June 2019 | District 1-F Governor Lion Kathleen E. Marusich
Lions Have a Heart for Service
Wow! Don’t blink! It is so hard to believe that this time last year I was in Las Vegas for the International Convention attending District Governor Elect School. Fast forward and here I am with the last few days of being your District Governor. I sincerely want to thank you all for your support; thank you for your service and thank you for all the great things your clubs will do for your communities in the future.

I had a great team this year – a great Cabinet of Leaders; people who want to step up into leadership and help our district succeed. We have been very fortunate over all these years not to have a Past District Governor serve a second term. This could happen in 5 years if we don’t get people to assume greater leadership roles. I can tell you when District Governor Dennis Burns asked me to be a Zone Chairman, I was ecstatic! All I ever wanted to do was be with the club, help with activities and be there to help in anyway that I could. I NEVER thought I would be District Governor!

This past year has been great! I’ve learned a lot on my journey to District Governor. The most important thing to remember is that we are ALL VOLUNTEERS ! Everyone has a life outside of Lions. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and many people have bigger time commitments like family, work, second jobs, church, etc. So, we have to do the best with the time we have. I chose to make Lions a big part of my life, and even though I will be a “PDG” in a few days, that doesn’t mean that it all stops there. As I said at Sunday morning breakfast at District Convention, P.D.G. means “Please Don’t Go!” There are experiences to share, mentoring to do, clubs to start and service projects to work. I promise to remain active!

I encourage you all to step outside your comfort zone. Visit other clubs, attend other club’s events, bring friends with you – Lions & non-Lions. I have met wonderful people throughout the district, state and country. It has been an honor to serve District 1-F and to serve as District Governor for the first woman International President Gudrun Yngvadottir. 

Enjoy your summer. Have fun, help people, and remember ...

... Lions have a Heart for Service!
Lion Kathleen Marusich , D1F Governor
Arlington Heights Lions Club
Lion Barbara Scalet
24 Years of Service

Niles Lions Club
Lion Nicholas Blasé
58 Years of Service

Niles Lions Club
Lion Carl Roll
15 Years of Service

Niles Lions Club
PDG Angelo Troiani
59 Years of Service
Welcome to New District 1-F Lions
New Members — May thru June
New Lion
Lake Villa Township
Jason Roberts
Michelle Rixie
Waukegan Little Fort
Carolina Fabian
Lawrence McShane
Waukegan Little Fort
Kathryn Walker
Not Listed
Lake Forest Lake Bluff
Dave Wiegand
Howard Martino
Mount Prospect
Aaron Buehler
Fred Steinmiller
Mount Prospect
Nora Tovella
Robert Tovella
District 1-F by the Numbers
30 Clubs

976 members

1 Merger (Grant Township merged into Fox Lake)

2 Cancelled clubs (Des Plaines & Round Lake)

3 Leo Clubs

Increased % of women from 28.5% to 39.7%

(28 members) Net decrease for 2018-2019

New Members – 80% of our clubs brought in at least 1 new member!
Number of New Members by Club
Club Name
Waukegan Little Fort
Schaumburg- Hoffman
Mt. Prospect
 Evanston Sunrise
Lake Forest Lake Bluff
Lake Villa Township
Fox Lake
Lake Zurich
Long Grove
Park Ridge
Prospect Heights
Winthrop Harbor
Arlington Heights
Buffalo Grove
Grant Township
Grand Total
Lions Club News
Send in your Lions Club news to Lion Dennis Spaeth at dspaeth46@comcast.net
MD-1 Lions Newsletter
Click the cover image at left to view this month's MD-1 Lions State Magazine.
  • Each Wednesday, 6:45 p.m., Winthrop Harbor Lions Club Bingo Night | More Info
  • Every Saturday, Northfield Lions Club at Winnetka/Northfield Farmers Market, 510 Green Bay Road, Winnetka 60093
  • Jul. 5-9, Lions Clubs International Convention, Milan, Italy
  • Jul. 17, Wauconda Lions Club, Cruise Nights & Daytona 500 Raffle | More info
  • Jul. 28, Antioch Lions Club, Chicken BBQ, Pig Roast & Auction | More Info
  • Aug. 21, Wauconda Lions Club, Cruise Nights & Daytona 500 Raffle | More info
  • Sep. 18, Wauconda Lions Club, Cruise Nights & Daytona 500 Raffle | More info
  • Sep. 27, Lions of Illinois Foundation, Foundation Gala | More info
  • Oct. 19, 6:30 p.m., Fox Lake Lions Club, Trivia Night | More info

Please forward all events to  d1flionsroar@gmail.com  and we will do our best to include them in the next email blast.