March 27, 2024

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Clergy Renewal of Vows, Blessing of Chrism and Canon Installation Service

On Tuesday, clergy gathered to renew their ordination vows at Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis. This Holy Week service saw parishioners, lay leaders, and staff from around the Diocese of Indianapolis attend in witness and support. Oils were blessed for sacramental use in the liturgical and pastoral ministries of the church, and our Canon to the Ordinary for Congregational Development and Leadership, The Rev. Giulianna Cappelletti Gray, was installed.

As Bishop Jennifer shared: "We thank you [God] for raising up among us faithful servants for the ministry of your Word and Sacraments.” (From the Episcopal Ordinal).

Please click here to see photos.

Share Your Holy Week, Egg Hunts & Easter Photos

Don't forget to post your Holy Week, Egg Hunts and Easter photos on facebook (@indyepiscopal) and instagram (@indy_dio) so we can share them! Last year it was so great to see what everyone was doing and all the people who joined in!

Clergy on the Move

The Rev. Mark Van Wassenhove | Retiring from Saint Michael and All Angels, South Bend; Canonically Resident in Diocese of Indianapolis

Gracious God, we thank you for the work and witness of your servant who has enriched this community and brought gladness to friends and family; now bless and preserve him at this time of transition. Amen

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS):

Walk in Love - New Password

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) helps congregations jump-start their pledge campaigns by providing comprehensive campaign materials including timelines, logos, and weekly reflections tied to the lectionary. This year's theme is Walk in Love, a celebration of the joy and gratitude we have for God and our community that lead us to share our stories, our journeys, and our gifts.. 

The new password to access these resources for 2024 is Ephesians5:2

(Note that the password is case-sensitive and there are no spaces.)

Please click here to download all the seasonal reflections and the campaign timeline in English and in Spanish.

Diocese of Indianapolis Office Closed for Easter

March 29 & April 1

The Diocese of Indianapolis Office is closed for Easter on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1.


Please click here to see upcoming IndyDio events.

Solar Eclipse Event Highlights

  • Waycross Camp, Morgantown | April 7-9 | Join Waycross for a Total Solar Eclipse Fundraiser! Rates are inclusive of eclipse themed programming throughout the event, 2 overnights, and 5 meals. The money we raise for this event will help us to strengthen and sustain the excellent programming we already offer as well as to grow and offer new opportunities for formation and transformation. Please click here for more information.

  • Church of the Nativity, Indy | April 8 | 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. EDT | Let us experience the Total Sun Eclipse that will happen on April 8th! We will have music, snacks, science experiments and more about eclipses. Bring your safe eclipse viewing glasses, family and friends, lawn chairs, and more food to share!

  • St. Michaels, Noblesville | April 8 | 3:06 p.m. EDT | Noblesville is in the direct path of a total solar eclipse on April 8. Look no further than St. Michael’s Episcopal Church as the perfect afternoon viewing location!

Regional Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation Service

April 6

The Regional Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation Service will be held on Saturday, April 6, at 11:00 a.m. EDT/10:00 a.m. CDT at Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis. All candidates need to register and include a list of their presenters (up to four people) with their registration. A rehearsal is scheduled to begin 1-hour before the service. The deadline to register is March 28, 2024.

Please click here for more information and to register.

Lunch and Learn

April 10

Lunch and Learn is open to parents and all who work with children, youth, and/or families. It will be hosted by Province V on April 10, 2024 from 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET /10:45 a.m. - 12 noon CT.

Traci Smith is the author of the Faithful Families Series and pastor. Traci’s passion is helping families find times for connection and spiritual nourishment amid the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Please click here to register.

Spiritual Care Visitor Training

April 20

Spiritual Care Visitor Training is a 12-month program that equips lay persons with active listening skills and other tools that will help them assist in pastoral care in the parish or in an outreach setting such as a nursing home.

