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6pm, August 21st, 2012  


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Our Blog Posts
Randy Koonce Update - Post By Leo GET Forum
The GateKeepers Team CC Info
DinarLand Tidbits - Post By Dinar Detectives
FootForward On the Big Call Tonight and in Intel4UChat Tues. PM
Mailman Chat - Post By GLK Dinar Speculator
Thoughts and Opinions from Intel4U Members Tues. Afternoon
Tuesday 9:30pm (ET) BGG's Dinar Update Conference Call
Dan's/Checkmate update for Tuesday afternoon
The IQD Team~~Conference Call Tues Aug 21~~8PM~~Latest Iraq Dinar RV News~~Its All Good
Shasta7 and 3SIntel Members Chat Tues. AM
Tuesday Morning Dinar Chatter
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 10am email
Pdreher States Major Components of HCL - Post By BrunetteGranny
Marksman Offers Word Of Caution - Post By BrunetteGranny PTR
The posts shaded in green...are on our Iraqi News page
Article Title
Article Title
© Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights Reserved

Randy Koonce Update - Post By Leo GET Forum

8-21-2012 Randy Koonce: Nothing will happen until Talabani comes back. Najafi, Talabani, Maliki and Allawi need to be present to set up the new government. We're waiting for Talabani to return and for a National Conference. This is event driven, not date driven.

I think once Talabani returns, we'll have a National Meeting and the RV will happen right after. As far as the rumors about people who have already cashed out, that's the biggest bunch of garbage I've ever heard. Don't listen to that nonsense.

When Talabani returns they will have to show the Ministers (which must be done publicly) and the power sharing by law must be in place. Once that is done this should be over within 5 days tops. If you think you can guess the timing go for it but you won't get it right. Sit back relax and wait for the event (National Meeting) to take place. I do think Obama needs this for his election.

The GateKeepers Team CC Info

The Gatekeepers Team Conference Call Tuesday @ 8 pm est 8/21/12

Skype:skype:freeconferencecallhd.7676 or Call (760)569-7676 Pin: 378652#

DinarLand Tidbits - Post By Dinar Detectives

8-21-2012 Freebird: Like everyone else, I'm thinking we may have a real breakthrough when Talabani returns. He's leaving Germany in good spirits after a successful surgery and receiving constant updates on the resolutions the blocs have reached.

It will be official once he returns and then bingo... a National Conference finally!! I still think September will be our month as I've said all year. Keep the faith.

8-21-2012 Dan (PTR): I'm hearing that we'll see it before September 1st. I don't believe this just from experience. I am still encouraged that this is not going backwards.

I know it's about to revalue but I also know that it could go into September. If you own dinar, don't get out, it's going to take place. I still believe very strongly in where we sit, but I don't see it in the next 30 days.

8-21-2012 Milndollarbabe:
Iraq has been added to the treasury boycott list. Meaning they are not being boycotted against, they are being added to an alliance of countries banned together to protect sanctions and boycotts as a unit.

Joined with Kuwait, Saudi, Quatar, this was added a couple of days ago. I'm thinking this was a proactive measure to keep Iraq in line.

FootForward On the Big Call Tonight and in Intel4UChat Tues. PM

The Big Call at Tuesday - 6 pm cst - with Foot Forward 1-760-569-7676 pin 169061# Call will be recorded 1-760-569-7699 pin 169061#

[Shuttles] footforward Nice to have ya back!! Settle in, get some coffee, and tell us some good/great news!!!

[footforward] Shuttles not much to tell. most of what you see is smoke

[1blessed1] footforward have you had any success re canadian banks

[footforward] 1blessed1 not to the level i would like but that will come post rv

[geterdone] footforward I think tensions are high all the way around..... hopefully things are getting ready to pop.

[andisgram1] footforward Are you comfortable with where we are? Do you have any thoughts on Med's post on recaps?

[footforward] andisgram1 ya and i'll cover that tonight on my call. just easier to explain

[annabelle] footforward At times it's hard to understand all the stuff out there. Is this tied to Iraq or out of their hands IYO?

[footforward] annabelle out of their hands




[stlou] ***yes


Thoughts and Opinions from Intel4U Members Tues. Afternoon

[Josey Wales] like all of the sites....the info has dried up, and not many are discussing the latest news.......also...things have been hashed and rehashed over and over....there really is not much else to we keep each other grounded until we hear updates......

