that's Weight Watchers!

Common Member Myth: 

"I have to swear off certain foods to lose weight"

Dear WW Philadelphia Member,

Planning for the foods that are harder for me not to overeat has been a game changer for me.

Once upon a time, I thought dieting was the answer to my larger than desired body I had eaten myself into. Dieting for me always included deprivation–of many foods, sweets, bread, salty snacks, and fast food. You know the list and maybe have a few more of your own to add to it.

Fast food was my weakness. As I wrote before, My “MO” prior to Weight Watchers was to go through the drive-up window and act like I was ordering for more than one person.

Keeping my commuting on highways with limited off-ramps was one thing that really helped me get the fast-food monkey off my back. In the years since I probably have had fast-food two or three times a year! I see that as a great win.

About the sweets, bread, and salty snacks–I built different strategies. I learned to wait and eat them in controlled circumstances. In other words, I plan for them and ENJOY them. I like to save rollovers and most of my weekly Points for the weekend. I’m also careful about the number of servings I bring into the house.

Have you ever looked at the side of a carton of ice cream? It says 16 servings (rude, I know but true). And with some foods, like desserts, I choose to wait until I’m eating out and then share the sweet treat with my dinner companions.

We set ourselves up for success by learning how each of us wants to control harder-to-handle foods. It is a strategy that needs to be learned and practiced while losing our weight. It’s the secret to our maintenance game.

Yes, any one of us can take the abstinence route on any particular food. For some that works, and if that’s you, kudos. I can't deal with deprivation!

At our weekly Workshops, Members and Staff often talk about how they fit higher Point and harder-to-handle food items into their successful weight loss and maintenance plans. For some, substitutions or “almost taste like” ideas can be helpful and can be a middle-ground compromise.

The beauty of the Weight Watchers program is we really can have it all. Probably not the quantity we thought we couldn’t live without, but certainly we can have any food we need to feel satisfied. And you’ll be surprised how within months, serving sizes you used to eat are bigger than you want to finish.

-Tenacity wins over perfection. You can do this, we can help. Have a great day,

Deb Wright

General Manager

If you’re trying to shed a few pounds or more than you care to even start thinking about taking on, you might be worried that "you’ll have to stop eating all of the foods you love". But not with the Weight Watchers program! Weight Watchers knows cutting foods completely out of your daily intake actually increases your cravings and makes it tougher to manage your weight because you feel deprived.

Weight Watchers is about no deprivation!

The Weight Watchers program makes that statement a myth!

You can eat

all your favorite foods

and still lose weight!


Here are 5 snippets

to help you stay on track:

0/1 Watch your portion size

Eating smaller portions controls your Points intake better.

A majority of weight loss comes from what you eat. Rather than filling up your plate and eating everything on it, pay attention to the portion Points. Fill your plate with veggies and a beautiful salad which are ZeroPoint foods, then add in some of the foods with Points which your favorites may be among. You don’t ever cut foods completely. You can find and track all your meals and snacks on your Weight Watchers App. 

ZeroPoint™ foods

0/2 Trick your body into feeling fuller

Fiber and protein both help you feel fuller. 

Some good sources of fiber include apples, carrots, avocados, and pineapple. You could also have chia seeds or basil seeds all ZeroPoint foods ... and whole-grain breads and pastas. For proteins, stick to lean meats, nuts, beans, and legumes since they’re the healthiest. Of course, the Weight Watchers program assures a balanced food plan that takes all of this into account for you.

Follow the plan, and lose the weight.

The Point™

0/3 Slow down, put your fork down, and taste

Slow down when you eat so you can sense when you’re full. 

As you’re eating, take smaller bites and set your fork down while you’re chewing so you don’t feel the urge to put more in your mouth. Check out who the slowest eater at the table is and try to keep up (or slow down with) that person.

Take time to savor the taste of your food with each bite to help you feel more satisfied. Be Mindful of the texture, flavor, aroma, and the beauty of the food.

Avoid–at all costs–being sucked into texting or receiving calls or playing games on your phone while you eat since you’ll forget to pay attention to whether or not you feel full.

Eat what you love

0/4 "hide" unhealthy options

Putting problem foods in hard-to-reach spots means you’ll eat them less. 

If you tend to snack on chips or cookies during the day, try putting them on a higher shelf or hard to get to place. Fruit is coming into its prime! Farm markets are reopening! The good news is chips can't compare to the fresh taste of strawberries, a crisp apple, cherries, grapes and gorgeous berries! Cut up a melon–so sweet! And keep these healthier options within reach so you’re more likely to grab them when you need a quick bite.

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0/5 Use smaller plates

Filling your plate takes less food and a smaller plate removes the deprivation feeling because everyone is eating on the same size plate.

Rather than finding the biggest plate you own and filling it completely, invest in a set of dishes that is a little bit smaller or has a wider rim. Since your food takes up more space on the smaller plate, you won’t have as large of portion sizes so you are less likely to overeat. Choosing a 9-inch plate over a 12-inch one reduces the surface area by 44% and helps you reduce your food intake.

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*6 Months with Scale‡ Please note for the 6-Month Commitment plan: After your first six months at $49.95 monthly, your account will automatically renew at $54.95 monthly, until you cancel. While you may cancel your subscription at any time, cancellation will not go into effect until the end of your 6-month Commitment Plan. Thereafter, our standard cancellation policy applies.

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The WW 4Pillars of weight loss success

Take Charge of Emotional Eating

Tips to help you break the stress-eating cycle.


Become a Morning Exerciser

Develop a morning mentality.


Why it’s totally OK to eat the foods you love

Think planning, not banning.


Ways to Make Your Mornings More Pleasant

Without waking up any earlier.


Summer delightful desserts

...and Points friendly, too.

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Frosted Brownie Bites


Sweet & Salty Snack Mix

Triple Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream Sundae

Banana-Chocolate Chip Brownie "nice" Cream

Strawberry-Brownie Frozen Yogurt Bark

Berries Cream Chocolate Chip Brownie Sandwich

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$49.95/mo 1st 6 mo. + FREE! Bluetooth body weight analysis scale!

The WW Logo, Weight Watchers, Points, and ZeroPoint are trademarks of WW International, Inc. ©2023 WW International, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2023 Weight Watchers of Philadelphia, all rights reserved.

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