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6pm, September 9th, 2012  


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Doctor Robbins Shedding Light - Post By Dinar Vets
Tidbit Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Detectives
8 Things You Won't Believe Can Be Hacked - By Colin Murdock
TrinityeXchange's Perspective - Post By Leo GET Forum
MIG Members Thoughts and Opinions Sun. Afternoon
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
The below posts were in our 11am email
Sunday Morning Dinar Chatter
Tidbit Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Vets
BWM in chat at 3S's Saturday night
Varying Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Detectives
Ten Misconceptions About Money - By Stacy Johnson
Cruiser Blog-How Much Longer Can This Go
Varying Opinions On The Three Zeros - Post By Leo GET Forum
Cruiser and Intel4U Members Chat Saturday Evening
News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Sat. Night
The posts shaded in green are on our Iraqi News page
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I don't start many topics, but I wanted to help shed some light on an issue that seems to be confusing people. I believe we all agree that any dramatic increase in the value of the dinar will require them to issue a new currency.

I'd rather not debate at this point whether or not Iraq could conceivably support a revaluation to $.86. For the sake of argument let's assume that they can.

If they go this route they will issue new lower denominations within the same currency series with the same currency code of IQD.

Tidbit Rumors & Opinions - Post By Dinar Detectives

9-9-2012 LoriC: Great news this morning!! Ministers have been submitted for approval, smart cards are going to be introduced and Maliki is being forced to implement the reforms before anyone will even think about having a National Meeting and if he doesn't they are going to withdraw the confidence from him. That pressure is great news for us and with Talabani returning soon this all could fall into place early next week, possibly as soon as tomorrow.

9-9-2012 Mountainman: Great news today about the Defense Minister getting picked tomorrow, Erbil will be passed and a NC held. If this happens it's great news for the GOI and all of us.

There are many rumors that a big change is coming with the global monetary system and that the IQD is involved. At this point it seems we have a convergence between articles and rumors both showing progress and pointing to this being over in the near future and before the end of 2012 for sure. This is great news for us all imho.

8 Things You Won't Believe Can Be Hacked - By Colin Murdock

I am facinated by the capabilities of the internet and computers -- I want to learn more - I am so amazed at how far technology has progressed and the wonderful things that have been accompolished -- the down side of all of it is the fact that some push it further - using and abusing it for pranks - greed - and harm - I was shocked and alarmed by the info here - I like to stay informed and abreast of events that can have an impact on my life - I would rather read of the more positive ones - The artile below is for your information only - Just to keep you informed - and who knows maybe you /we can make a difference some how -

8 Things You Won't Believe Can Be Hacked By: Colin Murdock

If movies are to be believed, hackers are mostly kept busy fighting the man with CGI animations of smiley faces, or else dwelling in the darkest corners of their mothers' basements and doing purely nerdy stuff that never affects the real world. But neither assumption is true: Hacking does not look like a rad skateboarder busting a kickflip over an onyx tower, and hackers do gain access to things that can affect your daily life ... and sometimes, even end it.

TrinityeXchange's Perspective - Post By Leo GET Forum

9-9-2012 TrinityeXchange : I'm so glad for our study on the strategic framework agreement. It has really solidified for us in detail Iraq's obligation both to the United States, as well as to the international community of which it is working to become a full fledged member.

I don't believe that the United States has to publicly deal with Maliki at this time. They have already let him know that they have found him in violation of the SFA as well as transgressions against the international community. He has become a threat to both the democracy of Iraq and the rule of non-interference in a sovereign nation's internal affairs (Syria).

Kate1951) Austin-Powers-For-PM shasta7 Okay, please what is QE3?

[Austin-Powers-For-PM] Kate1951 Third round of Quantitative Easing. Basically the Federal Reserve buys up Treasury notes en-masse and adds it to it's balance sheet. It's basically round about way of turning on the printing press and printing more money. It can (and probably will) lead to inflation and dollar devaluation in the near future.

[shasta7] Iraq, Iran, Turkey, The Briics all want to end the petro dollar... that is why most are using GOLD to buy oil from Iran... of course Iraq doesn't have to as they have their own. Why do you think we are so involved in Libyia, Syria, Egypt, & other ME countries... it is to stop them from dropping the petro dollar...