[OKMama] Josey Wales I am actually encouraged that there is no "new" news. This tells me that we are there, it is done, and we are just waiting.

captaincaveman ] Intel on Iraq issues and banking issues are all done. Everything is finished in that aspect. We are now waiting on other situations to be resolved. Matters of national security and security of the region around Iraq

WCW] i had rather have no intel than to have a lot of BS that s not true

[cruiser] Interesting turn of events today in the Market. Nasdaq hits 12yr high. SP hit 4 year high. Dow hit a 4.5 year high. Then opps. Time to SELL. Do not think people will like the fed minutes tomorrow.

[ready4riches] cruiser iyo what does this all mean? what is fed minutes?

[cruiser] ready4riches fed minutes were from their last meeting as the end of July. What makes it important is that we will see and hear if the FED is really going to announce anything soon or at least see if there is some sort of plan. Does it affect the RV, No. But what it will do is bring the markets down.

Dinar Updates Mod Call

Tuesday Night 8:30pm CST

530-881-1400 pin# 231766

Dan's/Checkmate update for Tuesday afternoon

Update Call w/ CheckMate 760 569 7699 187369#

MP3 Freeconference playback Link 18 Min 

The IQD Team~~Conference Call Tues Aug 21~~8PM~~Latest Iraq Dinar RV News~~Its All Good

The IQD Team
Investigate, Question, Deliver
Conference Call
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 8PM EST

Join us tonight as we continue our mission to Investigate, Question & Deliver the "Straight Talk" with all the UP TO THE MINUTE IRAQ NEWS related to Iraq, Dinar, RV & Our investment..... Pre & Post RV.....Followed by Live Q & A

Call in Number: 760-569-7676 Pin 769478# or
Back Up 760-569-7676 Pin 712222# (listen only)



Please Remember to Click on the"CC NEWS ARTICLES" Tab
On our website
Approx. 5 Minutes Before the CC Tonight...
And Then Click on Today's Date
So You Can Follow Along With the News!

The IQD Team
"As Always...All The Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News
and More...Pre & Post RV...Followed by Live Q & A"
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 8PM EST

Join us tonight as we continue our mission to keep the Dinar community informed with the "STRAIGHT TALK" Truth and the Facts based on the News

Shasta7 and 3SIntel Members Chat Tues. AM

shasta7: NO one I believe is going to have an advantage over others... think of it this way... IF a huge whale who has billions of dinar gets the highest rate given... then why wouldn't the Groups get that as a Large combined group? Remember Banks are for the most part GREEDY...

shasta7: I personally feel we all need to take advantage of these bankers as it may be the only time in history we will... (they would do it to us if they could) this time the tables have turned... just mho

shasta7: I think we all need to understand that just about ALL intel comes from three sources... Bankers, Gov't (agency's), or Media... - ALL 3 I do NOT trust!!! .... I believe in the RV & think we are very close... IRAQ can not go much longer in current situation

Tuesday Morning Dinar Chatter

[Papa Bear] I have been waiting on New Guru with a shined Guru decoder ring to enter the scene but seems there isnt any. May be a should bring out SON LITTLE BEAR AND LET HIM SPREAD HIS CLAWS

[blessedandhighlyfavored] "We've got enough noises coming out of governments and central banks to suggest they are going to do something, they just need to figure out how to do it". If that statement is not positive, then I do not know what else to say!! We are waiting on the big boys to do this thing!! A hit dog will holler

[cruiser] Why is everyone going to the safe havens and hard assets in the market? 1.77T in treasury's yesterday. Gold up 4 days in a row. Silver almost at $30. Oil approaching 100. Hmmmm

[trex] Gold +17.10 + 1639.30, Silver +.42 = 29.23

[2012jesus] cruiser iraq wants oil at 103.00

[captaincaveman ] Cruiser China injecting record breaking amounts of liquidity into economy on speculation of US recovery

[cruiser] captaincaveman Seen that lst night. Good catch!!

