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52 Ways To Discover
The Santa Fe Trail

SFTA Email Newsletter  September 8, 2016 
Upcoming Events 
September 11-20: Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Trek, for more information Google Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Trek 2016
September 15: Fort Union National Monument, Program on the first Fort Union, Las Vegas, NM, 505-425-8025
September 16-17: Voices of the Wind People Pageant, Council Grove, KS, 620-767-5413
September 17: Hispanic Heritage Days, Bent's Old Fort, La Junta, CO, 719-383-5010

September 17: End of the Trail Chapter, Santa Fe, NM, program on Santa Fe Cemeteries and the Santa Fe Trail by Alysia Abbott, Ph.D, 505-820-7828
September 17-18: Tesoro Cultural Center, 1830's Rendezvous & Spanish Colonial Art Market, Morrison, CO
September 18:  MRO & Douglas County   Chapters, dinner and presentation by Joy Poole on the 1825 - 1828 travel diaries of Dr. Rowland Willard on the Santa Fe Trail, for more information, ldshort@comcast.net
September 22-24: SFTA Rendezvous, Larned, KS  
October 1: Boggsville Colorado 150th Anniversary celebration, 719-456-6066
October 8: Bent's Fort Chapter, Apishapa Canyon tour, 719-931-4323
October 16: Wet/Dry Routes Chapter meets at Santa Fe Trail Center, Larned, KS, lunch and meeting, 620-285-3295
October 20: Fort Union, La Vegas, NM, program on La Llorona, the wailing ghost woman of Spanish folklore, 505-425-8025
October 22: Quivera Chapter meeting, 620-241-8719
January 15, 2017: Wet/Dry Routes Chapter meets at Kinsley, KS, lunch and program, 620-285-3295
52 Ways to Discover the Santa Fe Trail

On August 25, 2016, the National Park Service celebrated the 100th Anniversary of its founding and the Santa Fe Trail Association is joining the celebration in a unique way. Each week starting we're featuring a "way" to celebrate the Santa Fe Trail, one of the national historic trails the NPS manages. The year of ideas will culminate in August 2017, the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Santa Fe Trail Association.
Each week you can look for new ways to discover the trail on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and in these weekly email newsletters. Experience as many as you can and post pictures as you do. We want to hear all the ways that you discovered the Santa Fe National Historic Trail.
Let's get started!
Week 3
Ride Your Bike Along the Santa Fe Trail...or Have Fun Just Watching the Riders Peddle Along the Route   
The Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Trek leaves Santa Fe on Sunday, September 11, 2016.  Participants can ride all or part of the Santa Fe Trail (approximately 1100 miles) on paved public roads.  After the first four days, riders can leave the group at any place along the route.  They do not have to ride the entire distance.
The Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Treks are endorsed by the National Park Service and the Santa Fe Trail Association as an appropriate non-profit educational and recreational event that is in keeping with the resource protection and public use objectives of the Santa Fe National Historic Trail.
For more information, go to:  http://www.santafetrailbicycletrek.com/
Read a rider's personal odyssey at: http://www.kansasheritage.org/research/sft/traljorn.html
If you can't make it on the official Santa Fe Bicycle Trek, you can follow the approximate route in Kansas by simply following US-56 highway through the state, which parallels the Santa Fe Trail for much of its distance, and there are numerous "trail ruts" still visible at places along the highway.
Be sure to check out the many other events along the trail hosted by local museums and historical groups by clicking on the Santa Fe Trail Association's website: www.santafetrail.org.
And, for the most up-to-date news about the new "52 Ways" adventure type #discoverSFNHT in your browser's search field and then hit the enter button.