September 14, 2022
Welcoming New Clergy!
We welcome the clergy beginning new calls in our diocese this month:

The Rev. Christian Baron, rector, St. John's, Crawfordsville (September 1)
The Rev. Jason Haddox, vicar, Trinity, Lawrenceburg (September 11)
The Rev. Jim Said, vicar-in-charge, Good Samaritan, Brownsburg (September 12)
The Rev. Andrea Arsene, rector, All Saints, Indianapolis (September 14)

All Saints, Indianapolis will hold a Celebration of New Ministry on September 22 and Trinity, Lawrenceburg will hold a Celebration of New Ministry on October 6. Find details below in the Events section of this newsletter.

image (clockwise from top left): Baron, Arsene, Said, Haddox
Diocesan Convention is November 4 and 5
Preliminary schedule, call for nominations, resolutions and constitution and canon changes
The 185th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis will be held on Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5 at the Embassy Suites in Plainfield. In addition to delegates and clergy, all members of the diocese are welcome to attend. Find the preliminary schedule on the website.

Register for Convention by October 30
Registration for convention is now open . Early bird registration is $75 and will be available until September 30, after which the price will be $100. The deadline to register is October 30. The cost of registration includes workshops, Friday night dinner and lunch Saturday.

Children's Programming at Convention
Supervised activities for children ages 3 and older will be available on Saturday, November 5 during convention sessions. These activities are provided free of charge but registration is required by October 20.

If you will be attending convention and have childcare needs for children under 3, please contact Canon Kristin White to ensure you have the support you need in order to participate.

Use this link to reserve a room in the diocesan convention block at the Embassy Suites :

Pre-Convention Hearing on October 29
An online pre-convention hearing will take place on Saturday, October 29 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Eastern / 9 to 10:30 a.m. Central. Join the hearing using this Zoom link:

Nominations for diocesan leadership positions are due by October 20.

Learn more, and nominate yourself or someone else for a position using the Nominations Form.

Contact Kim Christopher with questions.

Resolutions and Proposed Constitution and Canon Changes
Resolutions and proposed Constitution and Canon Changes were due September 1.

Call for Volunteers
Volunteers are needed on both Friday and Saturday to help with setup, registration and breakdown. Sign up to help using the online form, and contact Erinna Vandever with questions.

Submit Photos for the Convention Slideshow
Congregations and neighborhoods are invited to submit photos of their lives together this past year to be included in a slideshow that will run during diocesan convention. Please submit photos using this link by October 14:

There will be a vendor hall at this diocesan convention. Vendors representing parishes or cooperating ministries can attend at no cost. Vendors from outside the diocese will be charged $100 to attend. If you are interested in being a vendor, please email Erinna Vandever.

Find up-to-date information about diocesan convention on the diocesan website.
Apportionment Guidelines for 2023
The draft apportionment guidelines for 2023 are now available. The guidelines, which specify the amount that each congregation will contribute to the diocesan budget, are developed annually in keeping with Diocesan Canon 7.4(a), which directs Executive Council to "determine annually a percentage factor to be paid from Net Operating Income of all congregations for support of Diocesan Mission and Ministry."

The apportionment, as specified by canon, is be a percentage of the average of the previous three reported years' Normal Operating Income. This year's percentage is 13.5 percent, a reduction from the 14 percent assessment of recent years. PPP loan proceeds are exempt from apportionment. Apportionment amounts become final upon approval of the budget by Diocesan Convention.

The 2023 budget will be approved by Executive Council at its September meeting and will be available online afterward. Email Canon Brendan O'Sullivan-Hale with questions.
Online Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training
The Diocese of Indianapolis will hold two online Lay Eucharistic Visitor trainings this fall. The first will take place on September 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern/5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Central and the second will be on October 1 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Eastern/9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Central.

The registration is open to all for renewal and new LEV Licenses. Communicants in good standing are welcome to attend. Everyone who attends must read A Manual for Eucharistic Visitors by Beth Wickenberg Ely and must bring their completed application form signed by their rector or priest-in-charge and senior warden.

