We are going to venture out a bit further for our
Dine Out this month

We are going to



37940 live Oak Avenue
Dade City

Please join us on

June 23, 2022


Kafe Kokopelli is housed in a century building built in 1916 by the Ford Motor Company for Model-T sales and service. The front of the building on Meridian Avenue was the show room and sales offices up until the mid 1970's. The back of the building,
which is the main entrance, on Live Oak Avenue, was the garage which hosted the service bays and mechanics.

When Ford built a new location just outside of town the building hosted several businesses over the next twenty years. The building was bought and renovated into a 150 seat restaurant with two banquet rooms, The Cypress Room and The Citrus Room, which seat parties of 20-40 and 30-90 respectively. The room names are representative of the wall murals depicting Florida life in East Pasco County. The Cypress Room for the nearby Green Swamp
and the Citrus Room for the thriving citrus business in the
50's, 60's and 70's.
The name Kafe Kokopelli comes from the south-west Native American Indian god. There are many different Kokopelli Gods. The most popular, the Flute player, was considered the God of Mischief and Fertility. Kokopelli legend has it that he came
into the villages each Spring with a sack of seeds to ensure a successful planting and harvest each season.


The cost will be $10 per person to reserve your place. Dinner will be off the menu at your own expense.


We will meet at Eisenhower Rec Center at 3:15 p.m. and depart at 3:30 p.m.

Kafe Kokopelli is located:

37940 Live Oak Avenue
Dade City, FL


George & Rose Worton


To register just click on the "Click Here to Register" button.
This dinner can accommodate a maximum of 35 people so early registration is suggested.
If you have questions regarding the dinner, please contact the Trip Leaders.
If you have questions/problems regarding registration, please contact Kathy Dolence at kdolence@comcast.net or 561-213-5211.
IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND prior to 2 days before the date of the lunch, please contact Judy Gorman at dinzik@yahoo.com, 609-290-0185. She is our "Registration and Waiting List Coordinator", and can assist you in exchanging your place from those on the Waiting List, and will contact the Trip Leaders of the exchange.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND the day of the event, please contact the trip leaders.    
If you cannot sell your place on this tour to someone on the waiting list, please be advised that according to the VCC policies, there are no refunds.  
Approximately 5 days prior to the date of this trip, you will receive an email with any final instructions.


If you miss the cut-off date or the trip is full and you want to go on the trip, please add your name(s) to the waiting list. If there is a cancellation, those on the waiting list will be contacted in the order they signed up.