Call to Worship
L: Beloved, the voice of Wisdom calls to us from the street corner, the grocery store aisle, the noisy dinner table, and the quiet places of our hearts. Will you listen?
All: Yes, with God’s help, we will listen!
L: Wisdom calls to us with hard truths, showing us where we’ve strayed in our hearts and as a community and urging us back onto God’s path. Will you follow?
All: Yes, with God’s help, we will follow!
L: Wisdom’s call persists through the twists and turns, the rough patches, the barely discernible paths forward, and the moments we feel completely lost. Will you hold onto Wisdom wherever she takes you?
All: Yes, with God’s help, we will hold onto Wisdom!
L: Then Beloved, let us worship God together as we cling to wisdom on our journey along the path of salvation paved with God’s love.
All: Yes! Let us worship God together! Amen.