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11am, April 8th, 2012  


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Our Blog Posts
The Dinar Recaps Team would like to wish our Readers
NEW Dinar Recaps Page - Iraqi News Recaps
Hammerman CC Notes - Post By Leo GET
Generals Update From MIG Chat
8Ball Focus On Iraq Chat
Bulldog Update - Post By Dclawson OOM
Vic1 OOM Chat
Poppy Update - Emailed To Recaps
Bulldog & Vic1 Update - OOM Chat
Emailed to us by BK
Prayer That Brings Miracles
The below posts were in our 5pm email
Soonerfan62 at 3sintel chat Sat. Afternoon
8Ball's Focus On Iraq Chat
BLUEDOG'S Update 4/7/2012 2:48:18 A.M. (ET) emailed in by Stev
BLUEDOG'S Update 4/7/2012 2:48:18 A.M. (ET) emailed in by Steve
Things from Dinarland for Sat noon
Handling Sudden Wealth & Five Major Pitfalls
Handling Sudden Wealth & Five Major Pitfalls
Valuable Security Tips...13 Things Your Burglar Won't Tell You
© Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights Reserved

The Dinar Recaps Team would like to wish our Readers a
Happy and Joyous Passover and a
Very Happy Easter
this weekend.

There will be NO 6pm Dinar Recaps Email Newsletter tonight, Easter Sunday.  Please check our BLOG page directly throughout the day and evening for all new posts.


Iraqi News Recaps

Dinar Recaps has received many requests to cover more Iraqi news stories.  

We have now started a new page on our site with all news stories.

CLICK HERE for the page.  You will also see the page listed on our page menu below the large picture on the top of the website, below "Home" on the left side, Iraqi News Recaps.

(Comments are open, and will be posted after approval.)

NOTE: News Stories on this new separate page will NOT be included in our Email Newsletters.


[mickeyfan] HM INtel: got info weds or thurs night and sat on it

[mickeyfan] late last night got phone call that they had indeed put a vote of no cinfidence againbst Maliki with conditions

[mickeyfan] if he plays nice and RVs before Weds then he will have lifetime safety for hima nd his Buds\

[mickeyfan] they will exile in Germany or England

[mickeyfan] if he doesnt behave, the sanctions will be swift and severe.. he will be aggressively pursued

 [mickeyfan] S & M will do the final phase of live rates within the next couple of days target: [mickeyfan] they HAVE to tell ya to let it go at the end [mickeyfan] will be almost insantaneously 30 second to a minute


9:17 AM [generals64] tdooly:...I was asked not to nd if that will help this happen then I won't...I Love you guys even if you get mad at me....Kinda like a daddy and his brood. Happy Easter from me, my wife and Roscoe and my kids....keep a sharp eye but, A clear mind...Clear mind....Later....

9:18 AM [generals64] tomorrow I will be in full lose or draw.

9:19 AM [generals64] Roscoe discovered an Easter Egg yesterday...(real one) he bit into it and got mad at me...Seems egg shells are hard to get out of your mouth if you're a dog
9:26 AM [generals64] last post then Church:....My Garden has 36" plus tall Tomato Plants....with Tomatoes on them...I have Brocolli already Growing as is the Asparagus.....We have so much lettuce we could bale it like hay...the Strawberries are made now they need to ripen. The Onions are going crazy....this is a weird Spring that has not sprung yet...


8ball chat - Maliki is trying to replace Shabibi quickly......

crank777 - I think.... Maliki is out, RV Monday and we may see it Tue.

 8ball - can't wait I know somethings up   Shabibi is trying to do his job

 crank777 - Are you hearing this as well?

 8ball - Maliki wants to replace him just the news says there is something up

 crank777 - way!!

 8ball - we'll see ...I thought by Tuesday it would be done Obama called Barzani to Washington   Maliki must meet with Barzani and Talibani





[15:41:55] pastorb to vic1: so are the codes showing 752 or 525?

5:45:44] JudahTribe8 to dinarmama7: question: Who sees the swift code or MT752 here? Do you see that? us 'little' folk are not going to see thisare we?

[15:48:11] vic1 to pastorb: I do not represent a bank to disclose that! I just brought in My Knowledge!

[15:48:42] HeavenOnEarth to dinarmama7: yes and yes. What Vic1 said about code...does the codes read the 525 or 725. someone else asked vic that question too.

[15:50:11] vic1 to JudahTribe8:     The question is WHO...see's that correct! The BANKS....The Traders...The Financial Investment houses...that you will use to cash your DINARS! The People that will convert your Dinars to Dollars if YOU chose!


[6:44 PM just got a very interesting call from a source with 9 years exp. At researching iraq prior to and after the war.

They are sharing with me they think we can and will see a rv on monday of this coming week?? I can't at this time go into their reasoning but will say they where very convincing to me that they have some details that are not and have not been mentioned in public at this time.

I am still going to stand aside all this weekend and take an Easter break from spending the majority of my time on dinar news. Love to you, special family .

And stay prayed up. Bless each of you and we will see how accurate he is come monday night. Poppy3


   [13:54:09] Bulldog75:   WE WILL BE SEEING A MINIMUM: 525...........

 [15:32:07] vic1 to dinarmama7:   I saw a post from Bluewolf! He was correct in the fact that the 525 is not as he suspects to be the rate!

MT codes are very clear...there is NO...MT525! The MT 527 as I told many is TRIPARTY COLLATERAL INSTRUCTION!

The 7 in front of of the 52 is all together different! That now is avery serious MT (S.W.I.F.T.) Code!

The MT752....That is what we are looking for...IMHO! MT 752...means AUTHORISATION TO PAY, ACCEPT OR NEGOTIATE!!!

