April 5, 2024

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Included in this edition:

Weekly Lectionary

Online Worship Services

From the Bishop

The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, Standing Committee survey on future convention meetings.

Positions Open for Nomination/Election

Deanery Events On Diocesan Website


2023 Parochial Report

News From You

  • St. Matthew's, Fairbanks- Herring Eggs Available
  • 2024 St. Mary's Outreach Mission Funds GRANT APPLICATION

The Episcopal Church

  • Link All Articles from Public Affairs
  • Link to Current Health Updates on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Featured Articles- (new articles in italic)

My Tidbits:

  • Weekly Quote
  • Newsletter for Visually Impaired Available
  • Donations and Payments
  • Links

Examples of links you can click on in the newsletter.

Weekly Lectionary

Second Sunday of Easter

Year B



John 20:19-31

Full Lectionary

Online Worship Services

If you would like to see the list of available online worship services, please Check our Website!

View Online Worship Services

From the Bishop


This Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter, we will hear the story of Thomas, who unfortunately seems to be forever associated with doubting. He is the original “Doubting Thoms.”

It is all too easy to fault Thomas for doubting as if doubt is some form of sin or failure of faith or belief. I don’t think that is fair. Certainly, if we are being honest with ourselves, Thomas is in a large company of faithful believers. I know I have had my share of doubt in my journey. My guess is that you have, too. Times doubt comes as lack of clarity. I ask God to show me a path or guide my feet and nothing is clear, or I doubt the way God seems to be showing me.

In the face of doubt, when things aren’t clear, it seems to me our choice is to trust and act faithfully.  Trust puts faith into action even when there is doubt, even when the way is not clear.

I was reminded recently of what John Kavanaugh, a Jesuit Theologian and Ethicist, said of a meeting he had with Mother Teresa back in the 1970s in Calcutta, India. Kavanaugh had gone to Calcutta to serve the poorest of the poor, those suffering beyond anything experienced in the States. He was also trying to understand his calling—what was his vocation. He was trying to find out how best he could spend the rest of his life.

When he met Mother Teresa, he asked her to pray for him. Mother Teresa asked him what he wanted her to pray for and Kavanaugh, consumed by the doubts of and wonder of his future and his calling asked that she pray for clarity: “Pray that I have clarity.”  

Much to Kavanaugh’s surprise, Mother Teresa said, “No, I will not pray that you have clarity. Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of.” Kavanaugh is said to have responded: “But you seem to have great clarity, the kind of clarity that I am seeking for my life and work.” In response to that, Kavanaugh reports that Mother Teresa laughed and said: “I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. So I will pray that you trust God.”

Doubt comes to all of us regardless of the strength of our faith. We are not always able to see clearly or have the assurance of the physical presence of the Risen Lord but let us pray that even in our doubts we have trust--trust that puts our faith into action and moves us along in hope

You can see all past "From the Bishop" articles on our Website. Just Click the

Button Below.

From the Bishop - Archives

The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska,

Standing Committee survey

on future convention meetings

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent survey aimed at studying the location and configuration of future Diocesan Convention meetings. To preserve the most important aspects of our Diocesan life together, the Standing Committee and the Bishop, are examining how to gather as the Body of Christ for our annual conventions. There was a very clear message from the survey that delegates want the time and connection of being together in worship, an opportunity to know and rejoice with one another, and the ability to deepen our relationships.


The fiscal constraints of the Diocese are one aspect of the planning for convenings. In 2023, the cost for each Delegate was $550.00 and in 2024, this will rise to $600.00. The budget will allow for small increases at this rate, but there are likely other ways of accomplishing our work together as the Church that need to be contemplated. 


The survey responses, full comments from the participants and an excerpt from the convention discussion this past fall can found here: Future Convention Survey Results or can be requested from the Diocesan office.


The survey included 93 responses and the results provided valuable input on our worship life together.

  • In person/virtual meetings: When examining the top choice for how to hold meetings, the survey asked respondents if they would prefer in person every year, or to alternate years for meetings with online/virtual meetings. The responses show that most people prefer some mix of in-person and online options.

