Happy Summer! We've had a busy spring rolling out our Direct Public Offering, working to make it available in more states, and planning our summer projects. Catch up with our latest news below:
Photo of cover crop growing at our CEO & co-founder, Dave Miller's farm in Iroquois County, IL
Our newest Equity offering is open - this investment opportunity is unique as it allows both accredited and non-accredited investors to participate for a minimum just above $10,000 through SEC Regulation A+. Early support has been growing, including our first ever investor from the state of Utah! We will be highlighting some of our new retail investors including individuals and mission-aligned organizations in a future newsletter.

Residents of 39 states can now invest, with several more expected in the coming weeks. Please visit our DPO page or read the disclaimer at the bottom of the email to understand more. As a reminder, these are the same Equity Shares that have been previously sold to accredited investors and require a 5 year hold before the investment is eligible for redemption.
Iroquois Valley's investors now span 40 states, with another pending. We're proud to have such widespread investor support.
Photo of Red Barn Farm , from our farm field trip to Iroquois County
  • Iroquois Valley was featured in a recent article on Forbes about B Corporations rising to the challenge of building a better economic system. The writer, B Labs co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert, makes the case that farmers are best equipped to lead the change from what he describes as an exploiter mindset to a nurturing mindset. Read "The Hardest Thing to Change Is What Most Needs to Change: Expanding Our Duty of Care" here.

  • Our partners at Natural Investments highlighted our work on their blog. We work with advisors throughout the Natural Investments community – they have been integral to our growth and ability to support farmers across the US. Read our impact profile here.

  • In a wide-ranging conversation about organic and regenerative farming, Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms speaks about the role of livestock in building soil and sequestering carbon, farming with nature, and references Iroquois Valley as an investment opportunity to support farmers in this space. Listen to the fascinating conversation here.

  • On our own blog, we talk about our recent field trip to Iroquois County and surrounding areas to visit the places that inspired our company's founding. Read about our field trip here.

We recently became one of the first companies to undergo an Impact Management Assessment by  Aeris.  This assessment evaluates a fund’s impact management capacity by focusing on impact management systems and processes as the strongest indicator of the fund's ability to make investments in alignment with its stated impact thesis and to achieve its impact goals. Aeris’ methodology has been established and refined through performing impact management and financial analyses and ratings of CDFIs for the past 15 years, and has been essential in making impact investing more accessible for institutional investors. It recently extended its impact assessments to investment companies and funds across asset classes.
We're proud to share our recently released assessment, based on December 2018 results. This report provides third-party verification of Iroquois Valley's impact practices. It joins our B Corp assessment and expands our commitment to transparency through rigorous, independent evaluation of our work.

We believe this assessment will be a valuable tool for financial advisors and wealth managers during their due diligence process.

Read our Impact Management Assessment here .

We received great news last week that our Equity Shares have been approved as an Alternative Investment by Pershing. Investors and advisors who use Pershing directly or work with a financial institution that clears through Pershing can now hold Iroquois Valley in their traditional and retirement investment accounts. This follows last year’s announcement that investors with at least $1 million in a Fidelity account can invest in Iroquois Valley through their retirement and non-retirement Fidelity accounts.

To learn more about investing in Iroquois Valley through Pershing, Fidelity, or other third-party custodians, please reach out to Alex Mackay at [email protected] .
Iroquois Valley's Shareholder Annual Meeting will occur by webinar on August 23rd at 12:00 PM CST . The meeting will be recorded and available to shareholders unable to join live. Shareholder voting will occur by online proxy. We will be in touch with investors directly regarding meeting logistics and shareholder voting measures.

Our decision to have a virtual meeting this year is to encourage wider investor participation outside of our founding region of the Midwest. We are also conscious of our environmental footprint and the travel required to have an in-person meeting. We're looking forward to connecting with our shareholders and their advisors by video!
Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT, PBC is offering its common stock for sale pursuant to Tier 2 of Regulation A+ and as such intends to be exempted from state registration pursuant to federal law. No offer to sell securities or solicitation of an offer to buy securities is being made in any state where such offer or sale is not permitted under the blue sky or state securities laws thereof. No offering is being made to investors unless and until the offering has been registered in that state or an exemption from registration exists. In compliance with state securities laws, Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT, PBC is prohibited from offering and selling securities to residents of the following states until further notice: AZ, CA, FL, NV, NJ, TX and WA.
Furthermore, no offer to sell securities or solicitation of an offer to buy securities is being made in the following states: AL, AR, ND, OK, and WV.
As a corporate guideline,  we do not look for specific farmland to purchase or finance. We develop relationships with farmers, mostly young and organic, who want to grow their farm business. We move forward when we have a ready, willing and able farmer. 
Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT | Public Benefit Corporation  
 Certified   B  Corporation | Est. 2007

(847) 859-6645 |   [email protected]  |