Zoning Redesign
The City of Newton's project to redesign the zoning code
July Newsletter
  • Celebrating Disability Pride Month
  • TL;DR? (Too Long; Don’t Read)? How to Quickly Engage on Village Centers
  • Confused by How to Do a Vision Kit? Read for Tips
  • How Have Village Centers Evolved Over Time? History Presentation
  • Upcoming Equitable Focus Groups: LGBTQ+, Ages 25-35, Disability community, and Ages 65+
  • Tentative Agendas for Upcoming ZAP Meetings
Image description: One of our interns, Kayla, speaks with Newton parents and high schoolers on what they think about Village Centers at Festa, the annual carnival put on by the St Mary of Carmen Society in the village of Nonantum.
Image description: The Disability Pride Month flag has a black background with five lightning-bolt-like zags cutting across it from the upper left corner to the bottom right corner. They are blue, yellow, white, red, and green. Learn more about its symbolism.
Disability Pride Month

July marks Disability Pride Month and has done so since 1990, when the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) became law on July 26 that year - milestone legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.

Let’s celebrate this month by making sure Newton’s disability community is heard and that planning frameworks, such as Universal Design, are consistently applied (read more about this in the Vision Kit Companion on pages 7 & 11). If you are in the disability community, sign up for our virtual Focus Group on Monday, August 23, 2-3pm. Can’t make that date/time? No worries - fill this out and we will follow up with you! 
TL;DR? (Too Long; Don’t Read)? How to Quickly Engage on Village Centers

We know how busy you are! If you don’t have time for any of the many activities we have set up for this summer’s engagement on village centers, follow these steps for a 5 minute or less activity: 

[2] See what others have had to say and respond. Do you agree, disagree, or are just unsure?

[3] Respond to at least 10 comments. Note: There are a *lot* of statements! You only need to respond to at least 10 for the software to properly calculate, record, and show your position on the report. And you do not have to do it in one sitting – you can pick up where you left off.

[4] Check out the live results as people submit their thoughts!
Confused by How to Do a Vision Kit?

Planning interns completing a Vision Kit in Newton Centre

The Vision Kit is a self-led tour of a village center of your choice, with a set of prompts to spark conversation and imagination around what we want village centers to be in the future. We’ve been getting fantastic photos!
Community members who have completed the Vision Kit have helped us draft better instructions on how to complete one (thank you!), which you can read here or see in the updated Vision Kit: 

Let us know if you have questions or want us to print Vision Kits at [email protected].
[1]: Get the Vision Kit: Print the 2-page Vision Kit, pull it up on your phone*, or print the Vision Kit worksheet (any of these options work!). Grab something to take photos with and/or take notes on.
[2]: Explore and discuss: Go to one or more village centers by yourself or with others . Follow the Vision Kit’s prompts as closely as you can. Discuss one theme or more. As you take photos or sketch, make written or mental notes per image.
[3]: Share your ideas: Go home, download your photos and/or notes, and submit them here. Or email your worksheet to [email protected] or drop off hard copies at City Hall, Room 201.
*If you prefer, you can submit your photos as you take them with the mobile Vision Kit.
Nonantum Sq / Newton Savings Bank
How did Newton’s Village Centers Come to Be?
A panel of Historic Newton and other community members will participate in an open Q & A webinar on August 10th, 2021 at 7:00pm to provide their thoughts and ideas on the history of village centers. The panel will take place after staff give their short presentation that includes historical images and interpretations about how and why Newton’s villages evolved through time with some thoughts about what makes a village center a village center. Register here!
Participate in Remaining Focus Groups for Equitable Engagement!

Sign up for the ones remaining that you may identify with*:

*If you identify with one of these groups but cannot make the time, please still fill out this Focus Group Interest Form so we can keep you posted on future engagement opportunities! 

Interested in hosting a focus group of your own? We’ve put together a facilitation guide and we’re happy to help anyone do this - email us at [email protected]
Monday, August 2nd @ 6-7pm:
LGBTQ+: Register here

Tuesday, August 3rd @ 6-7pm:
Younger people (ages 25-35): Register here

Monday, August 23rd @ 2-3pm:
People with disabilities: Register here

Thursday, September 9th, 2-3pm:
Older adults (65+): Register here
Dates of Upcoming ZAP Meetings (agenda items are not finalized and subject to change)

Review July’s meeting reports at ZAP’s website. For the month of August:
August 16th, 2021 at 7pm
●     Zoning Clean-up Items (Public Hearing)
●     Lab and Research Facility Permitting Process Review
City of Newton, Massachusetts