Josh's Jottings
This coming week is a special one at St. John's. From June 12-14, we are hosting the New Mexico Annual Conference, a yearly gathering of United Methodist Churches from across New Mexico, and West Texas. If you have ever been to Annual Conference, you probably know that it is special. We gather to worship together, to greet and spend quality time with old friends, and to plan and pray together regarding our churches' futures. The year 2024 marks the first time Annual Conference has been hosted by an Albuquerque Church. What an honor!
I particularly want to invite you to participate in Annual Conference in one of a few ways. First, if you have some free time next week, volunteer to serve. We are looking for a few extra volunteers for the kitchen staff as well as with the greeters and ushers. Contact Chef Tim or Karen Hall if you'd like to help in either capacity. If you aren't available to volunteer, I also want to invite you to attend one of the special worship services at the conference. The Ordination Service, which will be Thursday, June 13, at 7:00 p.m. is a holy moment and always a magnificent worship service. This is the service where we commission and ordain new pastors. And all of the clergy from the conference participate. It is amazing. Come and see.
No matter what, please continue to pray for our Annual Conference, as well as St. John's as we host. I believe the future is bright for our churches across New Mexico. God is ever faithful.
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We Care Support Group
Saturday, June 8
We Care Caregivers support group will have their first meeting Saturday, June 8, from 10:30 a.m. – noon in the church library, room 231, on the second floor.
Two “tips” from caregiver support resources suggest: “Seek support from other caregivers. You are not alone!” and “Caregiving is hard work so take respite breaks often.”
We Care would like to be that respite break and a place for you to find support. Enlist the help of other family, friends, or professionals to be with your loved one and join us.
Contact Rev. Molly Shannon, Minister of Congregational Care with your interest or questions. Call 505-883-9717 (Church Office) ext. 127 or Email:
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Summer Men's Bible Study: Psalms Part 2
Monday, June 10
As we discovered last winter, the Book of Psalms is an amazing collection expressing nearly all the emotions humans can feel. The poems also provided us inspiration for terrific discussions as they will again as we read a selection of the last half of the book plus some of the psalms from the rest of the scripture.
Being part of the original study is certainly not required to attend this one. And missing a class or two because of travel doesn't disrupt the flow. Finally, we have both morning and evening classes, both live and on Zoom, so it's easy to attend!
The summer study will be on Mondays starting Monday, June 10, for five weeks ending on Monday, July 8. Classes will be in-person (rooms 245/257) in the morning from 10-11:30 a.m. as well as on Zoom. The evening class will be Zoom only from 7-8:30 p.m.
Please contact Jack Nuzum at or 505-265-5241 if you are interested in joining a dedicated group of men who enjoy reading and discussing scripture.
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Tai Chi at Snow Park
June 13
Tai Chi class will meet at Snow Park on Thursday, June 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Snow Park: 9501 Indian School Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
After June 13, Tai Chi will meet at it's usual place, in the Family Life Center at St. John's UMC.
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Volunteers Needed for Food Serving at
NM Annual Conference, June 12-14
St. John’s will be hosting the 2024 NM Annual Conference in June, and members of the congregation are needed to serve food. Front of the house servers are needed for the meals and receptions, including:
- Wednesday, June 12: A Relaxed Welcome Dinner (8 servers needed)
- Thursday, June 13: A Retiree Lunch (6 servers needed)
- Thursday, June 13: Reception after Ordination Service (2 servers needed)
- Friday, June 14: Breakfast (2 servers needed)
Front of the house serving job description:
Set up: table cloths, salt and pepper shakers, sugars, creamers and decorations
Serving and clean-up: serving drinks at the tables, bussing and scraping dishes, and clean-up of the front of the house after each meal.
Like with Fish Fry, servers will get to eat on their shift. Fish Fry volunteers are encouraged to return and practice more Radical Hospitality for this one-time event.
If you can help, please click the link here to sign-up. If you have questions, or if you are interested in joining the Food Ministry Team, please contact Chef Tim at or 505-220-5662.
