Dear neighbors,
Together, we have worked hard for a better San Jose. We can all be proud of our many accomplishments over the last two years. We commit time and energy into our work because we do our best to make San Jose the best home possible for everyone.

During this season of celebration, I am reaching out to you to join me in living out the spirit of giving and having compassion for our houseless San Jose residents.

One way you can help those in need is participating in my Sock Drive ! My Office is partnering with Downtown Streets Team to collect new adult socks for homeless and at-risk individuals. From now until December 21, look for red bins to drop off socks at Southside Community Center, Starbucks at Village Oaks Shopping Center, Edenvale Branch Library, Santa Teresa Branch Library, or San Jose City Hall. I also invite you to drop off socks and celebrate the end of the year with my team and your neighbors at our District 2 Holiday Appreciation Party & Sock Drive on Saturday, December 15!

I take pride in being able to use my communication platforms -- including my website, Facebook , Twitter Nextdoor , and this  monthly newsletter  -- to share with you both our office and community’s hard-earned successes. From neighborhood events that bring people together to meetings and discussions that move policies forward, thank you for being part of what makes District 2 a safe and thriving community. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read about our work in our District, in San Jose, and beyond. Please continue to join us on this journey through the end of this year and into the next. My Office's efforts to ensure that San Jose becomes a more inclusive, welcoming, and clean City are highlighted in the updates below and in my upcoming January Newsletter, so stay tuned.

Please note City Hall and other City offices will be closed for the holidays: Monday, December 24, 2018 through Tuesday, January 1, 2019. 

In community,

Sergio Jimenez
My District 2 Team wishes you a holiday season filled with joy, love, and laughter.

D2 News: Updates & Accomplishments
Google in San Jose: Decisions made at the Council Meeting & my goals for the road ahead

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Last night, I witnessed a community desperate to be heard. Hours of public comment revealed that we as a City must do better in engaging and informing our residents. Transparency is of utmost importance, and even the appearance of non-disclosure is harmful to our credibility as community leaders and fair representatives.

Now we must focus on mending our relationship with the community and moving forward in a positive and open manner with respect for all points of view. Although I do not agree with some of the tactics used by residents concerned about the impact of the Google proposal, I understand and empathize with the fact that, for many people, last night was their only opportunity to be heard. We must acknowledge that not everyone has easy access to paid lobbyists and City Hall. Freedom of expression and the right to protest are fundamental to our democracy.

The City Council approved the sale of approximately 21 acres of public land to Google as well as a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that provides guiding principles and shared goals for the development of the Diridon Station Area. The MOU is not legally binding, but it provides a foundation for a legally binding Development Agreement with Google that includes Community Benefits that will be negotiated over the coming months. The Council also directed City staff to begin the process to amend the General Plan to establish a 25% affordable housing requirement in the Diridon Station Area as well as to create a work plan to achieve the ambitious goals listed in the MOU.

It is an understatement to say that the decision on the Google land sale was controversial. Some will see this as a victory for jobs and economic growth. Others hold the view that public land has been sold for corporate greed at the expense of our community. Both views are skewed extremes.

The road ahead is full of opportunities for smart growth, shared prosperity, and community benefits that can positively transform our City. However, at the same time, we must hold Google accountable for any negative impacts to our community and demand fair labor practices. All stakeholders and community members must be allowed to participate and contribute during this process. Though we will experience growing pains, I am optimistic that we can make the best of this opportunity.

My goal is to get to a place where we welcome this change and work together to make it beneficial for all involved. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Council, Google, and you, the residents of San Jose, to ensure that this development proposal improves the lives of everyone in our City.
Responding to homelessness & advocating for road safety enhancements: Important policy updates

Please be informed about these impactful updates from the Tuesday, November 27, 2018 San Jose City Council meeting as we continue to take steps to address homelessness and advocate for funding to enhance safety on our roads.

