Kelly Crosbie, MSW, LCSW

Director, DMHDDSUS

DSP Recruitment and Retention Grants for Employers of Record Application Period Opens

DMHDDSUS is making one-time grants available to Employers of Record (EORs) to support recruitment and retention of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). Grant application submissions will be accepted November 4 through December 16, 2024.

Allowable uses for the grants include but are not limited to:

  • Hiring/retention bonuses
  • Child/dependent/senior care subsidies
  • Transportation supports or subsidies
  • Food supports or subsidies
  • Continuing or advanced education opportunities
  • Other employee assistance programs

The application is open to all EORs in North Carolina who employ DSPs through the Individual and Family Directed Services model under the North Carolina Innovations Waiver.

DSP Recruitment and Retention Grants for

Employers of Record Webinar

Join DMHDDSUS to learn about the Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recruitment and Retention Grants for Employers of Record (EOR). We will review the application process and discuss eligibility requirements and how to apply.

Date/Time: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Registration Link: Register for webinar

Closed-Captioning & American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters will be provided.

DSP Recruitment and Retention Grants for Agency Providers

Application Period Extended to November 29

DMHDDSUS is currently seeking proposals from providers to fund interventions that improve Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) recruitment and retention. The investment is part of a series of initiatives to support DSPs, who provide vital services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and play a critical role in the state’s behavioral health workforce.

These initiatives are also detailed in the NCDHHS Direct Support Professional Workforce Plan, a comprehensive, multi-year effort to address the DSP workforce shortage through strategic recruitment, enhanced training and improved worker retention.

Applications will be accepted through Friday, November 29, 2024.