  • Aspects of Diocesan Convention that hold meaning:

  • Congregational attendance:  This information comes from the Diocesan records of past convention attendance and was not a survey question. The number of congregations, and total number of people attending convention, has shifted in the past two years. 

The Standing Committee and Bishop invite us to pray about the Diocesan Convention meetings, to discuss these survey results, and to help us shape the way forward as we live out our call to serve the Church, our communities, and those in need at this time. We are seeking a dialog with each Deanery and congregation about how we can best be the Body of Christ in these times. Please bring/send your comments to your Deanery meetings.

Positions Open for


Deanery Meeting “Season”

In the Diocese of Alaska spring means many things: longer days, warmer temperatures, return of ducks & geese, preparation for whaling and fishing, and of course deanery meetings. Dates for 2024 deanery meetings: Southeast Deanery, April 12-23 virtual; South Central Deanery, April 25-27 Anchorage; Interior Deanery, May 2-4 St. Matthew’s Fairbanks; Arctic Coast Deanery, Date To be Determined, Epiphany, Kivalina.  

Positions Open for Nomination/Election

The 49th Diocesan Convention will be held October 3 – October 5, 2024, hosted by All Saints, Anchorage, AK.

Summary of positions on diocesan committees open for election at the 2024 Diocesan Convention:

Submit Names for Nomination to positions on diocesan committees open for election at the 2024 Diocesan Convention ONLINE


The submissions will be forwarded to the Convention’s Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee is responsible for creating the slate of nominees for election.

To submit a name, complete the online form:

Click Here


Scan the QR Code Below

You MUST receive approval/permission from the person whose name you are submitting prior to completing the form; you will also need that person’s contact information and uploading a photo is optional. Self-Nominations (submitting your own name) are welcome.

Positions open for Election:

Commission on Ministry:

·        Southeast Clergy position – 3-year term 

Standing Committee:

·        Seat #4 South Central Lay – 3-year term

·        Seat #5 no nomination, Bishop Appointment – 3-year term

·        Seat #6 Southeast Lay - 3-year term

Disciplinary Board:

·        Seat C Clergy – 5-year term


FIT Committee (Faith Into Tomorrow Endowment):

·        Seat A: Lay - 4-year term


Please prayerful consider these positions.


Current members of diocesan committee, as of April 5, 2024, are listed below.


Commission on Ministry

Arctic Coast Clergy – The Rev. Mary Norton

Arctic Coast Lay – vacant

Interior Clergy – The Rev. Susan Mitchell

Interior Lay – Mary Jane Derendoff

South Central Clergy – The Rev. Dawn Allen-Herron

South Central Lay – Nell Gustafson

Southeast Clergy – The Rev. Jan Hotze

Southeast Lay – Michael Rowcroft

Vocational Deacon – The Rev. Barbara Zimmerman


Standing Committee

Seat #1 - Arctic Coast Lay – Barbara Collison

Seat #2 – Interior Clergy – The Rev. John Holz

Seat #3 – Southeast Clergy – The Rev. Julie Platson

Seat #4 – South Central Lay – vacant

Seat #5 – At Large, Bishop Appointment – Nancy Burke

Seat #6 – Southeast Lay – Michael Lukshin

Seat #7 – Arctic Coast Clergy – Enoch Adams, Jr.

Seat #8 – South Central Clergy – The Rev. Lauran Pifke

Seat #9 – Interior Lay – Judy Gau


Disciplinary Board

Seat A – Clergy – The Rev. Bessie Titus

Seat B – Lay – Mary Alice McKeen

Seat C – Clergy – The Rev. Jan Hotze

Seat D – Lay – ‘Chele Bifelt

Seat E – Clergy – The Rev. David Terwilliger

Seat F – Lay – Peg Fisher

Seat G – Clergy – The Rev. Marilyn Duggar


FIT (Faith Into Tomorrow Endowment) Committee

Seat A, Elected – Lay – Bella Schjenken

Seat #1, Appointed – vacant

Seat B, Elected – Clergy – The Rev. Wilson Valentine

Seat #2, Appointed – Charlotte White

Seat C, Elected – Lay – Maggie McKay

Seat #3 Appointed – Loren Hill

Seat D, Elected – Clergy – The Rev. Mary Norton



Listed below are brief descriptions of the committees with open seats and the commitment needed for each. 


