Duration of Distance Learning
Distance Learning Tools
Early Childhood
Grades 1 - 2
Grades 3 - 4
Grades 6 - 8
Shared Expectations for Grades
Commitment of Teachers
Internet Access & Screen Time
The Learning Curve
Duration of Distance Learning
A weekly overview will be provided for Grades 1 - 8 beginning on
Monday, March 23
. It will be updated to
Google Classroom
each week. As we approach Spring Break, we will have a better idea of when schools will reopen and if distance learning will need to be extended. We are already considering what this may look like if school closures are extended past Spring Break and, if necessary, will communicate any developments over Spring Break.
Grades and Specialty teachers will use the Google Classroom platform for Distance Learning.
The faculty has agreed that the platforms and tools we use for distance learning must be specific to age, so our program has been divided into groups. Below you will find assignments, experiences, materials, our communication platform, and a sample daily schedule. We recognize this is a completely new way of life for all of us, even if it is just for a short time period. We hope these tools smooth the way and ease the journey.
Here's what you need to know:
- About Google Classroom: From their website, Google defines the platform as a place where "Educators can create classes, distribute assignments, send feedback, and see everything in one place." (click here for more information.)
- Teachers will send a Google Classroom invitation and/or code to all parents of Grades students so they can access each of their Google Classrooms.
- You will be able to access Google Classroom with your personal Gmail account.
- RWS will not be setting up individual school Gmail accounts for all families in the school. Please note that this is a change from what was communicated earlier in the week. We thought this step would be necessary for families to utilize the platform but through further research and outside IT support we have discovered it is not necessary.
- If you do not currently use Gmail, it is imperative that you create a Gmail account in order to ensure access to Google Classroom. Please see the link and video below for instructions on creating an account. Once you have created the account please contact your teacher with that new Gmail address for access to their classroom.
- Teachers are encouraging students in Grades 7 - 8 to use their own Gmail accounts to manage their Google Classroom school work. If your child does not have an account please help them to create one and then contact the teacher for access to their classroom.
Create a Gmail Account
Using Google Classroom
Class Experiences
: Earlier this week, Early Childhood teachers sent out a comprehensive list of ideas regarding rhythm, songs, art, household activities and tasks, and recipes to help support young children while they are at home. It also included ideas to provide a little comfort and guidance to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. If schools remain closed beyond the initial two weeks, Early Childhood teachers will follow up with additional resources.
Communication Platform
: Early Childhood teachers will primarily communicate using email.
Assignments & Feedback
: Assignments will be provided via Google Classroom. All of the suggestions and activities provided for Grades 1 - 4 by the teachers are optional. The schedule is simply a tool to use as is helpful within your family.
Class Experiences
: Class teachers and Specialty teachers will share daily rhythm examples, stories, circle songs and games, and recipes as resources to use in the home.
: Materials will be available for pick up on Friday, March 20. In addition, online resources will be shared via Google Classroom.
Communication Platform
: Grades 1 & 2 teachers will primarily communicate through Google Classroom and email. You will receive an invitation on Friday, March 20 from your teacher to sign in to Google Classroom to access online assignments and materials.
Sample Schedule for Grades 1 - 2
8:00 - 8:45 Household jobs (laundry, cleaning room, dishes)
9:00 - 9:45 Main Lesson - Classwork
9:45 - 10:00 Sing along/Storytime with Language teachers
10:00 - 10:30 Snack/Outdoor play
10:30 - 11:00 Handwork/Drawing
11:00 - 11:15 Music
11:15 - 12:00 Lunch Prep
12:00 Lunch
Afternoon Family Time
* We encourage you to read to your children everyday for at least 20-30 minutes.
Assignments & Feedback
: Assignments will be provided via Google Classroom. All of the suggestions and activities provided for Grades 1 - 4 by the teachers are optional. The schedule is simply a tool to use as is helpful within your family.
Class Experiences
: Class teachers and Specialty teachers will share stories, songs, games, as resources to use in the home.
: Materials will be available on Friday, March 20. In addition, online resources will be shared via Google Classroom.
Communication Platform
: Grades 3 & 4 teachers will be using Google Classroom and email to communicate with parents. You will receive an invitation on Friday, March 20 from your teacher to sign in to Google Classroom to access online assignments and materials.
