Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen is executive director of Parity, a nonprofit that works at the intersection of faith and LGBTQ+ concerns, author at Family Christian, and director of Blessed by Difference, a project that promotes curious and collaborative bridging across the LGBTQ+ and faith divides. She is a speaker, author, and educator with a focus on inclusive religious freedom, and on theological methods for encountering others with love and curiosity. Marian previously served as Executive Director of OUTreach Resource Centers, National Program Director of Family Acceptance Project, Executive Director of Utah Pride Center, and Justice Ministry Supervisor at Auburn Seminary. Marian attended Gordon College, Western Theological Seminary, and Eden Theological Seminary and is a Doctor of Ministry candidate at Eden Theological Seminary with the topic Covenantal Pluralism and Mission: Evidence for Healing the LGBT and Faith Divide. Marian is married, has four children, and is a passionate skier and outdoor enthusiast.
Rev. Yadi Martínez-Reyna is a Latine non-binary, bilingual, Borderlander, Youth Activist and Artist.
Yadi received their M.Div. from Brite Divinity in Fort Worth, Texas with a certification in Latino and Borderland studies. Their work includes using arts and networking skills to create community events, retreats, leadership conferences, and safe spaces. Yadi has contributed to writings for the Progressive Youth Ministry Conference, and Otherwise Christian among other publications.
Rev. Yadi Martinez-Reyna is a certified facilitator in the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum, which provides comprehensive sexuality education for young people. They serve as a Board member for Collectivo the United Church of Christ Latinx community that supports local churches that are multicultural/multiracial. Rev. Yadi serves as an Associate Pastor at New Church Chiesa Nuova, UCC. They also serve as Pastor leader at 1st UCC in Second Life, fully recognized virtual congregation with full standing in the Eastern Association, Southern California Nevada Conference, the United Church of Christ. As an artist and borderlander born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, their passion is the work in the margins, that intersects class, gender, sexuality, and spirituality. Yadi is currently a student of the Art of Spiritual Direction that certifies international spiritual directors. Yadi shares a home with their partner, their five-year-old grand kid, their 19-year-old Music student at UNT and their special Boxer Stormy.
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