Diocesan eNews -
July 3, 2019
Please note that the Diocesan Office will be closed July 4 & 5
for the Independence Day holiday.
Bishop Magness is living at Chanco most of this summer and getting to hang out
with campers and staff. Looks like he's having a really good time!
Deep Roots, Wild Branches: Re-missioning the Church from the Outside In
Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Andrew's, Newport News
The God who "makes all things new" is up to something. Amid a Christian landscape that looks and feels like a desert of decline, new oases of the Spirit are springing forth. Congregations are cultivating "fresh expressions" of church and experiencing forms of revitalization. Revitalization occurs through re-missioning from the outside in, when the whole people of God join what the Spirit is up to in our neighborhoods and networks. Click here for more information and registration for this day of interactive learning, sharing tools and practical processes presented by Fresh Expressions US.
St. Mark's, Hampton, decides to leave their building
St. Mark's, Hampton, has made the decision to give up their building.
The congregation has not made any decisions yet about their next steps, but St. John's, Hampton, has invited St. Mark's to use office and worship space at St. John's while they discern what the future holds for them.
Following a long period of study, prayer and discernment, St. Mark's vestry came to the conclusion that a continuing worship life for St. Mark's was unsustainable in their current building. At its meeting on June 18, the vestry decided to vacate the building. In a letter to the congregation, the Rev. Warren Hicks, St. Mark's rector, said of the vestry's decision that, "One of our guiding questions was, 'is the mission of the church to support the building or is the building to support the mission of the church?' Our answer is clearly the latter."
The last service St. Mark's will hold in the building at 2605 Cunningham Drive in Hampton will be on Sunday, July 21 at 9:30 a.m. Bishop Magness will deconsecrate the worship space on Thursday, June 25 at 7:30 p.m.
St. Mark's was founded in 1963 as a mission of St. John's, Hampton, to serve the growing population of northwestern Hampton. St. Mark's has had a long commitment to radical hospitality and intentional welcoming. They continue to be a diverse community which welcomes individual differences and creativity. St. Mark's was the first church in the Diocese of Southern Virginia to affiliate with Integrity, an organization dedicated to affirming and encouraging the full participation of LGBTQ folk in the life of the church.
The Rev. Roy Hoffman to join the diocesan staff
The Rev. Roy Hoffman will join the diocesan staff on July 15, working alongside the Rev. Canon Charles Robinson, as Hoffman prepares to assume the role of Canon to the Bishop Diocesan on August 1 when Robinson retires.
"It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our colleague and friend the Rev. Canon Charles Robinson as he retires after many years of loyal and valiant service to The Episcopal Church and to the Diocese of Southern Virginia," said Bishop Magness. "At the same time we joyfully greet the Rev. Roy Hoffman who will become the next Canon to the Bishop Diocesan. With his exceptional qualifications, Roy will be a significant and positive addition to our excellent diocesan staff."
Bishop's Blog: A new vision
Bishop Magness has a new post on his blog - A new vision. "...it is clear to me that our older management style of status quo maintenance will not serve the leaders (either lay or ordained) within our congregations." Click here to read his latest post.
Safe Church Training for VBS volunteers
If you have Vacation Bible School (VBS) volunteers who need to complete Safe Church Training, we are offering a VBS-focused training option that VBS Directors can facilitate with their VBS volunteers. The training format consists of an online training module and a PowerPoint presentation highlighting key safe church issues, as well as best practice guidelines. Given that the training focuses exclusively on the VBS setting, the Safe Church certification will expire immediately after the VBS program concludes. If you are interested in this training option please contact Susan Allen at sallen@diosova.org to gain access to the VBS training materials.
Singers needed for massed choir for Consecration service
Calling singers from across the Diocese to join the massed choir that will provide music for the Consecration of the next Bishop of Southern Virginia. The Consecration service is set for Saturday, February 1, 2020 (time: 12 or 1 p.m.) at St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg. All singers must attend one rehearsal in January 2020, as well as the morning rehearsal before the service. Exact rehearsal times and locations will be announced in the fall.
Summer issue of The Grapevine ECW newsletter available
The Summer 2019 edition of The Grapevine, the newsletter of the diocesan ECW, is now available on our website here.
The Grapevine is a quarterly print-ready newsletter available for individuals and churches to receive via email. You can sign up to receive The Grapevine by entering your email in the "Sign up to receive news" box at
Save the date! Harvest Hustle to benefit Boys Home
On Saturday, November 2, all are invited to participate in the Boys Home fall fundraiser, the Boys Home Harvest Hustle! The Harvest Hustle will take place at the Intervale Trailhead of the Jackson River Scenic Trail, in Covington, and this year the event has been expanded to include a fun run, 5K, 10K, and half-marathon. All events start and end at the trailhead, following a mostly flat, crushed-gravel surface along the scenic Jackson River. Participants will receive an event T-shirt and commemorative medal. Register early! Prices increase after September 30. Children under 10 are invited to run the 5K or 10K for free. For more information or to register, visit
or call Colleen at 540-965-7703.