Commission on Ministry:

Summary of Responsibilities: Assist the bishop in matters pertaining to the needs for the Ordained Ministry including enlistment and selection of persons for the Ministry, and in the guidance and pastoral care of all Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders, Deacons and Priests, administering examinations required by Canon for Ordination and continuing education. Assist the bishop in challenging, training, and providing continuing education of the Laity for its ministry.  

Commitment needed: attend regular Zoom meetings (10-12 annually), receive and disburse documents via electronic methods, and meet face to face for a 2–3-day meeting at least once a year.


Standing Committee:

Summary of Responsibilities: Serve as a Council of Advice to the Bishop. Exercise Ecclesiastical Authority in the absence or disability of the Bishop. Act as the reviewing body in the selection, examination, and ordination of persons for Holy Orders. Advise and consent to the purchase, construction, encumbrance, and disposition of real property of the Diocese. Implement actions assigned by the Convention of the Diocese, including the regular review and oversight of the budget. 

Commitment needed: attend regular Zoom meetings (6-8 annually), receive and disburse documents via electronic methods, meet face to face for a 2–3-day meeting at least twice a year.


Disciplinary Board:

Summary of Responsibilities: The Disciplinary Board handles complaints and cases of clergy misconduct and other matters set forth in Title IV of the Canons of the Episcopal Church including the Trial of any Priest or Deacon of the Diocese. 

Commitment needed: Be available to meet via Zoom/teleconference and/or in person should a case/need present itself. Unless there is an active case this committee typically does not meet.


FIT (Faith Into Tomorrow Endowment) Committee:

Summary of Responsibilities: Oversee the on-going grants and operating budget funding provided by the FIT Endowment. Manage the granting process including distributing, advertising, and evaluating annual grant applications for the multiple grant cases. Review the spending allocation annually and make recommendations for approval to the Standing Committee.

Commitment needed: attend regular Zoom meetings (3-6 annually) , receive and disburse documents via electronic methods (dropbox/email), meet via Zoom for an all-day meeting or in-person for a 2–3-day meeting at least once a year.


Deanery Events

on Diocesan Website

We have added all four deanery meetings to the Diocesan website, in the list of upcoming events. You will find diocesan reports for each deanery on that deanery’s page. Here is a direct link: Upcoming Events – Episcopal Diocese of Alaska (episcopalak.org) or you go to the website (www.episcoaplak.org), click on “News & Events” button and select “Upcoming Events” and scroll down to the event you’re interested in viewing.

The Faith Into Tomorrow (FIT) 2024 grant application packets were mailed to each congregation and are available on the diocesan website this week. Below is a summary of the grants available in 2024.

  • Case 4 – Youth Ministries. This program has $9,432 available for granting. The purpose this grant is to enrich our youth ministries. Examples of programs that this grant provides funding for are activates that promote local congregational, deanery, or diocesan youth ministries; support for campus ministries; youth leadership training events and retreats; and youth attendance at Episcopal conferences, retreats, camps, and national events. Applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.

  •  Case 5 – Caring for Victims of Poverty and Abuse. This program has $9,387 available for granting.  Examples of programs that this grant provides funding for are: food pantries, food banks, clothing, service to the homeless, shelters, soup kitchens, support of ministry to victims of substance abuse, victims of abuse, and prison ministries. Applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.

  •  Case 6 – Encouraging Spiritual Growth and Outreach. This program has $3,426 available for granting. Examples of programs that this grant provides funding for are: gatherings, retreats, workshops, conferences dedicated to enhancing spirituality; travel for the purpose of sharing Christian education, music, worship, resources; or the support of media programs (TV, radio, video, etc.) to reach out to people with the Good News of the Gospel. Applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.

