March 15, 2024

Josh's Jottings

Throughout Lent, we have been emphasizing the centrality of prayer. In that spirit, I'd like to share a prayer I recite every day. It's from the Daily Office in Celtic Daily Prayer and it's the first thing I say when I get up in the morning. I think it captures the Lenten emphasis on pursuing God in our lives every day, and most especially in this season. 


"One thing I have asked of the Lord, 

this is what I seek:

that I may dwell in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life; 

to behold the beauty of the Lord

and to seek the Lord in His temple. 

To whom shall we go? 

You have the words of eternal life, 

and we have believed and have come to know

that you are the Holy One of God. 

Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, 

King of endless glory." 


One final reminder, this Saturday we will welcome Rev. Dr. Mark Holland. Be sure to join Mark and a panel who will discuss our hopes and prayers for the General Conference of the UMC occurring next month. 6:30 in the Sanctuary. See you there!

Mobile Food Pantry


Volunteers arrive about 9:00-9:30 a.m. and distribution begins at 9:30 - 10:00 a.m., depending on the time the Roadrunner Food truck arrives. We are usually finished before noon. For more information, please contact Debby Smith at 505-554-4238 or


March is National Nutrition Month. For information click here to find Tip Sheets, Activity Handouts and more from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Our monthly food distribution contributes to improving the nutrition of 50 families, though last month we distributed food to 58 families! The need for food in our community continues to increase every month. I am grateful to St. John’s for supporting this essential service to our neighbors. 

Mainstream UMC


Join us in the sanctuary on Saturday, March 16 at 6:30 p.m. for a conversation about the local church, and the future of the United Methodist Church.

With General Conference, our quadrennial meeting of the United Methodist Church coming in April, our denomination is at an important crossroad. There are opportunities to set a new tone in the UMC as we look to the future. St. John's is excited to host Rev. Dr. Mark Holland, the director of Mainstream UMC as well as a panel of leaders from the New Mexico Conference to discuss all of this. 


The divisions in the church are not about "liberal" or "conservative." They are about the fundamental question, are you willing to live in a church with others with whom you disagree? 


Join us for a lively conversation. Reception with Mark will follow the event

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday, March 24, we will have our three Sunday services at 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11 a.m.

Join us on March 28 at 7:30 p.m. in our Family Life Center for Maundy Thursday Worship. This special service of Holy Communion will feature music from St. John's Praise Band.

We will also have worship on Good Friday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m. in our sanctuary. This is a powerful service of darkness, with the reading of the Passion narrative, featuring the St. John's Chancel Choir with special guest musicians.

Easter Sunday Services

March 31

Join us at St. John's to celebrate Easter! We will hold three services on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection, knowing that Jesus is alive. All of our services will be offered in-person, services will also be livestreamed for those who cannot attend, or prefer to worship from home. Learn more about each of these services below.

Our 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Easter services are traditional Methodist services held in our Sanctuary, they will feature choir, organ, and the UNM Faculty Brass Quintet.

Our 9:30 a.m. service is a contemporary Methodist service held in the Family Life Center. Our Praise Band provides music for this service, playing current and classic contemporary Christian music and popular hits. Join us for an upbeat, energetic, and music-filled Easter worship.

Easter Sunday Lunch

March 31

On Easter, avoid the traffic of going out for your Easter meal, and come to lunch after the worship services. Chef Tim and his Kitchen Crew will be serving Slow-Roasted Honey Chipotle Ham, sliced to order from 11 am to 1 pm in the Family Life Center. $14 for adults, $8 for 12-17 years old, $5 for 5-12 years old, 4 and under free. 