Sacred Music & Worship Arts Summer Conference
As part of Virginia Wesleyan University's annual Sacred Music-Worship & Arts Summer Conference (July 22-27), some 68 workshop sessions will be offered on a wide range of topics on music, worship planning, children's music, handbells, organ, preaching, 'big screen' ideas, art in the church, and the list goes on! All led by nationally known clinicians.
There are also many sessions for clergy and worship leaders. Dr. Lucy Lind Hogan, the Hugh Latimer Elderdice Professor of Preaching and Worship at Wesley Theological Seminary will offer four sessions on preaching on Tuesday, July 23. Dr. Marcia McFee, author, worship designer, preacher and artist, and faculty member at San Francisco Theological Seminary, will offer two days of engaging, interactive teaching to assist in your planning fresh experiences of the Gospel for each worship setting on Wednesday, July 24 (Advent), and Thursday, July 25 (Lent).
Several evening events, to which the public is most welcome, will also be offered:
- July 22 at 7:30 p.m. - A Service of Christian Prayer using the music of Taize and Iona (Monumental Chapel at Virginia Wesleyan in Virginia Beach)
- July 24 at 7:30 p.m. - Follow Me,a hymn festival led by Tom Trenney with Wayla Chambo, flute, Leslie Frittelli, cello, Sharon Foxwell, organ, and massed choir. (First Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach)
- July 25 at 7:30 p.m. - The Better Part, festival worship with the Wesleyan Worship Choir led by Joseph Martin with Hyosang Park, handbell soloist, Jason Evans, organ, George Stone, piano, and Mary Charlotte Elia, preacher. (Great Bridge Presbyterian in Chesapeake)
July 27 at 7:30 p.m. - Finale: Sing to the Lord with Cheerful Voice. Philip Stopford leads the 90-voice Wesleyan Festival Chorus in a concert of sacred classics and new works with Stephen Cook, organist, Alexandra Mullins, harp, and the Wesleyan Festival Brass led by Lawrence Clemens. (Christ & St. Luke's in Norfolk)
Walk About dates and locations set
There will be four walk about opportunities around the Diocese. These open public forums with the nominees gives everyone a chance to meet them, ask questions of them and hear their responses.
Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 pm at Hungars Parish, Eastern Shore
10107 Bayside Road, Machipongo
Friday, September 6 at 7:00 pm at Galilee, Virginia Beach
3928 Pacific Avenue, Virginia Beach
(will be available live and on-demand on the diocesan website)
Saturday, September 7 at 1:00 pm at Chanco on the James
394 Floods Drive, Spring Grove
Sunday, September 8 at 3:00 pm at Johns Memorial, Farmville
400 High Street, Farmville
Bishop Election
Election of the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Election will be held Saturday, September 21, 2019 at Dinwiddie High School, 11501 Boisseau Road in Dinwiddie. 9:00 a.m. check-in. 10:00 a.m. Eucharist with election following.
Consecration Service
Consecration of the 11th Bishop Of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will be held February 1, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., the Most Reverend Michael Curry presiding. Service will be held at St. Bede Catholic Church, 3686 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg. Reception following the service in Kaplan Parish Hall. Information regarding parking will follow at a later date.
Consecration can be viewed live and on-demand on the diocesan website.
News from Chanco on the James
Camp Chanco staff enjoyed a fantastic First Session with our youngest campers. Click here to see the First Session recap video and you will have a glimpse at all the incredible activities our campers are enjoying this summer! And thanks to our donors - we are so happy to have all our campers sitting in one room together in the new dining hall is such a bonus! There is still room in Sessions 3, 4, Ropes Camp, Senior Week and Family Camp - so don't miss out on Camp Chanco fun this summer - register today for the summer memories of a lifetime. Click here for a 2019 Camp Chanco flyer. Click here for a flyer about Winter Camp and High School Week. Click here for a flyer about Family Camp. We have something for everyone! Questions? Contact us at hospitality@chanco.org or 888-7CHANCO. See you soon on the banks of the James where friends are friends forever!
News from The Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church response to the crisis on the border
Over the past several weeks, The Episcopal Church has responded to the reports of inhumane conditions for children and other asylum seekers in government custody in a number of ways. This response includes calls for donations and goods from Episcopal dioceses on the border, prayers for those seeking safety, efforts to engage in advocacy, and pastoral messages from bishops around the Church. "We are children of the one God who is the Creator of us all," said Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. "It is our sisters, our brothers, our siblings who are seeking protection and asylum, fleeing violence and danger to children, searching for a better life for themselves and their children. The crisis at the border is not simply a challenge of partisan politics but a test of our personal and public morality and human decency."
The Episcopal Church, through the Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Migration Ministries, has compiled a list of resources, bishop statements, and information in response to the ongoing humanitarian situation at the southern border.
Click here to read the full statement and to access resources for education and support.
Coming soon: Episcopal Church digital invitation kits for Back-2-School and Back to Ministry
Continuing the invitation to connect The Way of Love more deeply to the seasons of the year, The Episcopal Church is developing additional free and downloadable resources for congregations. Coming this summer are Back-2-School Digital Invitation Kit and the Back to Ministry Digital Invitation Kit.
