday News 3/3/15  Part 1

Welcome to for News Time with Millionday!


Millionday: al-Hashemi said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Dr. Ali Keywords: the auction constant currency did not stop, but what happened is a change in the method and mechanism used in it, noting at the same time that there is coordination between the central and private banks to launch loans for small and medium enterprises. 

He said a number of media, including the "morning" that the currency, launched 10 years ago auction was one of extraordinary measures to maintain the stability of the exchange rate and


Mike     Boy, I take a couple of days off and things start to really take off!  I may stay gone for a bit longer......   :)  Thanks for the article, Kap.

Iraqi Central Bank announced on Tuesday that he gave the green light to direct the implementation of the deletion of zeros from the currency, pointing out that it takes two years. 

Alak said at a news conference, child "Light News," that "the file to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency is put into effect, and the World Bank gave the green light to implement it."

He added that "the completion of administrative matters on this file will take two years," adding that "the Bank began creating models of the new currency."    LINK

--" We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid "  Benjamin Franklin

The below posts were in our 10pm newsletter
From Recaps Comment section:

Dinar Angel14   03/03/2015 4:01pm  Just got back from a bank run to Chase to make normal deposits this morning. While I was there, I asked the teller to please check her screen to see what the Dinar, Dong & Zim rates were showing at.

 Normally, the current low rates were what was visible, but today, the Dinar which was assumed to have RI'd in country yesterday, (Sun 3-1-15), was showing a blank screen.

When we heard last Tues (2-24-15), that the Zim had revalued in-country, the next day I checked at the same branch & their screen showed blank as well for the Zim rate.

What I am assuming from this is that they can no longer post the old rates as they would be inaccurate and they cannot post the new rates as they have not gone public yet.

Tlar & Members News With Discussion & Comments - Thoughts & Opinions

    01 March 2015 19:19    Baghdad (AIN) - The Parliamentary Economy Committee Discussed With The Head Of The Iraqi Securities Commission Activating The Commission's Law 

 A statement by the parliament received by AIN "The Committee headed by MP, Jawad al-Bolani, met with the ISC's head where they discussed activating the law of the ISC."

tlar    Here is  the commissions law for those interested. 


The continuous development requires interactions of human life in applying the ethical practices of community and professional behavior. hence laws, rules and regulations are established to Facilitate these reactions.

Dinar Afternoon Drive Call - News w/ BGG - Tuesday March 3rd, Audio Player and Replay #'s

Dinar Afternoon Drive Call - News w/ BGG

Tuesday March 3rd, Audio Player and Replay #'s


760-569-7699 pin# 398647


(In Email Newsletter, click blue title for Audio Player.

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We are Iraqi Dinar Investors who Tweet and blog the latest Dinar information gathered from public forums, chat rooms, and blogs.  Our Blog posts are e-mailed in this Recap Newsletter.  

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