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Mobile Food Pantry
Saturday, June 15
Volunteers arrive about 9:00-9:30 a.m. and distribution begins at 9:30-10:00 a.m., depending on the time the Roadrunner Food truck arrives. In May we distributed food to 48 households which included 124 individuals. An extra 20 pounds of food went to 23 of the households with at least one senior (60+). We are usually finished before noon.
Questions, please contact Debby Smith at 505-554-4238 or
Mountain Cathedrals Hike
Saturday, June 15
The east side of the Sandia Mountains is a peaceful forest and wonderful setting for contemplating the Word. Please join us for this hike to a viewpoint shared by the Tree Springs route we've visited in the past. (Subject to change - check back next week).
Logistics: Meet at the St. John's UMC (Albuquerque) east parking lot at 7:30 a.m., or at the trailhead (Google Maps: 10KTrailhead) at 8:00 a.m.
Moderate to strenuous (5.5 miles, with about 1000 feet of climb). Plan to be back at the parking area by noon and St. John's by 12:30 p.m. Bring sun protection, snacks, and water. Trekking poles and sturdy walking shoes are recommended. Enthusiasm is welcome!
Please join us for this hike of meditation, wilderness, and time apart from our normal schedules.
Organizer: Mike Furnish, 505-440-7292;
Future hikes: Monthly. For the next few months, pencil in July 13, August 10, and September 14th (Canoe trip).
Safe Sanctuaries Training
Tuesday, June 18
The next Safe Sanctuaries training will be held on Tuesday, June 18, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in rooms 245/257. Instructors for this session are Linn and Mike Furnish and Dara Bell. This session is open to all St. John's members and regular attendees.
Note: Whether youth (grades 6-12) or adult, if you plan to volunteer during VBS week (June 24-28), then you are required to complete Safe Sanctuaries training.
Please RSVP to Angela Lybarger,, or Joy Heaviland,, if you plan on attending.
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Looking to the Future at St. John's
Saturday, June 22
The Lay Leadership of St. John's is inviting any interested persons to join us for a day where we talk, pray, and imagine together what our future at St. John's will look like. We are optimistic about the energy, commitment, and joy in our congregation as we look toward that future. On Saturday, June 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., all interested persons will have the opportunity to help us set goals, and chart out new opportunities in ministry. Along the way, we will also be doing some group-building activities together, laughing, and having fun!
To attend, email Pastor Josh at . We do need a headcount for lunch. Meeting will be at St. John's.
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Women's Bible Study
June 25-August 13
Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense by Jennifer Rothschild
Tuesdays, June 25 - August 13, (8 weeks), 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., IN-PERSON, led by Shanlii Payment
- Participants can register by
contacting Susan Perry at
- signing up in the Hospitality Center on Sundays or by
- contacting the church office
- Participants purchase their own books
Does God care? Is He fair? Is He even there? Although you may know all the right answers, they don’t always feel right. "Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense" provides a personal study experience for this video-driven women's Bible study. Explore these and other questions in this realistic look at the messy, mysterious uncertainties of faith. God’s ways don’t always make sense, but He is trustworthy. Come close to Him. Trust Him more than your feelings. God will reveal Himself and fill in your missing pieces.
Grief Support Group
Starting Thursday, July 11
Beginning Thursday, July 11, for eight weeks through August 29, St. John’s will be offering a Grief Support Group. We will meet in the church library from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Rev Molly Shannon and others will help facilitate the sessions, and an ongoing support group may evolve. Each week, we will explore different aspects of grief, knowing each participant is on their own journey. The group will be a safe place to share, emotions, challenges, practical solutions and more. Your loss may be fresh, or you may feel stuck after some time has passed; you may have lost a spouse, a parent, a child – all are welcome. Everything shared in the group will remain confidential and my prayer is that you will find empathy, understanding and encouragement from the leaders and fellow participants.
Please RSVP your interest in attending (or if you have questions) by emailing Rev. Molly at or leaving a message at 505-883-9717, ext 127.
