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Diocesan Prayer for the Bishop Search

As our diocese seeks the next bishop to lead us in this seminal moment in the church and the world, we want to bathe this search process in prayer. Every week, we boldly pray the words that Jesus taught us to pray, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. When we bring our hopes, dreams, fears, and desires into prayer, we are changed as our hearts become more aligned with God’s kingdom and will. 

Would you join us in prayer? Here are a few ways that you can pray: 

  • For the search committee as they interview candidates, for deep listening, spiritual discernment, and unity as they narrow the field of candidates. 

  • For Spirit-led conversations this summer, that whatever the outcome may be, there would be a deep sense of encouragement and fresh vision for all involved. 

  • For God to raise up a leader for such a time as this, as expressed in the diocesan profile, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, courageous in putting feet to vision, and collaborative in helping us live out our call as the Body of Christ in the world. 

We will be sending out future communications about prayer opportunities for the search process including a prayer meeting in November and a novena in the days leading up to the election. Questions or other prayer ideas? Contact the Rev. Christine Lee at [email protected]

Upcoming Search Timeline

  • Summer 2022: Candidate interviews, references, and background checks
  • August 24-26: Discernment retreat with selected candidates
  • Early to mid-September: Slate of up to five candidates announced; petition period


Should you have any questions about the process of electing a bishop, please don't hesitate to email the Committee at [email protected].