Now with this code...We ARE COOKING WITH....CRISCO!!!



[1biz4u] ..CAP1 Good Evening! Will chapel open after closing?

[xxxx] 1biz4u - I BELIEVE SO.


[sonnayhwh] xxxx - Heard the Maliki got a vote of no confidence, is that so?



[churchlady1]xxxx Do you still think there will be 3 baskets? and how will we know if the room is going to open back up?

[xxxx] churchlady1 -YES
Read More


(This Easter Prayer is from our friend Lexie)

Prayer That Brings Miracles

This is one of the Best prayers I think I have ever read. PRAY THIS PRAYER OUT ALOUD, DO IT NOW!!! IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE. I started not to do this, but as I read it....I understood God to say, 'You need a miracle tomorrow'. So here goes...Prov. 29:25 you never know When God is going to bless you!! Good things happen when you least expect them to!!!!!!!!

Read More for Prayer

The below posts were in our 5pm email


2:20pm CDT 2sIntel [soonerfan62] Good Afternoon guys, just wanted to come in and say   and Happy Easter to you and your families.

We all remember the story of Peter and the Wolfe when we were kids and I will just say this "Listen to Peter"... Thanks Later


8ball - cosi may have found the article which explains why there was no cash at the CBI auction
8ball - Hmmmmm

cosiangel -moh good *ball..glad ot see you! *Ball

 8ball - Sudden rise in US dollar prices in Iraqi market
4/4/2012 5:11 PM

BAGHDAD/ Aswat al-Iraq: US dollar price increased in the Iraqi market in a sudden move to reach 122.6 dinars for each dollar, while the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) announced no sales of foreign currency unless it received a tax clearance from the company and the documents for covering trade remittance.


Hammerman] 4-7-2012 WELL hello freinds ,, alot of movmemt ,,good movement i think we still looking good for an anytime rv ,,[[[[SOON]]] ,,

i feel before tuseday nite late ,,, my kwt contack calles at 1:15 last nite an told me indeed they voted no comidence on malki thats is why balizonie was here in the usa ,, also states if no rv before weds he is out with nothing[[ no safety net ]] if we do rv before then they will give him afew days jusy to dissapier slowly ,,,

still cant nail down the .n/c ,,but i feel it done totaly imo ,,, ,,so we are in a great spot lets roll this rv in a simlple thought i do feel the rv buttom was pushed afew days back imo ,,,, live ,,,,love ,,,AN learn ,,,,

also smile to a stranger today spread some love ,,A smile does so so much to britten the world


4/7/2012 2:48:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

The GET Team

Hello Everyone,
Remember 4 or 5 days ago I sent out an article that the streets of Iraq are still barricaded and that security was still HIGH......
and the Iraqi people did not understand why............
the Summit is over......
But the barricades remain in Baghdad...
and even MORE so.....
until something MAJOR takes place.....
we don't know what those details are.....
also the National Conference which will expose Erbil cannot come out before the RV.....
because it will expose the Rate..................
I have always said that the RV has to happen B4 Chapter 7...............
the authors of the PLAN want Maliki in there....
with full power.....
till this is done.........
so no National Conference to be Exposed to the world until the Rate...............
Now an Article stating what the inflation rates are today.....
is Bogus....
Shabibi is sweating and nervous .....


BigCallShay] Remember all The Big Call will be on tonight and tomorrow night at 7pm est, 760-569-7676 pin 169061#. Hope to see you all there!

[lgtennis] hey my friends!!! I have come out of my shell again. Happy Easter my sweet friends. You guys are going to be so happy lets leave it at that. Can't say much, just agree with okie

[.weaver] The Iraq Budget posted in Newspaper It is now a Law


Rick 152Please allow me to try and help... A lot has been said about the "baskets" of currencies. Some conjecture, some rumor, some fact.

What we have heard and read is that the world is moving to (lets say) commidity base Or more like a gold based standard. Where currency "value" for different countries would be based on the REAL value of the said country. This has been talked about in the news. ex. The value of the dollar has help because of assets, production and, workforce.

If and when this "realignment" of currencies (I am sure) does happen. Some up, some down and, others will not move at all. As far as to which and when each "basket" will fit? All that we really know is that it is possible to come out in baskets. But they may do the entire thing all at once. I am very sure that these adjustments will come but, there are not many people that you, I, or many peeps that happen to these forums will ever know until it is over. 

Not that it is impossible for someone here to have real knowledge but so
unlikely! We will all find out together when all is said and done, otherwise
speculators would be going nuts and have a very unfair advantage.Hope this
helped in some way.



Handling Sudden Wealth
Handling a Financial Windfall Successfully
Many Lose It All
The Seven Step Plan
Owning Responsibility
Step Back
Choose Your Path
Find Out Your Financial Position
Advisers and Gatekeepers
The Plan

We recently had wealth consultant Cynthia Kostas from Houston, Texas back as a guest on the MaxOut Savings Show on 1070KNTH to discuss the many ways of dealing with sudden wealth be it be IRA rollover at retirement, an inheritance or winning the lottery. 


13 Things Your Burglar Won't Tell You - Post From Karen's Perspective

One of the best lists of crime prevention I've read. No wonder - it comes from a police department; talk about an experienced resource.

Thanks to my good friend Arminda Lindsay for forwarding this. It actually comes from Sergeant Butch Clark of the Orange County Sheriff's Office in Hillsborough, NC.

Read and be safe.

1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new refrigerator.

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We are Iraqi Dinar Investors who Tweet and blog the latest Dinar information gathered from public forums, chat rooms, and blogs.  Our Blog posts are e-mailed in this Recap Newsletter.  

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