  • Case 2B – Traveling Work Team Support Grant. This program will provide up to $500 per year, per congregation for team of workers (2 or more people), from outside the congregation, to help build or repair churches, rectories, retreat centers, camps or diocesan centers. The annual cap for total distribution is $3,000. Applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than May 15, 2024 which is a different deadline than the above ministry grant programs. Grant awards will be made by June 15, 2024.

  •  CASE 2A – Facility Emergency Repair or Replacement. This program has $83,185 available for grants/loans. Maximum per applicant church is $10,000. Case 2A provides funds for the immediate response to emergencies such as, but not limited to: fire, floods, wind, extreme cold, failed heating or plumbing fixtures or systems, sudden structural failure” These funds are to help pay for facility repair or replacement due to damage or destruction from an unexpected or suddenly occurring event.  Applications must be received within 60 days from the date of the incident or event.

  • 1) EMERGENCY GRANT’s are available to churches or diocesan facilities whose operating income is less than $75,000.00

  • 2) EMERGENCY NO INTEREST LOANS are available to churches or diocesan facilities whose operating income is greater than $75,000.00.


**Applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than deadline. **

Guidelines, instructions, and applications are available diocesan website, https://episcopalak.org/ministries/fit-grant/ or through the Bishop’s Office by calling 907-452-3040 or 1-800-478-3043. Online Applications are the preferred method of applying. The PDF version, which need to be saved or printed and either emailed, faxed or postal mailed are also still available.

Links to the Online applications are listed below:

Case 4 – Youth Ministries: https://give.egive-usa.com/App/Form/73f99c75-165b-4d98-babf-847068e2eec4


Case 5 – Caring for Victims of Poverty and Abuse: https://give.egive-usa.com/App/Form/c2355b4b-decc-4267-a6b1-8970438c3f62 


Case 6 – Encouraging Spiritual Growth and Outreach https://give.egive-usa.com/App/Form/92943fca-3ddc-42fb-af84-c76d38a34352


Case 2B – Traveling Work Team Support Grant: https://give.egive-usa.com/App/Form/3224362b-6bea-40ce-a5f6-78bef5cf59ea


Case 2A – Facility Emergency Repair or Replacement: https://give.egive-usa.com/App/Form/e5c0bd37-27e0-46ed-88b1-06c47c20509a"

The Standing Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Prison Ministry grant opportunity, to fund prison ministries in the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, is now open. Applications were mailed to each congregation and are available on the diocesan website this week.


The purpose of this grant is to enrich our prison ministries in the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska. Prison ministry, for the purpose of the grant, is defined as services to incarcerated individuals or groups, and those engaged in reentry programs. The total grant amount available for 2024 is $5,000.

The following guidelines define how earnings of this portion of the Fund can be spent –

·       Activities that promote local congregational, deanery, or diocesan prison ministries.

·       Prison ministry training events and retreats.

·       Attendance at prison ministry training, conferences, retreats.


Who can apply for this grant -

Any Episcopal groups in the Diocese of Alaska, such as congregations, deaneries, or the Bishop’s office


**Applications must be postmarked or submitted no later than the deadline of

October 11, 2024.**


Guidelines, instructions and applications are available on the diocesan web-site under the Ministries tab, https://episcopalak.org/prison-ministry-grant-program/, or through the Bishop’s Office by calling 907-452-3040 or 1-800-478-3043.

2023 Parochial Report

Reminder Reports Were due online March 1, 2024: There is still time for you to file online.

Click here for Online Report

Parochial Report Information: Forms & Instructions - The General Convention of The Episcopal Church


All Parochial Reports should be filed online if you have access to the internet.

If you do not have access to the internet please fill out the forms and send them to the diocesan office

and Lynnette Winfrey‐Frank can enter the information here. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact:

Lynnette Winfrey-Frank by email [email protected]

or by phone 907-452-3040 or toll free 1-800-478-3043.

Thank you to the following congregations who have completed their parochial report:   

St. Michael’s & All Angels, Haines

Holy Trinity, Juneau

St. Bartholomew’s, Palmer

St. Brendan's, Juneau

St. Peter's, Sitka

St. Phillip's, Wrangell

All Saints, Anchorage

St. Timothy's, Chalkyitsik

Holy Spirit, Eagle River

St. Francis, Kenai

St. John's, Ketchikan

St. Mark's, Nenana

St. Jude's, North Pole

Episcopal Congregation, Rampart

St. Andrews, Stevens Village

St. Augustine's, Homer

St. George's, Kotzebue

Episcopal Congregation, Rampart

Epiphany, Valdez

St. David's, Wasilla

St. Mary's, Anchorage

Denali Episcopal, Talkeetna

St. James, Tanana

News From You

St. Matthew's, Fairbanks- Herring Eggs have arrived.

You will need to call and set up a time to pick them up.

You can Call Kayle at 907-456-5265 During regular business hours.

They are "First Come First Serve"- There is a limited amount of eggs so call now.

2024 St. Mary's Outreach Mission Funds GRANT APPLICATION

This year, as in previous years, we have a very simple application process for any community group that is doing work that benefits the greater good of our community. In the past our St. Mary’s Mission Outreach Funding has expanded services for LBGTQ+ at risk youth in rural Alaska, funded alcohol intervention programs, built and repaired furniture and purchased supplies for Nasenga Primary School in Malawi, Africa, provided scholarships for local after-school art and music activities, helped establish a Fruits of the Forrest Garden for education and sharing, and provided funds to help with rent and utilities for a local children’s clothing distribution center. It is especially helpful for smaller projects that are difficult to get funded through the usual channels.


Up to a total of $12,000 total is available to various partners from the people of St. Mary's this year.


Issue Request for Proposal: April 1, 2024

Proposal Due Date: 4pm AK time; April 22, 2024

Outreach Team Review: April 24-May 3, 2024

Vestry meeting and final selection: By May 13,2024

Grant awards: May 31, 2024, or sooner

Click Here for Full Letter and Application

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The Episcopal Church

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Featured Articles

Four chosen to stand for election as 28th Presiding Bishop

The Episcopal Church’s Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop today announced the names of the bishops it will nominate to succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Barker

Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska


The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez

Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania


The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe

Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Episcopal Diocese of Western New York


The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright

Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta


Read Full Article

‘Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: An Easter Journey with Palestinian Christians’


Video series starts Easter Sunday


Offering reflections and teaching on the Sunday Gospel readings during the Easter season, this seven-video series from the Office of Global Partnerships will feature Archbishop Hosam Naoum and other clergy from the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

An Easter Sunday reflection with the archbishop will premier online at sunrise in Jerusalem and be available for viewing here. The following six videos will be posted online on Wednesdays starting April 3.


“The goal of this series is to help us explore and understand the Easter Gospels through a unique voice and lens—that of Palestinian Christians,” said Archdeacon Paul Feheley, The Episcopal Church partnership officer for the Middle East.


The videos will include English and Arabic readings of the Gospel passages, as well as insights shared from each speaker about the Scripture and information about their respective contexts. 

Toward GC81: Official Youth Presence members selected from each province

Eighteen young people from every province in The Episcopal Church will serve as the Official Youth Presence for the 81st General Convention, meeting June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The group gathered in Louisville from Feb. 16-19 for orientation and training.

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My Tidbits
Melissa Ward
Bishop's Assistant

Weekly Quote

il_570xN image

Special Announcements from the Diocese
Newsletter for the Visually Impaired!

We are now offering a copy of the newsletter to those who are Visually Impaired (VI). If you have trouble seeing the content in our regular newsletter, then the VI edition is just for you.

The VI edition of the newsletter will feature the SAME content as in our regular newsletter each week. The difference is how it is presented. To view a sample of the VI Edition, click the button below.

If you would like the VI Newsletter, Please Let me know and I will add you to the email list to receive that edition instead of the regular one. You can :



Call the office @ 907-452-3040 (Toll-Free- 800-478-3043)

Melissa Ward
Bishop's Assistant

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