We believe we can find solace and strength together and look forward to welcoming you.
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Hope for the Journey Conference
June 21 and 22
Albuquerque Christian Children's Home and Riverside Church of Christ are hosting the Hope for the Journey Conference, June 21 and June 22. This is a free weekend event that encourages and equips parents, caregivers, teachers, and church members to see kids from hard places with eyes of compassion and to offer hope and encouragement as they seek to journey well with their children impacted by adoption and foster care.
Date and Time: June 21, 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and June 22, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Riverside Church of Christ, 3100 La Orilla Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87120
This is a free event by registration. To sign-up for the conference, please follow this link:
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St. John's Congregation &
Community Survey
The lay leadership at St. John's is beginning a short process of discernment regarding future opportunities for our church. Now is a good time to think about the future. The pandemic is behind us and life has, more or less, returned to normal. We have finished a year of transition in pastoral leadership. Most exciting, next year marks our 75th anniversary as a congregation. It is a great time to think about our past, our present, and our future!
As part of this process Church Council is inviting everyone to take about 20 minutes, and complete the St. John's Congregation and Community Survey. We want to know how you perceive our church, where you desire to serve our neighbors, and what you hope for St. John's. This survey is for newcomers as well as long-time attenders. It is also for persons who are connected to St. John's indirectly - those that help in the music program periodically, lend a hand during Fish Fry, or are affiliated with another community organization that has a working relationship with the church.
It is not a survey that focuses just on our own tastes and preferences for worship or ministry. Rather we want you to also think about what our community needs from us.
Click the link here to take the survey online. Please take the survey by June 16. If you have questions regarding the Congregation and Community Survey, feel free to contact me or a member of Church Council.
Thanks for your time and consideration!
Help Us Prepare for Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is just a few short weeks away and we need help to prepare for our MONUMENTAL experience. Please contact Angela Lybarger at if you can loan any of the items listed below. There are also donation cards on the bulletin board near the SonShine Café with all sorts of items we will need to help make the VBS mission a success. Check out the options as you visit church this week. Thanks for your help!
Sarape-type blankets (will need 15-20)
Artificial potted plants and/or trees
Small benches to use around our daily "campfire"
Small/medium metal bucket (not plastic)
Free-standing floor lamps (will need 3-4)
Wood or metal posts, about 6 feet tall to use in creating a "clothesline" (will need 4-6)
Preschool Director Announcement
St. John’s Preschool Plus Director, Cathy Lubold, has had to resign due to health issues of several family members. Cathy has been an amazing asset to the Preschool; she helped us reopen after Covid and has been instrumental in major growth and improvements in the program and facilities. We will miss her terribly and ask the congregation to pray for Cathy and her family. We also wish to thank Taylor Almaguer for serving as Interim Director during Cathy’s leave of absence.
The Preschool Plus Director needs to be someone who is excited to lead a church-related preschool program in a clean, open, well-equipped facility and is eager to embrace the Preschool Plus Mission, To nurture and support children from age 6 weeks up to 5 years old and their families, to provide a high-quality preschool experience, and before and after school care program in a Christian environment.
The Preschool Ministry Team is accepting applications for the position of Director until June 30. Specific information is available on the Preschool website ( Click here for the job description as a pdf.
Nursery Care Starting for 8:15 Services
We will be offering regular weekly nursery care during the 8:15 a.m. service starting Sunday, June 2! All children ages 6 weeks through 4 years old are welcome to join us in the nursery (room 138) across from the SonShine Café. Thanks to recent additions in both paid staff and volunteers, we can now offer nursery care for all three Sunday morning services.
St. John's Office Closed
Wednesday, June 19
St. John's UMC office closed on Wednesday, June 19, to celebrate Juneteenth, a federal, state, and city holiday.