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

Oil Expert: Intransigence between Baghdad and Erbil cause delay oil and gas law .. And will begin soon with the assistance of the Federal Court and the United Nations

Oil Expert: Intransigence between Baghdad and Erbil cause delay oil and gas law .. And will begin soon with the assistance of the Federal Court and the United Nations 21.08.2012

Baghdad (news): attributed oil expert Hamza jeweler, delay enactment of the oil and gas to the intransigence severe between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, confirming the existence of any obstacles in the articles of the law. said jeweler (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: The Federal Government submitted a draft on oil and gas law and the Kurdistan Regional Government also submitted a draft of the law and when examining drafts turns out that drafts identical (80%), but as a result of the intransigence between the region and the center last legislation law. , and added that both the center and the region believes that the draft presented to him, correct and both of them looking for special interest to his government, and not for the benefit of Iraq in general, prompting the postponement of the law. said: that the draft submitted by the federal government is close to the logic corresponding to the interests of Iraq in general. pointed out: that the solution to the crisis depends on the agreement of the parties before the Federal Court and the United Nations which will crisis soon . and between Jeweler: that all oil experts have studied the Iraqi drafts, and found that the two approaches drafts some (80%), a percentage that promise resolve the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil.

Ihsan al-Awadi: draft rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers completed .. And sent for a vote

Ihsan al-Awadi: draft rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers completed .. And sent for a vote 21.08.2012

Baghdad (news): A member of a coalition of state law the National Alliance MP Ehsan Awadi, from the end of the writing of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers of the final draft, noting that the security ministries will be resolved after the feast. said al-Awadi said in a statement (of the Agency news): After the launch of the Alliance National reform project and the formation of negotiating committees things started moving toward a truce and agreed, noting that the political blocs working in a realistic manner away from the political intolerance. , and added that the follow-up to the numbers of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers has completed the draft and sent to the Council of Ministers for the purpose of the amendment and then vote on them.  

Dry: Talabani is determined to raise the political parties in preparation for the meeting of national
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

BAGHDAD - and babysit : confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ashwaq dry torque President Jalal Talabani collect all the parties at the same table in preparation for the meeting nationally.

The Dry told Radio (public opinion): "The National Anakadalagtmaa or not, depends on the willingness of the blocks to highlight the real intention to solve the problems, as many of the parties expressed their willingness to achieve radical solutions and start a new page in the political process."

Deputy for Iraq: a new political meeting in Najaf or Erbil to determine the final guidelines for the interrogation of al-Maliki and submission of the application

Deputy for Iraq: a new political meeting in Najaf or Erbil to determine the final guidelines for the interrogation of al-Maliki and submission of the application 21.08.2012

Baghdad (news): MP for the coalition in Iraq and Walid Abboud, that the parties (Arbil _ Najaf) will meet after the Eid in Erbil or Najaf to put the final guidelines to question the prime minister, adding that the national meeting just procrastination and "numb" the time will not work. said Abboud statement (of the Agency news): The national meeting just waltz time and anesthesia will not work because it will not hold and will not solve the outstanding problems between the political blocs. added: that the parties (Arbil _ Najaf) would meet after Eid in Erbil or Najaf to determine the final guidelines to question Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and apply questioning. , and MP for the coalition in Iraq: that the mass is moving toward gathering information that will question the Prime Minister to the lack of feasibility of the National Congress and reforms. , and was a member of the Kurdistan Alliance MP / coalition blocs Kurdistan / Rh g Mahdi, declared that the political blocs which met in (Arbil - Najaf) will renew their meetings after Eid al-Fitr to find solutions to the political situation. said Mahdi in an earlier statement (the news): The reform paper prepared by the National Alliance did we receive until now been amplified for the sake of falling the other parties about its position on the real reform , indicating: that the parties (Arbil - Najaf), but did not stop her meetings and consultations it would renew its meetings after the Eid holiday to find solutions to the current political situation.

Jawad Albzona: There are a political consensus to resolve differences .. The atmosphere became adapted to hold a national meeting

Jawad Albzona: There are a political consensus to resolve differences .. The atmosphere became adapted to hold a national meeting 08/21/2012 15:32:34 Tuesday

Baghdad (news) : Take independent MP inside / National Alliance / Jawad Albzona, the current atmosphere suitable to resolve the political crisis by holding national meeting.
said Albzona in a statement (of the Agency news) to: a political consensus among most of the blocks on most of the points of disagreement, unlikely to be able to political blocs of resolving all differences. between Albzona: the political situation, and quiet media political, are opening for a national meeting, in the presence of understandings and consensus between the political blocs, calling to expedite the convening national meeting. was President Jalal Talabani has renewed his call during a speech on the occasion of Eid mushrooms to meeting national and stop all media campaigns mutual and stay away from the speech convulsive. , and among the last few days have seen the beginning of "the decline of the state of crisis," stressing the need to resort to the Constitution and the Convention of Arbil and eight points in addition to the reform paper.

