District 1-F Cabinet
Alan J. Barack
District Governor
Kathleen E. Marusich
District Governor-Elect
Susan Hastings
1st Vice District Governor-Elect
Thomas J. Lippert
2nd Vice District Governor-Elect
Katy Dolan Baumer
Cabinet Secretary
William C. Jordan, PDG
Cabinet Treasurer 
Dennis Spaeth
Zone Chair
Ric Granroth
Zone Chair
Robert Habel
Zone Chair
Pat Herman
Zone Chair
Barbara L. Lahtinen
Immediate Past District Governor

Dates & Links
District 1-F | MD-1 | LIF | LCI

May 13
Mother's Day

May 18
Pres. Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield

May 18-20
Pres. Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield

May 21

May 28
Memorial Day


Jun. 2

Jun. 11
District 1-F Final Cabinet Meeting

Jun. 17
Father's Day

Jun. 23

Jun. 29 - Jul. 3
Las Vegas, NV

Here's to a strong finish
Hello my fellow Lions and Leos,

The 78th District 1-F Convention has come and gone. Overall, I think it went very well, though it would have been nice to see more Lions attend convention.

The convention committee members worked hard to make this convention possible, and they did a great job! In particular, the hospitality and game room was a lot of fun — many people enjoyed it.

I think Spring is finally here, so hopefully we can begin to enjoy various Lions activities outside in what I hope will be warmer weather. Check your www.district1flions.com website for upcoming fairs, not to mention dates for the hearing and retinal screening buses.

Lets have some fun attending all the Lions activities, and raise some funds to help those in need of our help.

I am finishing up my club visits, so if anybody would like me to attend a club meeting or other activity (officer installation, new member induction, etc.), please don't hesitate to contact me. Though I will be out of town May 11 - 16, the rest of my schedule is open and flexible.

Looking forward to visiting and seeing other Lions members and Clubs.
Yours in Lionism,
Lion Alan J. Barack
Governor District 1-F
PH 815-575-6160
37th Annual Barrington Lions Club Golf Tournament May 21

The 37th Annual Barrington Lions Club Golf Tournament will be held May 21st at the Kemper Lakes Golf Club. For more information, click here.
Chicago VisionWalk June 2nd

District 1-F Lions are invited to participate in the Chicago VisionWalk  from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 2, at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village, across from Woodfield Shopping Mall. The even is coordinated by the Foundation Fighting Blindness.

Click here for more information. Or contact Steve Sroka by phone at 847-680-0100 or via email at ssroka@blindness.org .
Feed My Starving Children date set for Dist. 1-F Lions: June 16
Up to 50 volunteers are needed for a shift at the Feed My Starving Children facility in Libertyville from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 16th. Join your fellow District 1-F Lions and friends for a fun and rewarding meal packing session.

Please contact DGE Lion Kathleen Marusich via email at kathleenmarulion@gmail.com , to reserve your spot.  For more information about Feed My Starving Children, visit fmsc.org .
North Chicago Lions Club to hold a Golf Scramble June 23

The North Chicago Lions Club will hold a Golf Scramble on June 23rd at the Foss Park Golf Course in North Chicago. Shotgun start at Noon. Cost is $70 per golfer. If interested, please contact Lion Larry Bridges via phone at 847-602-1648 or email at larryb64@comcast.net; or Lion Kathy Deram via phone at 847-791-1671 or email at kderam@comcast.net .

LCI Dues Reminder: Update Your Club Member Rosters Now
Starting on June 30, dues credits for membership drops will not be issued after the release of the semi-annual billings on July 1 and January 1.

In the past, Lions Clubs International has given clubs a grace period in January and July to adjust their club rosters and receive a credit for unreported membership drops. This practice has been a courtesy extended to clubs by LCI despite rules governing the practice in Board Policy. The board of directors recently decided that enforcement of existing policy is necessary in order to be in compliance with Board Policy.

This will also provide greater alignment with district billing and create more accurate reporting that better reflects true membership growth. We realize that this will have an impact on some clubs, so we would like you to help them prepare for the upcoming billing cycle.

Here are a few best practices that can help you prepare your clubs for their July dues billing:

  • Remind club officers to update their membership rosters using MyLCI or their regional reporting system.
  • Encourage club officers to submit their membership roster to MyLCI or their local reporting system prior to June 30.
  • Inform current and incoming leaders that membership dues credits will no longer be issued.

Please contact Accounts Receivable and Club Account Services at  membershipbilling@lionsclubs.org  if you have any questions. And thank you for all of the kindness and tremendous service that you bring to your community.

Tony Benbow
International Director
Chairperson Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee
Lions Clubs International
Vision Newsletter Deadlines and Schedule
The VISION newsletter for District 1-F Lions will be published in PDF form and email form during the first week of each month. 

The VISION Express, a recap of important upcoming dates and events, will be published on or around the 15th of each month.
Deadline for submissions of articles and announcements for the VISION newsletter is one week prior to the first of each month. Deadline for submissions of events or activities for the VISION Express newsletter is the 13th of each month.

Send articles and announcements to Lions Dennis Spaeth at dspaeth46@comcast.net.