Salt & Light: Military Ministry in EDSD
Becoming a Church for Military Members and Families
By: The Rev. Janine Schenone
Bishop Susan Brown Snook recently appointed The Rev. Frank Munoz, retired Navy chaplain and Priest-in Charge at Grace Episcopal Church in Menifee, as our first military missioner—and the first known diocesan military missioner in The Episcopal Church. On Saturday, September 19, the Rev. Munoz offered a workshop to 15 members from around the diocese that covered the importance of military ministry and ways to offer our gifts to military families.

The most obvious reason to minister to the military is that they are in our midst (“fish in the sea,”), and so they are neighbors in need of pastoral care. In addition, military families have unique needs. Marriages can be strained due to long periods apart; families move often; and they often experience financial strain. Some active and retired military are healing from physical wounds, PTSD, or other disorders. Read More
St. Luke's: A Super Food Pantry in North Park
As the pandemic drags on, so does the need for food assistance for thousands in San Diego County. A recent SANDAG report found 70% of the region’s most underserved population is struggling to meet basic needs.
A collaborative effort in North Park is working to meet the need there.

“I’m just glad they’re here,” said Dwight James as he got some much-needed food Thursday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in North Park. This is a place where anyone who doesn’t have enough to eat can stop by and get what they need. Read More
Bishop Curry's Statement on Ruth Bader Ginsburg
[Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued the following statement on Sept. 18 following the death of long-serving Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

The late John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, “while on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”

The sacred cause of liberty and justice, dignity and equality decreed by God and meant for all has been advanced because while on earth Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made God’s work her own. Because of her the ancient words of the prophet Micah to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God have found fulfillment. May we follow in her footprints. May she rest in the arms of the God who is love and the author of true justice.
Rest In Peace, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Shalom.

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
All Saints' to welcome Rev. Carlos Expósito
Bishop Susan Brown Snook will install Fr. Carlos E. Expósito as the thirteenth rector of All Saints', San Diego at 9am, October 4, in the historic church. Bishop Susan will be the preacher and the celebrant. Video of the installation will be available for later viewing.

Sunday, October 4 is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment. Bishop Susan will lead the Blessing of the Animals by the statue of St. Francis in the courtyard.
Border Ministries Summit
Join us for the Virtual Border Ministries Summit 2020 and hear from those at the center of the immigrant community in San Diego. Our focus will be on Christian Peacemaking in a World of Conflict. Learn from undocumented people, deportees, first generation immigrants and Christian leaders who live in Tijuana and San Diego. We will hear from Episcopal / Anglican Bishops and other leaders on both sides of the border, as well as from the Border Patrol and legal experts. We will not only learn about immigration but will be equipped with tangible Christian Peacemaking practices to live out in our own contexts as Everyday Peacemakers. The pain is real and the opportunity for transformation and healing is as well.

This is the Third Annual Border Summit, designed for Episcopal and other Christians wanting more information about the US-Mexico border, and for those who want to learn the basics of becoming Christian Peacemakers in this time of deep division. Learn More
Vote Faithfully: Election Engagement Toolkit
“It is a Christian obligation to vote, and more than that, it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.” -Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Check out our 2020 Vote Faithfully Election Engagement Toolkit to learn how you can help encourage voting in your community! New resources will be added to this page as they become available.

Early California voting starts in October: Read More

En Español: Vote Fielmente 2020

Resource on voting and homelessness: Tips for registering, requesting an absentee ballot, and voting while experiencing homelessness. If your congregation runs a homeless ministry of any kind, use this as a starting point for voter engagement with that ministry.
Faith to Go: Your weekly formation resources
A Weekly, On The Go Resource for Parents and Non-Parents Alike

Hosted by the Faith To Go team in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar. Joined each week by a special guest, the Faith To Go team highlights themes from the Sunday Gospel reading for you to take into your faith discussions and reflections throughout the weekMore Here
Nominations are Open: Diocesan Convention
Nomination are open!
Nominations for Elected Positions are open. If you would like to nominate someone for an elected position, please visit the convention website and put forward your nomination.
But how are we going to meet virtually?
Utilizing a new event management platform, Whova, delegates and visitors can look forward to a clear agenda, ways of connecting, exhibitor space, workshops, and more. Due to the technological hurdles of a virtual convention, we are asking that ALL delegates attend one of three online training sessions to prepare for Diocesan Convention. Each session will have an overview of the Whova platform, voting, and more. Please register for 1 of the 3 training sessions through the convention website.  Visit the new website at

“… and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish.
Clergy Conference begins on MONDAY!
We are excited to offer several presentations from the Dean and President of Seminary of the Southwest, The Very Rev. Dr. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, on the apocalyptic texts we encounter in late Pentecost and Advent which speak to our present chaotic and tumultuous moment. Where do we find hope as preachers, congregational leaders, and human beings who are trying to live faithfully while the world is seemingly falling apart? Read More
Preaching in the Era of COVID19
The Episcopal Preaching Foundation invites practicing parish clergy to register for a Zoom-based Preaching Excellence Program (“PEP II”) that will take a deep dive into preaching in the era of COVID. The schedule, adapted for “Zoom Time” will require only 3 hours per day online between 11 AM and 4 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday, January 11-15, 2021. Read More
TENS: Offering of Free Stewardship Classes
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) is offering free virtual gatherings, webinars, and other events to help support your stewardship campaigns.