Economist highlights feasibility of measures taken to face rise in Dollar price

Economist highlights feasibility of measures taken to face rise in Dollar price Tuesday, 21 August 2012 10:21

Baghdad (AIN) : The economist, Basim Jamil Antoine, stressed that "The measures taken by the Government will participate in limiting the rise in the US dollar price, yet they need long time."

He stated to AIN "These measures are related to the general economic situation in the country and the control procedures as the Central Bank of Iraq cannot decide since there are many economic and security sides that the Bank should cooperate with to face the high cost of dollar." 

Baghdad and Erbil: Maliki prefers (dictatorship) that runs a divided country

Baghdad and Erbil: Maliki prefers (dictatorship) that runs a divided country Tuesday, August 21 2012

Le Monde: To what extent can the dispute between Iraq and Krdstana that up?!, Clashes between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and the President of Iraq's Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, where escalated since the withdrawal of U.S. forces at the end of 2011, which led to speculation about the announcement of the establishment of the State independent Kurdish.

The occurrence of an armed conflict between Iraqi government forces, and the forces of the autonomous region, "Peshmerga" is certainly not a hypothesis can be excluded.

One of these examples of the current tensions, occurred last month when the banned Kurdish Peshmerga Iraqi army national access to a disputed territories, which were seeking to cover the area militarily in anticipation of tensions border as a result of being a region adjacent to the Syrian border, and confirmed Iraqi source that Kurdish authorities seeking illegal to buy anti-aircraft weapons and tanks "with the help of a foreign country," he said. this to point accusing fingers to Turkey, which supports Iraqi Kurdistan, in its dispute with Baghdad. 

The below posts were in our 10am email
[captaincaveman ] hello all. Already lots of good news articles this morning

[mbillions] captaincaveman Do share...

[captaincaveman ] ol.More proof of hidden QE3? FIRST QUOTE IN THIRD PARAGRAPH

[captaincaveman ] China's injecting record amounts of liquidity into the economy

[Stitch] captaincaveman very telling. I truly believe we are at an "any moment" time in this they say, timing is EVERYTHING!!! Lol

[cruiser] Hi and good morning everyone!!! Busy day. Real Quick : Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity After Rigging Scandal .

[cruiser] Watch the Markets today. Stimulus Hopes will bring it on the upside. Lot of talk about Global Stimulus this morning. Gold is moving higher. All good signs. USD 82.04 still above 80.



31 Minutes



    aj4now: guess, I am embarrassed....I don't know
    Ranjoesgirl: I'm not sure either Med

    junebug: Iran?

*) bluedog 9:50 pm cdt 8/20/2012

[9:51:08 PM] toni  (TONI1960): [bluedog] Important sbject

[bluedog] ��� 095.html Maliki government looking for how to stop the news agency Buratha for publishing news Source: Maliki government looking for how to stop the news agency Buratha for publishing news 08/20/2012 AD - 2:31 p.m.

A source familiar with the Maliki government is trying by all means to stop work and news agency Buratha through published reports on terrorism and rampant corruption in the country in addition to reports that criticize the government's performance and shortened disgraceful against the Iraqi people.

[rightontime] BWM BWM - your thoughts on Canadian dollar?

[BWM] rightontime it's a little frenchy... but you know the color scheme works I think.. kinda kitschy

[BWM] rightontime ok but seriously... I am interested to see what effects a downgrade of our economy might have on canada... hopefully none since they have proper backing for their currency

[dietcokeandice] BWM what they don't just print money for the want to

[puppygirl] BWM However, when the big guy next door goes down, it is easy to get sucked down with the wave created.

[BWM] dietcokeandice crazy ppl... actually have things to back their currency... what a concept huh

[BWM] puppygirl that's one theory.. OR they could rise with the opportunity within the closeness of "border purchases"...

[cruiser] highlander65   Here's the Goldman Sachs article: .

dealdoctor] Hey guys...that article about Goldman Sachs and the fiscal cliff was a wowser. I agree cruiser and Jeff we are about to see a big adjustment in the market. There was the dot com bubble, then the housing bubble and we are about to see the banking bubble burst. It will be a mother IMHO

[steveg] Jeff ok but here is my question; these analysis get paid to be right in there opinion of the market place. They get paid by clients that invest in their recommendation. Why is it that very few predict this big change. These guys would lose credibility thus clients.