As Rev. Dr. Zan W. Holmes wrote in an article published by UMC Discipleship Ministries: "Let us be bold in declaring our oneness in the house of God, where there is “no longer slave or free . . . for all are one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28 NRSV)"
For more info and a UMC Video, please see:
For local info see: What's Open, What's Closed, Holiday Events info, and learn What is Juneteenth, on
New Artist, Ann Gilmore
Hello Beloved community of St. John's! As the fresh transitioning of spring to summer approaches, we celebrate the freshness of water and life that it supplies around it with the painted works by Artist Ann Gilmore.
"My mission as an artist is to meditate upon the blessings of God’s beauty in the natural world and share my perceptions of the endless vitality, inspiration and tranquility found there. I find extra joy in painting commissions for people with whom I collaborate for a mutually inspiring vision." - Ann Gilmore.
See her work and more of her colorfully inspiring biography these coming next few weeks displayed in the Narthex. Welcome Ann!
If you are an artist or an inspired one blooming, contact Amber Giffin for opportunities to show and be involved with the St. John's Visual Arts Ministry at 505-975-4489 or
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Thank you letters from our
Lenten Fish Fry Recipients
From Larry W. Marshall, Finance Director of The Rock at Noonday:
Thank you for your $2,000 donation that you made on 5/21/2024. Every act of your generosity helps us further our mission. We appreciate you for supporting The Rock at Noonday and enabling us to do the Lord's work!
From Brother Nicholas Foran, Executive Director of the Good Shepherd Center:
Thank you so much for your donation of $2,000 from your Fish Fry that will help the poor in our community. With your support, we're able to reach out to those most in need.
In addition to our community meal program which serves men, women and children, our overnight shelter, mail service and clothing room, we also provide a substance abuse program (Fresh Start Program). This is a 6-month program and free of charge.
Enclosed are some of the grateful recipients enrolled in our Fresh Start Program. These men are committed to turning their lives around. Your support makes all of the above and more possible.
Please know that you are remembered in the prayers of the Brothers of St. John of God.
See picture below from members of the Good Shepherd.
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Vacation Bible School
June 24-28
MONUMENTAL Vacation Bible School starts in just 17 days! There is still time to register for this summer's awesome adventures. We have open spaces and would love to include all kids ages 3 to rising 5th graders. There are two registration options - online through our website or by in-person hardcopy (forms available in both the Hospitality Center and the church office). Online option allows for credit/debit payment, and in-person option allows for cash/check payment. Scholarships are still available as well. Please contact Angela Lybarger at with any questions.
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Prayer Quilt Recipient
The Family of Daton Hill is the recipient for the prayer quilt currently on display in the Hospitality Center.
If you pass through the Hospitality Center this week, please tie a knot in the quilt while praying for the Hill family. Won't be in the Center this week? No worries! Either way, please pray this prayer (or your own prayer) for the Hills: "Lord, we pray that you would wrap your loving arms around this family, providing them with strength and solace as they grieve. May your presence be felt in their midst, bringing them hope and healing. Help them to find comfort in knowing that their loved one is now in your eternal care Amen.”
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June Special Offering:
Locker #505
Locker #505 is a clothing bank for students in need, K-12, in Bernalillo County. It provides a comfortable and welcoming environment where children may get what they need and try on and choose outfits that they feel good about wearing.
Specifically, we can support them in two ways this month, with money and underwear!
During the month of June, we will be collecting NEW underwear and socks for all sizes, boys and girls, for Locker #505. The sizes range from small to large, both in children's sizes and adult sizes (for the teens). Place your donations in the bins in the Hospitality Center!
Thank you, St. John's!
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Our worship services are livestreamed so you can watch them from home. To watch a worship service live, click on the service that you would like to watch on Sunday morning at its scheduled time. | |
Submission Deadline for Disciple Connections is noon on Wednesday for the Friday weekly edition. Click here to send your articles to the editor. | |
St. John's United Methodist Church | (505) - 883-9717
2626 Arizona Street NE | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
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Pastoral Care Emergency Hotline | (505) 312-3763
Pastoral care is available for after-hours emergencies. Please send any congregational care needs to Rev. Molly Shannon at as we all work together to love one another well.
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