[Austin-Powers-For-PM] shasta7 And with that you are totally correct.

[SWFloridaGuy] shasta7 The problem with this "global reset" rumor is it is very vague, no details of which currencies are adjusted in which direction and absolutely no direct correlation to the IQD or any real evidence it's going to happen at all. I'll believe it when I see it. APFP is absolutely correct that Iraq must have a seated government and a power sharing agreement to ensure the success of any possible economic reforms.

[shasta7] Austin-Powers-For-PM ... agree... this is why the Kurd area is wanting to break away from the rest of Iraq... they have their act together... the other two factions are still killing each other... meaning the Sunni's & Shites

The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page

state law: Allawi's speech was intended to "intimidate" the crisis and return to square one
Sunday, 09 September 2012 07:51

BAGHDAD : Re coalition of state law on the Iraqi leader's speech last Iyad Allawi, adding that the meaning of the letter is to "hype" and return to square one crisis after it began gradually.

The MP said the coalition of state law on Alfalh told the future on Sunday that: "speech Allawi characterized vasospasm and hype and too far from the latest political developments in Iraq," adding that: "Allawi either in isolation or political observer bad events in Iraq."

Allawi accused Alfalh saying "Mr. Allawi wants to rectify things after that broke with many members of his" reconciliation "and the withdrawal of a number of members of the Iraqi List, through the return of the crisis back to square one and try to negotiate on certain gains."

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Legal Expert: convergence legislative and executive branches will adopt laws broken boom
Sunday, 09 September 2012 10:02

BAGHDAD: legal expert Tareq Harb, Sunday, that the great convergence between Maliki and Nujaifi will accelerate the legislation of a lot of laws in the House of Representatives.

The war correspondent and news agency the future, that: "For great affinity between the legislative authority represented by its president Osama Najafi and the executive branch represented by its president Nouri al-Maliki will accelerate the legislation of laws that did not initiate despite entering the legislative term the third, but that there are laws stage of the legislative session Previous ".
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Motallebi: Hashimi's death sentence will not affect the path of the political process
Sunday, 09 September 2012 11:52

BAGHDAD : ruled by a coalition of state law Saad logistical Criminal Court's decision affects the death sentence against Tareq al-Hashemi on the political process, whether positively or negatively, stressing that the issue of al-Hashemi purely criminal case.

Said Muttalibi told the future on Sunday that: "All parties have realized since for quite some time that the issue of al-Hashemi criminal case purely did not interfere with the government or the ruling parties where or pressing any direction," adding that: "the Iraqi List, raised her hand for Hashemi after realized involvement criminal operations. "
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Electrodes: Iraq will not recognize a judgment against Hashemi

Electrodes: Iraq will not recognize a judgment against Hashemi  Sunday, 09 September 2012 12:08

BAGHDAD : Iraqi List, has refused to recognize the judgment of the Court of Criminal judge sentenced Tareq al-Hashemi, confirmed that the issue was political and politicized judiciary in Iraq.

The MP said the Iraqi List, Ahmed electrodes told the future: "The decision to execution of Tareq al-Hashemi, who issued by the Criminal Court in session on Sunday is completely unacceptable," stressing that "the Iraqi List does not recognize the judgment issued by the Criminal Court."

Massari said: "The verdict against Hashemi unfair and was the result of the politicization of the judiciary", adding that "the Iraqi List committed Balhashima and described as Vice President of the Republic of the fact that political issue rather than a criminal."
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Finance Committee affirming the receipt of the draft budget for next year and that the deletion of zeros will lead to an economic problem

Finance Committee affirming the receipt of the draft budget for next year and that the deletion of zeros will lead to an economic problem Sunday, 09 September 2012 08:00

Baghdad : Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed not received a draft budget that next year from the government.

The deputy chairman of the Committee Ahmed Faizullah told all of Iraq [where] today that "allocations Supreme Judicial Council as well as other ministries are identified through meeting them and agree on those customizations," adding that "the budget is based on the actual needs of the annual institutions" .

And on the deletion of zeros from the local currency Faizullah said that "the deletion of zeros will not create an economic problem or financial or monetary and some magnifies the issue out of proportion it's just the process of switching the currency which pertain to all Iraqis, and it may take time to get used to people about it."