[MtnStar] dealdoctor and NASA is predicting solar flares that can knock out the electric grid - change is coming - and ultimately it will help to readjust - I am hoping for the RV to get myself into a sustainable position and set a new parameter of living for children & grandchildren

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Parliament is preparing to interrogate al-Shahristani, after the feast and the Committee on Energy recommends his dismissal
Tuesday, August 21 2012 10:51

Ambassador: News: Iraqi parliament is preparing to grill the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani after the holiday on �corruption in contracts for electricity file�, while Al �life� that �the report of the Committee on Energy recommended his dismissal�.

Iraq has been a severe shortage of electric power, since at least the rate of supply for 6 hours a day. Iraq needs to more than 15 thousand MW, while the production of the Ministry of Electricity ranging between 500 and 5300 MW.

She deputy �Kurdistan Alliance� Dry longings that �interrogate al-Shahristani, who attends months ago, does not include two and a half years of age, but the government includes open file electricity during the past nine years�.


An adviser to Maliki: commercial cooperation with Iran Exposed known and less than the allowable limit
Tuesday, August 21 2012

Ambassador: News: He media adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister, on Tuesday, that the trade cooperation between Iraq and Iran open and known to all, and less than the allowable limit, and as he emphasized that Iraq is committed to international resolutions in this regard, he noted that Iraq pursued an independent policy in the region according to its own interests.

Said Ali al-Moussawi said that "the existing cooperation with Iran, whether in terms of trade or other is within the limit, but it is less well known is Exposed," noting that "Everyone knows that Iraq is fully committed to international resolutions in this regard."

Al-Moussawi said that "the international resolutions are also the same permit to neighboring countries in the margin of a certain penalties and we even this margin did not Nstvd him fully," adding that "what he said the report published in a U.S. newspaper that there is influence by the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on the central bank, the Everyone knows that the bank is independent. "


An oil expert: intransigence between Baghdad and Erbil reason to delay oil and gas Act. Will soon with the help of the Federal Court and the United Nations
2012-08-21 13: 02: 52 Tuesday

Baghdad (News) : Hamza al-jawahiri returned oil expert, delay enactment of the oil and gas to extreme intransigence between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, asserting the existence of any obstruction in the articles.

He said jeweler (News Agency news) on Tuesday that the Federal Government submitted a draft on the law of oil and gas and the Kurdistan Regional Government also submitted a draft of the law in examining the drafts drafts by match (80%) but a result of intransigence between the territory and other legislation Law Centre.

He added that both the Centre and the territory considered that draft provided to valid and correct and both of them looking for his own interest and not for the benefit of the public, prompting Iraq to delay the law.


Agent: security forces have taken measures sufficient to protect citizens during the days of Eid al-Fitr
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

BAGHDAD - and babysit : The spokesman for the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces agent Zia said security forces actions were taken to ensure the provision of appropriate atmosphere for citizens during Eid al-Fitr.

The agent said in a statement to Radio (public opinion): "The Baghdad Operations Command taken a range of measures within the security plan special occasion of Eid al-Fitr, including enhanced protection to the holy shrines and places of worship and parks and places that are likely to witness Toalfda large by families ".

Adding that "the objective of the security plan to provide the appropriate atmosphere to enable the Iraqi family to celebrate this occasion."


Dry: Talabani is determined to raise the political parties in preparation for the meeting of national
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

BAGHDAD - and babysit : confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ashwaq dry torque President Jalal Talabani collect all the parties at the same table in preparation for the meeting nationally.

The Dry told Radio (public opinion): "The National Anakadalagtmaa or not, depends on the willingness of the blocks to highlight the real intention to solve the problems, as many of the parties expressed their willingness to achieve radical solutions and start a new page in the political process."


Basra: Some countries are trying to block Iraq's progress economically
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Follow-up - and babysit : Advisor to the Governor of Basra criticized for Agricultural Affairs Mohsen Abdul Hai countries unnamed pursue policies that would disrupt Iraq's progress in terms of the economy and infrastructure.

Disher said in a press statement on Tuesday that "there are indications confirm the presence of some malicious plans by some states to thwart Iraq in all respects, especially economic and infrastructure."


Islamic scholars condemn in Kurdistan, Jalal al-Saghir to describe the Kurds Palmariqan
21/08/2012 10:22 AM

Babinaoz (Reuters) : Union condemned Islamic scholars in Iraqi Kurdistan statements Jalaluddin al-Saghir Kurds as a "rogue", demanding an apology for the small Kurdish people.