Sample Schedule for Grades 3 - 4
8:00 - 8:45 Household jobs (laundry, cleaning room, dishes)
9:00 - 9:45 Main Lesson
- Classwork
9:45 - 10:15 Foreign Language - writing/drawing
10:15 - 10:45 Snack/Outdoor Movement
10:45 - 11:15 Extra Main Lesson - spelling / math skills - review exercises
11:15 - 11:45 Artistic Activity - Main Lesson and Handwork teachers
11:45 - 12:00 Music/Instrument practice
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch Prep
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch/Outdoor Time
1:00 - 1:30 Quiet reading time (Independent or being read to)
Assignments & Feedback
: Assignments will be provided via Google Classroom. Student work that is due each week will be uploaded into Google Classroom.
Class Experiences
: Class teachers and Specialty teachers will share written assignments, online courses, Google Hangout discussions, and experiential learning projects that can be done from home or outdoors.
: If your class teacher needs you to pick up additional materials they will be available on Friday, March 20. In addition, online resources will be shared via Google Classroom. Parents in Grades 6-8 may be asked to go to Richmond Waldorf School to pick up needed supplies or return assigned work as the weeks progress.
Communication Platform
: Grades 6 - 8 teachers will be using Google Classroom and email to communicate with parents and students.
Sample Schedule for Grades 6 - 8
8:00 - 8:45 Household jobs (laundry, cleaning room, dishes)
9:00 - 10:00 Main Lesson - Classwork
10:00 - 10:45 Foreign Language
10:45 - 11:15 Snack/Outdoor Movement
11:15 - 12:00 Extra Main Lesson - Math or Grammar exercises
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch/Outdoor Movement
1:00 - 1:30 Music/Instrument Practice
1:30 - 2:00 Visual Arts/Handwork
2:00 - 3:00 Outdoor Activity/Movement/Biking
*We expect the children to read 30-60 minutes everyday.
Shared Expectations For Grades
Expectations of Students
Students should understand that distance learning is an important part of this year's school experience.
Students will engage in lessons with concentration and goodwill, bringing their best efforts to this new experience.
Students will ask their parents for assistance, but strive to work independently, and know that their parents can contact teachers with questions.
Expectations of Parents
Parents should try to provide a dedicated place and time for students to work at home. Following the regular school day schedule will be helpful, when possible.
It is not appropriate to complete the work for your child; however, ensuring your child understands the learning task, has the required resources, and is provided a space conducive to learning, is most appropriate.
Parents are encouraged to reach out to their child’s teachers via email. It is also possible to schedule a Google Chat or Phone Call. See office hours and response times on your child’s Google Classroom.
If your child is unwell and unable to participate in the daily lessons, please advise your Class Teacher.
All materials are available for current RWS families only and should not be shared beyond the RWS community.
A Weekly Overview with Daily Lesson Plans will be provided for each Grade school class. For classes using Google Classroom, lesson plans will be posted by 8:00 a.m. daily and will provide between two and four hours of activity/instruction for Grades one through eight. Lessons may include written assignments, activity instruction, recorded audio. All online material is available through Google Classroom.
7th and 8th Grade students will be receiving grades for their work
When possible, Class and Specialty Teachers will work collaboratively for planning and delivering lessons. This will enhance the quality of the teaching and the well-being of the teachers. Weekly Class Parent emails of support will go out at each Grade Level.
Internet Access & Screen Time
We are asking parents to limit the amount of time that students in Grades 1 - 6 spend on a device. We understand that they will need to listen to the audio recording of their teacher singing or telling a story, but we are avoiding videos. We are aware that our distance learning plan for Grades 7 & 8 relies on both internet access and screen time, which presents a contradiction to our teaching philosophy of limited screens and learning through personal connection.
If you do not have internet access in your home, please notify your class teacher so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Schools nationwide have found themselves in the situation of moving to virtual instruction from one day to the next, so the learning curve is quite steep, particularly for Waldorf Schools who consciously choose relationship-based, hands-on learning above virtual experiences. As such, we are prepared to hit a few hiccups as we roll out this new teaching platform.
Here are a few tips to remember as we enter this uncharted territory:
- Don’t hesitate to report issues regarding our learning tools to both your class teacher and the Grade School Chair, Susannah Meyer. The sooner we know there is an issue, the sooner we can take corrective action.
- Remember: you aren’t homeschooling! Each family will have different thresholds for what they can do to supplement or support. Just do your best.
- If any member of your family tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive, please notify the Interim Director of Administration, Nancy Cross. Not only do we need to track our community’s exposure, but we are also, after all, a community who cares about one another. We must support each other during this difficult time.
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