Youth Ministry Listening Sessions in September
From September 26 to 28, consultants from Ministry Architects will visit the diocese to begin a youth ministry planning process that will last about 18 months. During their visit, consultants Mary Beth Abplanalp and Heather Patton-Graham will conduct listening sessions in both Indianapolis and Evansville. Young people, parents, youth ministry leaders, and anyone interested in developing a plan for vibrant youth ministry are welcome to attend to share their hopes and ideas.

Listening sessions at St. Paul's, Indianapolis will take place on September 26 at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern and on September 27 at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Eastern.

Listening sessions at St. Paul's, Evansville will take place on September 27 at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Central and on September 28 at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Central.

2022 TENS Pledge Campaign Resources Available
This year’s pledge campaign resources from the Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) are now available. When prompted, enter the password: Luke9:17. Please note, the password is case sensitive, and there are no spaces.
2022 United Thank Offering Grants Available
The application for the 2023 United Thank Offering Grant Cycle is now open. In the next 3 years, UTO Grants will be dedicated to areas of ministry that serve those whom society has left out and left behind. The focus for 2023 are ministries that focus on the worldwide incarceration crisis.

Diocesan Forms Due
Certification of Parish Leadership, Convention Delegates
Please ensure that your parish has submitted a 2022 Convention Delegates Form as well as a Certification of Parish Leadership Form.
Celebration of New Ministry September 22
All Saints, Indianapolis
All Saints, Indianapolis will hold a Celebration of New Ministry with the Rev. Andrea Arsene on September 22 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern/5:30 p.m. Central. Clergy are invited to vest and process. The festive color is red and vesting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Eastern/5:00 p.m. Central.
Celebration of New Ministry October 5
Trinity, Lawrenceburg
Trinity, Lawrenceburg will hold a Celebration of New Ministry with the Rev. Dr. Jason Haddox on October 6 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern/5:30 p.m. Central. Clergy are invited to worship with the congregation.
Cole Arthur Riley Visit
October 22
Cole Arthur Riley, author of "This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us," will offer two workshops on writing, spirituality and liberation on October 22 at a site to be determined.

Watch future issues of the newsletter for more information and registration
Save the Date: A Celebration of Women Clergy on November 12
On November 12 at 11 a.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Central, St. Timothy's, Indianapolis will host "A Celebration of Women Clergy" in honor of the 45th anniversary of the ordination of the Rev. Jackie Means and the beginning of the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church. Bishop Jennifer will preach and preside, and a reception will follow. The 80th General Convention passed Resolution A170 in honor of the Rev. Means and her ministry.
Parish Administrator
All Saints, Indianapolis
All Saints, Indianapolis seeks a part time parish administrator to work three days each week in the office. Responsibilities include weekly bulletin, weekly email news letter, financial reporting and reconciliation. Email resume and contact information to
Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral is seeking a communications coordinator.

Learn more on the cathedral website.
Pay Pledges Online
Bishop's Office Will Process Online Gifts at No Cost
Although many congregations are now meeting in person, the bishop's office will continue to process online gifts on behalf of congregations, and will absorb all payment processing fees.

Use this link to make contributions or pledge payments to any congregation, and please share this news widely on your congregation's social media channels and during online worship.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
September 18: St. Matthew’s, Indianapolis | The Rev. Frank Impicciche; the Rev. Cathy Scott

September 25: St. Michael’s, Noblesville | The Rev. T.J. Tetzlaff

In September, pray for all teachers and students.

About the Leadership Newsletter
We publish a general newsletter and a leadership newsletter on alternate Wednesdays. Both publications are open to anyone who would like to subscribe. Update your subscription preferences using this link.

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to friends, and encourage members of your congregation to subscribe.

If you would like to have something published in the newsletters, or want to send suggestions or questions about diocesan communications, please email The deadline for each week's issue is Monday at 5 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Central.