
Diocesan Loan and Grant Program

Does your church need some renovations and maintenance? Maybe there is a church project you want to tackle in the new year.

The Diocesan Council could help make those goals a reality. They are offering grants and loans in a new, exciting program for our diocese.

Mission and Ministry Grants serve two main purposes:

  1. Mission, Ministry, and Outreach Programs.
  2. Incentivizing Care of Creation Programs throughout Western Louisiana.

These grants can help existing ministries, help foster new ones, address areas of unmet need, and support ministries that serve their communities.

Capital Improvement & Deferred Maintenance Loans will enable congregations and ministries to realize capital improvement needs and address maintenance issues. These loans will bear no interest.

Clicking on those links will take you to a Google form. Applications will be considered by the Finance Committee on behalf of the Diocesan Council. These forms can also be found here on the Diocesan website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Will Harp, Diocesan Treasurer.

Diocesan Events

Camp Hardtner Opens 2023 Summer Camp Registration

Camp Hardtner has enriched the lives of many people over the years. Making lifelong friends, learning about your faith, and unconditional love are all part of the camp experience. Now you can sign your children up for the 2023 Season.

Camp Hardtner provides summer camp sessions for different age ranges. Plus they are bringing back Camp Able this year, which is for adults 18 years or older with special needs. This is a great way for your children to spend their summer.

You can register by clicking here.

Chrism Mass and Renewal of Vows

Members of the clergy are called together each year on Tuesday of Holy Week for the celebration of the Chrism Mass during which the holy oils are blessed and a renewal of commitment to the ministry of the Gospel through the exercise of the ordained ministry is made. The 2023 Chrism Mass will take place at St. James in Alexandria on April 4.

The service start time is 10:30am. Clergy who plan to attend must RSVP by March 28. 

You can RSVP by clicking here.

Diocesan Calendar

Have you seen the calendar of events on the new diocesan website? Find diocesan events for various categories: Bishop's Visitation, Youth Events, Christian Formation Workshops, and more. Explore the diocesan calendar of events by clicking here.

Around the Diocese

St. Michael and All Angels in Lake Charles Unveils New AA Outreach Center

On March 16, St. Michael and All Angels unveiled their new outreach center. The facility will be used as a meeting place for anonymous substance abuse groups and other organizations. The church held a ceremony to celebrate its construction.

“Lake Charles, like many communities, has a lot of need. And this is a wonderful way...a wonderful maybe, perhaps, small way in the grand scheme of things. But I think, in this local setting, it will make a significant difference and impact the lives of people who live in Lake Charles,” The Rev. Drew Christiansen said.

You can learn more by clicking here.

The Rev. Deacon Benjamin Thoms Joining St. Barnabas in Lafayette As Curate

St. Barnabas in Lafayette is pleased to announce that The Rev. Deacon Benjamin Thoms is going to be joining as their new Curate. He was received into the Episcopal Church in 2016 after being invited by a friend.

In 2020, he was granted postulancy and began studying for his Master of Divinity degree at The University of The South. He was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate in November of 2022.

God Willing, The Rt. Rev. Jacob W. Owensby will ordain The Rev. Deacon Benjamin Thoms to the Sacred Order of Priests at St. Barnabas in Lafayette. This will happen on May 27 at 4:00 p.m.

Want to see your congregation or organization featured?

Share your ministry stories, announcements, and events with us through the Digital Hub on the diocesan website.

Outside the Diocese

The Rt. Rev. Frank T. Griswold III, 25th Presiding Bishop, Celebrated As A 'Contemplative With A Quiet Courage'

The Rt. Rev. Frank Tracy Griswold III, the 25th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, was remembered March 18 as a leader who “bathed us in the love of God.”

The Most Rev. Michael Curry in his sermon described Griswold as “a praying brother” who constantly invoked the example of the contemplative and ascetical Desert Fathers and Mothers and who also acted with quiet and clear courage.

Griswold was bishop of the Diocese of Chicago when he was elected at the 72nd General Convention in Philadelphia in July 1997 to succeed then-Presiding Bishop Edmund Browning. He officially took office on Jan. 10, 1998.

You can read more by clicking here.

Photo: Nineteen Episcopal Bishops and one Lutheran Bishop were present to celebrate the life of The Rt. Rev. Frank T. Griswold III.

Resources & Formation
Bishop Owensby's Latest Blog Post

God Doesn't Need the Morality Police - Jake Owensby

Brené Brown introduced me to the phrase "shame storm." If you're like me, you've been caught in one before. You just didn't know what to call it. Shame storms can be triggered by all sorts of things, and they may take different forms for different people.

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The Episcopal Church Newsletter is handled by Thomas Stodghill, IV. Click here to submit a story.