The Vice President of Quality Drive Away has received several phone calls about Quality Drivers not displaying their USDOT Placards. This is completely unacceptable.

Displaying USDOT Signs

The Regulation regarding the displaying of DOT signs are as follows:

DOT Regulation 390.21(G) states: Driveaway Services. In driveaway services, a removable device may be affixed on both sides or at the rear of a single driven vehicle. In a combination driveaway operation, the device may be affixed on both sides of any one unit or at the rear of the last unit. (NOT IN THE DASH) The removable device must display the legal name or a single trade name of the motor carrier and the motor carrier's USDOT number.

Where you as a Driver get into trouble is in “your” interpretation of these regulations. Placing the signs down too low, toward the back of your vehicle, in a heavily tinted window or only on one side is not in your best interest. Although to you they are “visible to 50 feet when stopped” as required by the regulation, they also have to be visible to that Officer that is stopping you. It’s his/her interpretation and range visibility you have to contend with when he/she stops you.

Over the past year, Quality has had 50+ violations written up for a placard issue (How DOT signs are displayed) or (NO DOT signs are displayed) on a CSA DOT Roadside Inspection.

We can argue all we want but in the Officer’s interpretation of the rule those drivers were not complaint and those violations will stand. Additionally, with this many violations written you’re on the radar when crossing the scales for this issue and it certainly will be looked at when you are stopped.

In our driver orientation classes we review the best “suggested locations” for sign placement and how to ensure those signs stay in place. Suggested location for them to be placed is on the vehicle doors (both sides) just below window height. This is the most visible, common and “accepted” location by most Law Enforcement Professionals. “Accepted” is the key word. When you as the Driver (by your placard placement) make the Officers search the sides or backs of your vehicles for markings that’s when you open the door for being stopped and inspected. Please think about your sign placements and help yourself avoid unnecessary stops by making the right choice on where you display your signs.

If you need to review sign placements stop by any Terminal Office with Safety Personnel and they will assist you in better sign placement.

Thanks for your help and support.