Christian Church

Oregon & SW Idaho

Disciples Women

January 29

10:00 a.m. Pacific

11:00 a.m. Mountain

Two Hour Online Event


Rev. Cynthia Dobson McBride

Rev. Michelle Harris-Gloyer

Register HERE

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Food impacts our lives at a deep and intimate level. We literally need it to survive.

Whole networks on television are devoted to how we fix and serve food, advertising food preparation gadgets, and some even show people competing against a clock with random ingredients to create dishes for judges. Food products are advertised to us from multiple directions. In recent days, we are noticing that the food on shelves at our grocery stores seems to be in shorter supply. Anxiety abounds in the reports of this reality of shipping slow downs and shortages. The panic response -- will my family have food -- can spike adrenaline.

Those who have a deep pantry at home are not as worried about this. However for those that live check to check with little margin or storages space for food purchased ahead, or those that live on friends couches or on our streets, this is scary.

Our regional church congregations are reaching out in compassion to food insecure neighbors and our worship services are providing spiritual food for this time of perceived and sometimes highly visible scarcity of resource.

On January 29, Disciples Women are gathered for a spiritual "potluck" of resource and encouragement by hearing from two of the clergy women new to our regional church in the last 3 years. Come hear their stories and share some of your own stories of soul food both physical and spiritual.

Watch this space for new details every few days

 between now and then.

Also watch our website and facebook pages.

See you soon!!


Rev. Cynthia Dobson McBride

Senior Pastor

Portland First Christian

Educated at University of New Mexico and Lexington Theological Seminary, Cynthia has served congregations in Kentucky, Arizona, Illinois, Wyoming and now Oregon. Cynthia and husband, Charles, moved to Oregon in 2019.


Rev. Michelle Harris-Gloyer

Associate Pastor

Salem Christian Church

Educated at Chapman University and Pacific School of Religion, Michelle has served congregations in California. She and her husband, Matthew Harris-Gloyer, moved to Oregon in 2021. Matthew also serves as an Associate Pastor of the congregation. They are parents of a pre-school age son.

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in Oregon and SW Idaho at

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