What is your name and title?
Chisa Brigham, DFAP 22007 Project Manager, Farmer Veteran Coalition
How do you/your organization support farmers, ranchers, and landowners with the DFAP program?
Farmer Veteran Coalition serves as one of eight USDA Cooperators. We provide outreach and technical assistance, utilizing our chapters across the country as well as headquarters staff.
What resources/initiatives does your organization have available to assist these communities when applying for the DFAP program?
Farmer Veteran Coalition creates collaborative outreach opportunities to spread the word about the program, along with media resources that support applicant knowledge of the program.
What motivated you to get involved in this initiative?
The Branches of the US Armed Forces are very diverse. Thus, the Farmer Veteran Coalition's membership is diverse, and Veterans themselves are recognized as members of underserved communities. Farmer Veteran Coalition's founding mission is to support America's Veterans transitioning into agriculture and thus we want to support those producers who may have faced discrimination in the FSA loan process. DFAP offers some resolution for those working to feed America. We understand the importance of the agriculture industry and join efforts with USDA as they seek to restore equitable practices.
What’s one thing you want to make sure people reading this newsletter understand about the application or the program?
The program at minimum allows applicants to share their stories that have gone unheard. Your voice is important in this process and using it is a large step towards healing.
Any final thoughts/things you’d like to share?
Please contact FVC at 855-FVC-FARM or support@farmvetco.org if you would like to participate and need any technical assistance on eligibility or completing the application.
Farmer Veteran Coalition supports all our farmers and ranchers. We invite Veterans across America to join Farmer Veteran Coalition with and stand united and supported as we continue to support our communities across the country.