July 26, 2023

The church will gather July 29 - August 1 in Louisville, KY for the General Assembly. Experience four nights of dynamic preaching and Spirit-filled worship live-streamed each night. 

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 Disciples Home Missions is pleased to announce Rev. Monique Crain Spells has been called to the position of Vice President for Mission, Advocacy, and Programs. With this promotion, Rev. Crain Spells will have organizational management responsibility for overseeing key areas of DHM’s programmatic work. 

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The NBA Invites young adults (ages 18-30) to apply for a Young Adult Leadership Development Grant.

These grants are specifically designed to support current and future leaders in identifying their leadership qualities, building leadership capacity, and allowing young adults to explore new possibilities in the areas of service and justice.

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The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ are responding to an urgent request from the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) to join with them in supporting the Korea Peace Appeal and calling for an official end to the Korean War. Sign the appeal today!

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Event calendar

Whether you are attending General Assembly next week, sending delegates or live-streaming from your home, we have resources to keep you connected. From Bible studies on the theme scriptures prepared by educators and scholars, to a 6-week multilingual preaching series to a commissioning liturgy for General Assembly representatives. 

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In recent years, Christian Nationalism has taken center stage in American politics. Not only has white supremacy played a role in this, but the Church has also been complacent. In New Church Ministry’s inaugural IMPACT webinar episode, members of the Baptist Joint Committee will join us to explore the ways that we can address and counter the threat of this dangerous agenda.

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  • General Minister and President Rev. Terri Hord Owens creates a weekly video, from reflection on faith to interviews with leaders across the church, view the whole playlist.

Opportunties to Serve

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