1. The City Council voted to improve the City’s response to homelessness by directing our Housing Department and the City Manager to:
- Re-evaluate the City’s abatement process
- Increase interdepartmental collaboration to guarantee all departments are playing a role in solving homelessness
- Increase coordination and collaboration with the County and external stakeholders
- Focus on interim housing solutions
- Improve data collection to better inform effective strategies and solutions for homelessness
These changes were prompted by an audit of the City’s Homeless Assistance Programs. For more information, please view the documents associated with the Audit of Homeless Assistance Program and Annual Report on Homeless Programs and New Funding Opportunities.
2. In addition to improving our Homeless Assistance Programs, the Council voted on new funding opportunities through the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP), which will provide a $11.3 million block grant from the State. This funding will be used for:
- Housing Based Solutions that focus on preventing families and youth from becoming homeless
- Interim Housing Solutions such as Bridge Housing Communities  
- Crisis Response Interventions such as safe parking programs, motel programs, and an extended robust Overnight Warming Locations (OWLs) among others
Solving our homeless crisis is no easy task -- it will take a multitude of programs, significant funding, and tireless efforts from our community. On Tuesday, December 11th, we will continue this conversation and discuss the possibility of utilizing land from Google to create shelters and implementing a Commercial Linkage Fee to help fund permanent housing developments.
For questions on the meeting or homelessness in general, please contact Vanessa Sandoval, at

The City Council also approved a property exchange with the County of Santa Clara that would enable the future construction of long-planned improvements on Branham Lane and Snell Avenue.

The roadway widening and complete streets improvements will improve traffic flow and safety for bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles on each of these major roads. In exchange for this right-of-way, the City of San Jose will transfer property along Hellyer Avenue. Additionally, the City will work with the County to construct a detention pond on the Hellyer property that will provide flood protection.
This is a significant step toward key roadway improvements on Branham Lane and Snell Avenue championed by Councilmember Khamis before I was elected. The work is not done yet -- we will continue to advocate for funding to enhance safety and reduce congestion.
For more information, please read the memorandum.
Oak Grove School District welcomes Creekside School on the George Miner Campus

"As one door closes, another door opens." As  Oak Grove School District  Superintendent Jose Manzo said, we are fortunate to build a new partnership and welcome  The Creekside School  on the George Miner Campus.

This school uniquely serves students with autism in 1st-12th grade. They are on a mission to improve quality of life for students and their families. The Creekside School offers a comprehensive program that includes community based learning. Learn more about the school on its website . Thank you students for making us feel special by making light refreshments, setting up chairs and tables, and assembling the paper chain for the ribbon cutting ceremony!
#D2CleanStreets Initiative sees continued success, thanks to our Neighborhood Associations!

The Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association, Oak Grove Neighborhood Association, and my office banded together to give all residents the chance to volunteer and help us achieve #D2CleanStreets! At the November District 2 Community Clean Up, we picked up more than 80 bags of garbage along Blossom Hill Road/SR-85, Blossom Hill Road/Snell Avenue, and Blossom Hill Road/Lean Avenue.

This initiative is truly a community effort to make our streets cleaner and safer for everyone, so thank you to neighborhood leaders for paving the way, and to all the community members for doing your part!
Dumpster Day connects City staff, community leaders, volunteers & residents to deter illegal dumping on our streets

One of the #D2CleanStreets Initiative events that consistently sees high community engagement is the neighborhood Dumpster Day event!

My office has the capacity to fund a Dumpster Day for each neighborhood once every other year. In November, we had the pleasure of working with the Cottle to Lean Neighborhood Association, the EGOPIC Neighborhood, and City staff to make this event a hit! We are happy to provide this service for residents to get rid of their large junk items and to further deter people from illegally dumping on our streets.

Need to get rid of junk or large items? San Jose residents can  schedule FREE appointments to have large items (such as mattresses, sofas, refrigerators, tires, and  more) picked up by their recycling collection company. Visit the  San Jose Free Junk Pick Up website to schedule your free appointment today. Learn how to  report and prevent illegal dumping  Let's work together to stop trash that is illegally dumped in public spaces, sidewalks, streets, etc.!
New "Wildlife Crossing" signs unveiled in Coyote Valley

Our wildlife crossing signs on Monterey Road in Coyote Valley have been unveiled!

This year during the City's budget process, I secured funding for the signs because I know they will bring more safety to both wildlife and drivers.

Thank you all who joined us to celebrate District 2's newest addition, including: Assemblymember Ash Kalra, Assemblymember Marc Levine, Assemblymember Mark Stone, State Senator Bill Monning, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency, Committee for Green Foothills, and San Jose Department of Transportation.

I will continue working to advocate for more protections for the habitat in Coyote Valley, South San Jose's hidden treasure.
Caltrain Business Plan: How you can advocate for additional service to South San Jose

Caltrain serves commuters from Gilroy to San Francisco, carrying over 60,000 riders each weekday. Significant improvements are underway, including electrification of the rail corridor. As more jobs and housing are added in the South Bay and up the Peninsula, demand for rail service will grow. To help plan for this growth, Caltrain is developing a Business Plan, and you are invited to share your thoughts!