Let us rejoice! Psalm 118:24

The Walk, Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life by Adam Hamilton

  • Tuesdays, April 2 - May 7 (6 weeks)
  • 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., IN-PERSON
  • Facilitator: Dara Bell
  • To register, contact Susan at
  • Participants will need to purchase their own study books

How do we walk with Christ—daily follow him, grow in him, and faithfully serve him? In the Gospels, Jesus modeled for us the Christian spiritual life. The apostles taught it in their writings. And the Church has, through the last 2,000 years, sought to pursue this Christian spiritual life. In The Walk, Adam Hamilton focuses on five essential spiritual practices that are rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God and taught throughout the New Testament. Each of these practices is intended as part of our daily walk with Christ while also being an essential part of growing together in the church. Deepen your walk with Christ as we explore the five essential practices of worship, study, serving, giving, and bearing witness to our faith.

Good Medicine Way and Mesa View UMC Present RAIN SONG in concert

March 23

A free concert by RainSong, a Grammy nominated and Nammy Award winning duo. Starts at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, at Mesa View UMC, 4701 Montano, NW (Corner of Taylor Ranch Road and Montano). 


RainSong is led by Terry and Darlene Wildman. Terry is of Ojibwe and Yaqui ancestry and Darlene is an honorary member of the Miami Indians of Indiana. Terry is the lead translator and project manager of the First Nations Version of the New Testament He also serves as the Director of Spiritual Growth and Leadership Development for Native InterVarsity. 


Sponsored by Good Medicine Way, a Native American ministry that embraces our indigenous lifeways to honor Creator Sets Free/Jesus. For more information, call Pastor Casey Church at (505)350-1390.

Click the LINK HERE to view the flyer.

Please Help Family Promise Host Week in April

We need your help for Family Promise host week April 14-21, 2024.


Family Promise is a national program that supports homeless families in cities across the United States, including Albuquerque. For six weeks during the year, St. John's is responsible for taking meals to the Montgomery site. In addition, we are asked to stay on site for two hours to give relief to the permanent staff. If you would like to pair up with someone to provide a meal and stay for two hours, please contact Jenn or Linn (see below.)


To volunteer, click the LINK HERE. Or sign-up at the Hospitality Center, at the Abide service, or contact Jenn Shields 505-450-9978 or Linn Furnish

To see more information about Family Promise click here.

The McCurdy Weekend

April 5-7


United Methodism in the Española Valley has an evolving history stretching back over 100 years. That history will be the focus of a special weekend planned for April 5 through 7. Everyone is invited.


On Friday, there will be a local church historian training. The Heritage Tour is scheduled Saturday. Conference Archivist, Rev. Will Steinsiek will preach at Santa Cruz UMC on Sunday. You may pick and choose which events you'd like to attend.


Participants may stay overnight at McCurdy or at another motel. To request more information or to register for the weekend, please contact Will Steinsiek at: Click link HERE for the flyer.

Sweet Jazz

April 7

Join us at Sandia Presbyterian Church for great music, light snacks, and a silent auction as Sid Fendley and Friends dazzle us with their jazz delights on April 7 at 4 p.m. All proceeds from this event benefit Family Promise of Albuquerque and help further their mission to assist unsheltered families in Albuquerque. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in advance. You can purchase them online by clicking the link HERE, or reach out to Linn Furnish for tickets at or 505-884-6626.

McCurdy Ministries Day of Service

April 11

New Mexico Conference United Women in Faith and the Albuquerque District request your help for the: Day of Service, April 11, 2024. Starting at 9:30 am at McCurdy Ministries, 362A S. McCurdy Rd, Espanola NM.

McCurdy Ministries is getting ready to demolish several older buildings in preparation for a new Program Building. These buildings are FULL of items that need to be removed and sold. An estate sale will be held on May 17 – 19. The stored items need to be cleaned and moved to the McCracken Gymnasium for the estate sale. Lighter tasks include washing and cleaning/polishing items especially the lab equipment and band instruments.


Lunch will be provided, please bring water bottles and extra water for the day.

If you’ve never been to McCurdy, it’s been a while, or you’re just interested, we’ll have someone there to give a quick tour of the campus.

The Day of Service is open to all who would like to help. Please let me know if you or your group will be coming so we can plan for lunch and tasks to be accomplished.


