District 1-F Cabinet
Alan J. Barack
District Governor
Kathleen E. Marusich
1st Vice District Governor
Susan Hastings
2nd Vice District Governor
Katy Dolan Baumer
Cabinet Secretary
William C. Jordan, PDG
Cabinet Treasurer 
Thomas J. Lippert
Zone Chair
Dennis Spaeth
Zone Chair
Ric Granroth
Zone Chair
Robert Habel
Zone Chair
Pat Herman
Zone Chair
Barbara L. Lahtinen
Immediate Past District Governor

Dates & Links
District 1-F | MD-1 | LIF | LCI

Feb. 10
Abraham Lincoln DoubleTree, Springfield

Feb. 11

Feb. 17
State Bank of the Lakes,
50 Commerce Drive, Grayslake

Feb. 18
Chili Cook-Off
Lions Club of Arlington Heights, Noon to 4 p.m. at the Ale House

Feb. 21
Tri-Club Lions Meeting
Buffalo Grove, Vernon Hills and Wauconda Lions Clubs

Feb. 25
Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club


Mar. 11
Daylight Saving Time Begins
(Spring Forward One Hour)

Mar. 20

Mar. 21

Mar. 23-24

Mar. 25
Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club

Mar. 30
Good Friday & Passover begins


Apr. 1

Apr. 5
4th District 1-F Cabinet Meeting, Thursday, 6:30 p.m., (Convention Hotel)

Apr. 6-7

Apr. 6-8

Apr. 13-14

Apr. 20-21

Apr. 22
Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club

Apr. 28
District 1-F L.I.P. n’ Lunch
More information to come


May 13
Mother's Day

May 18
Pres. Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield

May 18-20
Pres. Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield

May 21

May 28
Memorial Day


Jun. 10
District 1-F Final Cabinet Meeting

Jun. 17
Father's Day

Jun. 29 - Jul. 3
Las Vegas, NV

Time to Bowl
Hello my fellow Lions,

Seems like the year is flying by.

Remember, the “Spring” District 1-F Bowling Tournament will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, at the Lakeside Recreational Center, 900 South Lake St., Mundelein. It’s not too late to join your fellow Lions for some bowling and fun. Who knows, you may even bowl a perfect 300 game. It’s being held at the Lakeside Recreational Center, 900 Lake St. (Route 45), in Mundelein. Starting at 8 a.m. and finishing about 5 p.m.

There will be two bowling sessions: one in the morning at 8 a.m., and one in the afternoon at 1 p.m. For more information, please contact Lion Susan Spaeth at 847-209-7921 or via email at susanspeath@att.net.
The more we have, the merrier it will be. It will be a fun event with lots of other events. Hurry and get your reservation in. I am sure you will like the new location and have some fun.

Cabinet Meeting
On February 17th you are welcome to attend the District 1-F Lions Cabinet meeting to see how the cabinet works, and to see what else is happening throughout the District. It will be held at the State Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Dr., Grayslake. (Behind the Rock Chevy dealer off of Route 120, west of Route 83.) The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
District 1-F Convention
Our District Convention will be held on April 6, 7 and 8 at the Renaissance Hotel in Northbrook. The hotel is located on Skokie Highway (Route 41), just south of Dundee Road. It is easy to get to and a great place to have our District Convention. For more information please look on the District Web site (District 1-F Lions). You my also contact your zone chairman or Lion Shelly at lionshellyg@gmail.com.

By attending your District Convention, you'll get some great information about Lions and what's happening within your District. Who knows, you may want to join in and help out with the activities being planned. Please join me and your fellow lions and have some fun and enjoy.

I plan on continue to visit more clubs in the next months. If I can be on any help, or you need some information, you may contact me at alanlionsclub@aol.com or 815-575-6160.

Yours in Lionism,
Lion Alan J. Barack
Governor District 1-F
PH 815-575-6160
P.S. Anyone know an Elvis impersonator?
The District 1-F Convention Committee is seeking an Elvis impersonator to mingle with Lions in the District 1-F Convention Hospitality Room Friday evening (April 6).

If you or someone you know is ready, willing and able, please contact Lion Shelly Gallagher via email at lionshellyg@gmail.com.
Arlington Heights Lions Chili Cook-Off is Feb. 18
The Lions Club of Arlington Heights will hold its annual Chili Cook-Off from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18, at the Arlington Ale House, 111 W. Campbell St., Third Floor, Metropolis, in Arlington Heights.

Click the flyer image at right to view more information.
Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Texas Hold'm Tournaments

The Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club will hold a series of Texas Hold'm Poker Tournaments on Feb. 25, March 25 and April 22 at the Poplar Creek Bowl in the Barrington Square Mall Shopping Center.

MyLion app update

As MyLion continues its worldwide rollout, more Lions are finding it easier to connect and serve. The latest edition of MyLion Connect shared detailed installation tips to help friends get started in MyLion.