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TEDA planning to address import random

TEDA planning to address import random  Sunday, 09 September 2012 13:57

Baghdad : Ministry of Planning announced it had begun to address the problem of indiscriminate import in coordination with a number of important ministries such as trade and finance to reduce the entry of shoddy goods and import according to the needs of the market.

The general director of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Saad Abdul Wahab told all of Iraq [where] that "the ministry is serious about putting in place mechanisms to reduce the indiscriminate import exceeds the Iraqi market needs in coordination with the Ministries of Finance and Commerce."

"The ministry is seeking to activate a number of laws including the Law on customs tariff to curb the spread of the entry of goods by local consumer Aihtajha addition to the recommendation of the Ministry of Commerce to tighten controls on granting import licenses."

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Coverage of staff missing personal advances

Coverage of staff missing personal advances Sunday, 09 September 2012 11:09

Baghdad: Rasheed Bank decided inclusion of the missing staff on permanent staffing of government departments all personal advances [5] million, similar to their peers from ongoing service staff.

"We must take into account the existence of the support of the Department of the missing employee, in addition to a government sponsor guarantor."
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White: United States plans to use the base in Anbar as a headquarters for troops

White: United States plans to use the base in Anbar as a headquarters for troops Sunday, 09 September 2012 16: 46

Baghdad : White cluster announced intention of using United States base in Anbar province as the seat of its troops if its military strike against Syria.

Spokesman white MP Kazem Al-shammari cluster in a press release sent to each Iraq [where] on "the United States is preparing to put 5,000 marines ready to drop the existing Syrian regime when necessary."

"Visit the help us Secretary for near Eastern Affairs Elizabeth Jones focused on the possibility of using the base in restive Al-Anbar province of Western Iraq in any possible measures to counter the crisis and is followed by the Syrian delegation visit to Iraq by the United States Congress and this comes under the US plan aimed at helping to overthrow the Syrian regime".

And several cities in Syria for more than a year of violence between militants and Syrian regular army in addition to the ex. demonstrations and public protests demanding regime change ended.
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IS MP: Political forces now ready to address political defects

IS MP: Political forces now ready to address political defects Sunday, 09 September 2012 16:18

Baghdad (AIN) : MP Talal al-Zawbae of the Iraqiya Slate confirmed that "The political sides are ready now to put new touches on the political situation to improve it and resolve its problems."

Zawbae stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN) "The patriotic figures are able now to settle the existing political disputes, especially because the political forces became now ready to adopt new steps in the course of fixing the political situation to be able to confront any weaknesses experienced by the region or the country."

He added "Settling the political crisis is possible now since most of the political blocs held several meetings in order to reach suitable solutions that satisfy all the sides."

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Talabani stresses the importance of the implementation of the agreements reached between the political blocs and the government that emerged case

Talabani stresses the importance of the implementation of the agreements reached between the political blocs and the government that emerged case Sun 09/09/2012 10:26 pm

President Jalal Talabani on the need importance of the implementation of the agreements reached between the political parties that emerged from the current government "

A statement by Talabani's office (site received our message) a copy of that Talabani received at his residence in Germany and a U.S. delegation senior included Messrs. Carlos Pascual and Jonathan Alknd. "To provide congratulations successfully surgery on his left knee and the success of phase physiotherapy wishing Back auspicious to land homeland. "

Talabani pointed out "that all problems will be solved through the constitution, agreements and constructive dialogues and brotherly and which alone is the best way to solve and resolve all problems and to move into a new phase"  

The below posts were in our 11am email
9-8-2012 Shasta7: Here is WHY I am optimistic about this investment. The PTB screwed things up so bad that they have NO choice to allow the RV to happen. The bankers & gov't poisoned the system & have no way out of it. They know it, we know it & most importantly they know we know it!!! This scares the he-- out of them.

It is only a matter of timing in my opinion & time is running out fast. Most countries economies are ready to go over the cliff & ALL the banks are insolvent. They just won't tell the public the truth as they don't want them to know the truth!! They do this so they can keep stealing from us. These are the facts. I dare anyone to prove me wrong!!

 China is basically now in control. Just watch what the BRICS nations do & soon. The Briics (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, & South Africa) are looking to back their countries currency with GOLD. They ALL still buy oil from Iran with GOLD.