Please let Peggy know by April 5 how many will be coming so I can order lunch. Contact Dave or Angie Young to coordinate carpooling/ caravanning. Dave Young: 505-715-2030

Angie Young: 505-715-0292

Questions or need additional information contact:

Peggy Arensdorf, (505) 301-1978,

Saranam Update

Saranam is an innovative, multi-generational program dedicated to breaking cycles of family homelessness and poverty through housing, education, and supportive community. An estate gift from a member of Central UMC started Saranam 20 years ago, and it has grown to be known in our community for deep, impactful and transformative work with families. Saranam serves up to 20 families at a time on our east campus, but every year we are only able to meet a fraction of the demand for our program.

We are excited to be building a new campus that will more than double our capacity on the west side of Albuquerque. The first phase of ten homes will be occupied in early April with families who will begin their journey to overcome their obstacles and stabilize their family. We are excited to see this start to take shape – this week we have been painting inside and starting to plant landscape!

The whole campus is planned to be complete by the end of this year and will include 25 homes, adult classrooms, family center, playground, community gardens, offices and donation space. If you are interested in learning more about Saranam or want to get involved, please contact Sunny at

Click HERE to see pictures of the new campus.

Share Your Art and Creativity with the Congregation and Community

"You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen!" (Mark 16:6)


The Spring art is up and growing like our gardens in this season of Lenten observance! As we draw nearer to Easter, we would like to celebrate the resurrection. The St. John's Visual Arts Ministry is inviting artists who have made creations that celebrate Easter resurrection to submit their works which will be displayed in the Narthex. We would love to share your talent with others. For more information contact Amber Griffin,, 564-201-8944.

We are excited to praise the King of Kings through our creativity and work!

St. John's Missions Team Needs Your Input

The Missions Team would like to find out if there are St. John's congregants who volunteer at organizations outside St. John's. If you do, we would love to hear that! Please contact Donna at with a brief email stating your name, the organization at which you volunteer, and approximately how many hours per week. Thank you!

Family Spirit Class

Encounters in Prayer and Love:

Adult Bible Study Series of the UMC

Starting on March 3, please join us at St. John's UMC on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in room 257 as we study a new book and DVD published in Spring 2024, Encounters in Prayer and Love, the newest book in the Adult Bible Study Series of the UMC, published by Cokesbury.

Each week we will watch a short 10-minute video lesson and then discuss questions from the book. In March, we will study Unit 1: Prayer. We will study Jesus’s journey to the Cross and celebrate the hope that Jesus’s resurrection brings on Easter Sunday, March 31.


Then in April and May, we will study Unit 2: Empowering Spirit. “With the hope of resurrection fresh in our hearts, the eight lessons in this unit flow naturally into a vision for peace, reconciliation, and healing in our fractured and polarized world.”


Watch quick intro video: LINK HERE

Take a Look Inside to view a free sample of the book (Lesson 1 for March 3) on Cokesbury webpage LINK HERE. If you like the book, you can buy it online as a paperback book or as an eBook.


Folks are welcome to drop by any week to sample the class and try it out. Free admission and open to all adults. Questions about the class? Email:

Fish Fry Announcements

Fish Fry Week 4

We had an exciting Fish Fry Dinner on Friday, March 8! That night:

  • 567 meals were served (Second Highest Attendance)
  • $484 was collected in the Tip Jars for Silver Horizons
  • A total of 123 workers worked on Thursday and Friday
  • 12 Boy Scouts worked the Fish Fry

Today and next Friday are the last two Fish Fry Dinners for 2024. If you haven't attended yet, you still have time! It's in the Family Life Center and the time is 4 - 7 p.m., $16 per person and $8 per child (10 and under).

If you are interested in volunteering or making a donation, see Wayne at the Hospitality Center on Sunday mornings or contact him through email at

Reserve a Table

Did you know you can reserve a table at the Fish Fry Dinners if you have a group of 6 or more attending together? Contact Wayne at 505-238-4559 or the church office at 505-883-9717 to find out how.

