To register just click on the "Click Here to Register" button.
This dinner can accommodate a maximum of 35 people so early registration is suggested.
If you have questions regarding the dinner, please contact the Trip Leaders.
If you have questions/problems regarding registration, please contact Kathy Dolence at or 561-213-5211.
IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND prior to 2 days before the date of the lunch, please contact Judy Gorman at, 609-290-0185. She is our "Registration and Waiting List Coordinator", and can assist you in exchanging your place from those on the Waiting List, and will contact the Trip Leaders of the exchange.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND the day of the event, please contact the trip leaders.
If you cannot sell your place on this tour to someone on the waiting list, please be advised that according to the VCC policies, there are no refunds.
Approximately 5 days prior to the date of this trip, you will receive an email with any final instructions.