A key part of the Business Plan will be determining how much additional service to provide at each station. Caltrain currently serves south San Jose and South County with only three trains. The Business Plan is an important opportunity for residents in south San Jose to let Caltrain know that we need additional service. Learn more about the Business Plan, get involved, and sign up for updates here.

Let’s work together to improve Caltrain and other transit service in South San Jose.
Going "Behind the Bar" to experience District 2 from a new perspective

Would you like room for cream?

I was excited to experience being a barista for a day at Starbucks on Cottle Road and Coronado Avenue, in the Village Oaks Shopping Center.

Starbucks is one of our great community supporters of District 2 events. They gave me the opportunity to connect with the local store, get to know employees, and engage patrons and community members. We talked about my journey, my goals for District 2, and how we can partner in the future.

It was a blast learning how to perfect a latte, but I think I'll stick to my day job for now.
Celebrating the Law Foundation's personal impact on children and youth

The great work done at the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley isn't foreign to me because, many years ago, I worked alongside some of these great people. I've seen up close the commitment, talent, and heart shown day after day as they help many families.

We celebrated the Law Foundation's Legal Advocates for Children & Youth (LACY) program, which supports children and youth facing serious issues like physical and sexual abuse, entry into the foster care system, and homelessness.
Ledesma School Safety Patrol visits City Hall to receive commendation for leading positive change on campus

Join me in applauding the exceptional Ledesma School Safety Patrol student and parent volunteers for making school Drop Off / Pick Up procedures significantly safer!

Their presence has brought more patience to campus by decreasing vehicle speed and stopping vehicles so pedestrians can safely cross the driveway.

Thank you for being a positive role model for your colleagues and peers by exemplifying dedication, showing courtesy and respect, and welcoming each family to Ledesma Elementary School!
SJPD visits with District 2 community

The San Jose Police Department hosted the Working Together for Stronger Communities event, where residents had meaningful conversations with police officers, in District 2's very own Edenvale Community Center. We thank Police Chief Eddie Garcia for his continued commitment towards police transparency, integrity, and community engagement. SJPD recently re-established the Street Crimes Unit (that goes after drug dealers, burglars, and vandals) in an effort to deal with quality of life issues in our City. 6 officers and a sergeant have made 12 felony arrests, 51 misdemeanor arrests, 49 citations, and 40 warrant arrests in the first 3 weeks.

My office looks forward to further collaboration with the Police Department to keep our streets safe and protected.
San José will soon have a new, cleaner choice for the electricity that powers our homes and businesses

Operated by the Community Energy Department of the City of San José, San José Clean Energy ( SJCE) will buy cleaner electricity for you at competitive prices, from sources like solar, wind and hydropower. PG&E will deliver the electricity over existing utility lines and continue to do maintenance, billing, and customer service as they always have.

As a City department, any revenues that exceed costs will be used to keep rates low and invest in programs, such as local clean energy generation projects and assistance with energy efficiency. SJCE is governed by the San José City Council, which voted unanimously to create it in May 2017.

San José Clean Energy electricity service will begin in February 2019 for residents and businesses. Starting with their February bill, residents and businesses will be enrolled in GreenSource, San José Clean Energy’s default power offering.

GreenSource has cleaner energy sources and rates 1% cheaper than PG&E service. The Council-approved power mix for GreenSource includes 45% renewable energy from solar and wind and 35% carbon-free hydropower, and is overall 80% carbon-free. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from GreenSource service is like taking 35,000 cars off the road.

Customers can also upgrade to San José Clean Energy’s TotalGreen offering for 100% renewable energy on or by calling (833) 432-2454. Choosing TotalGreen will cost the average home about $5-10 more per month. Accounts can opt out to remain entirely with PG&E.

San José Clean Energy is one of 19 Community Choice Aggregations, or CCAs, in California that have formed because of a 2002 state bill allowing local government to purchase electricity for their residents and businesses. Nearly all of the Bay Area is currently served by a CCA. Over time, other CCAs have been able to increase the amount of renewable and carbon-free energy they offer while keeping costs at least 3-5% below PG&E service.

Learn more about San José Clean Energy at or follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram @SJCleanEnergy. 
High Speed Rail updates

In March 2017, I sponsored a High Speed Rail (HSR) Community Forum to receive feedback from community members on alternatives, concerns, and preferred alignments. In this forum, the District 2 office participated in great conversations with our residents and received a large amount of feedback from community members about concerns such as construction impacts, property loss, safety, and noise. As a result of this forum and the leadership of our office, HSR has reopened and revamped the Community Working Group (CWG) to include active District 2 community leaders, residents, and stakeholders. Currently, there are seven active CWG members and leaders from District 2 that participate in these monthly meetings. CWG members learn and review topics such as the Environmental Process, Property Acquisition, Construction Impacts, and more.

