District 4 Newsletter

September 20, 2022

Yolo County Youth Commission

We are excited to announce the creation of the Yolo County Youth Commission. The Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution on May 10th, 2022 which created the commission and approved funding for the effort. Yolo County recognizes the importance of youth engagement and is committed to giving young people the opportunity to participate in their government. This is just one way the County is working to achieve that goal.

The Youth Commission will be comprised of 15 members with 3 students being appointed from each of the 5 Yolo County Supervisorial Districts. Commissioners will be between the ages of 13 and 18 and will be chosen on a variety of criteria with the goal of creating a Commission that is truly reflective of the young people in Yolo County. Commissioner terms will last one-year with the possibility of reappointment. A minimum commitment of 5 hours per month is expected to complete the duties of a commissioner with the largest recurring commitment being a monthly meeting.

The Commission will be responsible for representing and uplifting the youth of Yolo County and will be charged yearly with evaluating funding proposals that support Yolo County youth services, conducting studies, and advising the Board of Supervisors on public policy issues affecting Yolo County youth.

The Yolo County Office of Education is holding information sessions to provide more information about the Youth Commission on Thursday, September 22nd at 5:00 pm (register link) and Friday, October 7th at 5:00 pm (register link). 

The deadline for applications is October 14th. You can find the application form at this link and can also visit the Yolo Youth Commission website at this link.

Galileo Place

Adult Day Program

Davis recently became home to a brand new adult day center and program with the launch of YoloCares' Galileo Place The opening of this center serves as a definitive expansion and a new care alternative for our aging population. The emphasis is providing care for memory impaired adults.

Galileo Place offers a 6,000 square-foot modern and colorful environment with plenty of natural light and a bountiful garden. It includes a variety of rooms, including a game room, meditation suite, art studio, family room, library, and a fully stocked kitchen. There is also a quiet room available for persons who need time to themselves or who are overstimulated by the other activities. 

Galileo Place utilizes this space for a variety of activities, including group workouts and physical fitness, mind sharpening games like bingo and trivia, music and art projects, gardening, and cooking! The staff are dedicated to their participants and work hard to ensure the adult day program is fitting each participant's unique needs. This is helped by maintaining a ratio of at least one staff per eight persons at the center.

Galileo Place offers three different daily programs which are:

  • Early Birds (7:30am - 9:00am) - $15 a day
  • Main Program (9:00am - 3:00pm) - $90 a day
  • Happy Hours (3:00pm - 5:30pm) - $35 a day

There is also a twice monthly "Saturday Club" on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 10:00am to 3:00pm and costs $50.

Galileo Place offers needs-based financial aid to persons unable to afford the above fees.

For more information, or to contact the Galileo Place, feel free to check out their website by clicking here