October 24 10AM PDT Planned Giving Basics, Legacy Societies & Endowments - Learn how to inspire donors to make lasting gifts to fund the mission of your congregation. Click here to reserve your spot.
Revive: A Discipleship Resource for Lay Leaders
Revive is a discipleship resource created by Forward Movement to help active lay leaders—wardens, property and finance officers, committee chairs, vestry members, church school teachers, youth ministers, pastoral visitors, and liturgical ministers—grow in confidence as spiritual leaders. Revive is about transformation through spiritual formation. In just 10 months, this small-group program transforms leaders of practical church ministry into confident spiritual leaders who love God and participate in Christ’s ministry. 

If you would like more information about Revive, or would like to offer Revive to your congregational lay leaders, please talk to your clergy or contact Christian Gillette, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship​ at [email protected]. 
12 Steps to Successful Stewardship
How are you managing your Annual Stewardship Campaign this fall? It’s one of the major program areas of the church that is significantly impacted by the new ways we are operating in the pandemic. Your campaign takes on added significance because, let’s face it, your church still needs money.

In my work in church stewardship and development, I have learned that there are some key concepts for the creation and operation of a solid and successful stewardship campaign. I consider them foundational, especially in times of transition. Here they are with some ideas that I hope will help spark your creativity and planning.Read More
Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course
Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course (VELMC) is an innovative five-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. The five-day VELMC includes 20 hours of online classroom presentations, worship services, and group dialogue, with comfortable breaks and an ample lunch time factored in from 11:00am to 5:30pm (EDT) each day.

This course will provide the foundational tools necessary for church leaders to discern and explore the type of Latino/Hispanic ministry that best fits a congregational setting and its context. More Here Under Construction
404 Error: Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost. is going through some changes. You may find that your bookmarked or saved links are now broken, or that information you're used to finding has been moved.

Please be patient as we work to update to better serve you into the future. If you have questions or come across a broken link, please email Director of Communications, Chris Tumilty. Thank you for your help while we work to better our digital presence.
Resources for Emotional Support
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is changing life for all of us. You may feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, depressed, lonely or frustrated in these circumstances.

You’re not alone!

Find resources to connect with real people that can help, here.
Grants Available to Churches
Our diocese is pleased to offer a grants program to support you in enhancing online and outdoor worship. Grants of $250 to $750 will be provided to help cover the cost of sound and online equipment, and may be used to cover purchases dating back to March 15, 2020. To apply for a grant, please click here.

In addition to our technology grants, please remember that we have raised funds under our “For Such A Time As This” campaign to help those who are suffering from the economic downturn. I am happy to help your congregation start a feeding program, support your members who have lost jobs, or otherwise relieve suffering that you know about. To apply for a grant, please send me an email describing the need and the amount you are requesting. I am eager to help.
TENS Offers Resources for Virtual Stewardship
The Episcopal Network For Stewardship (TENS) provides virtual stewardship materials that are free to all congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego via our diocesan TENS membership. This year, TENS is providing resources that help congregations with virtual stewardship campaigns. 
TENS member resources are available to all congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego via the diocesan membership. For login information, contact Director of Communications, Chris Tumilty at [email protected] or Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Keren Mondaca, at [email protected].
Public Statement of our Commitment
Any church in our diocese is welcome to use this statement, for instance as a clergy-vestry joint statement, or as an ongoing statement in your bulletin.
As part of the Jesus Movement and the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, we pledge to love our neighbors and protect the most vulnerable among us, remembering our baptismal vows to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” We live these pledges out by actively engaging in dismantling racism. For many of us, this will mean learning more about our racial identity, listening to those who have experienced racial prejudice, speaking out against racism, and showing up alongside those in our community working to change unjust systems in our society. We also live out this pledge at worship during this pandemic, by wearing face-coverings, respecting distancing guidelines, foregoing the common cup and refraining from congregational singing.
EMERGENCY!!! Church Livestreaming Setup!
Checklist to Resume In-Person Worship
Due to a spike in Covid-19 cases, in-person worship is suspended in our diocese. Please continue to pray and prepare for when we can gather together again. Both the bishop and the state of California have issued guidelines for in-person worship. A congregational checklist that consolidates and simplifies these guidelines can be found here.

Some counties have also issued separate guidelines and requirements, so please check your local county guidelines. Please note that San Diego County requires that a Reopening Plan be posted in a public place. The template for the plan can be found here. 
COVID-19 Resources
Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is here to support you through this difficult time. The sudden impact of COVID-19 on our community-life does not mean we need to give up community. Find a list of resources that can help here: including a bulletin for Morning Prayer, resources for online giving for your congregation, help in setting up video meetings, Faith at Home resources, and more.
If you have or need any type of resource that is not listed here, please email Christian Gillette, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship with your materials or request. 
Diocesan Staff: Working Remotely
holy trinity building
Due to COVID-19 the Diocesan Staff will be working remotely. You can find contact information for each of the staff members here. Feel free, as always, to call Bishop Susan, Canon Gwynn, Canon Christian, Rev. Kirby, or Chris for any reason. Please email the other members of the Diocesan Staff as their cell phone numbers are not listed.