If you would like more information or to get involved in the HSR District 2 Community Working Group, please contact Maribel Villarreal. For more information about CWG schedules and notes, please visit the  San Jose to Merced project website. 

A Look at More Community Stories
In an effort to reduce gun violence and prevent suicide, the San Jose Police Department, in partnership with the San Jose Police Foundation and my District 2 office, hosted the Annual Gun Buy Back event in early December. SJPD received more than 250 weapons off our streets. Thank you for organizing and sponsoring this event for our community.
There was a wonderful turnout at the new VA San Jose Outpatient Clinic ribbon cutting. The building also houses the San Jose Vet Center, which provides counseling and referral services to the women and men who have served our country. Thank you to keynote speaker  Representative Zoe Lofgren for your tireless work to help veterans in San Jose and beyond.
D2 and You: Upcoming Events
Join me in helping those in need is participating in my Sock Drive! My Office is partnering with Downtown Streets Team to collect new adult socks for homeless and at-risk individuals. From now until December 21, look for red bins to drop off socks at Southside Community Center, Starbucks at Village Oaks Shopping Center, Edenvale Branch Library, Santa Teresa Branch Library, or San Jose City Hall. I also invite you to drop off socks and celebrate the end of the year with my team and your neighbors at our District 2 Holiday Appreciation Party & Sock Drive on Saturday, December 15!

Upcoming Community Outreach Events: 
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Santa Visits Alviso
Alviso Youth Center

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Christmas in the Park
Plaza de Cesar Chavez

As a part of the City of San Jose's  Climate Smart San Jose  initiative -- a plan to reduce air pollution, save water and improve quality of life -- we'd like to help you be 'Climate Smart' and install a few LED bulbs in your home.

LED light bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Widespread use of LEDs over the next decade could save the equivalent of the annual electric output of 44 large power plants and save $30 billion.

To receive two FREE LED light bulbs, take this Climate Smart pledge here
(For San Jose residents only)

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.
For Your Information
Apply for City grants for arts & cultural opportunities for the community

Through the Office of Cultural Affairs, the City of San Jose offers programs of financial support to ensure a rich variety of arts and cultural opportunities for the community.

Core Cultural Funding Portfolio

The City’s core Cultural Funding Portfolio consists of three annual grants programs that are awarded through a competitive application process:

Visit the Office of Cultural Affairs Grants Program website for more information.
New round of Santa Clara Valley Water District Grants available for trails and volunteer cleanups

The Water District is excited to announce that grant cycles for Supporting Volunteer Cleanup Efforts and Access to Trails and Open Spaces grants are now open - we encourage you to share with your respective networks, or consider applying yourself! See below for the details.
Up to $571,000 in grant funding available for projects related to developing access to trails and open space

The Access to Trails and Open Space Request for Proposals aims to fund projects that provide access to trails or trails that provide a significant link to the creekside trail network.

An additional $120,000 in grant funding is available for projects that support volunteer cleanup efforts, education and watershed stewardship activities

The Support Volunteer Cleanup Efforts and Education Request for Proposals provides funding for cleanup, education, outreach and watershed stewardship activities. Funding also allows the District to continue supporting volunteer cleanup activities such as National Cleanup Day, California Coastal Cleanup Day, the Great American Pick Up, and Adopt-A-Creek, as well as Creek Connection Action Group and creekwise education.
How to Apply

Prior to applying, please download and carefully review the full RFP for the priority area you are interested in:

The deadline to apply for both grants is, Friday, February 15, 2018 @ 11:59 PM.
Recycle Right and other Green Tidings for the Holidays: Upcoming holiday garbage & recycling collection

2018 – 2019 Holiday Collection Schedule
If your usual garbage, recycling, and yard trimmings collection or street sweeping day falls on or after Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Day, your collection and sweep day will be one day later during that week. Go to to find your holiday collection and street sweeping day.

We rely on you to Recycle Right!
Visit to view, print, or order a free What to Recycle Reference Sheet.

Prevent food waste this holiday season!
Plan ahead to reduce your household food waste. For tips, visit All food scraps belong in your black garbage cart and will be removed for composting.