According to a statement issued by Anhad Islamic scholars in the Kurdistan Region that "at a time when Iraq is undergoing phase political and security-sensitive need to rational position to organize the Iraqi house, comes Sheikh Jalaluddin al-Saghir, a political figure Iraqi Shiite, to describe the Kurds Palmariqan."

He added that "small is believed that the Kurds in Syria and Iraq will become their own their entity, but the Kurds in Syria will end at the hands of the Turks ordered them, and Kurd Iraq will become a major force, so the Imam Mahdi will appear and the first major wars will be with the Kurds of Iraq."


Parliamentary committee threatens to expose politicians on Contracts for suspicious
21/08/2012 10:35 AM

Babinaoz (Reuters) : revealed the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary, Monday, for they expose some politicians who worked on the pressure during the last period on the Ministry of Electricity for the purpose of allowing Turkish companies is efficient access to contracts in the field of electric power.

Iraq suffers from a severe shortage of electric power and still the national network is able to supply electricity to more than a few hours per day. comes frequent interruptions in electricity at the top of residents' complaints, especially in the summer when the temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius. said committee member Uday Awad told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "


Shiite leader: the National Alliance of concern the U.S. position on Iraq
21/08/2012 10:29 AM

Babinaoz (Reuters) : Iraqi sources uncovered informed that the "Biden urged Maliki to join international efforts in support of regime change in Syria," asserting that "asked him to stand clear of the issues in the region, especially from Syria, Iran and Hezbollah." , the sources said " Biden told Maliki explicitly upsetting Washington of Iraq's position in support of a dictatorial regime bloody like the regime of Bashar al-Assad, in particular that this matter is a major embarrassment for the United States, because they are responsible for the change and drop system similar to the former Iraqi regime. semi-positions the current Iraq and its support for armed movements and rogue states positions the regime of President Saddam Hussein ".

This comes against the backdrop of a warning the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to its nationals not to travel to Iraq mixed reactions in circles and circles Iraqi political decision.


Iraq allocates $ 250 million for the purchase of equipment to detect explosives from Europe
21/08/2012 10:25 AM

Babinaoz (Reuters) : A source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry, on Tuesday, that the government has allocated 250 million dollars for the purchase of modern sonar system to detect explosives, stressing that the committees will graduate oversees the process of buying these devices Mnascie European.

Said the source, who declined to be named for "Twilight News", "The Iraqi government has allocated 250 million dollars to buy detectors for explosives (Sonar) sophisticated, contribute significantly to the detection of explosives, and will be distributed at the entrances to the capital and static checkpoints in the capital Baghdad and a number of provinces. "

The below posts were in our 10pm email
8-20-2012 JayLee202: Not to debate or knock down any believers of the low rates but If any low rate at all came from any articles I've seen here on DV and other sites was a rate of 1 to 1. I'm staying with my belief of a range of $1.13 to $2.47 (Just my 2cents) just because of Iraq's pride of never thinking small.

This is amongst the wealthiest countries in the world and they would care less what outsiders make off the RV. They do not need to come out low and I don't believe they are going to come out low.

I am no guru and definately not a lopster, just relaying what I was told this morning.

Where I work I sometimes get the opportunity to talk to people from different countries and I have tried hard to find someone from Iraq to try to get information for us all.

I have talked to people from Israel, Jordan, Africa and finally today I found one from Kurdistan and here is what he stated to me, a lot we already knew or speculated about:

Kurdistan is more or less operating as a seperate state from Iraq. They are exporting oil through Turkey via trucks.

Erbil is done, but he stated they aren't telling everyone.

  8-20-2012 Dalite : I am painfully aware of that rumor, as is everyone in dinar land. All of the improvements in production, and they still can't feed their people, and the GOI runs deficits. Why, or how could they afford to take in less for payments than they currently are now, and still continue to develop.

The CBI is required to back the exchange rate at 100%. That is what all the noise about increasing Foreign Reserves is about. They are finally able to do so, with additional reserves left over for future expansion.

Currently, if they abide by the restrictions placed on them by those they have borrowed from, they can support the value by approximately 130%. If you figure on 1200 dinar to a dollar, the value could be supported to the level of 1200 - (1200 x .30).

Some notes from Monday 8-20 PTR CC with Tony Posted by SWI

Tony: It was a great weekend whether you know it or not. A lot of information going back and forth across from Iraq to the US. A lot of things happened in the other outlying countries over the weekend which are moving things forward. We were waiting for the end of Iraq's Ramadan and then the three day holiday which actually ends today or tonight.

