Quarterly Newsletter
July - September 2020
  • District Director News
  • District Director Address Regarding District Events
  • Area Director and Club President Partnership
  • Recap of 1st Quarter Leadership and Progress on District Goals
  • Program Quality Director News
  • DTM Bash!
  • Club Officer Training
  • Speech Contests
  • Resources
  • Club Quality Forum and Recognition Ceremony
  • Celebrating Member Success!
  • Youth Leadership News
  • Upcoming Virtual Events
District Director News
Alicia Smith-Kirk, DTM
2020-2021 District Director
Toastmasters International Mission

"We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders."
Dear District 10,

Like many of you, we miss meeting in person and seeing all of our Toastmasters friends, but the health and well-being of our members comes first. For this reason, ALL district events will continue to be held virtually this year due to the impact and continued impact of Covid-19. We recommend clubs continue to meet online, be aware of local authority warnings and continue to follow State of Ohio health and safety mandates.

It has been wonderful to see so many of us staying connected, engaging in online meetings, district events, virtual open houses and leveraging technology to increase our skills, build our club membership and still achieve goals by embracing District 10 online.
As we continue on our path this year, I encourage each of us to S.E.T. ourselves up for success by...

Setting goals during the pandemic

Embracing the reality around us and

Taking action

This too shall pass.

There will be a time when instead of looking ahead into the unknown, we will be looking back at how we made it through and even more compelling, what we accomplished during the tough times.
5 Reasons the Area Director and Club President Partnership is so valuable:

1.   Your Area Director is an “extended member” of your Club Leadership Team.

2.   Club Presidents need to ensure their Club Executive Committee connects with their Area Directors.

3.   To support your club’s success, Toastmasters International requires Area Councils to meet twice per year. The club President, Vice President of Education, and Vice President of Membership are members of the Area Council.

4.   Area Visits provide a great way to make stronger connections.

5.   Area Council Meetings are a great way to connect your club leaders to other club leaders in your area and contribute to the success of making your club and area stronger.

Recap first quarter leadership and progress on District goals:

  • Appointed Leaders - approved by District Council 9/26/20

  • Division and Area Directors 85% required training deadline met with 100% of all Division and Area Director’s initial training completed before September 30.

Let’s work together, support each other to keep our Toastmasters Promise with a focus on our club mission to “provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.”

Yours in leadership,

Alicia Smith-Kirk, DTM
Toastmasters International • Region 6
Program Quality Director News
Tricia Spayer, DTM
2020-2021 Program Quality Director
Hello District 10!

This past quarter has been a whirlwind of activities, with plenty of planning behind-the-scenes to enhance your Toastmasters experience. Here are some highlights, and activities to look for:
DTM Bash!

Friday, October 2 marked our first virtual - and highly acclaimed - DTM Bash! With more than 180 attendees, including Toastmasters International President, Richard Peck, DTM, we celebrated the huge accomplishment of 17 members who achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster award. Special thanks to DTM Chair, Anna Ho, and emcee Lisa Newburger, who put a ton of work into planning this highly successful event! Also thanks to our behind-the-scenes team who made the event possible.
Click on the picture of the
District 10 DTM Bash program
to learn more about the
newly minted DTMs!
Need a DTM mentor, or interested in learning more? Contact dtmchair@district10.org.
Club Officer Training

With sincere thanks to all our organizers, and especially our Division Directors who planned our summer Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs), I’m happy to report:

    71 clubs had at least 4 officers trained (which is the minimum requirement to achieve a point toward Distinguished Club status)!

    30 of these clubs had all 7 officers trained! These clubs have achieved at least 7 for Success recognition by District 10. If they have all 7 officers trained again in the winter, they can be recognized as Magnificent 7. These awards are presented at our Spring Conference.


Winter TLIs, beginning on Saturday, November 7, featuring a storytelling workshop: “How to Uncover the Glory of Your Story™” by 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking, Pres Vasilev.

This year, District 10 is hosting Tall Tales along with our International Speech Contest! We are excited to bring something new and fun to the district.

Club contests can be held from October 5 through December 31, 2020.

Webinars, including information for club officers to help run contests, especially in the Zoom environment. Our first webinar is for all members, Why Compete in a Speech Contest? on Wednesday October 7.

