11 a.m. Sanctuary Service

We are so pleased to be welcoming in-person worshipers this Sunday at the 11 a.m. sanctuary service. Cleaning protocols, masking, and social distancing will be observed. We are also asking attendees to preregister, both so we can keep the congregation within acceptable limits, and for contact tracing if necessary.

Doors will open at 10:30 a.m.
9 a.m. Abide Family Live Center Service

We will be open for a limited number of in-person worshipers. Careful protocols will be followed, including mask-wearing and social distancing. Click HERE for more information about these protocols!

We are asking worshipers to preregister, both because of space limitations and for the purposes of contact tracing.
Watch These Videos To See Our
Live Worship Check-In Procedures
Click the play button below to watch the 11a.m. Sanctuary Service Check-In Procedures
Click the play button below to watch the 9:30a.m. Abide Service Check-In Procedures
A Message From Pastor Pam
and the Leadership Team

Beloved of St. John’s:

Many of you have read that New Mexico has issued a new public health order which allows houses of worship to operate at 100% capacity. According to the order, all houses of worship can operate at full capacity if they wish regardless of the color-coded risk level their county is in. This update comes as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states cannot enforce capacity limits on churches that are more restrictive than other entities, like factories or schools.

Still, the state is “strongly encouraging” these houses of worship to have capacity limits. The Leadership Team has carefully considered the implications of opening 100% and have decided that while we are moving toward eventual reopening at 100%, we are still cautious. In that light, the Church has decided to continue to operate within the capacity limits established by the State under the color-coded opening schedule. Many other churches are following the same caution. Click here to continue reading the full message.
Disciple Connections Submission Deadline

Don't forget to submit your articles for our Disciple Connections newsletter by Monday at 12p.m. to be included in the weekly Tuesday edition and Thursday at 12p.m. to be included in the Friday weekly edition. Please send your text and any images you might want included to our new staff member Nicole Creaturo. Click here to email our article to Nicole.
Small Group

St. John’s is now scheduling church small groups to meet in certain classrooms Monday through Saturday. If you would like to schedule your group to meet at the church, please contact Debbie Brown at 883-9717, ext. 138 or email her at reception@stjohns-abq.org to submit your request.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are members of St. John’s who have gone through 50 hours of training to provide high quality, confidential Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or life challenge such as divorce, grief, job loss, hospitalization, relocation, or loneliness.

How does someone get a Stephen Minister?If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, please call the office 505-883-9717 or email stephenministry@stjohns-abq.org
Lecture/Recital By Therese Macali

Join St. John’s Assistant Music Director Therese Macali as she presents “Understanding Bach and Ourselves,” a lecture/recital on the vocal music of J.S. Bach, and how his faith was expressed in his music. Therese will be joined by organist Jim Ahrend and an ensemble of musicians. Tune in this Saturday at 5p.m. MDT on our YouTube channel!
Sunday Community Activities

Click HERE to view all Sunday School Classes & groups! Join us in the virtual Sonshine Coffee Zoom immediately following the 11a.m. Worship with church Leadership Team members hosting. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Ladies Book Club Meets Monday May 3

The Ladies Book Club will meet Monday, May 3, at 1p.m. in Room 241. This is "mystery" month. Who doesn't like a good mystery? This is a time for all to share their favorite author and book. For more information, email Ann Look.
St. John's Garden Ministry: Tending the Soil, Tending the Soul

Our We are SO THANKFUL to all the volunteers who have helped to get the hoop houses and the hoop house garden boxes built and ready to "grow". We could not have completed these tasks without you. We still have a few items to complete and are again appealing to you for your help.

Regina Hampton will be heading the first of our planting on Friday, may 7, from 8a.m. - 12p.m. Volunteers are needed to help plant 15 hoop house boxes and 4 garden boxes in the upper level... Click here to read the full article.
Monday Morning Music with Matt

Our Join St. John's Music Director Matt Greer this Monday at 9a.m. MDT as he talks about exciting things coming up in the music ministry, and welcomes a special guest (all the way from across the pond!): conductor, composer, and Voces8 co-founder and CEO Paul Smith!
Zoom Event with the Honorable Stan Whitaker

THE HONORABLE STAN WHITAKER will present our UMW program on Thursday evening, May 6, at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom. Judge Whitaker serves as Chief Judge of the Second Judicial District Court - Criminal Division, and is a member of St. John's. He will speak to us about the impact of COVID-19 on the court system; the program is expected to last about 45 minutes. As always, our meetings are open to everyone --- members, spouses, and guests --- so we encourage you to join us! To receive the Zoom link, simply send an email to Regina Hampton at:  hamptonmason1@msn.com. Anyone having questions for Judge Whitacker is asked to email them, several days in advance of the meeting, to Doris Bowen at bowen_g@masn.com. We look forward to seeing YOU on Zoom! 
Reading Our Bible Together in 2021

Our email Bible study of salvation continues on May 10 with the fourth and final installment, “What Must I Do to be Saved?” Strangely enough, scripture answers this question in several different ways. Find out what they are by joining readers from St. John’s and around the world as we learn together. To receive daily study tips by email Regina Hunter, write or call 294-2877. If you prefer to read on your own, click here to download the study guide.
New Video & Book Study on Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today

The Family Spirit Sunday School Class welcomes EVERYONE! We currently meet online on Sundays from 9:30a.m. to 10:30a.m. using video conferencing on Zoom.us. We are a small group of friendly adults who like to study, watch educational videos about books, and then discuss questions, pray and socialize.

In May 2021, we are starting a study series about the newly published book and video series: Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today, by Rev. Adam Hamilton... Click here to read the full article.
Women's Bible Study: Spiritual Stamina in Every Season

  • May 17th - June 21 (6 weeks)
  • ZOOM Monday afternoons, 1p.m.- 3p.m.
  • Maximum Number of Participants: 11
  • Facilitator: Karen Tidler
  • Register by emailing Donna Bruce

Go the distance in the life of faith. The struggle is real. It’s just plain hard to find the strength…the stamina…to get through the ups and downs of our daily lives. Sometimes it’s enough to make you want to go hide in a cave. Guess what? Elijah has been there, done that. His life was a string of seriously mountain-top high and bottom-of-the-pit low events, and yet he did extraordinary things for God. In Elijah, you’ll learn the spiritual stamina secrets that helped this great prophet hold on and persevere in faith. He doubted and struggled just as we do, but he chose to believe God through it all. As you study his life through a combination of study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer, you will grow in faith and develop spiritual stamina that will help you not only to survive but to thrive in every season.
Coffee Break with Rev. Dave Ring

Don't forget to login on Wednesday at 1:30p.m. to have coffee (or tea) and chat with Rev. Dave Ring! Click here to login to the Zoom meeting.
Click into one of the sections below to read news about each group.
April Special Offering: Lydia Patterson Institute

In the early 20th century Lydia Patterson of El Paso noticed that there were no schools for the boys in the barrios on the borders with Mexico. Texas provided no schools for children who could not speak English. So she and other Methodist women started schools in their homes. In 1913 these home schools grew to become Lydia Patterson Institute, a ministry of the UNM church. 
Virtual Prayer Quilt

Barbara Escobedo is the recipient for the prayer quilt on display.

In lieu of tying knots, please pray this prayer (or your own prayer): “Lord, please lay your healing hand on Barbara and allow her to see the wonders of your magnificence. Amen.”
St. John's UMC for eDisciple
2626 Arizona Street NE | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
Office Hours (call only): Monday - Friday, 9a.m. - 2p.m.