Whether you have an iPhone or an Android, installing and registering for MyLion is simple. Check out the MyLion blog for a detailed walk-through, including help if you lost your app store password. Share it with friends who haven't gotten started in MyLion yet.
Membership Clarification

Clubs will be billed for MD-1 and District 1-F membership dues based on their LCI membership rolls as of Dec. 31, 2017. Any members dropped from the LCI membership rolls on or after Jan. 1, 2018, will still be billed for all members listed on the LCI club membership rolls as of Dec. 31, 2017.
2018 District 1-F Lions Convention Information 

At the Opening Session on Friday, April 6, there will be a parade of club banners into the main convention hall. This is the time to show your club pride by participating in this event. Complete the entry form in the District 1-F Convention packet.

Also for Friday night, we’ve changed things up a bit for the Hospitality Room, which will have a Las Vegas theme in keeping with the location of this year’s Lions International Convention. HERE’s the BIG NEWS: Lions clubs wishing to host one table in the Hospitality Room may do so at no charge. That’s right: FREE. (If a club would like more than one table in the Hospitality Room, there is a $50 fee for each additional table requested.) To reserve a table for your club today, complete the request form included in the Convention Information Packet.

Saturday will be a full day with plenary sessions, a remembrance for Lions who have passed, seminars, speakers, good food, awards and more. Sunday will conclude the weekend with voting, breakfast and Lions of Illinois Foundation business.
All documents and registration forms needed for your clubs and Lions members to register, sign-up, support and attend Convention are included in the Convention Information Packet. These documents are also available on the District 1F website.
Are you a Lion who has a home-based business? Would you like to share your passion with fellow Lions?  The District 1-F Convention's 3rd Annual Vendor Show will be Saturday, April 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Renaissance Chicago North Shore hotel in Northbrook. Don't delay, slots will fill quickly. Download the Convention Information Packet for a Vendor Application. Questions? Contact Lion Shelly @ lionshellyg@gmail.com.
Convention Proceedings Booklet advertising fundraiser!
The 2018 District 1-F Lions Convention Proceedings Booklet is a promotional and informative annual booklet on District 1-F and your fellow clubs. More importantly, it is a fundraiser for District 1-F. Your club’s advertising, including your club’s area retail, governmental, non-for-profit advertising in this booklet is a great deal on its own merit. As you know from past experience, the District 1-F Convention Proceedings Booklet is viewed and used by fellow Lions, friends, families and businesses throughout our district and beyond; that covers a lot of ground! 

We encourage you to assist all of us in initiating and recruiting advertising from your club and the communities you serve. Example: How about the establishment that holds your regular club meetings? Any fellow Lions own a business, or know someone who works at a major business/corporation? How about your business Candy Day locations?

And don’t forget about the Patron Lists that are published throughout the Convention Proceedings Booklet. Clubs are encouraged to submit a Patron List to support District 1-F fundraising efforts and give some name recognition to the members of their clubs at the same time.

Annual Club Reports

The Proceedings Booklet also includes an annual report from each of the clubs in our district. Lions Club Presidents should submit their annual club reports — and Patron Lists — for publication in the Convention Proceedings Booklet no later than February 16. Club reports, which should be no more than 500 words, may recount the club’s activities over the past year, or focus on one significant volunteer moment that club presidents would like to share with the rest of District 1-F.

Club reports are published free of charge and may include a club logo and one or two photos, depending on the length of the report. For more information about the Proceedings Booklet, download the Convention Information Packet.
Club Brag Board Display
Each club also is invited to display a Club Brag Board at Convention. Your Club Brag Board should show everyone in the District the community events, fundraising and services your club has offered throughout the year. Consider incorporating the Convention’s Las Vegas theme into your brag board. More information about the Brag Board Display & Competition can be found in the Convention Information Packet.
If you, your club or anyone you know has something to donate for the silent auction, please contact ZC Dennis Spaeth via phone 847-520-5933 (home), 847-212-8051 (cell), 847-714-0176 (office), or by Email: dspaeth46@comcast.net 

Here’s what’s on our wish list for the Silent Auction:
  • Wine lovers baskets
  • sports tickets
  • restaurant gift cards
  • family night baskets
  • alcohol
  • hotel stays
  • sports memorabilia
  • Lions items
  • jewelry
  • tools
  • garden gift baskets
  • chocolate lovers baskets
  • collectables
  • cat lover baskets
  • artwork
  • unique dining experiences
  • hot air balloon rides
  • music memorabilia
  • vacation rentals
  • fun outings
  • theater tickets
  • electronics games
  • fishing tackle
  • golf equipment
  • concert tickets
  • theme baskets
  • gadgets
  • craft beer
  • designer handbags
  • food items
  • gas cards
  • oil changes
  • car wash certificates
  • private wine tastings
  • tailgating themed baskets
  • golf passes
  • tickets to theme parks
  • spa baskets
  • camping themed baskets
  • emergency car kits
  • dog lover baskets
  • Bird lover baskets
  • hunting lover baskets
  • & more
Vision Newsletter Deadlines and Schedule
There will only be one newsletter this month. Beginning in August, the VISION newsletter for District 1-F Lions will be published in PDF form and email form on the first of each month. 

The VISION Express, a recap of important upcoming dates and events, will be published on the 15th of each month.
Deadline for submissions of articles and announcements for the VISION newsletter is one week prior to the first of each month. Deadline for submissions of events or activities for the VISION Express newsletter is the 13th of each month.

Send articles and announcements to Lions Dennis Spaeth at dspaeth46@comcast.net.