We have some information that we should see some upcoming announcements between now and the end of the month. Actually shorter than that, but between now and the end of the month is a good time. It seems like agreements are in place. Proof of those agreements have been coming out all over. I'm excited. They're excited. They already an announcement schedule, they already have a television schedule.

A lot of people already know what's being said and done. One the other side there is a lot of smoke and mirrors and things that are being put out this morning as far as rates, dates, times, groups and things like that. Some of it is true, some of it isn't true. It doesn't make any difference because as long as we get paid that's all we care about.

The facts - viper51

I can see that many have reached a point of high frustration and concern with the Iraqi Dinar endeavor. It is just not with some here at PTR but on every board you go to. It has been a long and continuously trying road with many highs and lows. I will try to give some facts as to why I believe in this RV. Lets look at some of the facts about this Iraqi Dinar venture and what the reality of the RV is based on. I'am not perfect so feel free to respectfully add or debate any of this info. I will make this as short as possible.

In 1932 the IQD was pegged to the BP and at $4.86 USD. and held there until 1949 when due to conflict after conflict interupting progress the IQD dropped to $2.80. The IQD held there until around 1971 when there was major realignment of world currencies which caused a devaluation of the USD which then boosted the IQD to $3.39. By 1982 the IQD had devalued by around 5% and ended up around $3.22 USD per IQD. Some countries did not recognize these rates and bartered rates with Iraq.

Now lets jump up to the first Iraq - US war over Kuwait. At this time the instability of Iraq run by Saddam caused the IQD to become unstable due to sanctions imposed before and after this conflict. The result of the 2nd Iraq-USA war was total destruction of Iraq's financial system and infrastructure. Once the war was over Iraq was allowed to print and issue new currency in 2003-2004 which is the currency we now hold

pdreher): PTR 8/20/12  Dinar Exchange Rate & Buy Dinar Info

Sorry but the articles coming out and posted by mnay do not say anything about the HCL. They merely stated Maliki is finally caving into the previous oil contracts as disputed. Yes it is a step in the right direction.

HCL is alot more than oil company contracts and allowing oil companies to drill. When we see the ratification of the full law by parliament than we are in the sweet spot and do the happy dance.

Posted by Marksman: Very Important - WORD OF CAUTION

Comment on Tony's Call 8-20-2012 regarding withdrawing large sums

Tony made a comment on the call that it is okay to withdraw 9000 dollars per week to "stuff your mattress" or whatever you want.

This might have been okay a few years ago, but today you can be prosecuted for "structuring". This is a crime where you arrange your deposits or withdrawals to avoid federal reporting requirements. It is very dangerous to flirt with "structuring".

[1biz4u] cruiser do you see the release of the lower denoms in Iraq as a indicator of our CE being near??

[cruiser] geterdone over the next month. that has been happening to often. 4 times since the end of March.

[cruiser] 1biz4u If it is actually happening, yes. it wouldbe a real good thing.

[1biz4u] cruiser why would it matter if they are not in control of the release??

[cruiser] 1biz4u Because than the people who are in charge gave them permission to release it. Which means we would be at the banks already.

[geterdone] cruiser Do you think it is true that they "market" is going way down as in a major crash; to bring in the new banking system?

[cruiser] geterdone yes

[cruiser] geterdone I think the banks will bring down the market. Causing a new change in currency, software etc.

[justaguy] cruiser Isn't there a point in time when even a global reallignment would be a moot point?

[cruiser] justaguy hope not. Lol

[cruiser] justaguy to be honest, all is a moot point. Time for it to happen.

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Government sources: Sinead interfere with the appointment of security leaders and impose specific names
20/08/2012 3:01 p.m.

Revealed, government sources are responsible, on Monday, that the Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defence parliamentary Hassan Sinead, "intervene" to appoint security leaders through the "imposed" the leaders in the security file on the Baghdad Operations Command and the Middle Euphrates.

The sources, who asked not to refer to its name for "Twilight News "," The reports of high level signaled to the intervention of Hasan al-appointed leaders of the security and imposed by the appointment of the leaders in important centers, "adding that" Sinead disturbed by the issue of the return of former army officers as a result of the inclusion of the names are not known. "


Kurdish lawmaker: We continue to adhere to and satisfied to stay within a federal Iraq, a federal
20/08/2012  1:50 PM

He attributed the Iraqi List MP for the worldwide abolition Ziad cause security breaches taking place in the country to hold the managers of the security file Pinhjhm and their management since the beginning of the security crisis and without taking into account the views of the political partners.

He said in a statement to all of Iraq [where] "Some of the security agencies are encouraged to return to violence and the return of al-Qaeda, because of their actions and practices with the citizens, since there is no cooperation among the security forces and citizens, and this is a great imbalance will not be able through which to achieve any progress file security. "


Ministry of Oil: Iraq desperately needs to oil and gas law because it gives our contracts with foreign companies sobriety and puts an end to the jurisprudence of the oil wealth
20/08/2012 9:16

Said the official spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, Assem Jihad, the approval of oil and gas law in the current period is very important to Iraq because it enhances the contracts entered into by the Ministry of Oil with foreign companies.

And Jihad said in a statement to the Euphrates News Agency {today} "oil and gas law is aimed at proper management of oil wealth, which are the property of the Iraqi people and emphasizes the coordination between the center and regions and identify the tasks and responsibilities for each of them."

And stressed that "Iraq needs to approve oil and gas law because it gives the contracts entered into by the Ministry of Oil with foreign companies, power and immunity, as well as put an end to the many interpretations that come from here and there with regard to Iraq's oil wealth."


Will the President to end the dispute between Baghdad and Erbil?
08/20/2012 16:17

Baghdad (private) : may not be the current crisis between the province and the center Cassapgaha of crises and perhaps up to the breaking point between the region's president and head of government, especially after the case of disagreement between the parties and which was accompanied by a lot of events at the forefront of closure of the Representation of the Kurdistan region in the prime minister, but some Iraqi politicians are still counting on the initiative of the President believe that it anticipated that will bring a lot of solutions.

Member of a coalition of state law Mohammed Ugaili in a special statement (Gate of Iraq) said that the Kurdistan region may overcome many of the border and the powers and had to be the federal government to take a tough stand against the actions of the province because the Kurdish politicians are trying to strike out from under the belt, adding that the crisis between the Governments of the region and place increasingly tense because of Marwagat Massoud Barzani, who uses all the statements convulsive which tries through which weaken the government and the center and called Ugaili all the political direction to the language of dialogue and understanding in order to get out of the crisis and create a letter rational serve everyone and keep the political process and then the trend to serve the Iraqi people.


Dabbagh: Iraq is committed to the implementation of the sanctions imposed on Iran
08/20/2012 16:10:49

He said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh that Iraq has no intention of violating international sanctions imposed on Iran.

Dabbagh said at the same time that trade is high between Iran and Iraq makes the implementation of sanctions imposed on Tehran is very difficult, and said that the absolute commitment of all sanctions practically not possible, for this there are exceptions with regard to States which ties a great business, he said.

He acknowledged the existence of breaches of banking Dabbagh in Iraq, but emphasized that the Iraqi government is investigating these violations, in accordance with constitutional procedures and legal.


Iraq: 40 thousand industrial project stopped working since 2003
August 20, 2012

Estimated Iraqi Federation of Industries of industrial projects stalled by 40 Alpha, pointing out that more than 80 percent of the factories Stopped working since 2003 to this day, because of power outages and scarcity of fuel and the high cost of transport and the lack of raw materials, as well as the migration of the owners of capital.

The boss Qais al-Khafaji, that most of the factories have stopped due to international economic sanctions early nineties of the last century, and began another section back into action after the entry of U.S. troops into the country, but there are about twenty thousand project turned off because of the need for rehabilitation mechanisms and availability of raw materials, workers and technicians who emigrated After the occupation as a result of the deterioration of the security situation.

And the number of employees affected by this stop, Khafaji said there was no government statistics, but without a doubt the number is estimated in the millions, with estimates of the International Monetary Fund that Iraq is ranked fifth among Arab countries high unemployment rate, which is 18 percent, ie, about 5.4 million Iraqis. He added that the most important sectors affected are the textile industry, sewing, construction, food, chemicals, paper and printing.


Mutlaq demanded Washington to abide by the writing-off �MEK� from the terrorism list
Monday, August 20 2012 03:09

Ambassador : Student Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq yesterday, the United States to the implementation of its commitment to write off the "MKO" Iranian opposition from the terrorism list in order to facilitate the transition of its members residing in Iraq to a third country. "The ball is now in the court of the United States is primarily a", "I already gave Washington and promises in the event of transfer (MKO) from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty near Baghdad, it will be removed from the terrorism list, and when it will facilitate the transfer to outside and from Iraq to any place they want. "

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