Recycle Your Holiday Tree
Curbside collection of holiday trees will be on your regular collection day from December 26, 2018 to February 1, 2019. Remove stands, tinsel and decorations. Cut into 5-foot pieces. Set out by 6:00 a.m.

For Service
Contact your recycling, garbage, or yard trimmings collection company to report missed collections, service issues, replace damaged carts, or to change your cart size. Go to to find your service provider, collection and street sweeping day.
Need to report abandoned vehicles, street light outages, and more? Use MySanJose: Our quick & easy tool to request City services

Want to get that pothole or street light fixed? Need to report graffiti, illegal dumping or an abandoned vehicle? Have a different question for the City? With the new state-of-the-art MySanJose  app  and  website , it is now a breeze to file and track a City service request or reach one of our customer representatives. It is super easy to use – see our zippy  tutorial

Download the MySanJose app today:
Please don't leave your large items on the side of the road. It's easy & FREE to get rid of your junk!

San José residents can schedule FREE appointments to have large items (such as mattresses, sofas, refrigerators, tires, and  more ) picked up by their recycling collection company. 

Visit the San José Free Junk Pick Up website to schedule your free appointment today!

Thank you for keeping our City clean and combating illegal dumping!

Learn how to   report and prevent illegal dumping . Let's work together to stop trash that is illegally dumped in public spaces, sidewalks, streets, etc.!
Students, get involved! My District 2 Team is looking for interns!

Join our team and make a difference in the community! The Office of Councilmember Sergio Jimenez welcomes college or graduate school students interested community engagement, public service, policy research, and local government to apply for our District 2 Internship. 

This unpaid internship provides students with an immersive experience in day-to-day operations of a City Council office that serves about 100,000 residents. 

Student interns are expected to:
Communicate effectively with others
Adapt and work in a fast-paced environment
Have a willingness to learn and apply academic training to required job assignments
Commit a minimum of 15 hours per week

How to apply:
To be considered for the District 2 Internship, please:
1. Complete the District 2 Internship Form 
2. Upload your District 2 Internship Form, along with your Resume and Cover Letter, to the District 2 Internship Application
Community Resources
Have a D2 question or concern? Contact my team!

You may have met them at City Hall, Neighborhood Meetings, or just out and about in our community! In addition to supporting me at meetings and events -- or attending on my behalf -- my team members follow specific policy areas and have other responsibilities. They are happy to speak or meet with you regarding your questions or concerns!

Get involved: District 2 Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Associations (N.A.s) are groups of community members who meet and collaborate to work towards common goals such as: beautification/clean-up efforts, safety enhancements, and social events. N.A.s serve as a connection between the community and City Hall. We are here to support N.A.'s by providing direction, resources, grants, help with outreach, models for success, and more.

View the interactive map of D2 N.A's on my website to find your N.A. or work with my office to start a N.A. in your area!

Reserving meeting space as an N.A.

As an established Neighborhood Association, you may reserve space for community use directly with Libraries and Community Centers in our District. As long as the meeting takes place during regular hours of operation, there is no charge to to your N.A.

If your event goes beyond the hours of operation, there is a charge for staffing. Our office is happy to accommodate 2 uses per N.A. per year for N.A.’s by paying for the staff time. Any additional uses outside of this would require your N.A. to cover the cost. 

Please contact the District 2 Office for more information!
Beyond San Jose: Get the latest news from your other elected officials

Read your Santa Clara County Supervisor Mike Wasserman's Newsletter

Read your Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese's Newsletter

Read your California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra's News/Updates

Read your California State Assemblymember Mark Stone's News/Updates

Sergio's Office Hours 

Office Hours are a time to come ask questions, share concerns, or simply have a conversation. Please visit my website for more information.

Upcoming Office Hours:

Monday, December 17
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Santa Teresa Library, Study Room B

Monday, January 21
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Santa Teresa Library, Study Room B

City Resources

Report on MySanJose :

Graffiti (866) 249-0543
Illegal Dumping (408) 794-1900
Potholes (408) 794-1900
Streetlight Outages (408) 794-1903
Speak with a live Customer Service Representative (408) 535-3500

Additional Resources:

(408) 975-1440 

(408) 535-7770

(408) 534-2900

(408) 793-5510 

Vanessa Sandoval – Chief of Staff
Helen Chapman – Policy & Legislative Advisor
Maribel Villarreal  – Policy & Legislative Analyst
Lucas Ramirez  – Policy & Legislative Analyst
Laura Nguyen – Community Relations & Web Coordinator
Kimberly Hernandez  – Executive Assistant