During the 880th Gathering, the Presbytery of Baltimore approved a policy to
provide on-going educational opportunities for pastors and congregational leaders
, focused on dismantling racism within its congregations and the communities they serve. Former Moderator James Parks offered the following inspirational statement after
the vote, which was approved overwhelmingly.
RE James Parks
In the wake of the uprising in Baltimore City three a
nd a half years ago which occurred within a stone's throw of two of our churches, I, as vice moderator, called a meeting of pastors and interested individuals in the presbytery to discuss what we could do to address the issues behind the uprising. That meeting spawned our ongoing focus on race, class and poverty.
Today's vote to
mandate training to dismantle racism in this presbytery is a big step forward, one that we can be proud of. It shows how far we have come in three years. I recall addressing the presbytery gathering almost three years ago to the day where I answered critics who said race, class and poverty had everything to do with Baltimore City and nothing to do with the rest of the presbytery. Today, we declared that it affects the breadth of this presbytery.
If what we did today begins to bear fruit, we could be presenting ourselves as a model for the entire church at the 2020 General Assembly. As momentous as this is, let us not forget that this is just a step along a much longer journey.
That journey, I pray, will take us into issues we have rarely explored:
- Institutional racism and white privilege: Racism is so ingrained in our culture, our traditions, our national mindset that we most times don't recognize it.
- Rural poverty-rural areas in Maryland have higher unemployment rates, lower high-school graduation rates and higher poverty rates than urban areas.
- Hidden poverty and class bias in suburbia. The problems that once were thought to be isolated in the city are becoming epidemic in towns like Annapolis, Hagerstown and Columbia.
Tonight, a mother will grieve over the death of her child whether he dies in East Baltimore or Frostburg. A child with no food is just as hungry in Cumberland as she is in West Baltimore. A father in Columbia is just as distraught over his child's opioid addiction as a father in South Baltimore.
This presbytery has a unique God-given opportunity to explore even more deeply and intensely the issues of race, class and poverty and to act as a witness for Christ in our churches, communities and state. We have the leadership to go there. When has the presbytery had such a diversity of geographic leadership-Steering Cabinet chair from a city church, Moderator from the far West, Vice Moderator from the suburbs, a stated clerk from Hartford County and one of the few African American women General Presbyters in the country? Adrienne, Caroline, Guy, Jack and Jackie-you, in concert with the Apostles/In the Loop and the Dismantling Racism Committee, have the ability individually and collectively to help this presbytery bridge years of mistrust and move towards true reconciliation. I hope you will do so.
As I said in 2015, God is at work in this presbytery and I thank God for giving us the opportunity to serve in such a special cause.
Committee and Commission meetings will be held at the Presbytery's office (unless noted otherwise.)
- Steering Committee will meet at 1pm on Wednesday, Sept. 26
- Commission on Reconciliation will meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday, Sept 26
- In the Loop MG will meet at 5pm on Sept. 28 a Faith PC
- Spiritual Leader Development Commission will meet at 1pm on Wednesday, Oct. 3
- Gathering Team will meet at 11am on Thursday, Oct. 4
Presbytery and Church-Wide
Deb Milcarek to Resign as Associate for Reconciliation
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On September 18
I accepted a call to be the
next General Presbyter
for the
PER CAPITA: $35.73
Presbytery $25.93 Synod of Mid-Atlantic $ .85 General Assembly $ 8.95 |
Deadline October 15, 2018
Granite Presbyterian Church
will host
a program on "Church and Community Response to Active Shooter Events" conducted by the
Baltimore County Police Department
from 7-8:30pm on Tuesday, Sept. 25 No advance registration is required; however, be advised that traffic detours en route to the church may delay arrival time.
Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
will host a special evening beginning at 7pm on Sept. 25 with
Doug Tallamy, nationally renowned expert on the benefits of restoring our landscapes, bird populations, and pollinators using native plants
. For details, click
Second Presbyterian Church invites youth and their families to join them from 6-9pm on Saturday, Oct. 6 for
"Fall Youth Fest"
during which the congregation will welcome the
Rev. Grace Ji-Sun Kim
. Rev. Kim is the author of
Mother Daughter Speak: Lessons on Life
(a message not limited to mothers and daughters). Join the congregation for a night of worship, energizers, mission project, and to share in a meal together. Please send RSVP to
Also at Brown Memorial,
The 2018-2019 season Tiffany Series presents internationally renowned jazz trumpeter Sean Jones, chair of the Peabody Institute's Jazz Department) in concert at 3pm on Sunday, Oct. 21.
Tickets are $20; students get free admission. Patron tickets, which give much appreciated added support the Tiffany Series, are $50 (and you get a free CD). Tickets to all concerts are now available on the Tiffany Series Current Season webpage: (
Franklinville Presbyterian Church is offering
10 dove-grey choir robes to any church in need. If interested, email
The 13th Amendment Abolished Slavery
Participate in a 3-night review of the 13th Amendment to the US constitution at
7pm on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at St. Bartholomew Episcopal church.
WATCH THE MOVIE (Netflix 13th) Oct. 2 at 7pm Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church. |

It is widely recognized that in life preparation is key, but how do we prepare ourselves and family members to face major life decisions surrounding the aging process, serious illness, and end-of-life care? Join Revs. Brandon C. Brewer and Scot Crannell for an important seminar entitled , "Starting the Conversation," at Massanetta Springs Oct. 19-20. Click here to learn more and register.
Jacqueline E. Taylor
General Presbyter jtaylor@baltimorepresbytery.org
Deb Milcarek
Judy Johnson
Ministry Group Staff
Chuck Brawner
McKenna Lewellen
Center Coordinator
John "Jack" Carlson
Stated Clerk
Debbie Ingram Schmidt
Dir. of Communications dgreene@baltimorepresbytery.org
Mary Gaut