[xyz] germany? hmm ... US delegation visits Talabani in Germany 

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9-8-2012 Dontlop (Dinar Vets): The Iraqi reserves include 150 billion barrels of oil also and thats only 20% of Iraq being explored for oil. This adds 10 billion more. 160 billion barrels worth around 16 trillion dollars.

Not to mention the trillions of cubic yards of natural gas. The best part is we are holding their currency!

9-8-2012 TrinityeXchange: So it seems quite the timing of Rothschild, through subordinate Hayward, to chime in now that the delegation from the United States has paid their visit to Al-Maliki and let him know that he has been caught and, if he wants to keep his head, he will play ball NOW.

[BWM] ok I don't usually get into this much detail but real quickly I'll go over some "dates" ppl are looking at and discussing...

 [BWM] this will be quick with room closing so forgive me if I don't answer someone til I'm done

[HeIsFaithful] BWM this should be interesting....

[BWM] ok dates ppl have been discussing Sept 11/12 before 17/18 and after 17/18

[BWM] so lets look at those and see the issues with each one..

[BWM] the 11th & 12th..

 [BWM] many would like you to believe that Talabani will show up for a meeting this week they will term a "national meeting"... and announce the ministers everything is solved.. yadda yadda yadda

 [BWM] some say this will occur on the 11th.. now consider this, I have had a long debate with a contact about this... would they actually do this on 9/11? hard to say because the issues that would be considered with this.. would this be "honoring" the attacks, would it be "detrimental" to honoring the attacks... 

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9-8-2012 Shelly41 (Emailed To Dinar Detectives): I just wanted to say that I would have to disagree with corrinthdinar's opinion. I do agree however with what Dr. Todd had to say and I think Iraq could justify a rate of 5+.

I don't understand the technical aspects of how they will achieve this but I do think Iraq's goal is to have the highest currency in the Middle East and I think the Iraqi dinar is the best shot the global financial system has at saving an entire collapse of the monetary system.

The IQD has come along at the perfect time in history and I do think this is all part of a bigger plan which if true, we should see proof of very shortly. I believe this has all been part of a 10 year plan and the PTB have been in control of the reconstruction process from the start. The world can't wait much longer. This is just my humble opinion.

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10 Common  Misconceptions  About  Money

Money Talks News   By Stacy Johnson - Fri, Sep 7, 2012

 I recently celebrated my 57th birthday, and have arrived at a common conclusion about getting older: It sucks. But there's one good thing that comes with age - the wisdom that can only come from experience.

Experience helps you understand how life actually works, and how remarkably different life is from the kind you so often see portrayed in commercials, movies, and daydreams.

Prime example? Money. The myths surrounding money are numerous and widely held, especially among the young. It's a shame, because pursuing myths will lead you astray, waste your time and, taken to extremes, ruin your life.

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I would love to tell you I know when this is going to be over. If I knew, I would. Right now everyone is frustrated, confused, tired, pist off and probably 1,000 other feelings or emotions. You are not alone. This has been an extremely long journey. For all of us that thought this was going to be easy money, sorry. It was not meant to be that way. We have all heard this day and that day or can't go past this date, blah blah blah and I am also guilty of that. But here are some of the facts that have not changed if you look at this on a global level.

The Global Economy:

Let's look at the Global Economy.  Nothing has changed in years and let me explain.

    The United States. 16T in debt. Unemployment over 8% (probably a lot higher around 15%). Still waiti 

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9-8-2012 Hame55: SIGR report implies that the "dropping of the zeros" may mean taking them off the exchange rate, not the nominal (printed) value on the notes.

If the new value would have been just less than a dollar if they had they not postponed the rate change, then it makes sense it implies the .86 rate, or as some have said around $1.17, more or less.

What I am getting at here, is if they LOP, they would have to raise the value after the LOP three to four times, in order to raise the absolute, real value at all and give people some sense their currency has reached its former value before the war and sanctions.

Therefore, the SIGIR report implies a "redenomination" in the form of a revalue, with issuance of new lower denom notes (hence the technical term redenomination") Let's hope they honor 3-zero notes - there is little precedence otherwise. Just my thoughts.

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[badgerbill] cruiser Anything exciting on the Intel front???