Need Pathways help, for yourself or your club? Contact pathwayspals@district10.org, and let us know how we can help.

Club officers: join our Slack workspace. Be the first to know what’s happening. Chat with fellow officers and district leaders, without needing their contact information or sharing yours. Ask programquality@district10.org for an invitation.
Club Quality Forum and
Recognition Ceremony
Bob Churilla, DTM
2020-2021 Club Growth Director
9:00 A.M. Welcome
9:10 A.M. Overview
  • Bob Churilla, DTM
9:15 A.M. What is a Quality Club?
  • Dennis James Deegan, DTM
9:45 A.M. Coaching for Quality
  • Wendi Polman, DTM
10:15 A.M. Break
10:30 A.M. Quality Online Meetings
  • David Yung, ACG, VC5
  • Sandra Orland, DL5, EC4
11:00 A.M. Communicating with Your Club During the Time of COVID
  • Bob Churilla, DTM
11:30 A.M. Recognition Ceremony
  • Andrea Wells, IP3
  • Alicia Smith-Kirk, DTM
  • Sravanthi Vallampati, DTM
  • Craig Gerlock, ACG, ALB
12:30 P.M. Adjourn
Recognition Ceremony
Andrea Wells, IP3
D10 Recognition Chair
Area 14 Director
A Look Back to Recognize Achievement for
District 10's 2019-2020 Toastmasters Year!
The year of Change, Challenge and Champions! 

In the 2019-2020 Toastmasters year, we were suddenly faced with the Covid19 crisis and worldwide pandemic we continue navigating today. Despite the initial shockwave, we pulled together to learn how to master online contests, meetings and our first ever virtual conference. 

In doing so, we brought more than 85% of our clubs back into good standing, of which 36 earned Distinguished or better status ending the year ranking 16th out of 116 districts in the number of clubs transitioning to online meetings worldwide and we will recognize these amazing achievements accomplished at the Club, Area, Division, and District levels!
  • 49 Club Online Ovation Awards: 26 Gold and 23 Silver
  • 2 The Great Revival Awards
  • 30 Club Membership Awards: 6 Membership Consistency Awards and 24 Membership Resiliency Awards
  • 23 Area Online Ovation Awards: 15 Gold, 3 Silver, and 5 Bronze
  • 21 Area Visiting Victor Awards

  • 5 Division Online Ovation Awards: 1 Gold, 3 Silver, and 1 Bronze
  • Division Paid Club Champion: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze
  • Division Membership Payment Award: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze

  • District Online Ovation Award – Silver
  • District Paid Club Champion: Silver

Find your club here.

We will be recognizing all Distinguished Clubs, Coaches, Sponsors, Mentors, and Top 3 Clubs and Individuals.
Alicia Smith-Kirk, DTM
District Director, Immediate Past Program Quality Director
Sravanthi Vallampati, DTM
Immediate Past District Director
Craig Gerlock, AGC, ALB
Immediate Past Club Growth Director
Celebrating Member Success!
Kitty Brandal, PM1
2020 International Speech Contest
Region 6 Quarterfinals Winner

Congratulations to Word Warriors Member Kitty Brandal for advancing to the Toastmasters International Speech Contest Semifinals which was held at the Toastmasters International Virtual Convention in August.

Kitty advanced through five local and regional contests in order to compete in the semifinals. Kitty along with 27 other contestants from around the world were invited to compete in the semifinals.

The key to Kitty's success is that she loves her audience first and then writes her message for them. She uses the vulnerability of real life experiences to develop her speech and share her message. “The secret to a winning speech is to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is a main human connector,” says Kitty. 

One way in which Kitty has voiced her vulnerability is by sharing her discomfort presenting in a virtual environment. “As we are now connecting virtually, I have had to pivot my paradigm about how to connect with my audience. Even though I may not be able to see everyone, I have to remember that there are people on the other side of that camera who are tuning in to listen to my message. My motto is: Love your audience. That means that I need to move past the camera to reach them even if it’s uncomfortable,” says Kitty.

