Town of Occoquan
Mayor's E-Newsletter Update
Irregular, Unscheduled Updates from Occoquan Mayor Earnie Porta

February 4, 2024

Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)

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On days like today, we will sometimes receive calls about pollution in the Occoquan River after individuals observe something like what you see in the photo below, which I took earlier today. Although not generally considered attractive, the off-white, brownish suds in the river are not man-made pollution, but reflect what is most often a harmless, natural occurrence, the accumulation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Caused by the breakdown of organic debris from plants and animals in the river, DOC reduces the surface tension of the water making it easier for the associated foam to form. Particularly noticeable after storms when there is a greater flow of water and wind, the foam tends to be more prevalent in the fall when the leaves are falling and in the spring with pollen and the loss of plant buds.

Another natural chemical process also sometimes generates calls to us about orange slime in streams or along the banks of the Occoquan. Again, however, this orange slime is not typically from man-made pollution, but reflects the natural action of bacteria that takes iron from the ground and oxidizes it, essentially preventing the iron from dissolving in the water.

Off course, human activities like nutrient runoff can create algae blooms that might ultimately increase the amount of DOC in waterways, but what you see in the Occoquan River today is simply a regular natural process that you will be able to observe multiple times throughout the year.

Settled in the middle of the 18th century, the historic riverfront town of Occoquan is home to a variety of historic buildings and an eclectic mix of more than one hundred shops and restaurants. It is particularly well known for its annual spring and fall craft shows. For more information on the town check out its web site at Not already receiving this email newsletter regularly? Click here to sign up.

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© Earnie Porta, 2024. All rights reserved. Earnie Porta is the Mayor of the Town of Occoquan, Virginia. The Mayor's E-Newsletter Update is a successor publication to both Earnie Porta's E-Newsletter Update as well as his previous Mayor's E-Newsletter Update, the latter of which he published while serving as Mayor from July 2006 through June 2014. Like both prior publications, this newsletter is not an official publication of the Town of Occoquan and is produced and distributed at no cost to the town. The Town of Occoquan assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained in this publication.