With many thanks to our users for these suggestions, we’re pleased to share that the enhanced Nursing Facility Report is now live!
Access the enhanced Nursing Facility Report through the PopHealth Analytics tool by logging into the CRISP DC HIE Portal at https://idp.crisphealth.org.
What’s in the Nursing Facility Report?
The Nursing Facility Report presents the list of beneficiaries admitted to the user’s nursing facility each month based on the Medicaid claims data. Users can add or remove beneficiaries, update details to reflect their census for a given month, attest to their monthly census and submit for DHCF review.
The report is available under the Nursing Facility Reports card in the PopHealth suite of reports.
Explore the Exciting New Features in the Nursing Facility Report:
The report now contains two additional columns that capture the Medicaid Enrollment Date and Date of Death. The Medicaid Enrollment Date is auto-populated for all beneficiaries. A Date of Death can be populated by the Nursing Facility user to indicate any deceased beneficiaries in their current month’s census review.