[cruiser] badgerbill Well for those who did not read the post yesterday in the blog, you should. You will understand what the hold up is. With the markets reacting the way they have since Thursday, Kind of think things are happening. Just have to wait for it. Really the only thing we can do.

[canadian_bacon] cruiser yes from what i hear now it's onlyyyyyyyyyy in iraqs hands

[cruiser] canadian_bacon roflmao

[top_gun] cruiser wish i'd waited until now to sell my scrap gold!

[canadian_bacon] top_gun will go much higher

[badgerbill] cruiser I did read your blog yesterday....very well written...Cheers,,,,just hoping for additional confiramations today...Thanks!!!

[Tenizen] canadian_bacon Still can't think that it is. Logically speaking, they can take control any time of the situation over there. If they haven't so far, its only a game or a show being played out.
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Iraq Finance 2012, a new international conference and exhibition on banking and financial services in Iraq. Sept. 18th and 19th in London

collie]   credit Bozo for this the slide show at the top of the page until the 25k note comes on.

collie] xyz if this doesn't excite you nothing will! did you look? read the caption under the note.


[collie] hub watch the slide show..until the 25k note comes up and read the caption

wenmar] xyz the bank is planning on removing the 000's

[heartfelt] collie Thanks for the great find!!! We have MANY GREAT researchers in here.

[xyz] collie i am now truly excited for a sat ....

[ireneg] on this page also on the left click on supporting letters and read it.

[collie] xyz what is that this almost seems like an International notification of the removing of the zeros so how can they hold off much longer

[Ladyrose247] question ? why does part of it say 2011 and part 2012 ////any ?

[hub] collie i did and that is goooood to see from them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[xyz] collie that was a great find .... 

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The below posts shaded in green
are on our Iraqi News page
Expert: Instability of the value of the dollar against the dinar has made the price of gold locally Mtzbz

Baghdad (news): attributed economist Jalil al-Rubaie, the reasons for fluctuations gold price in local markets to instability exchange rate U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar. Rubaie said (of the Agency news) on Saturday: The instability of exchange rate U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar during the period Current led to the fluctuation of the price of gold in the domestic market, the fact that the relationship associated with them counterproductive, the more the dollar gold price, and vice versa. added: that the value of the U.S. dollar in Iraq experienced strong and led to display large amounts of gold in the domestic market in order to bring dollar and preserve the value of the dinar, which led to lower its price relative to what it was in the past. They pointed out: that Iraq is affected by global markets and by changes in the prices of gold, being dependent on imports significantly and has nothing issued either oil, many countries imported oil when you see that the price of oil has increased, they are trying to reduce the value of the dollar through the supply of gold in the domestic market.


Governor of Babylon reveals the presence of large quantities of counterfeit currency in the province
Saturday, 08 September 2012

Babel: Euphrates News: revealed governor of Babylon Mohamed Messaoudi and presence of large amounts of money from counterfeit currency spread in local markets, especially in the center of the city of Hilla.

Said Masoudi told {Euphrates News} today that "counterfeit currency that has spread in the local market recently propounded by fake and thieves currency in order to provide the country's economy," noting that "the local government has Bagrat Qanuena and precautionary measures to follow up on local markets and tightening control over banking offices and currency trading places for the purpose of preventing sabotage the national economy in this way. "
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Urgent .. Maliki agrees to Sabir al-Issawi's resignation from office
Saturday, 08 September 2012

Baghdad: Euphrates News: announced, media adviser to Prime Minister Ali al-Moussawi for the approval of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the resignation of Secretary of Baghdad, Sabir al-Issawi from office.

Iraqi television reported the semi-official "media adviser today announced the approval of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the resignation of Secretary of Baghdad, Sabir al-Issawi after a request by the latter to the prime minister relieved from his post for personal reasons."

The secretary of Baghdad, Sabir al-Issawi request his resignation yesterday for personal reasons to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a fourth application provided by al-Issawi.


State law: All signs point to Dharorhakd national meeting soon

Diyala / electronic integrity: The MP said the state law, Khalid al-Asadi, the national meeting to be held is still in place and the current political climate and calm that hangs over the atmosphere of bilateral talks make all indicators suggest his contract.

Asadi said told the newspaper "integrity electronic" today that efforts by the National Alliance for the success of the reform draft paper makes national meeting of an important and serious issue.