Kitty will be one of the featured speakers at the Why Compete in a Speech Contest? webinar on Wednesday October 7.
Youth Leadership News
Annette Palmer, ACG, ALB
Crossroads YLP Director
Crossroads Virtual Summer YLP
Zoom...Into Leadership
Into Leadership
 Crossroads Youth Leadership Program 2020

The crew I chose was STELLAR. I knew I had recruited well. Sharon Stadul, DTM and I have worked together on our club's Youth Leadership Programs since 2015, helping youth participants learn Toastmasters' principles. I knew the alumni loved MaryK Deep, PM4 when she taught WITH US for the past two years. Dawn Neidetski, IP2 would represent Crossroads live and in-person as the President V.I.P. and example of the Toastmaster position!

In April, the 2020 Youth Leadership Program rev-d up! By ZOOMING INTO LEADERSHIP, the planning committee began to DREAM!

Just a few meetings, showed it was going to be an EASY year. We needed to limit the number of participants to 16 and even had to simplify the curriculum because of circumstances of COVID-19!

I have zoomed on a roller coaster, I have zoomed on a freeway, but until COVID-19, I had not yet ZOOMED on a computer! 

And I learned fast - because that’s where YLP ended up! It was a thrilling “ADVENTURE” - Zooming thru the internet sky - from a clear runway called… Toastmasters!

And it wasn’t such a bad flight after all.  - 15 experienced YLP participants from Grades 7-10 joined us. 

THE FIRST DAY, we anxiously watched the youth participants walk thru the JETWAY - - with a LOGBOOK in their hand and smile on their face. They took their ZOOM seat and prepared to SOAR into another year of exciting altitudes! The sky was the limit!!

We told them we wanted them to push harder than ever this year - creating the type of speeches that were more carefully worded than before - even speeches that were competitive! 

There were four weeks of flight - all the while from the cockpit - we FUELED them with our SUPPORT -- and Toastmasters WISDOM

WITH full throttle, as we hoped, their speedometers steadily ACCELERATED

They kept their eyes on the horizon - even though there were a few air pockets and bumps along the way. But as they ZOOMED the turbulence NEVER grounded them! 

With instructions from the flight deck – they followed our Toastmasters maps and really pumped their engines during the flight. 

From the very TAKE OFF, we treated the youth participants as if they were FIRST CLASS passengers – tuning them up with all of our CONSTRUCTIVE EVALUATIONS. 

Three things happened during the flight:

1. The airways gusted with hard work.
2. The participant's tailwind kept them right on schedule - from a steady flow of …courage.
3. They started imagining future meaningful itineraries.
THEN... the perfect landing happened. The GRAND Showcase, July 25 at 1:30pm! 

18 dignitaries graced us from both District 10 and the community. We sent typed programs that included a letter from Brunswick Mayor Ron Falconi and our District 10 Director Alicia Smith-Kirk, DTM!

The spectacular was emceed by 14 year old Shivam Pandya...leading beyond his years. One by one, he introduced the fruit of this summer - speeches, panels and TableTopics!

My speech addressed a message to the GROUND CREW - the Parents! I paid tribute to them!! There was roaring talent in the 15 seats that they reserved! The youth participants were already built from their own parent’s FLIGHT MANUALS at home…Then they were successfully launched to us with Responsibility and Integrity

We reminded them - Each summer we’ll continue to pilot your crews until you’re ready to launch them to their final destinations!

After my speech, we held a full certificated graduation and an award ceremony for the first time online!.

As WE dismissed everyone, we PILOTS affectionately look back at the WHITE STREAK CONTRAILS - to see just how far our jets have flown.

For we know the skies are filled with STARS of possibilities for these youth participants. My own father once told ME “No star is TOO HIGH to reach - if you’re willing to work hard for it.”  And these youth participants did.

What a ride this WAS - and it isn’t over yet!!

We will send them off once more, to grab their OVER-FILLED CARRY-ONS, and continue changing the world - by ZOOMing into Leadership next year too!  

If you are interested in learning more about how you can help our youth Zoom into leadership through YLP, please contact me at voiceteacher@webtv.net.
Upcoming Virtual Events
●       Oct. 7 - Why Compete in a Speech Contest?
●       Oct. 17 - Quality Club Forum and Recognition Event
●       Nov. 7 - District TLI - Club Officer Training Round 2
●       Follow the district10.org Calendar
Public Relations Manager

Sandra Orland, DL5, EC4
District 10 Newsletter Editor

Sharon Stadul, DTM
Stay Connected