Children's Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt

March 30

Find your Easter baskets and plan to join us as we play games, eat breakfast snacks, have lots of fun, and celebrate the season! Easter egg hunting will take place March 30 at 9:30 for kids in pre-school through fifth grade (beginning with the youngest kids).

When: Saturday, March 30, from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Where: St. John's UMC Family Life Center

Who: Kids, parents, grandparents, cousins, friends from school, kids who live next door to you - all are welcome.

Request for Easter Egg Hunt Supplies

Children's Ministry needs some help preparing for the Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt. If you are able to donate any of the following items, your help will be greatly appreciated!

Individually wrapped chocolate candy

Individually wrapped non-chocolate candy

Individual non-food items (stickers, temporary tattoos, fun erasers, etc.)

Plastic, fillable eggs

Please drop off candy/eggs to the church office, during office hours, before Wednesday, March 27.

Volunteers for Children's Easter Celebration

and Egg Hunt

Calling all volunteer bunnies! Do you know how to face paint? Would you like to help supervise a game area? Are you an expert egg hider?

If any of these opportunities sound like fun, then you are the perfect person to help as we celebrate the Easter season with the Children's Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt on March 30. Please email Angela Lybarger at or text to (505) 250-3875 if you'd like to join in on the fun. Thank you!

Prayer Quilt Recipient

Kay Houck is the recipient for the prayer quilt currently on display in the Hospitality Center.

If you pass through the Hospitality Center this week, please tie a knot in the quilt while praying for Kay. Won't be in the Center this week? No worries! Either way, please pray this prayer (or your own prayer) for Kay: "Lord, we pray for Kay and the struggles she is going through in this season. You know exactly what she needs in this moment. We ask that you draw near to her and let her feel your presence. Amen.”

Lenten Offering: March Special Offering

The six weeks of Lent are a time of preparation, sacrifice, renewed focus on God, and giving.

Traditionally, this offering has supported many and varied local ministries. Such ministries have included: Mobile Food Pantry, Hopeworks, the Ramp Project, Asbury Pie Cafe, Zuni School, Family Promise, lunch bags for the homeless, and many more.

As we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us, may we also sacrifice in our own way by continuing the St. John's long tradition of giving generously to those in need during this Lenten season.

Snack Items for

Tierra Adentro New Mexico (TANM)

During the month of March, we will collect "snack items" for Tierra Adentro New Mexico (TANM) Arts Charter School, located in NW Albuquerque, and serving mid- and high-school students. We currently provide weekend meal bags each week for five of their students who are homeless/food insecure and will continue to do so. They have also identified an additional 50 students who are food insecure. This month we are collecting snack items which will be distributed by the counselor as needed at TANM.

Suggested SINGLE-SERVE items are: cheese and crackers, beef jerky, applesauce, pudding, fruit cups, granola bars, power bars, cereal bars, ravioli, spaghetti-os, macaroni and cheese, soups (pull tab openings), ramen noodles, trail mix, fruit snacks, boxed drinks and juices, chips, pretzels, Goldfish, Vienna sausages, pop tarts, or oatmeal.

Please place your donated items in the bins in the Hospitality Center.

THANK YOU, St. John's! You're the best!

Our worship services are livestreamed so you can watch them from home. To watch a worship service live, click on the service that you would like to watch on Sunday morning at its scheduled time.

8:15AM Mosaic Worship
9:30AM Abide Worship
11AM Traditional Worship

Submission Deadline for Disciple Connections is noon on Wednesday for the Friday weekly edition. Click here to send your articles to the editor.

Visit Our Website
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St. John's United Methodist Church | (505) - 883-9717

2626 Arizona Street NE | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Pastoral Care 24-Hour Hotline | (505) 312-3763

Pastoral care is available for after-hours emergencies. Please send any congregational care needs to Rev. Molly Shannon at as we all work together to love one another well. 

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