Each of these kits include: a customizable poster and postcard; a social media-ready graphic; and a Facebook cover image. Each kit also includes a video prayer message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry which can be embedded on a church's website. These resources are themed both with and without Way of Love graphics. All resources will be available here.
In addition to the back-2-school, ministry fair, and previously-released Easter Digital Invitation Kits, similar resources are planned for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. They will be offered in Spanish and English.
Choral Pilgrimage of England - January 30 to February 8, 2020
You are invited to join the Christ and Grace, Petersburg, for a Choral Pilgrimage to England, January 30 to February 8, 2020, led by the Rev Robin Teasley, William Owen, and Matthew Little. A Choral Pilgrimage is a rich musical and spiritual journey where pilgrims seek an encounter with the Holy in the glory of choral music and the spiritual sites of our Anglican heritage. Pilgrims will be exploring some of these historic and sacred sites each day as they worship daily at Evensongs and sung Eucharists in some of England's most beautiful cathedrals and collegiate chapels. Participants will hear the resident world-famous choirs (not guest or touring choirs) sing in their home settings. The Organists and Music Directors will frequently join pilgrims for a meal to talk about their work, and pilgrims will have special reserved seating in the Quires. William Owen has led six of these journeys at his former parish, Christ Church Christiana Hundred in Wilmington, DE. For further information, please see the
trip brochure or contact Christ and Grace at
Holy Land with Bishop Magness - February 3-14, 2020
The next Holy Land Pilgrimage led by Bishop Magness will be February 3-14, 2020. Bishop Magness invites you to join him in the spring of 2020 for our second Diocesan pilgrimage to the "Land of the Holy One." For a number of years he has been making trips to Israel and Palestine for the purpose of both pilgrimage and building relationships. In coordination with Lightline Pilgrimages Bishop Magness has developed a splendid pilgrimage. If you choose to be one of our 2020 pilgrims you will have an incredible opportunity to both renew your faith and expand your knowledge of the land where Jesus lived out his ministry. Quite literally, you will be walking in the places where Jesus walked, and you will be experiencing the world that our Lord experienced. Space is limited to 35 people. Click here for trip brochure and registration form.
England Pilgrimage: Sacred Spires, Joyful Choirs - February 6-15, 2020 Join Hickory Neck Church, Toano, for a choral pilgrimage to England - the birthplace of the Episcopal Church and the home of much of the music that has shaped our past, present, and future. February 6-15, 2020 (note: revised date), we will journey from York, to Norwich, Cambridge, Salisbury, Oxford, Canterbury, London, and more, stopping each night in a magnificent cathedral, minster, or college to hear the beautiful renditions of evensong that each unique choir performs. You will also be able to tour historic towns, see the scenic countryside, and explore the art and architecture that has inspired Christians for centuries. Total cost per participant is about $3500 (double-occupancy; airfare, lodging, transportation, entrance fees, and most gratuities and meals included). Contact the Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly at 757-566-0276 or jandrewsweckerly@hickoryneck.org for more information. Click here for a tour brochure and registration form.
Grand Opening of the James Solomon Russell - Saint Paul's College Museum & Archives - August 10, 10:30 a.m., Saint Paul's College, Lawrenceville.
The grand opening of the James Solomon Russell - Saint Paul's College Museum & Archives will be held Saturday, August 10. The day will begin with worship at Saint Paul's Memorial Chapel at 10:30 a.m. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. at the former Saint Paul's College Student Union Building, 100 Athletic Field Drive, Lawrenceville. For more information, contact James Grimstead, director, gsmus@aol.com. Click here for more info and for souvenir program ad form.
Cursillo #167 - September 26-29, Chanco on the James. Cursillo is a movement within the Episcopal church designed to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. Cursillo is also a community where we're encouraged to live joyfully and serve faithfully in grace. Participants begin by attending a Cursillo Weekend. Go to www.cursillodiosova.org to learn about Cursillo and an application form.
Fall Clergy Conference - October 28-30, Chanco on the James. The Fall Clergy Conference will be held October 29 & 30 at Chanco on the James, with an optional Quiet Day on Monday, October 28. More information and registration coming soon.
Fall Camp at Shrine Mont - October 28-31, Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, VA. The Tri-Diocesan Council on Aging invites you to join us for this year's Fall Camp, with keynote speaker Philip Gulley. Mark your calendar. More info coming soon!
Harvest Hustle at Boys Home - November 2, Boys Home, Covington.
On Saturday, November 2, all are invited to participate in our fall fundraiser, the Boys Home Harvest Hustle! The Harvest Hustle will take place at the Intervale Trailhead of the Jackson River Scenic Trail, in Covington, and this year we're expanding to host a fun run, 5K, 10K, and half-marathon. All events start and end at the trailhead, following a mostly flat, crushed-gravel surface along the scenic Jackson River. Participants will receive an event T-shirt and commemorative medal. Register early! Prices increase after September 30. Children under 10 are invited to run the 5K or 10K for free. For more information or to register, visit
or call Colleen at 540-965-7703.
128th Annual Council - February 28-29, 2020.
Click here for more information.
80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church - June 30-July 9, 2021, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD.