June 14, 2024

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Weekly Lectionary

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From the Bishop

The Episcopal Church

  • Link All Articles from Public Affairs
  • Link to Current Health Updates on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

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Weekly Lectionary

Sunday closest to June 15

Track 1

1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Psalm 20

2 Corinthians 5:6-10,[11-13],14-17

Mark 4:26-34

Proper 4

Year B



Track 2

Ezekiel 17:22-24

Psalm 92:1-4,11-14

2 Corinthians 5:6-10,[11-13],14-17

Mark 4:26-34


Mark 4:26-34

Full Lectionary

Online Worship Services

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From the Bishop

"Looking Ahead to General Convention"

Next week marks the beginning of the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, KY. The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska will be represented by a Deputation of Lay Leaders and Clergy from across the Diocese.  Our Lay Deputies are: Allan Hayton (Interior); Ella Lisbourne (Arctic Coast); Dan Hall (Southeast); Maggie McKay (South Central). Adam Lees (South Central) will also attend as an Alternate.  Our Clergy Deputies are: Mary Norton (Arctic Coast); Bessie Titus (Interior); Marilyn Duggar (Interior); and Julie Platson (Southeast). Dawn Allen-Herron (South Central) will also attend as an Alternate.  Mary Norton is the Chair of the Deputation. 

General Convention is the official legislative body of the Episcopal Church. Meeting every three years, General Convention considers a significant amount of resolutions that range from matters relating to worship and music, constitution and canons, the budget of the Episcopal Church, mission direction, and a host of resolutions that address social, political, and institutional concerns.  You can learn more, read and track proposed resolutions, and get news about General Convention at the GC81 website:  https://generalconvention.org/gc81/

The First Legislative Day of General Convention is Sunday, June 23, but deputies may have meetings or activities scheduled as early as June 21 or 22.  The last day of General Convention is Friday, June 28.  

One of the anticipated acts of this General Convention will be the election of a new Presiding Bishop. Michael Curry's 9 year term as Presiding Bishop will end October 31st this year and General Convention will elect a Bishop to begin serving as the Presiding Bishop beginning November 1.  

The General Convention will also see the election of the next President of the House of Deputies.  

I have served for the last 2 and a half years as a co-chair of the Nominating Committee for Presiding Bishop. It has been an extraordinary experience; I have said many times that the Joint Nominating Committee of the Election of the Presiding Bishop has been the most extraordinary group of people I have ever had the honor to serve with on an Episcopal Church committee.  I am proud of the work we have accomplished together and the integrity and care that the members brought to the work.  In all things, the committee made prayer and discernment the grounding of our work.

A recent letter published by the Presiding Officers reports complaints that have been received since the nomination slate was announced. Typically, in accordance with the canons on Title IV, complaints that are processed through Title IV are held in confidence to protect both the complainant and the respondent.  If after reviewing through the Title IV process it is determined that an offense or violation has taken place, any disciplinary action is made public.  

The Presiding Officers, however, took the extraordinary action of publishing Title IV complaints involving some of the Nominees before resolution and, in a couple cases, after it was determined that there had been no offense or violation and the case dismissed. They took this action as an exercise of their pastoral concern for transparency in the election.  

I ask you to keep your Deputation in your prayers. Pray for the Church. Pray that in all things the Holy Spirit will call and guide the Episcopal Church in its deliberations and decisions. Pray that in all the business of General Convention, we may not lose sight of our true calling to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ our Lord--to look to him and his life-giving love, his life-changing forgiveness, as our true hope for everlasting life, peace, and reconciliation with God and all people.  

After General Convention, I will be taking a couple of weeks of vacation. Patricia will join me in Western New York to spend time with my parents, children, and friends.  I will be back in the office July 16.

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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Vice President of the House of Bishops Mary Gray-Reeves disclose Title IV matters involving presiding bishop candidates

Dear family in Christ,


We write today to make you aware of five recent Title IV matters involving three bishops who have been nominated for election as our next presiding bishop. We recognize the gravity of this decision, and we would like to explain our reasons for this disclosure.


Over the past year, many bishops, other clergy, and laypeople have called for greater transparency in our processes that address bishop misconduct. As followers of Jesus of Nazareth, we know that the call to lead comes with an extra measure of accountability, and we believe that balancing appropriate confidentiality with appropriate transparency will help increase trust that our church is a safe place for all of God’s children.


While our canons do not require the kind of disclosure we are making today, they do leave room for the presiding bishop or presiding bishop-designate to exercise discretion in Title IV matters when sharing information is pastorally appropriate.


In this instance, we believe disclosure is pastorally appropriate because the subjects of the complaints are people who have been nominated as our next presiding bishop, and this disclosure protects the integrity of the presiding bishop election.

We provide this information with the caution that our canons make it clear that all persons against whom allegations are made are presumed innocent until proven otherwise.


Two Title IV matters are currently pending against bishops who are nominees for presiding bishop. The nature of the allegations and the procedural status of those matters are as follows, with bishops named alphabetically:

  • The Rt. Rev. DeDe Duncan-Probe: On May 5, 2024, the intake officer for bishops received an anonymous report that Bishop Duncan-Probe had publicly misrepresented her academic credentials. The reference panel referred the matter for investigation on May 22, 2024.

  • The Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutiérrez: On June 5, 2024, the intake officer for bishops received a report criticizing Bishop Gutiérrez’s handling of a Title IV matter involving allegations of sexual misconduct against a priest in the diocese. The reference panel referred the matter for investigation on June 11, 2024.

Three Title IV matters involving nominees for presiding bishop have been considered in the Title IV process and have been dismissed:

  • The Rt. Rev. DeDe Duncan-Probe: On Dec. 20, 2023, the intake officer for bishops received a report criticizing Bishop Duncan-Probe for refusing to permit the complainant to continue in the discernment process and requiring the complainant to refer future correspondence to the chancellor. The intake officer dismissed the matter on Feb. 20, 2024, and, after an appeal by the complainant, the dismissal was upheld by the president of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops on March 21, 2024.

  • The Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutiérrez: On May 15, 2024, the intake officer for bishops received an anonymous report criticizing Bishop Gutiérrez for resolving a Title IV matter involving a priest in the diocese with an accord the complainant regarded as too harsh and for allegedly failing to provide adequate pastoral support to the parish. The reference panel decided on May 28, 2024, to take no action other than appropriate pastoral response, and the matter was dismissed.

  • The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright: On Dec. 15, 2023, the intake officer for bishops received allegations of ageism, ableism, microaggressions, and abuse of power by Bishop Wright. The reference panel decided on Feb. 22, 2024, to take no action other than appropriate pastoral response, and the matter was dismissed.

We hope you receive this information in the spirit of our intent, and we call all Episcopalians to prayer in this season of discernment about the future of our beloved church.





The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry      The Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves

 Presiding Bishop and Primate       Vice President of the House of Bishops

The Episcopal Church              Title IV Presiding Bishop-Designate

                                  The Episcopal Church 

Archives exhibit chronicles evolving roles of women in The Episcopal Church

From early work to support church missions to the struggle for equal representation in church leadership and ordination, the history of women in the church is told in “For the Extension of the Kingdom: Women of The Episcopal Church,” a comprehensive online exhibit curated and presented by The Archives of The Episcopal Church.

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My Tidbits
Melissa Ward
Bishop's Assistant

Weekly Quote

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Melissa Ward
Bishop's Assistant

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Living and Growing: A Scotsman who inspired spiritual leaders with writings about God’s unconditional love for all - By Tim Spengler

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