The training, offered by the Bishop Anderson House of Chicago, and sponsored by Diocese of Indianapolis and the IN-KY ELCA, begins with a retreat for participants on April 20 at Church of The Nativity, Indianapolis. Participants in the training must be approved by their parish clergy. Once approved, click here to complete a short application for the training.

Application deadline is April 14. Participants will also need a background check and to complete several Safe Church modules. Participants are supervised by their parish clergy or a member of the agency where they are volunteering. Cost of the training, including the retreat is $75. For more information contact the Rev. Mary Taflinger, Missioner for Pastoral Care.

Foraging Weekend

April 26-28

Foraging weekend is an opportunity to explore the beautiful Brown County hills at Waycross and learn about how to identify and harvest edible wild plants. Participants can expect a guided experience with some of Waycross’s most experienced camp staff.

Please click here to find out more information and register.

Men's Weekend

May 17-19

Brother Abraham from St. Gregory's Benedictine Abbey will be leading a retreat for men exploring the rhythms and practices of monastic life. You don't have to have taken holy orders to participate!

This year our Men’s Retreat at Waycross will focus on fellowship, sharing stories, and learning about Benedictine spiritual practices. There will be plenty of free time for hiking, reading, relaxing, conversation, and reflection. There will also be opportunities for community prayer, music, spiritual reflection, walking the Labyrinth, and a fire circle.

Please click here to register.


Gathering Resources Developed by Leaders within our Congregations

We now enter into phase two of our goal: gathering resources developed by leaders within our congregations and incorporating them into a digital library. If you have created a resource for middle and high school youth, we invite you to email it to Heather, our Diocesan Youth Minister. She will organize these resources into a shareable library on the Diocesan Youth Webpage.

Diocesan Youth Ministry Mission Trip

July 7-14

Please Click Here for more information and to register

Click below for our Faith Formation Library:


Big Provincial Gathering

April 26-27

Registration is open for the Big Provincial Gathering (BPG) in South Bend! The BPG is an opportunity to meet new people and connect with others who share your ministry passions. Reduced fee of $50 until Feb 29. There are also a several pre-event trainings connected to the BPG.

Please click here to register or for more details.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

March 31: Good Samaritan, Brownsburg | The Rev. James Said, Vicar-in Charge

April 7: St. John’s, Lafayette | The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, The Rev. Jason Fortner

In March, pray for the work of the Commission on Ministry of the Diocese and in April the work being accomplished by the United Thank Offering.

See the Cycle of Prayer


Canon Vicar | Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis

Christ Church Cathedral is looking for hands-on Canon Vicar who will partner with our Dean and healthy staff team as a day-to-day leader, overseer, and equipper for our mission and ministry. This position is intentionally meant to prepare someone who is readying themselves for larger leadership opportunities in the next 3-5 years. For more information about Christ Church Cathedral and this position, please click here.

Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter to Jen Phelps, Diocesan Transition Minister. Applications will be accepted through April 20, 2024, and we expect our new colleague to join us by August 1, 2024.

Full Time Parish Administrator | St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal Church, Zionsville

We are seeking a dedicated and organized individual to serve as a Parish Administrator for our vibrant community. The ideal candidate will be responsible for overseeing facility management, coordinating the production of worship materials, providing assistance to the Rector and staff, and embodying a non-anxious, pastoral presence within the parish. 

Please click here for more information.

Click here to find employment opportunities in the Diocese of Indianapolis.

About the Newsletter

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to friends, and encourage members of your congregation to subscribe.

To share information through diocesan communications, please use this link to be considered. The deadline for each week's newsletter is Monday at 5 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Central. Space is limited in our newsletter, so we may choose to share your submission on social media and we will be happy to discuss the best way to communicate your event. If your submission is selected it will run in the newsletter for 3 weeks. Content will be edited as needed. To help us illustrate your offering, please include photos with people! If you have an idea for a feature story, please email [email protected].

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