Order of Worship: September 15th

Prelude (Casey Derksen)


Candle Lighting

Call to Worship

Opening Songs:

"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"

"How Great Thou Art"

Scripture Readings:

Proverbs 1:20-33

Psalm 19

Mark 8:31-38

Unison Prayer

Song: "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"

Message: "Disappointed"

Offering/Doxology/Offertory Prayer

Special Music: "Because He Lives"

Brad Wallace

Prayers of the People/The Lord's Prayer

Song: "God of Grace and God of Glory"


Postlude (Casey Derksen)

This Week at Grace:


Genealogy 11am

SPRC 515pm


 Bible study 9am

PEO 10am

If you are planning to meet at Grace UMC, you need to call ahead or email the office to reserve space and to get your meeting on the church calendar. To adjust for cooling needs, Pastor Jen MUST know if/when you are meeting.

Church Office Phone:


Grace Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday

9 a.m. to noon


Online--available at


In-Person Worship Sunday--9am

Unison Prayer

Eternal God,

whose signature we see, if we dare to look, in the creation of the universe, help us this hour to look and to listen for Your handwriting and Your voice in this place, among these people.

Guide us now to focus upon You, knowing that in You, our distractions become new possibilities for action.

Through our worship may we reach out to You, O God,

 knowing that You have already enfolded us in Your arms.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Call to Worship

L: Beloved, the voice of Wisdom calls to us from the street corner, the grocery store aisle, the noisy dinner table, and the quiet places of our hearts. Will you listen?

All: Yes, with God’s help, we will listen!

L: Wisdom calls to us with hard truths, showing us where we’ve strayed in our hearts and as a community and urging us back onto God’s path. Will you follow?

All: Yes, with God’s help, we will follow!

L: Wisdom’s call persists through the twists and turns, the rough patches, the barely discernible paths forward, and the moments we feel completely lost. Will you hold onto Wisdom wherever she takes you?

All: Yes, with God’s help, we will hold onto Wisdom!

L: Then Beloved, let us worship God together as we cling to wisdom on our journey along the path of salvation paved with God’s love.

All: Yes! Let us worship God together! Amen.

Scriptures for next week:

Proverbs 31:10-31

Psalm 1

Mark 9:33-37

Mission Giving for September

Our Mission Focus for September will be "United Methodist Committee on Relief" better known as UMCOR. UMCOR does incredible work responding to disasters around the world. They are often the first onsite and the last to leave providing various services and support as needed. Besides our cash gifts to support their work, quite often they request supplies, but most often ask for prayers for the people that are in need in these life-changing situations. We will add very intentional prayers this month for their work according to their current requests.

If you are giving towards these gifts, please use one of the envelopes provided at the back of the sanctuary or make a note on your check with "September mission" or "UMCOR" in the memo.

The Lakes Area Home Tour is a favorite Fall activity of many over MEA weekend. This is one of the largest fundraisers held annually for the Lakes Area Food Shelf. Make plans to attend, tickets available now.

Our "Snowbirds" are already heading south! If you will be heading out of our area for a few months, please reach out to the office so that we can update our contact information. We appreciate check-ins of your activities during the colder months and can keep you in the loop about anything that may be significant from our church calendar.

The church office is open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9am until noon. Ring the doorbell and we will come to open the south door!

--Church office phone: 218-568-5755

-- Church office (for all general inquiries and administrative/clerical duties)


 -- Pastor Jen Matthees – jenmatt20@gmail.com

-- Ann Hutchings-Congregational Care Assistant- graceumccare@gmail.com

If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at jenmatt20@gmail.com. The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be received by Thursday 10am at the very latest.

If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am generally in the church on Tuesday (830-2) and Wednesday (10-3) call the office to be sure, as my weeks and Mondays vary. You may find me here at other times too! I check my emails frequently throughout the day, and this is the best way to contact me. Friday is my day off as needs allow.

-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note

If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.

P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Visit our website

On our website you can find links to past services, a spot to watch this week's service, an online link to giving, and much more!

Contact Information

 Grace United Methodist Church 

29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-5755

Email: graceumcpequotlakes@gmail.com

Website: www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