He added that President Jalal Talabani is still insisting the need to hold national meeting as one of the important options for the success of the political process and to continue to address the problems that face us.

Farah Asim al-Tai


Baghdad-Erbil oil dispute will get solved, says Hayward
08/09/2012 14:43

ERBIL (AKnews) : The Kurdistan Region's oil plan is to produce one million barrels of oil per day over the next couple of years and this size of production will end the political dispute between Iraq and the region, said Genel chief executive Tony Hayward.

Hayward said: "The scale of the opportunity for Kurdistan and for Iraq is so large that there will be a resolution.

"We'd like to be exporting and believe strongly that over the next year or so, if not well before, that resolution will be arrived at."

Kurdish oil field Taq Taq is producing 105,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). Tawke is running at 70,000 bpd, but should be up to 100,000 bpd by the end of the year, said Hayward.


No candidate is nominated for Interior Ministry, says SLC
08/09/2012 19:04

BAGHDAD (AKnews) : The State of Law Coalition (SLC) led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said the National Alliance (NA) has so far not nominated any candidate for the Interior Ministry, adding that this issue will be discussed later.

The political blocs agreed that the NA names the candidate for the Interior Ministry and the Iraqiya coalition names the candidate for the Ministry of Defense.

The leader of the coalition Ihsan al-Awadi said the coalition is awaiting the result of the negotiations of the negotiating committee formed by the NA with Iraqiya List and the rest of the blocs to choose the candidate for the defense ministry.

The Defense Ministry is managed by Culture Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi after being assigned by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki amid criticism of Allawi's list, while Maliki still holds the Interior Ministry post.

By Raman Brosk


Sadrists: Maliki seeks to make Najafi president of the Iraqi instead of Allawi

BAGHDAD / electronic integrity: Sadrists WIN confirmed within the National Alliance, that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki seeks to make the Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Najafi, chairman of the Iraqi list instead of its current president, Iyad Allawi, by holding bilateral meetings with him.

The leader of the current MP Jawad al-Hasnawi: The meetings that take place between the leaders of political blocs just for briefings and a waste of time and not a breakthrough to the political crisis, noting that the meeting between Maliki and Najafi, comes within the efforts of Prime Minister by making Parliament Speaker president of the Iraqi list instead of Iyad Allawi .

Hasnawi said: Maliki's efforts to make Najafi, head of the Iraqi aims to break up the list for being one of the parties that called for the withdrawal of confidence in him.


US Company to erect power station in Babel
Saturday, 08 September 2012 21:59

Babel (AIN) : The local government in Babel province agreed to conclude a contract with a US company to set up a plant to generate electricity power in the province.

Babel Governor, Mohamed al-Masoudi, said during a joint press conference with the Commissioned Director of the US company [APIC Gibson] held in Babylon tourism resort on Saturday, attended by the correspondent of All Iraq News Agency (AIN) that "We agreed with the US [APIC Gibson] company specialized in the production of electric power to install generating units, each ranging between 15-32 MW and the energy produced in these units would be allocated to the Electric Department of the province."


Genel's Hayward Expects Resolution to Kurdistan Oil Crisis
08 September 2012

Baghdad and Erbil both have too much at stake not to settle their dispute over oil, although they may take a year or so to do it, Genel Energy Chief Executive Tony Hayward (pictured) told Reuters.

"The scale of the opportunity for Kurdistan and for Iraq is so large that there will be a resolution," said the former boss of BP.

"Over the next year or two, Kurdistan production capacity will grow towards 1 million barrels a day - that's too much oil to be shut in as a consequence of a political dispute.

So one way or another, it's going to get resolved ... We'd like to be exporting and believe strongly that over the next year or so, if not well before, that resolution will be arrived at."


Increasing amounts of counterfeit currency in Babylon
Saturday, September 8, 2012 22:45

Revealed Babylon governor Mohammed al-Masoudi, and presence of large amounts of money from counterfeit currency spread in local markets, especially in the center of the city of Hilla.

And Massoudi said that "counterfeit currency that has spread in the local market recently raised from fake and thieves in order to destroy the country's economy," noting that "the local government has legal proceedings and precautionary measures in follow-up local markets and tightening control over banking offices and places of currency trading for the purpose of preventing the demolition of the national economy this way. "
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