When Does Disrespectful Behavior Cross the Line Into Illegal Harassment?

Imagine for a minute that everyone in your company is always on their best behavior. Respectful. Courteous. Non-confrontational.

We say "imagine" because this probably isn't your reality - just as it isn't for most HR professionals. Because sooner or later - even at the best companies - someone gets out of line and someone else takes offense to what was said or done. Maybe it's an off-color joke, a comment about someone's personal appearance, a political statement - it could be anything, really.

All you know is, someone went too far.

Now it's up to you to get the facts, defuse the situation and do your best to keep your company out of legal hot water.

For instance, have you ever wondered:

How do I determine if someone's behavior is disrespectful or crosses the line into harassment?

When situations like this arise, it's helpful to have a source, like Alternative HR, you can go to for quick answers to common questions. 



We can be your 'one stop shop' for ALL of your HR related questions. 

We are able to give you practical solutions with exceptional results!

Do You Know About Alternative HR's Respect at Work Initiative?

This training offers a multi-phased approach to addressing societal and workplace challenges, including issues of racism, sexism, ageism, LGBTQ and gender identity.

As employers, we need to change the goal. We need to start playing offense instead of defense. We need to be pro-active in our diversity and inclusion efforts instead of simply reacting to forced changes. We need to give more than lip-service to equal opportunity. 

For details, pricing and scheduling, click below!

Respect at Work

Ever have to deal with complaints of harassment?  We can help!

At Alternative HR we have many years of experience investigating complaints, and preparing impartial, detailed reports. 

Contact us today at 605.335.8198!

ALTERNATIVE HR| https://alternativehr.com/ | 605.335.8198



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